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The Focus Question for this session is "How does my mission inform how I respond to the

reality of racism?"

The focal inquiry of this session, "How does my mission inform how I respond to the reality of

racism?", prompts a critical examination of personal and societal roles in addressing racial

inequities. Despite its recurrent nature, the query on eradicating racism warrants revisiting,

especially concerning the persistent origins of these injustices. The challenge lies in rectifying

historical injustices and dismantling systemic structures that perpetuate discrimination.

Dean G. Marcus Cole's poignant reflection, "I am George Floyd. Except, I can breathe. And I can

do something," encapsulates the profound impact of racism on individuals and their

communities. His narrative illustrates the enduring legacy of racial discrimination, stemming

from historical legacies such as slavery, colonialism, and socio-political dominance. Racism,

rooted in an inability to appreciate diversity and embrace inclusivity, has manifested in systemic

biases and prejudicial attitudes, perpetuating disparities and injustices across societies.

To combat racism effectively, it is imperative to acknowledge and address its historical

antecedents. This entails fostering awareness, empathy, and cultural competency through

education and dialogue. Furthermore, proactive measures are required to challenge

discriminatory practices and policies, advocating for systemic reforms that promote equity and

social justice.

Creating inclusive communities necessitates amplifying marginalized voices, fostering

collaboration across diverse perspectives, and championing equitable access to opportunities and

resources. By prioritizing anti-racist initiatives and advocating for structural change, individuals
and institutions can contribute to dismantling systems of oppression and advancing towards a

more equitable society.

Dean Cole's experiences underscore the urgency of confronting racism and its pervasive impacts.

No individual should endure discrimination or fear for their safety based on their race. By

prioritizing racial equity and fostering a culture of inclusivity, we can collectively strive towards

a future where all individuals are valued, respected, and empowered to thrive.

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