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) it 1s rellexIve
of two refleXiv..
(iv) The union
() it 1s sVmmetrie
( ) 1t is
transitive reflesive. relations (d) fetexy

11. If R is a
relation. uniOn of two0 sVmmetric
eg:R x|| yis an equivalence (v) The
sVmmetric. relations elements,
Some Important Points two trasitive

(i) The inverse of an

equivalence relation is
(vi) The union of
not be transitive. relations
always an equivalence relation. 12. Let X be.
on X defi
Exercise 15

eguivalence relations 5. The relation R - {(1 1), (Z, 2). (3, 3), (1. 2
1. The intersection of two A = {1, 2, 3) is
(2, 3), (1, 3)} on setsymmetric 13. The void
(a) reflexive but not
(a) an equivalence relation transitive
(b) reflexive but not
(b) reflexive and symmetric but not transitve transitve
(C) symmetric and
(c) symmetric and transitive but not reflexive transitive
(d) retlexive and trans1tive but not symmetric (d) neither symmetric nor
2. If A and B have n elements in common, then GA relation o from C to R is defined b 14., The relat
the number of elements common to (A X B) x oy x= y. Which one of the followin of a set
and (B x A) is is correct ?
(a) n (a) (2 + 31) o 13 (b) 3 o(-3)
(b) n! (c) (1+ )o2 (d) o1
15. LetRE
(c) n/2 R =R
(d) n
7. Let A be the non-void set of the children in
1a retle
family. The relation 'x is a brother of y on!
3. Let Rbe a relation on the set I of all integers, is
defined by R, :(a - b) is divisible by 3. (a) reflexive (b) symmetric 16. Let
Then, R is (C) transitive (d) None of these Then
(a) an equivalence relation la ref
(b) reflexive and symmetric but not transitive 8. If R= {(x, y) : x' + y' <4 and x , ye Z}i
IC tran
(c) symmetric and transitive but not reflex1ve a relation in 2, then domain of R is
(d) None of the above (a) {0.1.2} (b) {0 -1, -2} 17. For re
(c) {-2, - 1,0. 1.2} (d) None R
4. If R is a relation from a finite set A having m
elements to a finite set B having n elements, 9. Let Sbe the set of all straight lines in a plane Then.
then the number of relations from A to Bis Arelation Ris defined on S by R, la) re
(a) 2 then R is
(b) 2" -1 (a) reflexive but neither Symmetric nor transitive
(c) 2rmn (b) symmetric and transitive but not retlexive
(d) m? (c) reflexive and symmetric but not
(d) an equivalence relation
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NDA Algebra - 23
29 A
and B are two sets having 3 and 5 elements 45. If R be a relation < from A = {1,2,3, 4} to
respectively and having 2 elements in B= {1, 3, 5), i. e., (a, b) e R iff a<b, then
common. Then the number of elements in RoRis
Ax B i
(a) {(1, 3). (1, 5). (2. 3). (2, 5). (3, 5). (4, 5)}
(a) 6 (b) {(3. 1), (5. 1). (3.2). (5.2). (5 3). (5 4)}
(b) 36 (c) {(3. 3). (3. 5). (5. 3). (5. 5))
(c) 15 (d) {(3, 3). (3, 4). (4, 5)}
(d) None of these 46. The relation R defined on set
40. In a sets of ants in a locality, two ants are A= (x: x |<3, xe z} by
said to be related iff they walk on a same R= {(x. y): y = |x |) is :
straight ine, then the relation is (a) {(-2.2). (- 1.1). (0, 0). (1. 1). (2,2))
(a) reflexive and symmetric (b) ((-2.2).(-2, -2). (- 1,1). (- 1, - 1). (0. 0)
(b) symmetric and transitive (1, -2). (1,2). (2. - 1). 2. -2)}
(c) reflexive and transitive (c) {(0. 0,) (1. 1). (2,2))
(d) None of the above
(d) equivalence
|41. Let Y =(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), A = {1, 2}, B = (3, 4, 5) 47. N is the set of natural numbers. The relation
and o denote the null set.. If A x B denotes R is defined on N×N as follows
(a, b) R(c, d) a+d=b + cis
the cartesian product of sets A and B, then (a) reflexive
(Y x A) n(Yx B) is (b) symmetric
(a) Y (b) A (C) transitive
(c) B (d) o (d) all of these
42. On the set of human beings a relation R is 48. A relation R is defined on the set Z of
defined as follows: integers as follows :
"aRb iff a and b have the same brother". Then R, m+nis odd. Then R is
R is (a) reflexive (b) symmetric
(a) only reflex1ve (c) transitive (d) all of these
(b) only symmetric
(c) only transitive 49. Which of the following statements is not
correct for the relation R defined by R, if a

(d) equivalence
and only if b lives within one kilometre from
(43 If A and B are two sets such that a?
(b) R is symmetrIC
n (A n B) = 9, n (A n B) = 10 (a) R is reflexive
(d) None of the above
and n (AUB) = 24, then n(Ax B) is equal to (c) R is anti symmetric
relation R is defined
50. On the set A of integers,
(a) 105
multiple of
as", R, a+ 2b is an integralstatements is
(c) 70 following
3". Which one of the
(d) None of these correct for R?
44. The relation "less than" in the set of natural (a) R is only symmetric
numberS is (b) R is only retlexive
(a) only symmetric (C) R is only transitive relation
(b) only transitive (a) R is an
(C) only retlexive
(d) None of these

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