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TRUE ASTROLOGY Basic & Traditional Concepts tT C4 Enlarged S P Khullar TRUE ASTROLOGY "BASIC AND TRADITIONAL CONCEPTS’ (Mevised and Enlarged) S.P. Khullar LTS. GM. Telecommunications (Rid) Publications SP lar Acknowledgment First ofall 1 fc greatly indebed to all the ato hose imesolute faith nthe sacred knowledge of Ast ‘pon ny psyche like Satumom Mas in Capscorn Man os upter In Cancer and Mars on Sun in Aries, In depth study ofthe th Gof Nadi Literature enkindled in me the trae love and devotion Asiology. Mr. Saurabh Sagar of Sagar Publications rovided oe this erature owe my since thanks to him Twos nen sons Me Manish and Mc Mohit owe my grata tery ip Ry single mindod devotion wo Astology Toler ny eeapes fetes motivation wuld fave not been peo weg Bock Til fi in 7 press my gratitude to Me. RS, Ghani foris Contents Title Hind Euan Fundamentals of Ast Regression & Combustion of Planets Zola and its Division Casting the Rashi Chart The Houses and hee Significations Behaviour of Plane Vinsotari Dasa Introduction Me Me Asloger Ii in fact the dogma Ma an sine approach ofthe pactonss SPteelogy. which elted in creating d fhe minds ofthe people about is efficacy. soley ilsemain an enigmaif the | me ii nd thr minds clos ito the elites we to discriminate. Its SP. Khullar ke Ca Jang Sephari, Alan Leo, Walter us Carr vente Navara Chart (sidan aly anh 1 sa diferent matter bow t0 analyse this uence and apply ito predistive Astrology. People pene things hacause they Laws of science are universal We 6o not sy American o Indian [nsf Motion, Howeverinasrology nobis agrees anything. eistime, rind, to come to an greet, atleast in respect oft metal principles. Tre are 0 many misundestandiags that if arafcal change snot nade, the fundamental role of Atlogy will ‘ifort my books undrthe Title “TrveAsrolgy” wo preset before the reer how to approach the subject of Astrology i a sictic way. The reader's dedication, devotion andthe open-minded inpoach wil bring rewards, However, lus not forget that our sucess in predistion largely dependant onthe accuracy ofthe tare, which we use forte caleuaion of planstary and cuspal stn and also te accuracy’ ofthe bth dat, which more often than not is questionable The book True Astrology “Basic and Trudtional Concepts" is written withthe intention to prepare the genuine readers ft the sacred science of Astrology to comprehend with ease the Kalama snd CospalIntrlinks Theorie. Hindi Equivalents ‘The Planets-Graha English Name Hindi Name Move Chana M Mangal Kuja Mer Buda a Briaspati, Gur Vens Suk Sst stu Rats (Dragon's Head) Rah Ket (Dragon's Tai Ketw ‘The Signs-Rashi glish Name Hindi Name Tiers esha Cerin shuns Miscellaneous Terms English Hindi Equivalent Ati nd Azimuth inatans ad D Chapter 1: Cetesal Egat Vishvat Reka Fundamentals of Astrénomy Celestial Longitude and Latitude Bhogansh and Vikshep Celestial Sphere kh Declination (Graha ka drikpoat ie Ravi Marg or Ket Vi Introduction arcenvich Aosat Sama . Astrology is the study ofthe influence ofthe celestial bodies on life on Earth. Our solar system consists of Sun, around whie planets Satur, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury revolve in elliptical orbits. Moon asatelite of Earth and revolves around Ean Since Moon plays an important olen Astrology, itsalso ‘onsidere forall practical purposes a Plant. Since the Moon's ‘biti inctnedto the plane of clic he apparent orbit of Sun ites the Eclptic during its revolution ato opposite points These point aealled Rahu and Ketu and they a also tested ‘splane's in Hindu Astroiogy. Since these ae only intersection Points and don’t possess any mas, they are called as shadowy tale raha ka sayan, Rekha Northem Celestial Hemisphere UitariKhapoas Obiique Ascension Rashi Maan recession of Equinox Vishay Ayan Veh Ptigeman Gra ka Vshovaansh Right Ascension and Dectnation _Vishivaanshand Dikpat Sidra Pei Naksbatra Kaal Planets. To understand how planets influence life on Earth, itis Siderel Year Salsa Ya tcstive to INakshatra Din Aston Astronomical Basies Poles: Ear the I center oft Sphere. The ter.

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