Qideng Temple Incident

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Qideng Temple Incident Brought Back Up

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/53231179.

Rating: Mature
Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: 天官赐福 - 墨香铜臭 | Tiān Guān Cì Fú - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
Relationship: Married - Relationship
Characters: Huā Chéng, Xiè Lián
Additional Tags: Qiandeng Temple (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Ghost Rut, Old Married Couple,
Flirting, Sexual Humor, Guilt, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Kisses
Language: English
Series: Part 3 of TGCF
Stats: Published: 2024-01-22 Words: 1,636 Chapters: 1/1
Qideng Temple Incident Brought Back Up
by The_Creator_Elena


Hua Cheng still needed to ask more questions. “Was I rough with you..?” Xie Lian was sure
after that question he had to be looking like a bright red tomato. “N-no not really your hands
were roaming across my body but the only thing you were rough with was your… tongue.”

See the end of the work for notes
On a quiet Tuesday evening Xie Lian and Hua Cheng were sitting down at Puqi Shrine
enjoying the dinner that Xie Lian cooked

(that food was all different shades of the wrong colors)

As Xie Lian chewed his food he

happened to glance up at Hua Cheng he noticed Hua Cheng seemed to be deep in thought
with one arm on the table supporting his chin, brows knitted together.

Xie Lian tilted his head wondering what Hua Cheng could be thinking about. “San lang.” Xie
Lian called out to him

Hua Cheng quickly blinked and spoke in response “Yes gege?” Xie Lian questioned, “What
is San Lang thinking about?”

Hua Cheng hummed for a moment while fiddling with his chopsticks, Xie Lian continued
eating waiting for Hua Cheng’s reply. Hua Cheng then replied, “Gege about that fight we

Xie Lian raised one eyebrow like he didn’t remember at first until the memory flashed across
his mind. He nearly fell back,

starting to choke on the food that was about to go down his throat until that scene was
brought up.

Hua Cheng's eyes widened with worry and he quickly shot up out of his seat and whipped
around the table holding Xie Lian with one hand while the other was using a fair amount of
force to pat his back. “Your Highness! Are you alright?! Your hi-“

Xie Lian waved his hand in front of his face and Hua Cheng paused mid-sentence. “I’m
alright San Lang it just seems my food went down the wrong way.” Xie Lian smiled

Hua Cheng let out a breath of relief he didn’t need. Xie Lian coughed in his fist before
looking back up at Hua Cheng trying to maintain a normal expression on his face.

“So what was San Lang planning to say?” Hua Cheng's gaze shifted over to the floor before
asking with a slight pause in his voice. “About that fight we had... I know Dianxia is
incredibly strong but. I didn’t try to attempt to hurt him did I..?”

Xie Lian smiled staring at Hua Cheng. “San lang there’s no need to worry you didn’t hurt me,
plus it was just a quick fight and then you passed out.” That was the biggest lie of the century
it took Xie Lian all night to calm down Hua Cheng and I don’t think a “heated battle of
tounges” was considered to be a true fight.

Hua Cheng fiddled with fingers still looking worried.

“Gege are you sure? I remember enough that I was in a very undignified state and I also
remember looking down at you I could tell I had you pinned down and you looked exhausted
so I thought by being in a state where I was unable to control myself I must have committed
unspeakable actions to you..”

Xie Lian could feel his face start to heat up he clenched his fist trying not to die in
embarrassment just like the incident they are currently discussing. Although he was
questioning why he was so flustered even now he and Hua Cheng were now married.

He will admit that the incident was the first time he’s ever seen his now-husband in such a
way and the first time he wanted to kiss Hua Cheng.

Xie Lian struggling not to slur over his words replied trying to put Hua Cheng’s worries to a
rest. “W-Well.. you did p-pin me down. But I was still fine it’s just that..

Hua Cheng’s gaze instantly snapped to Xie Lian. “Your Highness! What did I do?! please.
tell me everything that happened in great detail!” Hua Cheng demanded. It seems like Xie
Lian’s attempt to ease Hua Cheng was starting to backfire he’s getting even more worried

Xie Lian bit his lip, it wasn't like him and Hua Cheng never did anything more than just
kissing so he was getting frustrated with himself that he couldn’t just spit it out.

“Well, w-we didn’t actually fight..” Xie Lian spoke through his raging embarrassment.” Hua
Cheng leaned down pressing a hand to the table making quite the impact.“Please just tell me,
Your Highness!” Hua Cheng replied.

Xie Lian cleared his throat, taking a deep breath before saying. “You... You kissed me.” Hua
Cheng stared not making any expressions before getting on one knee in a bow with his left
hand clutching at his chest. Xie Lian’s eyes widened “San lang?! What are you doing?!”

“Please forgive this lowly one for doing such an inappropriate thing to his highness..” His
voice was low and shaky. Xie Lian instantly demanded, without even realizing he was using
his former crown prince's voice. “San lang get up.” Hua Cheng instantly heeded his
command and stood up straight hanging his head in shame.

“San lang why are you apologizing?!” Hua Cheng turned his head not waiting to make eye
contact with his god. “Because I did such a thing to you I wasn’t even in my right state of
mind, at the moment I would have never known if you consented to my actions nor before I
knew that my feelings for you were equal..” I’m certain His Highness didn’t agree for
something so inappropriate to happen to him..”

Xie Lian paused for a moment before speaking. “Well, indeed, I didn’t agree to it but I did do
it back to you since I could see you were overwhelmed with such distress. Besides.. now that
we’re married I guess it’ll be appropriate for me to admit I didn’t mind kissing you..”

Hua Cheng visibly twitched at that last sentence. His eyes widened with pure shock. “Your
Highness..?” Even e, ming made a startled-sounding noise. Xie Lian pressed a hand to the
table standing up from his seat. “San lang you shouldn’t feel guilt for doing something out of
your control that all happened because of Mount Tonglu reopening.” He brought a hand up to
Hua Cheng’s face trying to get Hua Cheng to look at him but Hua Cheng still refused to meet
his highnesses gaze.

“Still. I should’ve been able to

stop myself from doing something like that to you but I couldn’t..”

Xie Lian replied “It’s not your fault you did tell me to get away from you but I stayed I
couldn’t just leave you if you were in pain. Besides as I just said it was out of your control,
even all of the ghost city residents were complaining about their terrible painful headaches
and E’Ming’s eye was spinning around frantically, so it’s not like you were the only ghost
experiencing it.”

Hua Cheng still needed to ask more questions. “Was I rough with you..?” Xie Lian was sure
after that question he had to be looking like a bright red tomato. “N-no not really your hands
were roaming across my body but the only thing you were rough with was your… tongue.”

He couldn’t take it anymore and pressed his face against Hua Cheng’s chest trying to hide his
face that was burning with blush.

For a good moment, it felt like he pressed himself against a very sturdy piece of wood more
than someone’s chest but
He soon felt a hand gently carding through his hair. He instantly looked up to see that Hua
Cheng was looking down at him. “His Highness isn’t mad with this one for doing something
so obscene..?”

Xie Lian smiled “San lang if I was mad I wouldn’t be together with you right now besides it’s
fine we’re married now after all..” he felt a pair of strong arms wrapping around his back
bringing him closer in a tight embrace.
“Your Highness you really will be the death of me.”
Xie Lian chuckled.
Hua Cheng eye looked up pondering for a moment before looking back down at Xie Lian and
speaking “Gege.”
Xie Lian looked up. “Yes?” Xie Lian could already see that same grin on Hua Cheng’s face
that he always makes when he’s about to say he knows something he shouldn’t, Xie Lian
thought he mentally prepared himself for anything his husband was about to say—
“How long did it take to calm me down?”
Oh, that was a lot more tamer than what Xie Lian thought he was gonna say even though he
was slightly embarrassed to say how long it took. “The whole night.”
Hua Cheng snickered before saying in a casual tone “Well that’s nothing new since we
usually spend the whole night having se—“
Xie Lian almost screamed trying to shut up Hua Cheng for saying something like that so
boldly and loudly. Hua Cheng started chuckling while Xie Lian’s face matched his husband's
crimson robes. He soon sighed and shook his head. “Well, I hope San Lang will no longer
blame himself for that incident.”

Hua Cheng replied “As long as Gege was alright with it that’s all that matters to me”
Xie Lian smiled at his husband and stood slightly on his tippy toes while pulling Hua Cheng
down by the neck and giving him a soft kiss, Hua Cheng happily obliged and wrapped his
arms around Xie Lian’s back.

It was at this moment Xie Lian realized they had forgotten about their meal sitting on the
table growing colder and colder by the minute. “Ah! San Lang, we forgot about our food!”
Hua Cheng still having a hold on Xie Lian’s back looked over him and realized too. “Ah. We
did, but… could I maybe have his highness for dessert after we’ve finished eating?”
Xie Lian slightly gasped but just freed himself from his husband's grasp, sat back down at the
table and just said “Eat.” Hua Cheng sat down too but couldn’t help laughing at Xie Lian’s
attempt to ignore what he said despite his face slowly turning into a crimson shade.
End Notes

Okay I’m going to need some reviews on how I did Hua Cheng’s personality I’m still
currently reading the story so I don’t have full on detail of his personality so I just gathered
what I know and put something together,

I hope this was nice to read thought! I have some more Hualian fanfic ideas in my notes app
that I plan to write and publish whenever I get the chance.
Also please alert me in the comments if I did anything wrong. Now I’ll see you all in my next
fanfic, stay safe and drink some water! <33

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