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You XiaoMo walked into the nearest stone room with his chest.

The stone room was as

simple as ever, in the middle of the room there was a half-human tall long square table that
was big enough to hold a whole skeleton.

You XiaoMo put down the chest onto the table, opened it, took out the skull and placed it
on top, and then took out other pieces of god knows what.

Looking at those fragmented bones, he felt a deep sense of crisis. Had he known this
situation would happen sooner, he would have studied the human body and skeleton
thoroughly in his biology class.

You XiaoMo let out a big sigh, he had no other choice but to line up and rule out those
bones that were easier to distinguish.

Clumsily putting them back together, he finally managed to roughly make out the skeleton
basic structure, but those small bone fragments were so troublesome. If he had to compare
them one by one, two hours was not enough, what to do?!

This was the first time after he came to this world he felt like sitting through the college
entrance exam.

Too late to back out now!

You XiaoMo decisively gave up on putting them back by hand. Soul force spurted out from
his glabella and covered every single bone on the table. This time, all the bones were like
under the magnifying glass, every section of the bones was imprinted in his mind as clear as
Chapter 426: Polished Skeleton

Translated by Kollumceti of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

Time passed second by second and in the blink of an eye, one hour had gone by.

You XiaoMo sensed the information sent back by his brain and finally became aware of how
big a mistake he had made. This assessment was testing his soul force. He was actually so
stupid as to use his hand to manipulate it.

The skeleton was not an actual human remain, so there were two rows of connection
points in the shape of five small holes on the top of every cross section of the bone. Before,
when Elder Qing said that one would have to use their soul force to assemble the skeleton
in order to win, he was probably referring to these connection points.

This could be considered as a technical matter.

You XiaoMo picked up two bones and tested it out. The connection points were extremely
small and the bones were also somewhat fragile, so he needed to control his soul force
well. He tried to connect the two holes together, but failed, as the link of the two bones he
had connected together broke apart when he released it. Those threads of soul force
holding them together also subsequently dissipated.

Could it be that he had to connect the three small holes on top simultaneously?

You XiaoMo divided his soul force into three slender threads and very carefully threaded
them into the bone. Then, he connected the three small holes on top at the same time.
When he pulled out his soul force and released his hand, the two pieces of bones were
indeed securely connected together.

You XiaoMo sighed in relief. It turned out that it was so easy after finding for the correct

You XiaoMo unscrupulously smiled. This sort of multi-purpose method to control the soul
force was his expertise and there was completely no difficulty for him at all. It was just that
he needed to be a little more careful when controlling his soul force, otherwise the bone
would break.

The him who was just plain happy was not aware that some people had already broken
several of their bones. If it was not for the fact that they only needed to complete seventy
percent of the skeleton to pass, they would already have been eliminated at this moment.
Outside, the time was nearly up but there was still not a single person who came out.

Tan Ze was somewhat surprised. He had thought that these few people, Jiu Ye and Qiao
WuXing, would be out first. Just as he was thinking about this, the doors of one of the
rooms suddenly opened inwards.

You XiaoMo walked out from the room. As he had been busy for two consecutive hours, he
could not help but stretch his body. Then he subconsciously looked for Ling Xiao’s
silhouette, but discovered that Tan Ze was looking at him and the others were still not out.

Tan Ze immediately walked over, “Fellow You, what about your skeleton?”

You XiaoMo reacted by letting out a mischievous laughter, “Sorry, sorry, I forgot to bring it
out.” With that, he returned to the room and carried out that skeleton that had already
been completely assembled.

“Look, this is my work, how is it?”

Tan Ze looked at the skeleton in front of him in amazement. Though it had not been
examined, this skeleton looked perfect to the naked eye and was akin to a person who had
not been dismantled posthumously. The other examinees walked out one after another just
as Tan Ze was about to exclaim in admiration.

Jiu Ye and Qiao WuXing were neighbors to You XiaoMo. The former came out before the
latter and both looked at You XiaoMo in slight startlement. Their line of slight shifted to the
skeleton in his hand and a trace of astonishment flashed through their eyes. They had also
brought out the skeleton that they had just assembled. It was only that the surface of their
skeleton was not as clean and shining as You XiaoMo’s.

That’s right, besides You XiaoMo’s skeleton being complete, the surface of it looked as if it
had been polished and was shining brilliantly. This feeling was even more evident when all
the skeletons of the examinees were lined-up together.

Tan Ze wiped his sweat away and did not know whether to laugh or cry as he looked at You
XiaoMo who was laughing a little sillily. After hesitating a while, he asked, “Fellow You, why
does your skeleton look like that?”

You XiaoMo touched his nose and laughed, “It was still early after I’d finished assembling it,
and I was bored… …” Everyone was suddenly dumbfounded.

Seeing Tan Ze’s strange expression, You XiaoMo nervously asked, “What happened? Could
it be that I broke the rules?”
The corners of Tan Ze’s mouth twitched, “No, the assessment has no rules that state that
the skeleton cannot be polished.” You XiaoMo sighed in relief.

Elder Qing soon begin his through audit of everyone’s skeleton. You XiaoMo was certain to
pass. This guy was so free that he even had the time to do such things like polish his

Other than An Qiao who had already been eliminated, the reminding nine people all
passed. The maiden in pink, Tian Xin, was one step away from danger. She broke almost
thirty percent of the bones she had when assembling her skeleton. In the end, she blindly
guessed and staked her all to piece together a skeleton that was missing one leg and one
arm. Out of the nine people, only You XiaoMo and Jiu Ye assembled a complete skeleton. If
the exterior appearance of the skeleton was scored, You XiaoMo would clearly be the
winner. As for Qiao WuXing, he also had the chance to assemble a complete skeleton too,
but he accidently stepped on a finger bone and crushed it during the assessment.

“The skeleton that you’ve assembled looks really good.” Yan Hui leaned over and was
looking at You XiaoMo’s skeleton in surprise. It did not resemble theirs, which were missing
a piece of the leg or hand and simply looked just like a disabled person.

“It’s okay.” You XiaoMo gave a dry laugh. He already regretted it. If he had known earlier,
he would have come out early. Then he wouldn’t have been surrounded and watched like a
rare animal by others and he even made Ling Xiao wait for so long.

“You’re too modest.” Yan Hui smiled as he strongly clapped his shoulder.

You XiaoMo staggered. This strength of the hand was really big.

The assessment officially ended here. You XiaoMo declined the other’s invitations and
directly left the XiaoYao Institute together with Ling Xiao. However, they did not return to
their hotel. Instead they walked to a sparsely populated area and released LanQiu and the
chick when no one was noticing. For this period of time, they were busy with the
assessment and hurrying on their journey, so they did not have the time to arrange for
LanQiu’s and the chick’s matters. After the assessment ended, they finally had the leisure
time and decided to handle this matter.

You XiaoMo took out a spare magic bag and put in enough spirit gems to cover the travel
and living expenses before handing it over to LanQiu. At the same time he told him,
“Remember to come back as soon as possible. If your relatives don’t want you guys, you
guys can come back to me at any time. I won’t abandon you.”

Black lines filled LanQiu’s face, I don’t mind if you abandon me.
The chick chirped twice, but what it wanted to convey was not known.

You XiaoMo stated clearly, I don’t understand Bird, please speak Human.

Ling Xiao instructed, “Pass over some major news regarding Xi Jing every month after you
reach your destination. In addition, pay more attention to news about the Four Divine
Emperors, especially news about the Qilin Clan.”

LanQiu, “Yes!”

Ling Xiao turned to the chick again, “After you enter the Demon Phoenix Clan, do your
utmost to ask around for inside information of the clan. The more secretive the better.”

The chick dashed to him and called out, “Chirp!”

You XiaoMo’s eyes brightened upon hearing this, “Ling Xiao, didn’t you say that your mum
was imprisoned in the restricted area of the Demon Phoenix Clan? You can get the chick to
help you make some inquiries.”

Ling Xiao replied, “This is my intention. But there it’s likely that nothing can be done in such
a short while. There’s nothing that those who just become a member of the Demon Phoenix
Clan can do to immediately access the internal core and secrets.”

The chick, “Chirp, chirp!” I will try to enter the internal core as soon as possible and become
Boss’s most faithful mole.

Ling Xiao calmly replied, “Very good!”

The chick excitedly flapped its wings several times. This was the first time that Boss used an
approving tone to speak to him.

You XiaoMo looked at the interaction between the big and small beast and had a choked
and speechless feeling. What is going on with this kind of profoundly happy feeling? Chick,
you’re returning to the Demon Phoenix Clan not for the purpose of becoming a mole or spy,
don’t look so excited.

Before long, the chick that had been immersed in the pleasure of preparing to be a mole
was grabbed and stuffed into LanQiu’s clothes and brought away. Although its feathers had
not grown in and it looked just like a chicken with a skull and wings that were as bare as
before, it was hard to guarantee that it would not be recognized by someone as most of the
people in Zhong Tian were more knowledgeable.

You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao wandered down the street. After quite a couple of busy days, this
bit of quiet was a rare treat.

You XiaoMo walked beside Ling Xiao. The corner of his mouth lifted in a delighted smile and
his steps were lively.

You XiaoMo’s steps stopped just as they passed a magic herb store. He pulled on Ling Xiao’s
arm and backtracked to the entrance of the magic herb shop.

Since Zhong Tian was the territory of the Mage Guild and Beast Transfiguration Guild, there
ought to be many rare magic herbs or seeds inside.

“Let’s go in to take a look.”

Ling Xiao allowed You XiaoMo to pull him inside as he lazily glanced at the expansive
interior of the magic herb store. Jade cabinets of all sizes displayed various kinds of magic
herbs and seeds. Low-grade magic herbs were rare, on the contrary, middle-grade and high-
grade herbs were more common seen.

You XiaoMo was full of interest as he walked a full circle around the store. Sure enough, it
was as he had expected. Within moments, he could see many seeds which he did not have
in his dimension. As for magic herbs, every stalk of high-grade magic herb was particular
expensive and they even had herbs costing tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands
spirit gems.

When they came out again, You XiaoMo’s waist purse lost weight yet again. He did not buy
magic herbs. Instead he bought a pile of magic herb seeds, but the price for these seeds
was not cheap.

The most unexpected surprise was that, there were actually level eleven and twelve seeds
sold in the inner section though there were not many. It was rumored that the seeds had
been displayed in the inner section since a long time ago. The prices of the seeds were also
expensive, so there had always been a lack of interest. Two days ago, the shopkeeper cut
the price by half, so You XiaoMo bought the seeds without demur.

Ling Xiao, who had been walking at a steady pace, stopped after a while.

You XiaoMo followed his line of sight and looked over and discovered that he was looking at
a magic pill store called Elixir.

One look at this name and it was easy to tell that the store owner was daydreaming. Did he
really believe that he was selling elixirs just by hanging a shop sign with ‘Elixir’ written on it?
But there were really not many customers inside.
“What is it?” You XiaoMo curiously asked.

“Let’s go in for a look.”

Chapter 427: ShuangYu Hotel

Translated by Jouissance of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

The magic pill shop was rather small, and they didn’t seem to have much business. There
was only one person in the shop, lying on the counter napping. Probably hearing the
footsteps, his head bashed against the counter with a loud thud, and the man jumped up in

Seeing them, the man rapidly adjusted his attitude into something more suitable for
welcoming customers. He quickly came up to them, words firing from his mouth like a
machine gun. “Are you two gentlemen here for magic pills? Then you’ve definitely come to
the right place. Though this shop isn’t the largest pill shop in Central City, we have a very
comprehensive selection of magic pills. Anything you want, we have, and our magic pills are
also relatively cheap…”

“Do you have any jade containers?” Ling Xiao’s cool voice cut through his rambling.

The man gave a ‘huh’, not sure how to react. This was a customer who came to a magic pill
store for jade containers?

Seeing that he wasn’t talking, Ling Xiao assumed that he didn’t have any and turned to

The man finally managed to snap out of it then, hurriedly calling after them, “Yes, yes, yes…
we have all sorts of jade containers here. You two gentlemen have come to the right place,
our shop…”

The corner of You XiaoMo’s lips twitched. This man probably put all his talent into saying
whatever others wanted to hear, even his diction was the same. But why did Ling Xiao want
to buy a jade container?

“Bring them out so we can have a look,” Ling Xiao once again interrupted.

“Ok ok, just a moment, gentlemen.” As if afraid they would run, the man left, constantly
glancing back at them.

You XiaoMo took the chance to voice his confusion. “Why do you need a jade container?”

Ling Xiao replied, “To hold the Elemental Essences. Normal jade containers break easily.”

You XiaoMo had never cared much about jade containers. The ones he bought in the past
wouldn’t be terrible in quality, but probably weren’t all that good either. The metal and
earth Elemental Essences were different from the wood Elemental Essence. They had
gained spiritual awareness a long time ago and were even more aggressive than the wood
Elemental Essence. Normal jade containers wouldn’t be able to hold them.

Not long later, the man came back out with a large box. He placed the box on the counter.
The space inside was separated into three shelves, each with a different quality of jade

The man began to enthusiastically ramble on about how great the jade containers were
and, of course, didn’t forget to raise the price, raising it as high as he could. However, he
clearly didn’t realize that no matter how high he raised it, You XiaoMo would pull it right
back down.

Ling Xiao casually took three jade containers from the lowest shelf, the ones that were the
most expensive according to the man.

The man smiled to the point where his eyes had become slits. “You truly have a remarkable
eye for quality. These three jade containers were created out of a special material, there’s
really no need to elaborate on the quality, so the price is a little expensive. However, seeing
that it's your first time at our shop, I can give you a ten percent discount.”

You XiaoMo glanced at the vials in Ling Xiao’s hand. They looked pretty good, so he asked,
“How many spirit gems for one?”

The man gestured. “One is a hundred thousand spirit gems, so at a discount it’s ninety

You XiaoMo paused for a moment before looking up in disappointment. His shoulders
sagged as he sighed, “But we only have ninety thousand. If you want ninety thousand for
one, then we really don’t have enough. I had wanted to buy all three, but if this is the case,
then never mind.” After that, he made a move to leave.

The man became anxious. “But you can buy one with ninety thousand.”

You XiaoMo shook his head. “I need three of them. If I can only buy one, then that’s far too
troublesome. I might as well just not buy any.”

“Wait, we can talk this out,” the man really was afraid of them leaving.

You XiaoMo turned his head. “If you’re willing to sell three for ninety thousand, then that
The man’s expression was conflicted, but in the end, he hardened his heart and said, “It’s a
deal!” He had been bullshitting about the price being a hundred thousand. Having seen the
quality of the two men’s attire, he thought that they were rich and purposefully raised it to
a hundred thousand, wanting to profit from the two.

He hadn’t thought that it would end this way. Though there wasn’t that much profit from
selling the three vials at ninety thousand, it was better than nothing. Plus, if he didn’t
manage to earn anything, the owner would fire him next month.

You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao left the magic pill shop, satisfied. From the lack of business, they
had managed to guess the situation the employee was in, which was why they had a good
grasp of the situation.

By the time they returned to the inn, the sun was setting.

When they were about to go inside, the manager suddenly came over and blocked their

Ling Xiao raised an eyebrow.

You XiaoMo politely asked. “Is something wrong, manager?”

The manager looked conflicted before handing them some spirit gems and saying
hesitantly, “I’ve cancelled your room for you, gentlemen. In apology, here’s the fee you paid
earlier. I’ll refund you in whole, so I must ask that you reside elsewhere.”

You XiaoMo didn’t know how to react to this unexpected event.

Ling Xiao narrowed his eyes. “Does someone want you to chase us off?”

The manager sighed, saying, “My inn is my own business. We have no one to back us or
protect us. I can’t do anything about this. I’m very sorry.”

These words made things obvious and they weren’t unreasonable and heartless. You
XiaoMo calmly accepted the spirit gems the manager had refunded them and left the inn
with Ling Xiao.

“Who do you think is trying to target us like this?” You XiaoMo wasn’t upset. They had
earned a few spirit gems for free. It was just a matter of switching inns. Central City was a
massive place, so they weren’t afraid of not being able to find a place to stay. If worse came
to worse, they could just stay in their pocket dimension.

Ling Xiao replied, “Naturally, someone who’s even more stupid than you are.”
You XiaoMo’s cheer shattered on the ground, replying in disgruntlement. “Hey, I don’t mind
if you call that person stupid, but don’t drag me into things. There’s no comparison to be

Ling Xiao’s steps paused. “True.”

You XiaoMo swore that this guy was taking things in a completely different direction to him.
Sarcasm was the worst. So was having too good of an understanding of the other.

The two figures walked side by side, their shadows dragged out by the setting sun.

The two decided to find a new place before the sun set. At first, they thought it would be
easy, but they hadn’t thought that the other places would react the same way. As soon as
they said their names, there would be no more free rooms. They would be told to find
another place, but the other places said the same thing.

Having been ‘stood up’ over and over again, the sun soon set.

You XiaoMo squatted in the corner of the street. This An Qiao was too much. Didn’t he
know that it was easy to offend people if he went too far like this?

“What now?”

Ling Xiao pulled him up. “We’ll find a big hotel.”

Hotels were different from inns. inns were small personal businesses, usually opened and
maintained by people without any sort of grand background. For these people, they had to
submit to a young master like An Qiao’s threats. However, the large hotels were different.
Usually, they were backed by the wealthy and powerful, and An Qiao wasn’t enough to
force them into anything.

You XiaoMo realized this, as well and couldn’t help but feel suspicious. Did An Qiao not
think they had the money to afford a hotel? At this, he was delighted.

The hotels were gathered in the most prosperous area of Central City. When night fell, the
area would be brightly lit and the amount of traffic didn’t lose to how it was during the day.
There were cheers continuously erupting from some places, making it very lively.

ShuangYu Hotel was the largest hotel in Central City. Apparently, it was neither backed by
the Mage’s Guild or the Beast Transfiguration Guild, but a mysterious person that no one
had ever seen.
Every night, ShuangYu Hotel was the liveliest place in all of Central City.

No matter rich or poor, people continuously flowed in and out of the hotel, because this
was where the largest casino in all of TongTian Continent was.

However, the casino was under the hotel. It was rather quiet above that.

A harried looking employee rushed over upon seeing the two enter, greeting them with a
smile. Upon finding out that they were here to check into a room, he called someone over
to deal with his current business before taking them upstairs.

ShuangYu Hotel’s rooms were categorized into three kinds. The cheapest was one spirit
gem per day while the most expensive would cost ten per day. The guests could choose
according to their own financial ability, but most who came here had some wealth.

“Here is your room, gentlemen.” The employee led them inside.

You XiaoMo took a look around the interior and nodded in satisfaction.

“If you can’t sleep at night and want something to do, you can try the underground casino. I
can promise that it’ll let you forget all your worries.” The employee enthusiastically
marketed to them.

You XiaoMo raised an eyebrow. Of course it would cause you to forget all your worries.
Once you got addicted to something like gambling, it would be hard to pull away. However,
he hadn’t ever gambled in either of his lives. Hearing the employee’s words, he was rather
curious. Even if he didn’t try it out, he could go for the experience.

After the employee left, You XiaoMo paced in the room. Seeing that Ling Xiao didn’t have
anything to do either, he couldn’t hold it in anymore and suggested, “How about we go and
check out the casino?”

Ling Xiao glanced at them, guessing that he wouldn’t be able to hold back his curiosity. “In a
while. First, you should let out SheQiu and the others and let them have some time to
explore. There’s no discrimination against different species. Even if they’re found out to be
Demon Beasts, it’ll be fine.”

The Beast Transfiguration Guild were close with Demon Beasts. If anyone wanted to do
anything to a Demon Beast, they’d have to consider if the Demon Beast belonged to the
Beast Transfiguration Guild or not first, so ZhongTian was pretty safe.
Chapter 428: Small Gambles Are Fun

Translated by Crystal of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

When the employee came back to their room, with a smile and no sign of surprise, it was as
if he expected them to call him.

Once someone had worked there long enough, they would know that any customer who
came to stay, whether the first time or not, will not be able to resist the temptation of the
gambling house. Even if it wasn’t for gambling, they would want to check it out, so he had
already expected You XiaoMo to call him again.

You XiaoMo looked at the employee who had an expression of ‘just as I expected’ to the
point that it was a bit annoying.

You are an employee, you don’t need to use your brain, just an ‘able-bodied’ person is

Before they walked out the door, You XiaoMo stopped the employee, first slowly walking
past him and then casually throwing out the words, “You know what? I could just call
another employee to guide me.”

Employee, “…”

Under the guidance of the employee they arrived at the entrance of the underground
gambling house. It was a four to five meter wide entrance with a staircase extending
downwards and even had a red carpet laid on top, giving the appearance of high-end
luxury. Bustling noises kept appearing from below and from the entrance one could briefly
see the shadows of gamblers walking around.

As the employee brought them down, he explained, “If the two guests want to play, you
can exchange for chips. The smallest amount is one spirit gem and the largest being one
Standing on the last step, the employee pointed towards a huge counter to the right of the
exit and told them that was the place to exchange for chips. It was similar to 21st century
Earth, since if the amount was large, putting a huge pile of spirits gems would be unsightly.
It might also attract unwanted attention.

The employee simply brought them to the gambling house and after taking You XiaoMo’s
one spirit gem, he left.

Before he left though, he told them that if they wanted to play but didn’t know how, they
could ask one of the attendants and they would help them learn the basics.

You XiaoMo didn’t find one and instead went to the counter to exchange for five one spirit
gem chips. He then looked excitedly at Ling Xiao, “Do you know how to play?”

With a straight face he answered, “No.”

You XiaoMo’s mouth twitched, and here he thought he would say he knew. Since the
gambling house looked famous, he thought Ling Xiao would have been here before.

After pondering for a while, You XiaoMo decided to exchange for fifteen more chips, giving
ten to Ling Xiao.

“Don’t worry, we can learn together.”

With an unchanging expression Ling Xiao held onto the chips and said, “You would have to
keep up with me then.”

You XiaoMo paused for a few seconds before realizing what he had said. As ‘disabled’
person who was used to being ‘hurt’, his tolerance was getting better and better. He would
even say outright that he had low IQ, not wavering a bit, at most he would just spit on him a
little in his heart.

Since the beginning of time, the most prevalent game in a gambling house was dice.
The Shuang Yu gambling house was no exception, not only that, there was different kinds of
dice. Not only were there a six-sided dice but also eight-sided dice, different dice also had
different games. After taking a look around, You XiaoMo felt that the high-low dice game
was the easiest, with a 50% chance of winning, but luck was very important too.

“Then, how about we play this?” You XiaoMo said with excitement as he dragged Ling Xiao
to a table and watched them gamble. It made him itch for a shot too.

After taking a look, Ling Xiao stated with distaste, “What’s there to play with high and low?”

You XiaoMo stared at him unhappily.

At this moment, a teasing voice cut in, “Then you would be wrong, any kind of a gamble has
its exhilarating nature and riskiness. Most people are here for those kind of feelings, even if
its something like high-low dice game, there are still people who enjoy it.”

The two turned at the same time to find a cleanly dressed middle-aged man. Seeing that
they were looking his direction, he walked over. “The two of you, it's your first time here at
a gambling house, correct?” The middle-aged said with a smile.

“So?” Ling Xiao asked back.

The middle-aged man smiled coolly and said, “I simply saw that you were troubled by what
to play so I couldn’t help but give a suggestion, that’s all. If the two of you are playing for
the first time then I would recommend high-low, to get a hang of things first, before playing

You XiaoMo took another look at him and smiled hearing this, “Thank you for your
suggestion, uncle.”

The middle-aged man nodded and opened his mouth as if to speak.

You XiaoMo quickly pulled Ling Xiao away to another table, as if he hadn’t noticed the
middle-aged man wanting to say something.
The middle-aged man, who had been rude, looked at their backs and curled his lip before

“One who is unaccountably solicitous must be hiding evil intentions!” You XiaoMo muttered
as he looked around.

Ling Xiao twisted his head properly to face the six o’clock position before saying, “There, a
table without many people.”

Much to You XiaoMo’s surprise, that table was playing high-low, and had exactly two spots
left. Without courtesy he quickly took a spot and that’s when the dealer had a glint in his
eyes. Behind them, those who saw this all gloated over the others misfortune.

For those first-timers, if they weren’t accompanied by a familiar face, they were most likely
going to be tricked.

The dealer shook the dice cup intensely before placing it back onto the table, “Please place
your bets.”

You XiaoMo asked Ling Xiao, “Should we bet high or low?”

Ling Xiao casually looked at the bets placed by two others on the same table and answered,
“Then, bet small.”

You XiaoMo placed on chip on the word ‘small’.

The dealer stared at the chip, mouth slightly twitching, before lifting up the cup to see the
number. With excitement he said, “One, one, three, small. Congratulations, such a great
opening, lets keep up the good luck.”

After that he threw a chip back at You XiaoMo.

Even though it wasn’t much, You XiaoMo still showed it triumphally to Ling Xiao.
On the second round You XiaoMo still asked Ling Xiao about what to bet and Ling Xiao told
him to continue betting small.

You XiaoMo continued betting one chip, it was still small, he won another chip…then the
third round, the fourth…until the tenth round he was still winning by betting on small. Even
the dealer’s hands started to shake.

You XiaoMo was still betting one chip, no matter if he won or not he never changed his
mind. However, slowly the dealer was getting impatient.

“Our honorable guest, if you are so lucky today, why not bet a little more? Aren’t you here
for the exhilarating feeling? If you only bet one chip at a time, over time you would still get
bored, no?”

“Don’t they say that small wagers are good fun, but large ones are dangerous?” You XiaoMo
looked up at him, blinked and continued, “Also, I don’t find it boring, in fact I find a quite
fun…” …looking at your colorful expressions.

The dealer was taken back, something seemed off.

“From what I can see, aren’t you just a pitifully poor person with no spirit gems?” From the
crowd appeared a mocking laugh. Once You XiaoMo turned around to check, he couldn’t
find the person and the person seemed to have no intention of revealing themselves.

You XiaoMo turned back to the dealer asking, “Are we continuing?”

The dealer’s whole face twitched slightly.

The voice sounded again, “Poor people should just be kicked out of the gambling house. So,
disgusting to look at.”

You XiaoMo rowed his eyes and muttered to himself, “Then that’s perfect, I’ll stay here just
to disgust you.”

He didn't on’t know if it was because they were left with no words, but there wasn’t any
response. You XiaoMo continued to bet small, but this time he had ten chips. Looking up at
the dealer, in a ‘fine-I’ll-play-along’ voice said, “Now it’s fine right?”

The dealer, “…”

Feeling heavily tricked, the dealer decided not to throw the long line to catch the fish and
instead opened the dice cup with three, four, five, big, eating away the ten chips from You

“See, see, the moment I add more I lose. If it's like this how dare I add more.” With a sign
You XiaoMo said looking at Ling Xiao, “You were right, it's too boring betting on high-low
dices. I don’t want to play anymore, let's go.”

The two stood up, ready to leave and that was when five people appeared out the crowd,
blocking them. None of them appeared friendly and their auras were not weak either.

Behind them, the dealer walked over without the fake smile that was to trick You XiaoMo to
bet more and instead it was replaced with a sinister smile. Looking at the fearful expression
of the others, one could tell he was behind this.

“Since you’re already here, then don’t leave.”

Perplexed, You XiaoMo asked, “DaGe, we don’t have a grudge, do we?”

Pleased, the dealer laughed, “We don’t have one, but you do with my brother. If you mess
with him, you mess with me. Consider yourselves unlucky, you could’ve messed with
anymore, but you choose my brother. Since he wanted me to get back at you, if you don’t
leave something behind tonight, where would my face as Wu Cheng go? But you know, I
was going to look for you, didn’t think you’d arrive right at my doorstep.”
Automatically, You XiaoMo’s head flashed over a certain someone’s silhouette, if they had a
grudge against someone, then it could only be that extremely petty youngster. Didn’t think
he would be on brotherly terms with someone of the gambling house.

“Ling, this person here is at peak seven-star Emperor level, what do we do? I’m not a match
for him at all, we are so dead.” You XiaoMo said with apocalyptic expression as he ran
behind Ling Xiao.

Without any grace, Ling Xiao narrowed his eyes.

Seeing his cowardly gesture, the crowd started laughing, with the hitters who blocked their
way, laughing the hardest.

Just as Cheng Wu was about to speak with a face of disdain, a sudden cry of pain sounded.
Chapter 429: Bury the Hatchet

Translated by Rachel of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

The sudden anguished screams shook everyone. They then saw five of Wu Cheng’s fighters
falling to the ground with pale expressions on their faces. Each one of them grabbed their
heads and slammed them to the ground as if they had all been triggered by something.
Soon, a puddle of blood appeared.

Wu Cheng was stunned. When he recovered, his eyes landed on You XiaoMo who was
leaning on Ling Xiao’s shoulder and cast him a murderous look. Was there any panic on the
latter’s face? Nope. Instead, his grinning face was exceptionally an eyesore.

“You did it!”

“I don't know.” You XiaoMo shrank his head back.

Of course, Wu Cheng didn't buy his words. In fact, his expression seemed to show
otherwise, being even more angered.

“You guys have guts. I don't care if you're students of XiaoYao Institute. You dared to toy
with me, so don't even think of leaving here tonight.”

You XiaoMo was very curious. Where did he get all that confidence from? He was but a
mere seven star Imperial practitioner and he was more haughty than him!

In a tone that expressed his laziness to speak more, Ling Xiao’s voice rang in his ears, “This
place has two Emperor level powerhouses. They may most likely be the people he's relying

You XiaoMo scanned the surrounding but he didn't find anyone suspicious.

“So what do we do now? Looks like he really wants to leave us. If we don't knock him down
now, he definitely won't just let the matter rest. But his men are also in the casino. If they

“Then we’ll just kill them.”

You XiaoMo immediately shut up. What a good idea. As if! This casino looked like it had
quite some background. If they killed them, there might even be people knocking on their
doors for revenge that night. And not to forget, they were staying upstairs.
“How about we…” You XiaoMo contemplated before speaking.


The sound of a heavy object hitting the ground and overturned tables cut him off.

When he turned to look again, one of the main people involved had collapsed into a heap.
His face was pale and he had vomited blood, completing the look that said ‘I'm dying’.

Two figures flew out from the corners and swiftly appeared before Wu Cheng. They
hurriedly helped him up and when they saw his injuries, their expressions slightly changed.
Their eyes turned a lot darker.

Although young master Wu brought this trouble upon himself, attacking him without a
second word clearly meant that they didn't even acknowledge them.

“How are you, young master Wu?” The old man frowned as he looked at Wu Cheng’s face
which was alternating between green and white.

Wu Cheng was already on the verge of exploding from anger. He had never in his life
experienced such humiliation. His father was one of the ones in-charge of ShuangYu casino
and while it looked like an ordinary casino on the surface, it was in fact a large force in
Central City. For as long as he remembered spending his days of gallivanting around the city
and doing as he pleased, this was the first time someone dared to treat him like that.

“I want them dead! Rip their corpses apart with five horses! Never mind about XiaoYao
Institute. They haven't officially become their students so it wouldn't be a problem if we kill
them.” Wu Cheng’s rage had already reached an extreme, so much so that he managed to
calm down a bit.

Seeing as how thing had played out, the old man slightly sucked in a breath then he focused
his attention in You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao. He couldn't help his surprised expression. He
could tell the youth was a level nine Mage but not the man. He couldn't see through him.

Another elder also took notice of this point. He originally intended to take him down but
now he dared not act rashly. In retrospect, the man moved so quickly they didn't even have
time to react. It was safe to conclude that his power was above theirs.

“What are you guys staring at? Do something now!” Wu Cheng didn't understand what they
were thinking. Seeing as they just stood there and did nothing, he got mad.
“Young master Wu, it's not that we don't want to attack. That guy’s power level is above us.
Even if the both of us joined hands we may not exactly win.” The elder laughed bitterly.

They wanted to reach a compromise and settle things peacefully, but young master Wu had
already said publicly that he wanted to avenge his buddy.

Wu Cheng’s face flashed green and white. A powerhouse stronger than the two elders… he
could only be a high level Emperor or a Divine level powerhouse. If it was the former, than
it was still alright since the ShuangYu casino had Divine level powerhouses to take care of
him. However, if it was the latter, then it would be troublesome. They couldn't afford to
offend him.

As the son of the casino manager, Wu Cheng had seen all kinds of people. He might be
bossy and domineering but he wasn't blind. Had AnQiao not told him that there were only
two people who weren't that strong, he wouldn't have messed with random powerhouses
for his sake. Seeing as he received the wrong information, he couldn't help but be miffed
and blamed him.

“This seems like a misunderstanding. How about we stop here, what do the two of you
think?” The elder noticed young master Wu’s attitude had softened and he knew that Wu
Cheng had already let today’s event go. This was the part he admired about Wu Cheng. He
knew when to let go.

The surrounding started to buzz with whispers. This was the first time they saw Wu Cheng
get beaten and instead of retaliating he offered the olive branch.

Sure enough, the fist was the way to go!

Thinking that they would have a ‘vicious battle’, You XiaoMo didn't expect it would end like
that. He wasn't an unreasonable person. If they could have one less enemy, the better.
Furthermore, there wasn't any animosity between him and Wu Cheng. It was pointless and
not worth it to become enemies because of the other man.

“Then so be it.” Just as they were about to leave, You XiaoMo suddenly took out a jade
bottle with a snow-white magic pill and threw it to Wu Cheng. “This is for internal injuries.”

Wu Cheng accepted it dazedly and when he saw the magic pill rolling around in the bottle,
his expression became weird.

In his daze, You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao had already left.

“Young master Wu, this is a level nine Mortal pill?” The elder spoke in a slightly excited
Wu Cheng acknowledged with a complicated look on his face.

The Mortal Pill was evolved from the Bone Growth Pill, the latter being a level six magic pill
which allowed one to grow out new limbs. The Mortal Pill worked on the same basis but at
a more advanced level. It could heal both internal and external injuries. As long as the head
of the person wasn't blown off, he could recover from any injury no matter how serious it
was. It also didn't have any effect on one’s power, and if the opportunity could even have a

This was good stuff! Not every level nine Mage could refine it and it was extremely
demanding on the Mage.

“Young master Wu, judging the quality of this magic pill, it seems like a high grade magic
pill. Looks like that person really wants to bury the hatchet and reconcile.” The other elder
sighed as he said this.

At his mention, Wu Cheng only realised that point. The price of a high grade magic pill was
not something that a middle grade or low grade could compare. Saving this thing for future
use would definitely be his life saving straw.

“Young master Wu, this Mortal Pill…” The elder looked like he wanted to say something but
paused when he looked at the magic pill in his hand.

Wu Cheng immediately brought it close to himself and glared, “What? It's mine.”

The elder choked. Wu Cheng had a conflicted expression on his face and now it changed so
quickly. However, judging from Wu Cheng’s expression that he saw, after this incident he
probably wouldn't offend that brat anymore.

Although they lost one contact that allowed them to establish connections with the Mage
Guild, they couldn't let that brat who was up to no good lead their young master astray.
Their young master was still good in nature.

The two elders exchanged looks with one another. They didn't think they could benefit from
their misfortunes. Maybe the youth You XiaoHa was really young master Wu’s lucky star,
who knew.

While they were feeling all sentimental, You XiaoMo was secretly laughing.

He purposely gave him the Mortal Pill because he could tell that a person who was willing
to immediately stand up for his bullied buddy probably wasn't a heinous person.
Furthermore, even though he came across as furious throughout the confrontation, there
were still traces of reasonable thought in his eyes.

This kind of person definitely wasn't the idiot AnQiao was, so he used the magic pill to rattle
his state of mind. The next time they met, he probably wouldn't treat them with any

And last but not least was AnQiao. If he discovered his best friend actually thought well of
them, how would he be feeling?

Ling Xiao found You XiaoMo laughing stupidly from time to time and he knew he was itching
to get teased. He quickened his pace to return to their room and threw You XiaoMo on the

You XiaoMo rolled toward the inner side of the bed and climbed back up.

“What are you do…” He raised his head to ask, only to see Ling Xiao stripping his clothes off.
He then quickly crawled back to the inner side of the bed.

While he didn't finish his sentence, Ling Xiao still raised his eyes to look at him with his eyes

You XiaoMo understood the painful message behind that look that made his balls hurt— I
want to sleep with you! That's why knowing the other party too well wasn't always a good
thing. He honestly didn't know which fragile nerve he hit. Please tell me, I'll change alright?

A shirtless Ling Xiao walked over towards him and dragged him out by the foot. He had You
XiaoMo pressed under him and just as he was about to protest, Ling Xiao held his chin
slightly forcefully in his hand and sealed his lips.

The soft and tender You XiaoMo wanted to protest that it hurt.

He could only moan into the kiss as he felt his body was touched all over. A pair of pervy
hands roamed across his body and tore his clothes open, easily making him more naked
than Ling Xiao. Before he could even react, both his legs were lifted onto Ling Xiao’s
shoulders. Without even doing foreplay, You XiaoMo could feel his lower half being
stretched open as a hot, stiff cock buried itself completely in him. You XiaoMo fumed and
he kept slapping Ling Xiao’s shoulder. It was going to be the death of him!

And so, the bed started to creak as it rocked… composing a melody that mourned for that
person on the bed.
Chapter 430: Youngster

Translated by Kollumceti of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

In a brightly lit room, a gorgeous and exquisitely embroidered moonlight-colored brocade

robe was scattered on the ground. A white changshan lay in disarray under the foot of the
bed and several pieces of black rags that had been torn to shreds were interspersed among

Behind the white veil were two figures tangling inseparably together. The charming
atmosphere surged with searing hot air that seemed to be rampaging rhythmically, making
the pleasure unbearable.

You XiaoMo looked up. From the very start of the aches until now, the limp and numbing
pleasure was akin to a tide, unceasingly roiling within his body as wave after wave surged
up violently.

His body was still as virginal as ever no matter how many times they had done this. Under
the tyrannical movements of the person on top of him, he could only passively accept the
man’s invasive and oppressive actions.

“Look, you’re really naturally talented.” Ling Xiao’s deep and husky voice unhurriedly
echoed out while containing a subdued smile.

You XiaoMo’s mouth opened, but he could not even form a complete word. Several broken
moans were rammed out of his mouth by the man from time to time. His hands that had
been fumbling about finally grasped onto the man’s shoulder and he used his remaining
strength to cling on. Opening his mouth, he bit the man’s neck without the slightest

You’re the one who is naturally talented, your whole family is naturally talented.

Ling Xiao’s thrusts abruptly stopped. Just as You XiaoMo was about to gloat, a series of
thrusts that were so forceful it seemed to push him off, buried his desire even deeper

You XiaoMo promptly bit his own lip as he nearly let out a shriek. But even so, this action
was unable to prevent the excitement and pleasure that spread from the tail of his spine to
his whole body like an electric shock. A certain place that was containing something
subconsciously tightened even more.

Ling Xiao let out a smothered groan, “You’re gripping me too tightly, relax a little. I still
don’t want to finish so quickly.”

You XiaoMo furiously bit him once more. You’ve already been tormenting me for more than
an hour and you actually said that you don’t want to finish so quickly?! Don’t tell me that
you want to continue throughout the night?! Fat chance!

Thus, he clamped down even tighter.

However, the assault in his body unexpectedly became even more coarse and wild. The
poundings came one after other, as if Ling Xiao wanted to pierce through him. He would
have long collapsed wearily if not for Ling Xiao holding onto his waist.

After an unknown period of time, the man let out a low and muffled roar as he released a
hot stream into You XiaoMo’s body. The volume which had been accumulated for a month
was extremely astonishing. You XiaoMo was all wet below and he felt as if his lower
abdomen was being filled to the bursting point.

You XiaoMo did not have any more strength to move and darkness filled his vision.

Making love just once was even more tiring than engaging in one fight. This work was
definitely not to be done by humans.

He groggily fell into slumber just as this thought flashed through his mind.

After waking up the next day, You XiaoMo only felt like his whole body had been crushed by
a wheel and all his bones were even letting out cracking sounds. He could not help but let
out a low curse as he thought back to last night’s passionate events.

In actual fact, they had not only done it once last night. After he had fainted, he was woken
up in the middle of the night by the incessant rhythmic movements of the immense thing
buried within his body. He couldn’t even ignore that vigor and speed even if he wanted to
and it was simply impossible to count how many times he had been done.

You XiaoMo could feel that his body was feeling cool and fresh. He saw that Ling Xiao had
helped to clean him up and put clean and neat clothes on him. It seemed that the clothes
which had been torn to shreds last night were already in the trash can.

“Ouch, ouch, ouch… …”

You XiaoMo’s facial features scrunched up as he supported himself while moving to a sitting
position. He still had to report to the XiaoYao Institute today and Ling Xiao actually did it so
excessively. It appeared that he could only go into his dimension and soak in the spiritual
water for a while.
You XiaoMo was refreshed and energetic when he came out again and he jumped down
from the bed like a robust person.

Ling Xiao walked in from outside at this moment. Seeing You XiaoMo lively bouncing
around, he pondered, “Don’t tell me that we didn’t do it enough yesterday?”

You XiaoMo’s face turned black once he heard this, and he directly flung a word at Ling
Xiao, “Scram!”

Ling Xiao did not scram in the end. He was even carrying a steaming hot breakfast in his
hands – steamed buns and congee.

You XiaoMo’s appetite was enormous after exercising for the whole night. He ate six buns
and a bowl of congee before patting his stomach to indicate that he was stuffed.

The two departed towards XiaoYao Institute after that.

The XiaoYao Institute was not far from the ShuangYu House. It only took half an hour of
walking if one was walking quickly. Only a few hundred people remained on the vacant land
which had been filled with a vast crowd several days ago. It was abnormally sparse and
empty now. These people had all passed the assessment and only a small portion of them
were accompanied by a companion.

They arrived later as they had woken up late. Jiu Ye, Qiao WuXing and the others were
already standing in front of the gate of the XiaoYao Institute while conversing quietly.

“You XiaoHa, we’re here.” An excited voice suddenly rang out and the scene of that person
waving could be seen from a distance. It was Yan Hui who was beaming widely.

You XiaoMo instantly felt a pain in his balls. He had a premonition that this name would be
following him for a very long time. Perhaps it was better for him to learn to adapt to it now.

“It’ll be okay if you’re used to it.” Ling Xiao smiled as he spoke beside his ear.

You XiaoMo glared at him, “Didn’t I become You XiaoHa all because of you? Couldn’t you
help me to choose a more pleasant sounding name at that time? You even clearly chose a
name like Ling Mo for yourself, that’s my name eh.”

Ling Xiao raised his eyebrow, “Don’t tell me that you preferred You XiaoXiao more?”

You XiaoMo was taken aback. It was only after recovering did he become aware that his
alias was You XiaoXiao. But it sounded just like Xiaoxiao. This name was even more chilling.
Perhaps he would not feel this way if he was a woman, but he was a man.

<strong>t/n: Ling Xiao and You XiaoMo attempted to switch the last characters of their
name. So Ling Xiao 凌霄 would become Ling Mo 凌默 and You XiaoMo 游小默 would be
You XiaoXiao 游小霄. However, XiaoXiao 小霄 also sounds like Xiaoxiao 小小 (but with
different intonations) which means small and tiny, which is not a name a guy would like to

“Then, let’s stick with You XiaoHa ba.”

Ling Xiao did not feel the least surprised at all.

“Fellow You, what are you guys talking about? Why do you look so pale?” Yan Hui curiously
caught sight of You XiaoMo’s expression which looked just like a pickled vegetable.

You XiaoMo dispiritedly shook his head and shifted the subject, “What time can we enter?”

“It should be soon, but it seems like there’s someone who has not arrived.” Yan Hui
scratched his head and then he suddenly lowered his voice, “I’ve heard that that An Qiao
will also be coming.”

You XiaoMo was gobsmacked, “Wasn’t he eliminated?”

Yan Hui snorted, “He has a powerful backer. I’ve heard that some big person from the Mage
Guild personally stepped in. XiaoYao Institution finally agreed to let An Qiao come over on
that person’s behalf.”

You XiaoMo let out a laugh in surprise, he’s really an idiot.

Yan Hui was bewildered, “Why did you laugh?”


Qiao WuXing held Tian Xin’s hand as he walked over with a smile and greeted, “Fellow You,
in the future we will all be students of XiaoYao Institute, please feel free to advise us.”

The crowd behind started making a clamor just as You XiaoMo was about to reply. Everyone
did not care in the beginning, as places with crowds would indeed be relatively noisy. The
crowd had already parted into two when the bustle became louder and louder, and the
vacant space between appeared just like someone was about to walk down the red carpet.

An extremely familiar person walked over as the mass of people crowded around him.
Silence fell all around…

You XiaoMo’s mouth could not refrain from twitching upon seeing that arrogant An Qiao.
Under these sort of circumstances where he failed the assessment and had to depend on
relations, he actually made such bombast instead of being a little more low-profile. Was he
an idiot or an idiot?

Ling Xiao quietly commented, “Actually, compared to him, your IQ is quite high.”

You XiaoMo chuckled, “I would have been even happier if you excluded the first part of the

Ling Xiao quipped, “Nope, if I excluded it, the latter part would have to be excluded too.”

You XiaoMo rolled his eyes at Ling Xiao with all his strength.

Seeing You XiaoMo standing here in perfect condition, An Qiao frowned. Based on the
friendship between him and Wu Cheng, Wu Cheng should have made a move yesterday.
However, he looked like nothing had happened to him at all. Could it be that Wu Cheng still
had not made a move?

An Qiao did not know what had happened yesterday. Wu Cheng also did not send people
over to tell him, so currently he was completely in the dark and also did not know that his
good brother was somewhat dissatisfied with him.

“It looks like your luck isn’t bad since you actually didn’t die last night.” An Qiao stopped in
front of You XiaoMo and sneered at him.

You XiaoMo touched his nose and smiled, “Yes, I feel the same too.” His luck was really

An Qiao’s expression immediately chilled. He really hated this expression on You XiaoMo’s
face. Every time he showed this, You XiaoMo gave off the feeling that he did not care for
anything, as if everything that happened was just An Qiao tormenting his own self.

You XiaoMo would certainly give him a definite answer if he knew what An Qiao was
thinking. It’s precisely you tormenting yourself.

“Don’t you dare be smug.” An Qiao coldly retorted as a vicious gleam suffused his eyes.

You XiaoMo calmly replied, “I’m not being smug. On the contrary, the one who should pay
more attention is you. You were eliminated in the assessment and should not have been
able to enter XiaoYao Institute. In the end, it degenerated to the Mage Guild stepping in for
you to be admitted. Don’t you feel embarrassed? You’re the only person here who did not
depend on his ability in order to be admitted.”

An Qiao’s expression became uglier and uglier as You XiaoMo chided him. Those last words
and that tone further deepened the impression that You XiaoMo was ruthlessly ridiculing

He did not feel that it was embarrassing to depend on his elders to step in for him to be
admitted at the beginning. Rather, he felt very proud. But once You XiaoMo spoke, he then
discovered that the eyes of the rest of the people looking at him carried a hint of ridicule
that was hard to perceive.

“If it was not for you framing me… …”

You XiaoMo cut him off. His bright eyes looked at An Qiao as he said, “A person must be
brave enough to admit their mistakes. What’s the point of always looking back at what has
already been done? Youngster, don’t be like this. You must harbor a sincere heart.”

These words that were brimming with philosophy made the people around quiet down for
a moment.

Big brother, standing in front of you is a youngster that views you as foe. You’re using this
sort of ‘older generation teaching and educating others’ tone to speak to him, what show
are you preparing to stage?
Chapter 431: Giganticus

Translated by Jouissance of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

By the time XiaoYao Institute’s mentor arrived, An Qiao’s health had already been cleared
out by You XiaoMo’s off-the-charts DPS. In the end, the crowd followed the mentor into
Xiao Yao Institute in a massive formation.
t/n: DPS = Damage per second

XiaoYao Institute wasn’t like DaoXin Academy and they wouldn’t give students all sorts of
benefits, like the underground Ley Line or such. This was a place where merit spoke lengths.

The crowd walked along a wide road with very few people. The mentor explained the
situation in XiaoYao Institute as he walked.

After about half an hour, they finally arrived at the foot of that massive structure. Against it,
humans were like tiny ants. It was impossible to tell how large it truly was unless one flew
up and looked down at it.

“XiaoYao Institute has always operated by a ranking system. The building in front of you is
divided into a hundred floors, and every floor has its own benefits. What you can learn
depends on you, of course, the further up you get, the better it’ll be for you. However, since
you only just arrived, you’ll be placed on the first floor.

These words were said to inform You XiaoMo and the other clueless students of the
situation. Qiao WuXing and company obviously already knew all this, and probably knew far
more than just this. As they discussed this, Qiao WuXing filled them in on what wasn’t
brought up.

“This building is called the Giganticus. Apart from students, mentors and elders also live
inside, not for the convenience of teaching, but to keep an eye on the students on each
floor. So, once you go inside, it’s up to you to learn with your own merit. The mentors won’t
provide you with that sort of advice.

“In addition, every three months, there’ll be an opportunity for you to advance to a higher
rank by challenging someone. Every person only has three chances to challenge someone or
be challenged. If you fail, you’ll have to wait three months.”

“If someone challenges you, can you refuse their challenge?” You XiaoMo had much to ask
after listening to this; that was what it meant to pursue knowledge relentlessly.
Qiao WuXing’s footsteps faltered. He had thought it would be someone else who would ask
that. However, he quickly recovered and replied, “Yes, but only once.”

You XiaoMo then asked, “Then, if many people challenge you at once, can the challenged
choose who to fight?”

Qiao WuXing said, “They can’t. If there are more than three challengers, then there will be a
random draw that’ll pick three people from these challengers. However, the challenged can
choose to refuse one of the challenges and there won’t be another draw to pick a new

You XiaoMo’s eyes went wide. “It’s that nice?”

The energetic Tian Xin’s pigtails swished and she mocked him upon hearing what he had to
say, “You’re such an idiot. Of course it wouldn’t be so simple. Challenges affect your

You XiaoMo ignored the first sentence. “What do points do?”

Tian Xin replied, “Points are affected by the number of challenges you take. Every time you
win, you gain a point. If you refuse a challenge, you’ll lose a point. However, if you lose, you
won’t gain or lose any points. Points can be used to purchase a lot of things. You’ll know
what, exactly, this all entails once you get in.”

You XiaoMo understood. It was similar to Ward A’s point system, but it was implemented in
a far harsher way.

The mentor led them to the first floor, where the living situation clearly wasn’t very good.

Looking at the dirty and cramped room, You XiaoMo felt that he might be too clean for this
place, never mind Ling Xiao whose face was twisted in evident disgust.

The mentor then said, “Each person gets one room. If you’ve brought someone in, XiaoYao
Institute isn’t responsible for their living arrangements.”

Hearing this, noises of shock and protest arose.

Even one person would be cramped in such a small room, two people were impossible to fit

Many people were already considering sending the people they brought back.

You XiaoMo could guess that while XiaoYao Institute didn’t forbid people from bringing
others, no one would want to if they lived in a place like this.

“You guys don’t need to worry about this, really. You won’t be here long, after all, because
in three days, the tri-monthly challenges will begin. Though we only just got here, it doesn’t
prevent us from entering. If you don’t want to live in a place like this, then you have to work
hard and climb up. The living situation up there is far better and you have plenty of space,

TianXin walked in nonchalantly. Usually, girls would definitely object to such a lack of
cleanliness, but she seemed to care the least out of everyone.

Their rooms were all adjacent to one another and the rooms were small, too, so it was just
a few steps across.

Tian Xin’s somewhat mischievous voice rang out again. “You XiaoHa, go and tidy up. Later
on, I’ll take you to the arena, yeah? I’ve been a few times in the past.” Though it was when
she was little.

“Alright!” The aforementioned XiaoHa hadn’t even replied when Yan Hui’s excited voice
chipped in.

Tian Xin rolled her eyes at him, murmuring, “I didn’t ask you.” However, she didn’t object.
Getting along with others would only bring profit, standing united was a show of love, that
was what older brother WuXing had told her.

You XiaoMo sighed, accepting his fate, and gave a glare to the perpetrator who stood next
to him. “Hurry and help me clean. It’s disgusting here.”

Most men didn’t mind the dirt, especially when they were fixated on cultivation, so most of
them didn’t care too much for hygiene. Plus, this was the first floor. Most people would be
able to advance to a higher floor pretty quick, so that gave them even less incentive to

You XiaoMo took out two cloths from his dimension and had Ling Xiao get a bucket of
normal water from his dimension. Using Spiritual Water here would be an absurd waste of
resources. He threw one of the cloths to Ling Xiao.

“I’ll tidy up the trash here, go and wipe down the bed.”

Ling Xiao stared at the cloth in his hand expressionlessly.

Seeing his motionlessness, You XiaoMo said with a hint of laughter, “There’s a first time for
everything. You’ll get used to it.” Then, he took out a broom and began to sweep.
(Ra: Momo has become lady boss who know how to order the husband for minimal tasks :o)

Hearing the ruckus, Yan Hui came to their door and was shocked at the sight he was met
with. “How come you have a broom? You don’t carry that sort of thing around everywhere
you go, do you?”

You XiaoMo replied calmly, “I used to live alone.”

Yan Hui then asked, “Do you have anymore that you can lend me?”

You XiaoMo paused for a moment. “No, but I can lend you this one once I’m done.”

Yan Hui nodded, delighted.

That was when the uncle’s soft-spoken voice drifted over. “Sorry, but could I borrow it,
too?” He was rather shy, almost to the point where he didn’t dare appear in front of others.

You XiaoMo’s lips twitched. “Sure.”

It wasn’t until You XiaoMo was almost done with sweeping the floor that Ling Xiao began to
clean reluctantly. However, because of the amount of dust, the cloth turned black with one
wipe and had to be cleaned almost continuously. It wasn’t long before the water turned

You XiaoMo refilled the bucket with clean water. It took them a full ten buckets of water to
clean up the bed. Then, he used a dry cloth to wipe it dry.

He had wanted to wipe the floor as well, but there was even more dust on the ground than
on the bed. Plus, there were also patches of who-knows-what on the ground. It would be
too troublesome to clean that up, so Ling Xiao refused.

“Don’t think I don’t know that you only say that because you don’t want to wipe the floor.”
You XiaoMo easily saw through his intentions. Ling Xiao was reluctant to wipe the bed
down, so he would only be more reluctant to work on the floor.

Ling Xiao threw his cloth to the side and said in a very matter of fact way, “It’s good that
you know, then I won’t have to find an excuse.”

You XiaoMo felt his lips twitch into an irritated smile. It’s not like you need an excuse to not
do anything you don’t want to.
This wasn’t called being honest, it was called being an asshole!

Asshole Ling Xiao immediately took over the now cleaned bed and stretched out lazily.

However, he still ended up listening to Ling Xiao. The floor was too dirty. If they had the
mops of the twenty first century, it would make things easier, but they didn’t, so they could
only use their own hands. Thank god they would only be here for three days.

Half an hour later, Tian Xin finally came to get them.

The people from the Mage Guild also came along. Who knew what was going on in An
Qiao’s head to make him willing accompany You XiaoMo and company to see the arena.

The Giganticus had a total of a hundred floors and, every ten floors, there would be a
massive arena right in the center of the floor that was sort of like the Colosseum of Ancient
Rome. Whenever the tri-monthly challenges happened, people would flood the place.

For this, XiaoYao Institute had a rule: challengers could only challenge people within ten
floors of themselves, so even if one’s strength was far more formidable, you couldn’t get to
the top floor immediately.

However, there was little point in watching matches that weren’t on floor seventy and
above. The truly exciting matches all happened in the higher floors, and those battles were
truly battles that would make one’s blood roar.

Floors seventy to one hundred were different from the lower floors. The three arenas were
merged into one, so the tri-monthly challenges would all occur in one arena, which became
the liveliest place in Giganticus.

However, not all people could go and spectate for free. People who weren’t yet at floor
seventy or above had to pay one point to enter. One point per day.

Since they had just arrived, they couldn’t access the arenas of the upper floors yet.

Thus, Tian Xin took them to the arena on the fiftieth floor.
Chapter 432: Jade Plate

Translated by Crystal of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

Since the Challenge Match was to be in three days, to welcome it, every floor was bustling
with excitement, raring to go.

The Giganticus had ten skyward staircases extending from the stage side upwards to a
hundred levels. If one walked along it, they could see all of the major arenas but only up till
the sixty-ninth floor, any further and there would be checkpoints.

Tian Xin took them to the sixth staircase and along the way, there were a lot of people
passing by. Most of them were excited with only a few who expressed worry.

Tian Xin took them past the first arena since the first to tenth floor were the most crowded
and this was the biggest one of them all.

In the middle of the arena were hundreds of small fighting rings, surrounding them were
endless stone chairs, with a rough estimation, it could probably hold a few million people.

Tian Xin took them straight to the fifth arena on the fiftieth floor. The fiftieth floor could be
considered a dividing floor in Giganticus since a lot of lesser known talents came from this
floor. Thus, it was the second most crowded arena, even though those at the sixteenth floor
were stronger, it was not as popular.

By the time they had arrived, there were already people there.

Tian Xin explained, “The fifth arena is very special in that all the powerhouses start from
here. Since they cannot go higher, many gather here so it's often a full house for the every-
three-month challenge. Many come early to get a good spot.”

You XiaoMo felt impressed by the fact that people would come three days early to secure a
spot, just how popular was it?
However, it was inevitable since the seats were public. First come, first serve, if you were
late then there wouldn’t be any seats left.

Of course, there would be shamelessly bossy people who would take seats from others by
force but that was pretty rare. Also, looking at other fights was a good opportunity to learn
so not many would pass it up.

“Right, if you guys want to participate in the match happening three days from now, you
better sign-up within in these two days. Otherwise, you will have to wait another three
months since they need the last day to prepare for the tournament.” Tian Xin said after
taking everyone around the different stages.

“Where do we sign-up?” Yan Hui asked.

Qiao WuXing, who was beside Tian Xin replied, “Any floor with the number five in the
Giganticus has a registration area.”

Yan Hui rowed his eyes and asked, “Then which floor do you guys plan to go to?”

Did he really need to ask?

Of course, it would be the fifteenth floor. If one had the strength and still fought their way
up, step by step, then that was not just pretentious, but stupid too. Especially since there
were only three chances to challenge someone.

Tian Xin gave Yan Hui a look of disdain.

Qiao WuXing looked at Jiu Ye and smiled, “Want to come along?”

In silence Jiu Ye nodded, even though his position in the Mage Guild was not low, he had
only heard of this place but had never gone.
Neither Wan Ya nor Zhang LanYu had complaints either.

“Heh, me, I wouldn’t be seen with you guys, just thinking about going with you makes me
disgusted.” An Qiao snorted out and his cold gaze landed on You XiaoMo.

Immediately Tian Xin threw his hand up and waved, saying happily, “Take care!”

Hearing this, An Qiao’s faced turned very sour.

All You XiaoMo thought was that this young master was really hard to please and not only
that, also had amnesia. Why didn’t he say anything when he came with them earlier? To
take a fart on it now, not only was it not loud, it also made himself stink.

With a face livid with rage, An Qiao left along with his followers.

Tian Xin snorted at his turning back, “Yay, finally that disgusting person is gone and now the
world is finally quiet again.”

The few from the Mage Guild didn’t say a word.

Since they toured the fiftieth floor, now they had to walk down again. You XiaoMo held Ling
Xiao’s hand and walked at the back of the group, reflecting on what they had heard today.

The Giganticus’ challenge was every third month and the Xiao Yao Institution should
prohibit its students from leaving the campus either, which means that they could allocate
those three months freely. However, that was still not enough.

There was still one and a half months from the deadline given by Xiong Xiao and it would
take two months to make a round trip from Nan Lu to Zhong Tian. Not nearly enough time
for the next challengers match.

Not only that, if someone were to challenge him and he couldn’t attend, the referee would
probably decide it was his loss. Sigh, suddenly he felt as if he came to the Institution a bit
too early.

“What are you going on about by yourself?” Ling Xiao opened his mouth to ask.

So, You XiaoMo told him what was on his mind and got ridiculed.

Ling Xiao sneered at him, “You can’t go, but I can.”

You XiaoMo was dumbfounded, did he mean to leave him behind? Even if he went, it may
not have much effect, however, Feng ChiYun was taken away because of him. He had to go.
As he thought of this, he immediately looked at Ling Xiao determinedly.

Ling Xiao chuckled.

Instantly, You XiaoMo felt his hair bristling.

Brushing his forehead, Ling Xiao said gently, “Wife, you’re sweating.”

Immediately You XiaoMo brushed his hand off and in a cool and elegant manner, made a
‘Heh’ sound. He decided to stop talking to him, it was going to be a cold war.

“Is something wrong?” Yan Hui, who was walking ahead suddenly turned and asked.

Ling Xiao gave him a light glance and said, “Nothing.”

Yan Hui looked at You XiaoMo a few more times. Clearly, he was in a bad mood but since
Ling Xiao said they didn’t want to talk, he couldn’t ask further and looked away.

As they were about to reach the fifteenth floor, You XiaoMo unexpectedly muttered, “I
can’t believe there is no other way.” The Xiao Yao Institution had a long history, they must
have faced all sorts of problems, so there must be a way to resolve this issue.
It didn’t take long for them to reach the fifteenth floor.

Since it was the rush hour for applications, the entire fifteenth floor was very crowded.
Even before they were at the registration area, they could see the sea of people and it took
everyone by surprise.

However, once they dug in further, they realized that most of them were here to see the
status around the fights. Some needed to check if they were challenged and by whom,
that’s why they would come to the registration area.

There were five registration counters and above them was an enormous screen, as it
reflected light, the names of challengers and those challenged appeared, along with the
floor number. The eyes would be confused by the sheer amounts of things to look at.

You XiaoMo was disinterested in the names on the screen, since he didn’t know them. His
attention was on the five counters and after finding one that looked relatively empty he
hardly waited to tell Ling Xiao, “Let’s go see the fifth counter, it looks like there is less
people there.”

Ling Xiao looked down at the You XiaoMo who was, until a moment ago, still wearing the ‘I
don’t want to talk to you’ expression. Originally, he thought he would endure for ten
minutes, but alas, it wasn’t even five. He thought too highly of him.

Not hearing a response, You XiaoMo turned to Ling Xiao with a confused expression, only to
see him with a funny face…


Ling Xiao gradually started laughing, “Lets go.”

You XiaoMo looked at his back and slapped his mouth, he just couldn’t shut it, could he?

When they finally got to the counter, it was a female clerk, who upon seeing them, said in a
business-like manner, “Tell me your names, levels, the floor level as well as the level of the
one you want to challenge.”

You XiaoMo replied, “You XiaoHa, first floor, level nine mage, want to challenge someone
from the twentieth floor.”

The female clerk paused, raising her head in surprise, it took her a few moments before
asking, “Could it be that you are new?”

You XiaoMo said, “Yes, is there a problem?”

The female clerk said no more, this wasn’t the first time it happened. With every new
recruit there were bound to be a few who would challenge someone from the twentieth
floor right off the bat. Then she took the list of names and showed him.

The list was a jade plate, something like a jade drive, for storing information. The difference
was that you could see the content from the outside of a jade plate and it showed
everyone’s condition on the twentieth floor.

You XiaoMo checked and it seemed that the challengers were all pretty sparsely divided.

The situation he asked Qiao WuXing about didn’t seem common, in order to progress,
people would avoid those with a lot of challengers.

Since a lottery was drawn when there was a lot of challengers, it was all up to luck and to
not waste the chance, most people would choose cautiously.

However, there was also names with no challengers behind them, these tended to be ones
with a bit of fame.

You XiaoMo didn’t want to risk a lottery situation and picked someone like that.

The female clerk instantly filled his name in, since this jade plate was connected to the
others, this would translate to all other jade plates as well as the big screen.
Jiu Ye was still browsing through names when he saw You XiaoMo’s name pop up. His gaze
stopped for a moment before choosing someone after him.
Chapter 433: Small And Fragile Soul

Translated by Rachel of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

“Excuse me, doesn't everybody have three chances to sign up? I've only signed up
for one match so can I still use the remaining two chances?” You XiaoMo waited till
the female clerk finished updating her records before asking.

Qiao WuXing had said before that every person had three chances to challenge.
They were generally understood as opportunities for every student of the Institute to
make a comeback but for the stronger ones, if they win on the first try, then won’t the
remaining two tries be wasted? Hence, You XiaoMo’s question.

Clearly the female clerk was not surprised at his question at all.

“You can, but you have to wait till the match is over before you can continue
registering for the next one.” She said plainly.

In fact, it didn’t matter if one won or lost, they could continue signing up. It was just
that XiaoYao institute needed to arrange a reasonable date and time for competition
and there were also some people who only used up one or two tries. Hence, the
need to register separately.

“If I have something going on and I know I can’t make it for the competition, is there
any way I can not participate in the challenge?” You XiaoMo asked further.

The female clerk slightly raised her eyebrows at his words.

“Yes, there are ways to do that, but you have to apply for it five days in advance.
There must also be a valid reason. Only after your application is approved, then we
can remove your name from the list.”

You XiaoMo was so delighted to hear that. This way he could go to the Southern
Continent together with Ling Xiao. When he thought of this, he immediately gave
Ling Xiao a smug look.

Ling Xiao received his look that intended to provoke him and smiled. You XiaoMo,
like a thief who had evil intentions but no guts, immediately shrunk back. As
expected, to rule him over was just a dream.
When they walked out from the crowd, the rest had already completed their
registration. As they had only just signed up, their names and opponents’ names
immediately appeared on the lit screen. There were several familiar and unfamiliar
names on striking display on the huge screen, and some couldn't help but gasp.

The few familiar names belonged to those who were generally regarded as the
strongest in the twentieth floor. Normally if a person wanted to rise up to the
twentieth floor, he or she would pick a weaker opponent. Few would challenge those
familiar names, so when their names appeared, it immediately caught everyone’s

“Where did these guys come from? How come I don’t even recognise a single one of

“So many of them appearing at once! I don’t remember there being any
exceptionally outstanding person below the twentieth floor…”

“If I remember correctly, the past few days were XiaoYao institute’s admission and
enrollment drive.”

“Oh, so it's the new students. No wonder they're so bold. Every year there will be
one or two powerful ones among the new students. Looks like this year is no
exception. But the numbers are greater than previous years.”


The surrounding started to buzz with discussion as the crowd looked at You XiaoMo
and the rest with admiration and envy. Every year, these gifted individuals climbed
up the floors extremely fast.

Furthermore, this year happened to be the year of the challenges. So after this, one
could expect those gifted individuals to rise up to the fiftieth floor or above at one go.
Compared to them, who could only floor up one floor at a time, the difference was as
great as the distance between heaven and earth.

A single file of people walked out of the fifteenth floor registration office.

“The time for the competition will be released the day after tomorrow. Please
remember to come over to take a look.” Qiao WuXing announced.

After that, they dispersed.

You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao didn't try to find out about Giganticus like everyone else.
Instead, they returned to the first floor.
Previously, TianXin told them there were all kinds of good stuff in Giganticus but she
left something out. Among the hundred floors, there was one floor that had
absolutely nothing. That was also the reason why the first floor was so bare. After
they came down, it was almost like there wasn't even a single person in sight.

It wasn't until nighttime that people people started to return one after another.

You XiaoMo stared intensely at the stone bed meant for sleeping. The stone bed
was two and a half metres long, but only half a meter wide. For a strong and healthy
person, half a meter in width might not even be enough to sleep, let alone two

“How do you even sleep on this?” You XiaoMo threw the question to Ling Xiao.

There were a few extra sensitive guys next door, so going into their dimensions to
sleep was out of the question. Having one person sleep on floor was even more
impossible. The floor was only briefly swept during the day so it was as dirty as one
could expect. All that's left was to meditate.

With a hint of laziness in his expression, Ling Xiao smiled devilishly and offered,
“You can sleep on top of me, I don't mind.”

He knew he was going to say that. You XiaoMo took off his shoes and sat cross-
legged beside him. “If you want to sleep you can sleep alone. I've decided to
cultivate tonight.” He declared adamantly.

“You can cultivate. I'll accompany you.”

Ling Xiao must have thought of something because he started to laugh roguishly. By
the time You XiaoMo opened his eyes in surprise, Ling Xiao had already lunged
towards him, wiping the shock off his face.


The next day, You XiaoMo crawled out of bed with dark circles under his eyes. He
had been tormented by Ling Xiao the whole night but this time it was different from
the other times he had been tormented by Ling Xiao. After all, they had neighbors
and even if he had more guts he wouldn't do that sort of thing with Ling Xiao here.

At this instant, someone knocked on the door.

You XiaoMo walked over to open the door and found Yan Hui and Cheng
XiangRong. The rest were nowhere to be seen, most probably off doing their own

“Oh it's you two. What's up?”

“Did you not sleep well last night? Your complexion looks bad.” Yan Hui asked in

“Yeah!” You XiaoMo yawned.

“Then you better rest. The competition is in two days, better not let the it affect your
performance. If you lose, that'll be bad.” Cheng XiangRong added.

After he saw them off, he slapped his face forcefully. There was no water here to
wash up and Ling Xiao had gone off somewhere. He could only use the spiritual
water from his dimension to wash his face. After he was done with his washing, he
felt refreshed.

After a while, Ling Xiao finally returned. You XiaoMo told him he was going into his
own dimension and Ling Xiao, not wanting to be left waiting alone outside, followed

The lush green dimension had expanded a bit since the first time You XiaoMo got it.
It was just that the rate of expansion was so slow he didn't notice it when he
frequently entered and exited the dimension.

“This dimension is completely tied to you. And it's not an ordinary pocket dimension,
so it’s most likely growing together with your growth.” Ling Xiao walked towards the
little wooden hut.

You XiaoMo didn't think too much about that. The area within the dimension as it
was now was already enough. Even if it expanded he had no use for so much land,
so he wasn't pleasantly surprised.

Taking note of his expression, Ling Xiao continued to explain, “Your dimension is
rather unique. It's expansion is also accompanied by an increase in spiritual energy,
so the spring at the center of spiritual lake can produce more spiritual water.”

You XiaoMo froze for a moment before he dashed towards the spiritual lake.

It was a pity SheQiu and the rest weren't there. If they were, he could ask them
about the volume of spiritual water produced daily by the spring. It was impossible to
tell the change in a short period of time so he could only give up. Anyways, it
couldn't run away.

As he turned around, he saw Ling Xiao already walking towards the magic herb
fields. Choosing to ignore him, You XiaoMo retrieved the water basin from the little
wooden hut that he had used to soak the seeds he bought at center city. After
soaking for a few days, the seeds were plumper than before.

You XiaoMo scooped the seeds out and walked towards the magic herb fields. Ling
Xiao, who was squatting in the Dipper Herb fields, strolled over and asked out of
curiosity, “What are you doing?”

“They’ve evolved.” Ling Xiao prodded the bugs on the ground.

You XiaoMo craned his neck to see. On the ground were two golden beetles
munching on the leaves of the Dipper Herb. As for the Hidden Dipper Stink Bugs,
they were nowhere to be found. The two Hidden Dipper Stink Bugs actually
completed the third metamorphosis without him knowing about it! Alright, he’d admit
he didn’t pay them much attention in the first place.

One thing that the Metal Swallowing Beast and the Golden Wing Bug had in
common was that both of them could not take on the human form. That was the
reason why despite being high level demon beasts, they only existed in the bug

They must have sensed his presence because the two Golden Wing Bugs stopped
munching on the Dipper Herbs and crawled towards You XiaoMo slowly. Suddenly,
they flew and landed on top of You XiaoMo’s head.

You XiaoMo’s scalp immediately went numb. This feeling reminded him of flying

Seeing that the expression on You XiaoMo’s face had stiffened, Ling Xiao looked
thoughtfully at the Golden Wing Bugs resting on top of his head. He rubbed his
clean-shaven chin and chuckled, “Can it be that you are afraid of bugs?”

“No…no, I’m not.”

You XiaoMo tried his hardest to suppress the goosebumps that were forming on his
skin and pretended to be calm.

Ling Xiao took one Golden Wing Bug from his head and lifted it up to his face.
“I thought so too. Look at them, aren’t they very cute?” He smiled.

You XiaoMo’s expression went stiff. Ling Xiao went on as if he didn’t see that,
grabbing You XiaoMo’s hand and placing the bug at the center of his palm.

“This is also one of your contract demon beasts. It may be small and easily
overlooked, but you must be unbiased and treat them equally. Or else you’ll crush its
small and fragile soul.”

To hell with their small and fragile souls! Who would comfort mine? You XiaoMo

You XiaoMo didn't dare to show a disgusted expression. He was stuck in a dilemma
and all he could do was let Ling Xiao put the two Golden Wing Bugs in his hand. It
definitely didn’t feel good to have those tiny insect legs brushing his palm but he
couldn’t back down either. Or else it would, in Ling Xiao’s words, hurt their small and
fragile souls.

Two minutes later, You XiaoMo took a deep breath and shoved the bugs back to
Ling Xiao.

“I think their small and fragile souls have been taken care of very well already. I’m
going to do some work now.” You XiaoMo quickly added before running off.

Watching as he fled the scene, Ling Xiao smiled happily.

Chapter 434: Honey Trap

Translated by Kollumceti of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

Time passed quickly and soon the day of the Challenge Match arrived.

You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao went to the fifteenth floor the day before and received a number
plate from the female clerk with the number thirty-three written on it. This was the fighting
ring number of his match. Then he searched for the venue and the approximate time of his
match on the screen. The venue was at the second challenge arena and it was to be held in
the afternoon.

You XiaoMo had seen Qiao WuXing and Jiu Ye’s match time, but other that Qiao WuXing
and Jiu Ye whose matches were held at the same time, the matches of the others, including
An Qiao’s match, were all staggered.

An Qiao’s opponent was also a person on the twentieth floor. Probably for the sake of his
reputation, the opponent he challenged was a person who was a little famous. However, his
current strength was more than enough to deal with someone on the twentieth floor.

The match had yet to begin as they sat on the spectator seats.

You XiaoMo looked at the jade slab inlayed into the wall in front of the stage. It was dozens
of times bigger than the one he had seen when he was registering, “Oh yes, what’s the
penalty they’ll receive if someone loses their match?”

Qiao WuXing who had been talking to Tian Xin heard his question and explained, “The
penalty is to be demoted. If someone on the twentieth floor loses, they would fall to the
nineteenth floor.”

“It looks like the penalty is not very severe.” You XiaoMo said.

Tian Xin continued, “The XiaoYao Institution does take things into consideration. After all,
your strength would also be at that level even if you lost. The rule is that you will only drop
by one floor so as not to create chaos in the strength of every floor.”

With the spectator seats fully packed, the starting time for the Challenge Match was finally
at hand.

In the middle of the audience were hundreds of empty fighting rings. Standing separately
on the edge of the fighting ring was a referee with a solemn expression. At this moment,
everyone restlessly looked at the jade plate on the wall. The names people participating in
the first round would appear there.

There was no host for the Challenge Matches. The jade plate began to emit bursts of rays
once the starting time arrived and after a moment, the names of all the contestants began
to roll. The list of names of the contestants would be announced as though one did know
the approximate time for their match, but the spectators did not know this.

You XiaoMo quickly found two familiar names. It was Qiao WuXing and Jiu Ye. The two were
both participating in the first round.

Qiao WuXing stood up and nodded in their direction while smiling before going down. Jiu
Ye’s seat was behind him, so their actions were almost simultaneous.

There were a hundred matches in the first round. It was not possible for everyone to have a
hundred eyes, so most would choose to watch the match that they were more interested
in. Most were looking forward to the strength of the new students so the match that the
majority wanted to see was Qiao WuXing’s and Jiu Ye’s.

“Big Brother WuXing will definitely win.” Tian Xin clenched her first.

“Haha, with Wu-dage’s ability, others will laugh at him till their teeth could be seen if he
doesn’t win. Though there are many within the twentieth floor who are quite strong, it’s
still not impressive enough.”

The person who said this was Yan Hui and he did not lower his voice. Thus the gazes of the
people seating around them were immediately filled with a little ill will as he finished
speaking. Even if the strength of the people on the twentieth floor was inferior to them,
there was a big difference between saying it out loud and not saying it.

Regardless of whether Yan Hui’s words were unintentional or not, the hostility point had
already gone up.

You XiaoMo shook his head. Speaking without thinking, you should still lower your voice
even if you want to say it.

Yan Hui seemed to become aware of the peculiarities of their surroundings as his laughter
gradually trailed off. He shrunk down and did not dare to glance around. He could feel the
gazes of many people falling onto him, making him feel uncomfortable from head to toe.

“The matches are about to begin.” Tian Xin’s excited voice disrupted the tense atmosphere.

The attention was everyone was immediately pulled down on the stages.
Qiao WuXing and Jiu Ye were standing on Ring Ten and Ring Eighty Two respectively. Qiao
WuXing’s opponent was a man who looked a little gentle, but one could tell that he was a
ruthless and devious person from the faint shadow on his glabella.

Qiao WuXing politely nodded in his direction, but his opponent did not give the slightest
reaction and only narrowed his eyes, as if he was thinking over a problem. With regards to
an opponent who was stronger than oneself, one could only outwit the enemy instead of
using force.

The man was obviously a type of person who was like a military adviser and his half-lidded
eyes seemed to contain a gleam of light.

Just as the referee yelled ‘start’, the man swiftly disappeared from his current place. His
speed was so fast that only afterimages could be seen. Qiao WuXing would never
underestimate his opponent no matter if he was strong or weak. He immediately put up his
guard. However, just as the man was about to reach him, the man’s shadow seemed to
have split and instantly separately left and right to surround Qiao WuXing.

Qiao WuXing was momentarily startled.

The man took advantage of this opening and immediately launched an attack. A strong and
solid soul force instantly rushed forth to his palm, and ferociously shot out in Qiao WuXing’s
direction. The latter seemed to have been baffled by his methods and the man instantly let
out a trace of happiness.

Qiao WuXing’s figure lightly flashed then disappeared in the nick of time. The man’s
expression changed and before he could react, a soul force that was even stronger and
denser than his instantly struck his abdomen. The huge momentum from the strike caused
his face to distort and he could not control his body as he flew backwards, directly falling off
the stage.

He actually tasted defeat in such a clear-cut manner! And this was only the first round!

Everyone who saw this scene could not help but swallow, he’s really powerful!

Qiao WuXing dusted off his clothes. Actually, he had never even left his original place by a
single step from start to finish. The man’s method of using afterimages to confuse his
opponent was pretty good. If he wavered in the slightest, the flow would have been in his
opponent’s favor. But no matter how realistic afterimages were, it did not contain any soul
force. Furthermore, he had immediately noticed as his strength was much higher than the

Just as the match on this side ended, the match on Stage Eighty Two had also ended.
Jiu Ye’s speed was not any slower than Qiao WuXing’s and he did not even use a trace of
soul force. When his opponent had made a move, he had swept the man who was brawnier
than him off the stage with a cool and awesome kick.

Jiu Ye was slowly withdrawing the leg he had raised without a single expression on his face
when Qiao WuXing looked over.

After the performance of the two, those who originally were scornful of them all started
paying attention. This was especially so for those people from the twentieth floor who had
some fame. One must be aware that several of them had been incited by You XiaoMo and
the rest. If You XiaoMo and the rest were as powerful as these two people, they had to
consider how to face them later.

As the time it took for everyone to finish their match was different, the names on the jade
plate began to roll again after Jiu Ye and Qiao WuXing’s match ended. After seeing their
own name, a bunch of people walked out one after another from the spectator seats.

“You XiaoHa, it’s your turn. Do your best!”

Tian Xin who was sitting behind him strongly clapped his shoulder suddenly.

You XiaoMo rolled his eyes in his heart. Tian Xin looked weak and delicate, who would have
thought that her hand strength was so strong. Each and everyone’s strength were all so

“Do your best!” Cheng XiangRong shyly said to him.

You XiaoMo smiled and nodded. He had always felt that it was inconceivable that this
uncle’s personality was actually so bashful. However, this also proved that he was a
relatively simple person. Then he looked at Ling Xiao, “Don’t you have anything to say to

Ling Xiao narrowed his eyes at him, “Say what?”

You XiaoMo harrumphed, “Some encouraging words, of course.”

Ling Xiao looked at him in despise and said, “Your opponent is just a level five mage. Are
you certain that you need my encouragement?”

You XiaoMo gave a hollow laugh as he touched his nose. He only said this on a whim just
because he was carried away in this moment, did you need to look at him like this? You also
won’t die by occasionally cooperating.
After silently cursing, he walked down.

You XiaoMo stared at his opponent without blinking. The person’s clothes were relatively
unusual but the places that should be covered were covered. To others, it was very
revealing, however it was quite normal to him with his past memory.

Seeing that the two were already standing at the ready, the referee loudly yelled, “Begin!”

You XiaoMo was the same as Qiao WuXing and did not become careless just because his
opponent was a level five mage. His skin immediately became taut as he stared at her
without wavering, waiting for her to attack. Look how considerate he is.

The woman calmly looked at him for a moment before she suddenly smiled. She was quite
pretty to his surprise.

You XiaoMo raised his eyebrows in astoundment. What did this mean? Was she preparing
to honey trap him? Don’t be like this, beauty. I’m already not heterosexual. I won’t be
tempted no matter how you smile.

“It looks like I won’t be able to win this match no matter how hard I try. The disparity in
strength is too large.” The woman opened her mouth and said. Not only did her tone have
no nervousness, it was also a little blithe.

You XiaoMo continued to raise his eyebrows. This sort of preparing to admit defeat pacing,
what kind of ruckus was she trying to start?

The woman sighed in relief and stared at him with a smile that was yet not a smile, “I
believe that Sire is also not a person who would have tender and protective feelings for the
fairer sex. It’s not necessary to compete since I know that I will lose.” Then she turned back
to the referee, “I admit defeat for this match.”

The nature of proactively admitting defeat and rejecting a match were different so there
was no need to deduct points.

Once this sentence was said, a burst of sighs rang from the spectator seats.
Chapter 435: Fight for Bliss*

Translated by Jouissance of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

Though he had been expecting this result, he couldn’t help but sigh when he heard it.

It wasn’t uncommon to surrender before the fight even properly began, because some
people understood very well that they weren’t a match for the challenger. These people
would just surrender, but that wasn’t the only reason.

The real reason was because most people had more than one match to fight. If they were
stubborn just to not lose face, then it would probably affect the battles later on. If they
were injured, it wouldn’t be good for them later on. Thus, most people were very
understanding when it came to girls surrendering the match.

You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao had only watched the matches in the morning before leaving the

If it wasn’t a match between powerhouses, then it would be too boring to watch. They
quickly got tired of watching and could only manage a morning of matches. Though, apart
from Yan Hui and An Qiao, the others all had their matches in the morning.

“I really didn’t expect that the usually gentle and soft uncle would be so fierce when
fighting. It’s like he became a completely different person.” You XiaoMo walked in front of
Ling Xiao, unable to stop a smile when thinking back to Cheng XiangRong’s match.

The hint of a smile appeared on Ling Xiao’s face. “That area truly is a weak spot.”

You XiaoMo suddenly turned and said mischievously, “So you had better be careful. If you
make me angry then… heheh!”

“You wouldn’t,” Ling Xiao said confidently.

You XiaoMo’s lips curled up. “Try me.”

Ling Xiao shook his head, looking at the other in seriousness. “No one would go against
their own bliss. They will only work hard to gain it.”

You XiaoMo paused for a moment before he figured out what Ling Xiao was referring to
when he said “bliss”. He flushed, glaring at the other. Bliss my ass, work hard my ass. Not
bothering to continue arguing, he quickened his steps to leave the twentieth floor.
TN: Happiness(幸福 -xingfu) and Sexual happiness(性福 -xingfu) have the same
pronunciation. LX was “referring” to the latter. Word play at finest.

Ling Xiao followed with a wicked smile.

By four PM, most of the matches had ended.

You XiaoMo and company headed towards the thirty-fifth floor. That was the registration
area for Arena Four. Since the matches were over, the name list for the second registration
had been compiled.

The thirty-fifth floor wasn’t as crowded as the fifteenth floor. The number of people on
each floor was structured like a pyramid. Thus, here, there were less than half the number
of people than on the fifteenth floor. The presence of the people here was also much more

You XiaoMo accepted the name list given to him by the male manager. They had come
rather late. It was Qiao WuXing’s suggestion. If they came later, they could get a better
grasp of the situation. Otherwise, it would be easier for others to plot against them and
they wouldn’t be able to gain a good grasp of the situation either. Most of the names on the
list had several challengers behind them, and very few were blank.

Though they didn’t know if the people who came after them would choose the same people
to challenge or not, logically speaking, the powerhouses at the top of floor forty wouldn’t
have many challengers. It wasn’t just him with this idea. Jiu Ye and the others had the same
thought and all cast their gazes to the front.

The name list on the jade board was organized by strength in descending order.

You XiaoMo took a look. The five strongest didn’t have any challengers yet. Just as he was
hesitating on which one to choose, a name suddenly appeared behind the person ranked
first. It was Jiu Ye. You XiaoMo thought for a moment before settling on the third ranked

The reason for deciding on a different person was because if there were two people
challenging the same person, then the times for the match would be set apart. For example,
one match would be in the morning, the other in the afternoon. No one was willing to
spend time on this.

The matches would be held the day after tomorrow. There was still plenty of time, so no
one was in a rush to return. After they registered, they each went their own way.
You XiaoMo didn’t have anywhere he particularly wanted to go, so he returned to his room
with Ling Xiao. He still had much to do.

After he let out SheQiu and the others, he hadn’t seen even a shadow of them. Even the
Metal Swallowing Beast had been lured away, off to play who knows where. Thus, the task
of tidying his dimension was left to him.

However, it had been a while since he had went back to his pocket dimension, so there
were huge patches of matured magic herbs. It was a good thing that it was taking longer
and longer for the magic herbs to mature, so he only had to plant new ones every few
months. It gave him plenty of time.

However, just thinking of how much he had to do had his back aching.

SheQiu, hurry and come back, you guys. I miss you.

At the same time, PiQiu suddenly sneezed and then wondered, “That was weird, is
someone thinking of me?”

SheQiu was lazily draped over the railing, his snake eyes watching the people walk about
below in boredom. Hearing the other’s words, he smiled. “It’s probably that master misses

PiQiu was moved to tears.

XiaoHei’s haughty voice immediately gave him a heavy blow. “Probably wondering when
we’ll be back to do work for him.”

PiQiu swayed precariously.

MaoQiu said, “XiaoHei, there was no need to voice that. It’s blissful to live in a dream.”

PiQiu instantly received several more arrows. This was exhausting; he felt that he would
never love again.

On the other side, You XiaoMo immediately dragged Ling Xiao into the dimension upon
getting back to their room. The only helper he had remaining was Ling Xiao, so he couldn’t
let the other escape as well.

Ling Xiao had wanted to refuse, but seeing the ‘if you dare run, then you can spend the rest
of your life in the dog house’ that was implied in You XiaoMo’s expression, he reconsidered
and accepted his fate.
Magic Herbs were primarily green in color with some that varied more. It was an amazing
sight in bloom.

Before, he had only opened up ten field for magic herbs, but after he had gotten help from
SheQiu and the others, there were now two hundred and sixty six fields, primarily geared
towards growing high level magic herbs.

You XiaoMo decided to start from the level nine magic herbs since he was currently a level
nine mage.

You XiaoMo first brought over a large bucket and filled it with spiritual water. Then, he
brought out several griddles from the wooden hut, preparing to start work.

With his control over his soul force, it wouldn’t take him long to dig up a level nine magic
herb. In addition, he could dig up several at a time with his multitasking ability, which
increased his speed greatly.

After fifteen minutes, he had filled two griddles and brought them over to Ling Xiao, saying,
“Ok, now you have to use the bucket of spiritual water over there to wash away the mud on
their roots. Remember to be careful, otherwise, if their roots are damaged, their effect will
be reduced.”

This method was the best for the inexperienced Ling Xiao. Otherwise, if he had to clean
them by hand, he might damage everyone he cleaned.

“Ah, I got it.” Ling Xiao wore an uninterested expression.

You XiaoMo was exasperated at Ling Xiao’s response. To make sure the other wouldn’t
slack off, he increased his speed, dividing his attention into ten. When he was refining pills,
he only dared split his attention into three, but digging up magic herbs wasn’t as
complicated as refining magic pills.

Ling Xiao picked up the thirty-first magic herb and was about to put it into the bucket to be
washed, when he suddenly noticed in his peripheral that there were already two full
griddles next to You XiaoMo. He couldn’t help but narrow his eyes. Was he trying to
compete in speed?

After confirming that the other did have such intentions, the corner of Ling Xiao’s lips curled
down. In the next moment, he had poured a griddle full of magic herbs into the bucket.
When he next took them out, most of the mud had already sunk to the bottom. The entire
process only took four to five minutes.

When Ling Xiao placed the two empty griddles in front of You XiaoMo, the latter stared

Five seconds later, You XiaoMo pulled himself back to the present and stared at Ling Xiao
suspiciously. “How are you so fast?” Ling Xiao had been wearing an expression like he
would rather be anywhere but here. How come he had gotten so into it so fast? You
XiaoMo could barely keep up.

“You want me to be slow?” Ling Xiao retorted.

No, You XiaoMo really wanted to say ‘it’s exactly what I wanted’, but he quickly formulated
a different response. “No, I’m very grateful.”

Ling Xiao: “…”

To keep up with Ling Xiao, You XiaoMo sped up again. Splitting his attention into ten wasn’t
his limit. Before, when he was purifying magic herbs, he could purify more than ten at once,
after all.

This chore, through their constant competing in speed, was quickly finished. They had
gotten through the entire area for level nine magic herbs and were currently working on
the level ten herbs. However, there were few level ten herbs and after they had finished,
they returned to the section for level eight magic herbs to continue.

They only stopped when You XiaoMo had exhausted his energy.

He decided that he wouldn’t randomly plant magic herbs anymore. If they matured, he’d
keep them in the field and dig them up when he needed space to plant new ones.

He hadn’t done this in a while. He was completely burned out.

Ling Xiao threw the last griddle to one side and scooped a cup of spiritual water from the
lake for You XiaoMo. After You XiaoMo drank it, he was battle ready once more.

Before leaving the dimension, You XiaoMo picked out some magic herbs from the ones he
had dug up to put into his storage and bring with him.

Ever since they had managed to successfully bid for the Heavenly Cauldron, he hadn’t had a
chance to try it out because the first floor really wasn’t secure enough. Their neighbors
would hear everything they did. The commotion from refining pills was too much to keep
unnoticed, so he had decided to test it out after the challenges.

Early next morning, everyone got ready for the day and headed confidently to arena four.
Chapter 436: Cheating Technique

Translated by Crystal of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

In the span of a few days, You XiaoMo and the others had already become famous.
So, the moment they arrived, the attention was focused on them, especially those
from the fifty to seventieth row from the left. That section was so excited that their
eyes felt like they were spitting fire.

Yan Hui and Cheng XiangRong came early and saved seats for them so that even
though they came late, they didn’t have to stand like everyone else.

Once You XiaoMo was seated, he realized that those people were still staring at him
and couldn’t help but question, “Are those people there our opponents? Why are
they still looking at us?” He was in his room the day before, so he didn’t know what
his opponent looked like.

Tian Xin, who was sitting in front, turned to say, “That’s them, although they’re all
from the fortieth floor, every one of them is sinister and crafty. When we went to
register, they had already heard about us, but that cannot be helped since every
year there are new students who are tough. Therefore, they pay close attention to
those particularly tough as to prevent themselves from getting chosen.”

You XiaoMo scratched his head, “How do you prevent something like this?”

Tian Xin snickered, “Of course you can, if you weren’t locked up in your room
yesterday, this kind of information was easy to obtain.”

“Then hurry up and tell me.”

Tian Xin lifted her delicate and petite chin to say, “If you call me big sis then I’ll tell
You XiaoMo didn’t know what to say, he knew that Tian Xin was only nineteen, so to
get him, a twenty-two-year-old to call her sis…he felt his goosebumps rising.

But right at this moment, his savior appeared, Ling Xiao, who sat beside him, slightly
opened his eyes and gave a unclear glance at Tian Xin while saying, “It probably
has to do with the lottery system.”

“Ah, that’s why!”

With just one sentence You XiaoMo figured it out, it was in the rules that if more than
three people challenge the same person then there would be a random draw at the
stage. Only the one who was drawn could have that chance to fight.

If these people knew who would be challenging them, then they could get people to
pretend to challenge them. The more people, the less likely they were to be picked.

Tian Xin pouted at little and looked towards Ling Xiao with blame, “However, that is
undesirable since its disrupting the rules and if the Xiao Yao Institution finds out,
there would be severe punishments. Because it was so harsh, no one would break it
unless they were sure they wouldn’t leave a trace.”

You XiaoMo thought to himself, he couldn’t be that unlucky right? Since he did want
to use these three attempts to get to the sixtieth floor.

It wasn’t long before the challenges began.

On the jade plate appeared the two hundred contestants for the first round, since the
number of participants was less than the lower floors, the names of Yan Hui, Tian
Xin, and Zhang LanYu were all on the list.

Tian Xin was already bustling with excitement so the moment she saw her name,
she jumped straight up.
Qiao WuXing said to her, “Tian Xin, once the match starts, you can’t be careless,
even if the opponents are weaker than you. Do you understand?”

Tian Xin spitted out her tongue in response, “I know, WuXing-gege.”

You XiaoMo had one hand supporting his chin while he thought. The three were
middle tier in their group, however, for someone from the fortieth floor, they would
completely overwhelm them. Take Tian Xin for example, her strength was that of a
high rank level seven mage, to fight against a level six mage, there would be no
reason for her to lose.

Zhang LanYu’s strength was unexpectedly high, he was a low rank level nine mage.

As for Yan Hui, he could never see through him, this person seemed to be careless
and straightforward but You XiaoMo always thought that he was a bit weird.
However, he was definitely a high rank level eight mage, certainly strong and would
have no problem getting to the seventieth floor.

The three opponents were not the strongest bunch of the floor, so their results were
similar to that of You XiaoMo, both of Yan Hui and Zhang LanYu’s opponents
forfeited. That was because they all had matches later on, except for Tian Xin’s

Her opponent had probably thought that since she was a girl and there was only a
one level difference that he still had a chance. However, he didn’t realize that under
that delicate appearance was a manly heart. With pure force she sent her opponent

You XiaoMo had already knew that the girl was strong, but he didn’t think it was this
ridiculous. The man who she sent flying was at least one hundred kg and yet she did
it effortlessly. It looked like that day when she patted him on the shoulder, she went
easy on him.

The girl who won the fight came running back jubilantly and blinked towards Qiao
Qiao WuXing couldn’t help but laugh while shaking his head. Him telling her to be
wary wasn’t because he didn’t trust her, but he was simply worried that the opponent
might pull something dirty.

“Easy peasy lemon squeezy. It was so easy!” When Tian Xin got back to her seat,
her pretty face looked like a flower with how much she was smiling.

Qiao WuXing didn’t know whether he should laugh or cry and said, “Tian Xin, you
are a girl, beware of your image.”

Tian Xin paid no attention, “WuXing-gege, look at the tournament, the jade plate’s
moving again. It's possible that you’re up next.”

Qiao WuXing shook his head.

Like she said, there was new names appearing on the jade plate. You XiaoMo was
paying close attention so he wouldn’t miss his name, since there were less matches
than for the twentieth floor, he had a pretty good chance of appearing. However,
when all the names were shown, his was still not there.

“That’s weird, You XiaoHa your opponents name is up there though.” Tian Xin, who
had a sharp eye, spotted the name Zhu Hong, who was You XiaoMo’s opponent.

Hearing her words, the group looked closer and as she said, on the thirty-third spot,
which was the arena number of You XiaoMo, had Zhu Hong’s name. However,
beside it, there was no name for a challenger.

“It’s a lottery, there is more than three people challenging Zhu Hong.” Jiu Ye spoke
up in his nonchalant tone.

You XiaoMo was dumbfounded, wasn’t Zhu Hong a powerhouse of the fortieth floor,
then why was there so many challenging him? Also, he arrived relatively late and at
that point he was the only challenger, logically speaking, this shouldn’t be the case.
Tian Xin had a muffled laugh as she covered her mouth, “You XiaoHa, it looks like
this Zhu Hong person doesn’t want to fight you.”

You XiaoMo rolled his eyes towards her and said, “Didn’t you say most people were
too afraid to break the rules?” This was annoying, how unlucky was he to come
across something like this.

Tian Xin objected, “However, this Zhu Hong is not typical, do you know of a Clean
Sweep Victory?Well, you probably don’t. In the Giganticus, there is a special rule
that says if you can win six matches in a row, with having opponents at a higher
level, then you can go straight up twenty floors. I heard that Zhu Hong was preparing
to challenge this rule and yesterday he already won against someone stronger, if he
lost to you here, then his record from before would be useless. The next time he
could challenge again would be in three months.”

Yan Hui continued while grinning, “The great disparity between you two is so large
that even if he won yesterday, there was no way he could win against you currently.”

You XiaoMo wanted to die, if he had known earlier he wouldn’t have picked him.
Even if it meant challenging the same person as Qiao WuXing that would’ve been
fine, but now it was all up to luck. His was going crazy just picturing being stuck at
the fortieth floor while everyone else went up to the sixtieth.

“Serves you right!” Qiao An’s gloating voice appeared expectedly.

You XiaoMo had expected that he would add insult to injury, so he just rolled his
eyes and pretended not to have heard anything. Then he leaned on Ling Xiao’s
shoulder and made a forty-five degrees sadness.

“Ling…Eh, do you think I will be picked?”

Ling Xiao said, “You just have to believe that you have a halo above you…”

You XiaoMo, “……” What, the main character halo?

The lottery was done in front of everyone, however, it wasn’t just Zhu Hong with
multiple challengers, so it took a while to get to him. Once it was Zhu Hong’s turn,
the audience suddenly became a lot quieter. The people here knew the context
better than Tian Xin did and also knew that to not fight You XiaoMo, he cheated.

Once Zhu Hong stood on top of the thirty-third arena, even though it was hard to tell
his expression due to the distance, You XiaoMo felt that this person here was in a
composed complacency.

You XiaoMo thought to himself, “Dage, you can’t just sacrifice me because you want
the Clean Sweep Victory, that’s unethical. If I’m not chosen, I’m fighting you for my
third chance, you got me? So if you got me then just be a good boy and pick me, I
won’t embarrass you, really!”

A little while later, the referee of the thirty-third arrived with a stack of paper.

In the referee’s hands were names of Zhu Hong’s challengers and all he had to do
was to choose one of the paper slips.

There were a total of elven paper slips, if You XiaoMo ‘stand out amongst the
crowd’, he had less than one tenth of a chance to do so. It was so low that most
people thought it was impossible, however that didn’t deny the fact that it was a
tense situation.

Most of the audience was focused on Zhu Hong.

The best part was, on a nearby stage, a pair also had a burning gossip spirit and
actually both called for a pause, so they could fight later. The referee was angered
to the point of laughing.

So, the referee walked over with the slips to Zhu Zhong, with the latter very casually
pulling one out.
Chapter 437: Perseverance

Translated by Rachel of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

You XiaoMo rubbed his hands nervously and stared hard at the piece of paper in Zhu Hong’s
hand. May the gods be with me, he prayed. Let the name on the paper be his, it must be.
He promised he would not despise the name You XiaoHa anymore in future.

“This fella is going overboard with the mystery and suspense.” TianXin also wanted to know
who Zhu Hong picked but after he got the slip of paper, his actions became very slow as if
he intended to create suspense for everyone and make them hungry for more.

Zhu Hong didn't look at the name on the paper slip. Instead, after he was satisfied with
having everyone’s eyes on him, he took his time to pass the paper slip to the referee. He
really didn't believe his luck was so bad that he would draw a name with less than ten
percent chance of being chosen.

The referee calmly received the paper slip and flipped it over to the back. His eyes shifted to
the other corner of the slip with the name written on it. When he saw the name on it, his
body suddenly shook slightly and an odd expression formed on his face.

This slight movement was immediately picked up by the crowd and soon, the area where
the spectators sat started to buzz with excited discussion.

“What is it, what is it, what does the referee’s expression mean? So did he get picked or

“What a hateful bunch of people. They only know how to create suspense and make us
hungry for more.”

“Haha, if he didn't do that how can he show this historic moment of tension. From what I
see, it's highly likely that he didn't get picked. The referee always likes to do things to
mislead others.”


Zhu Hong also became slightly nervous from the referee’s actions.

“How is it?” He asked.

The referee didn’t say a thing but he took out a mini jade plate.
Seeing that, the crowd immediately shifted their attention to the screen on the wall and
saw a name slowly appearing behind Zhu Hong’s name. You XiaoHa!

The crowd became silent...

“Yes! Fuck, he really got chosen.” Tian Xin excited voice broke the silence. She was even
more excited than You XiaoMo himself. Even the swear words came out.

Qiao WuXing covered his face in disgrace. This brat was really crazy.

You XiaoMo was so thrilled that he grabbed Ling Xiao’s arm tightly. He was too happy to
even speak and his hands trembled non-stop. The gods were actually standing on his side.

“Don't be to excited. This outcome is normal.” Ling Xiao held his wrist. Perhaps he was the
calmest of his them all. Even Jiu Ye’s cool expression cracked slightly. Clearly no one
thought You XiaoMo’s luck was that good.

On the side, An Qiao spat on the floor. What a lucky bastard he was! Less than one out of
ten chance of getting his name drawn and yet he got it! How infuriating!

“Impossible!” Zhu Hong, who had spent a lot of time and effort to prevent this, could hardly
accept this fact. The shock on his face couldn't be wiped off his face easily. He still hadn't
come around to the fact. He specially found ten people and even paid a small price for them
and the outcome was this!? Didn't it just mean that whatever he did was for nothing?!

Faced with Zhu Hong’s anger, the referee calmly handed him the paper slip in his hand.

“If you don't believe it, you can take a look at the result you personally picked.”

Zhu Hong didn't receive the slip of paper but he saw the name on the end of the slip. It was
indeed You XiaoHa’s name. Blood started to rush to his eyes.

Everyone thought that he was doing this for the Clean sweep victory but he wasn't. The real
reason behind it all was that he had an agreement with Ran Yu from the forty-third floor. If
he won all six challenges, Ran Yu promised to do Dual Cultivation with him. In order to have
Ran Yu, he was willing to go to any lengths to win. However, he never expected You XiaoMo
to suddenly pop up. Furthermore, he was also one of the strongest students that XiaoYao
Institute admitted this year.

Before You XiaoMo even challenged him, he already did his research on them. What he
concluded was that there were three high level mages who had multi-coloured souls among
the new students. If he had to compete with them, they didn't stand a chance winning. As
for the few strong ones, the odds of winning were slim. So to prevent that irreversible
situation from happening, he thought of a plan.

His actions did seem to violate the rules of the Institute but even if someone were to
investigate it, they wouldn't find anything.

The nine out of ten chance of not selecting You XiaoMo actually lost to that one-tenth.

Any normal person would find this hard to accept.

You XiaoMo happily walked up the ring and stood in front of Zhu Hong. Zhu Hong knew he
shouldn't take his anger out on his opponent but he couldn't help it. The way he looked at
him was as if he was facing his mortal enemy. He glared at him.

“I'm You XiaoHa, please take care of me and do give me advice.” You XiaoMo said

Zhu Hong was on the verge of vomiting blood. Give him advice! What did he have to teach?
It was clear he was bound to lose this match, he might as well concede defeat now. Then
again, that would be too shameful. If Ran Yu knew about that…

The referee standing at the side of the ring raised his hand an announced, “Begin.”

Zhu Hong opened his mouth to speak but an overwhelming surge of soul force swept
towards him. Directly in the path of the soul power, he bore the brunt of the attack. He felt
as if his body was crushed by unmovable mountains and it was in that moment Zhu Hong
truly felt the gap between You XiaoMo and himself. It was a gap that could not be
compensated by any means.

The laughter lines on the youth’s slightly childlike face faded, replaced with a stern look. His
standing posture slowly went into an attacking stance.

Zhu Hong subconsciously stepped back.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a mocking laughter.

The familiar voice slightly surprised Zhu Hong. He looked towards the direction of the sound
and saw a familiar face. He opened his mouth but he couldn't say Ran Yu’s name.

Standing among the spectator lots, Ran Yu looked down at him. The slightly downcast eyes
nicely hid the disdain and contempt in them. The people beside him might not have
noticed but Zhu Hong clearly saw it.

Zhu Hong only had this question in mind.

You XiaoMo raised his brows in astonishment. Following his line of sight, he saw a splendid
scene. It was a man who could be found with one look despite standing in a crowd. He
clearly was a man but he had features that were more bewitching than MaoQiu’s flirtatious
countenance. If he had to use one word to describe him, that would be a vixen.

At the moment, that vixen was looking at Zhu Hong condescendingly.

You XiaoMo reined in his aura and looked at Zhu Hong who seemed to have come undone.

“Dage, do you still want to fight?” You XiaoMo asked.

You XiaoMo looked at him and it was obvious he wanted to give up already.

Remaining silent for three seconds, Zhu Hong suddenly raised his head and stared at him
with bloodshot eyes.


Just after he finished saying that, his aura had an outburst and he shot towards You XiaoMo
like an arrow that just left the bow. His aura did indeed gave people a scare.

You XiaoMo thought he was prepared to give up. Never did he expect him to attack so
suddenly. While he might have been caught off guard, he easily grasped Zhu Hong’s attack
pattern. Zhu Hong was only charging towards him with brute force. You XiaoMo
immediately erected a soul barrier. Want to knock into something? Fine, he'd let him knock
into something.

Zhu Hong immediately shifted his body. He went around the soul barrier and tried to attack
You XiaoMo but he just casually flicked his Resonance Finger. His soul power cut through
the air and flew towards Zhu Hong like glowing silver needles. Zhu Hong didn't dodge it in
time and got hit on the shoulder. Dull pain punishingly assaulted his heart.

Zhu Hong kneeled down with one knee on the ground and cradled his injured shoulder. He
then stood up immediately and the soul power within him exploded once again. He then
continued to charge at You XiaoMo like a man on a suicide mission.

You XiaoMo raised his eyebrows in surprise. This guy couldn’t be...
Viewing the competition from the spectator seats was a whole other show altogether. Zhu
Hong’s perseverance could be seen. Time and time again, he tried to move the mountain
that was You XiaoMo but each time his efforts were in vain. The one who ended up all
battered and bloody was still himself.

The spectators near the ring watched the scene play out silently.

Many originally wanted to see Zhu Hong’s pathetic state after he got defeated but now,
they didn't know how to react. Both him and the spectators knew full well that he couldn't
win, but he still continued. Either he's foolish or too persistent!


Zhu Hong’s body was flung into the air and he landed heavily on the ground. A few seconds
later, he seemed like he still wanted to get up and fight, just like a cockroach that could
never be killed.

You XiaoMo walked forward and shouted at him with furrowed brows, “Hey, there's tons of
guys in the world. You don't have to be so hung up on one. It may not necessarily be your
loss if he doesn't like you back. You don’t have to do this yourself and make yourself feel
unworthy. You may not feel bothered but I'm getting annoyed right now with this shit.”

Kneeling with one knee on the ground, Zhu Hong spat out a mouthful of blood and turned
his head back in Ran Yu’s direction to take a look. That someone wasn't there anymore and
he didn't even know when he had left.

“You don't have to look anymore. He left much earlier on when you charged towards me.
How about this, you admit defeat now. Then I wouldn't have to kick you off the ring.” You
XiaoMo said.

Zhu Hong was stunned for a moment.

“Referee, he admitted defeat.” You XiaoMo immediately told the referee.

The referee was like, Do you think I'm dead?

Zhu Hong wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand and
agreed, “Yes, you're right, I concede defeat.”


The referee had no words for them.

You XiaoMo looked at the referee with all smiles on his face.

The referee then took a deep breath and declared You XiaoHa the winner.

And that, was how all the drama came to an end.

Chapter 438: The Backwards Dong Zhou

Translated by Kollumceti of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

With You XiaoMo this ‘cautionary tale’, Qiao WuXing and Jiu Ye’s matches were smooth to
the extreme. However, You XiaoMo did not go as their matches were in the afternoon, so
he had missed it.

After the matches ended, You XiaoMo ran to the thirty-fifth floor to confirm his opponent
for the third round and then he returned to the first floor with Ling Xiao. He did not need to
worry that what had happened today would occur again now. It could not be helped but be
said that luck could also shock the hearts of men and he believed that the people on the
sixtieth floor would probably not be like Zhu Hong and play the same trick.

In a crude and simple small room on the first floor.

You XiaoMo was fussing over the magic herbs that Ling Xiao had washed yesterday.

To be frank, it was washed clean. But in actual fact, he had just thrown the magic herbs into
a bucket of water to let the soil automatically drop off, and then he just fished it up and
placed it down and considered the job to be done.

How clean could it be in the end? More or less, there was still a bit of soil left on the roots
of the magic herbs. One needed to personally wash them off. Laziness of this extent really
incurred the hatred of both God and man.

You XiaoMo washed the magic herbs while complaining about a certain person.

You XiaoMo originally intended to stay in his room all day as there were no matches on the
second day. It just happened that he could use this time to tidy up the pile of magic herbs
that he had dug out yesterday. He had to do it all over again because of Ling Xiao’s

As for Ling Xiao, he left the XiaoYao Institution as he said that he had something to do.

The XiaoYao Institution was not a faculty where entry was on lock-down. No matter
whether there were matches or in normal times, one was able to enter and exit as one
pleased as long as they had the mage emblem.

Yan Hui dragged him out of his room after knowing that he was alone and said that he
wanted to bring him to take a look at the sixtieth floor. Since it would not be long before
they would enter the sixtieth floor, Yan Hui wanted to familiarize himself with it first.
You XiaoMo had already been dragged out of his room while he was pondering on how high
the odds of being able to successfully reject this invitation were. The rest of their year
mates had gone their separate ways and only the uncle was coming together with them.

“It’s just a place to stay, what’s there to see about it?” You XiaoMo helplessly injected.

“Of course it’s different.” Yan Hui looked back, “I’ve heard that the rooms on the sixtieth
are very big and beautiful, and there are two rooms – a bedroom and a living room. The
bed is so big that three people would not even it disdain for being squeezy. Furthermore, I
think that Tian Xin had mentioned that every floor would have a good thing on it.”

You XiaoMo replied, “Even if there’s a good thing, we are currently not residents of the
sixtieth floor. We still wouldn’t be able to see it even if we go ba.”

“Could it be that you’ve forgot the incident with the Time Wall?” Yan Hui looked at him
incredulously with an exaggerated expression.

You XiaoMo paused for a moment, he had really forgotten about it.

Yan Hui knew that he had guessed it correctly with a single look at his face and sighed, “The
Time Wall is on the sixtieth floor. You can go to the Time Wall at any time as you got the
Rainbowed Pill during the assessment.”

“So you guys are preparing to bring me to the Time Wall now?”

“We also want to know how the Time Wall looks like ma. It’s just as well since you also
don’t know what it looks like, so...”

So they dragged him over with them for a look.

You XiaoMo had even thought that they really wanted to bring him out for a stroll around.

Cheng XiangRong, who was at the side, very carefully eyed him, “Are you angry?”

You XiaoMo, “No.” Uncle, don’t be so sensitive, these kind of matter is not worth being
angry over. However, he had always been quite curious about what kind of place could
produce such a character like uncle. Since he was thinking about this, he just asked, “Uncle,
where are you from?”

Cheng XiangRong did not expect that he would ask about this and was startled, “I come
from Dong Zhou.”
You XiaoMo raised his eyebrow in surprise, “Such a coincidence, Yan Hui is also from Dong

Dong Zhou was a region in the Tong Tian Continent which had yet to be civilized. The
people that resided in Dong Zhou were the Tong Tian Continent’s original inhabitants who
had a very long history. They were considered to be a group blessed by the heavens, but
they clung very strongly to their ideologies and with more and more people coming from
other realms, it developed to the indigenous citizens migrating to Dong Zhou in the end.
Thus, it was labeled as ‘uncivilized’.

Yet, many experts had emerged from Dong Zhou even though their ideologies were
different. For example, two people of the Ten Gods of the Tong Tian Rankings were from
Dong Zhou.

Cheng XiangRong brightened upon hearing that Yan Hui was also from Dong Zhou. He
excitedly clasped Yan Hui’s hand, “Fellow townsman, I never thought that I would actually
see another person like me who also came from Dong Zhou. I’m so happy.”

Yan Hui was embarrassed and was a little uncomfortable with his staring, “Ah yes, I also did
not expect this. It’s such a surprise.”

“I’m from the Shuixi Tribe in Dong Zhou, how about you?” Cheng XiangRong met his fellow
townsman and became a chatterbox. His entire person became much livelier.

“Eh, I’m from the Guma Tribe.”

Probably because Cheng XiangRong was too enthusiastic, Yan Hui was stunned into silence

Cheng XiangRong happily gushed, “The Guma Tribe is Dong Zhu’s most powerful tribe. I
know that several brilliant and famous experts on the Tong Tian Rankings are from the
Guma Tribe. Yan Hui, you will certainly be very strong later.”

Yan Hui scratched his head and drily laughed, “I hope so.”

“But this is really great. I didn’t expect that there would also be two mages with rainbow
souls emerging from Dong Zhou at once. This had never happened in the past.” Cheng
XiangRong suddenly sighed again.

“What do you mean by that?” You XiaoMo, who was at the side, finally spoke. Though he
had not been to Dong Zhou, he could image that Dong Zhou should be an extremely vast
region. With such a long history, it ought to be unlikely that they would not even have one
mage with a rainbow soul.
Cheng XiangRong explained, “It’s because the mages in Dong Zhou are very rare. Majority of
the physiques of our tribe members and other tribes are only suited for cultivation, and
there are almost none who are suited for refining pills. Taking the Shuixi Tribe as an
example, mages practically take up less than one in ten thousand and not all who are
suitable for refining pills are able to become high level mages, leading to our tribe to be
relatively backwards and weak.”

You XiaoMo nodded even though he did not really understand and looked at Yan Hui, “Then
Guma Tribe is also facing this type of situation?”

Yan Hui paused for a moment before he said, “Not quite so, the situation in Guma Tribe is a
little better than the Shuixi Tribe’s.”

“Because there are more experts?”

“This is only one of the reasons.” Cheng XiangRong continued, “The reason why Shuixi Tribe
would fall behind actually has some relations to ideologies. You may not know much about
the history of the Tong Tian Continent. Many tribes in Dong Zhou actually look down on the
people who came from other realms, so they rarely have dealings with outsiders. But Guma
Tribe was different. Although they did not have a lot of mages like us, they were willing to
have dealings with outsiders.”

You XiaoMo understood it now. It was because they were resting complacently on their
laurels. This type of situation was a little similar to the Qing Dynasty’s circumstances. The
Qing Dynasty was unwilling to keep up with the times and always abided by the same old
practices. In the end, others progressed while and they regressed.
t/n: Qing dynasty is the last imperial dynasty of China, ruling from 1944 to 1912.

Cheng XiangRong admitted, “I came here because I’ve always wanted to change this sort of
situation. I originally thought that only I would have this sort of thinking, never did I think
that Yan Hui was also the same as me. Don’t you think it’s really great?”

Yan Hui who had been arbitrarily defined could only give a hollow laugh. He really could not
bear that bright and fervent expression that Cheng XiangRong was directing at him.

You XiaoMo, “In that case, do your best. I’m sure that you’ll be able to accomplish your
dream one day.”

Cheng XiangRong happily nodded. He had a very favorable impression of You XiaoMo and
hearing You XiaoMo’s encouragement made him even happier. It was really good that he
had friends to share in this joyous feeling!
When they had finished talking, the three had already walked to the sixtieth floor.

Comparing the floors based on hygiene, the first floor was the territory of a group of
chickens while the sixtieth floor was like a three star hotel.

It was really quite good though it was not as exaggerated as what Yan Hui had said.

“It is said that the Time Wall in on the Southwest side of the sixtieth floor, which is also
where the teachers and elders live in. I’ve asked around about it yesterday. I’ll bring you
guys over.” Yan Hui finished speaking and started walking in front of them to lead the way

They had finally reached their destination after walking for about half an hour.

The area that the teachers and elders were living in was the same as the sixtieth floor, being
neither extravagant nor simple. It was only that both inside and out were imbued with a
strict ambience.

A teacher saw them and coldly instruced, “This is not a place where you guys can enter.”

Yan Hui immediately smiled apologetically, “Teacher, we’re here to look for the Time Wall.”

The teacher frowned, “The Time Wall is not open to unauthorized personnel.”

“Oh no,” Yan Hui pointed at You XiaoMo and explained, “We are this year’s new students,
he is called You XiaoHa.”

The teacher’s gaze fell onto You XiaoMo. The alienation in his eyes changed to a measuring
gaze. He had indeed heard of this name previously. The top brass had already informed
them that You XiaoHa was this year’s lucky person before they had become students of
XiaoYao Institution. He glanced at You XiaoMo, “You’ll come with me. The other two will
wait here.”

Yan Hui had originally wanted to follow, so he was promptly disappointed when he heard

Cheng XiangRong said, “XiaoHa, we will wait for you here.”

You XiaoMo’s figure lightly swayed for a moment. Be calm, you’ve already said that you
want to acknowledge this name. Even if someone intimately calls you HaHa, you also have
to accept it. He nodded at the two and followed after the teacher.
After five minutes, they stopped in front of a pagoda-shaped building.

The pagoda appeared to be about twenty meters tall, but the specific height could not be
determined as the golden pagoda directly penetrated through the ceiling. It was golden-
bright and dazzling, and was just like the pagoda held in the hand of the pagoda bearing
god, Li Jing.

The teacher pointed at the pagoda and said to him, “The Time Wall is inside, you can go in.”
t/n: Li Jing, also known as Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li is a figure in Chinese mythology
and a god in Chinese folk religion. He carries a small pagoda that can capture any spirit,
demon or god within its walls.

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