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- -·- · CIRCULAR
Heavier-than- Air

Published by the Director of Air Service, Washington, D.C.

February 9, 1920 . VOL. 1, NO. 7


The U. S. Ai r Service doe s not use the ti tle "Ace" in referring to those
who are credited officially with five or more victories over enemy aircraft.
It is not the policy of the Air Service to glorify one particular branch of
aer onautics, aviat ion, or aerostation at the expense of another. ·~ * *
The work of observa tion and bombardment is considered equally as
hazardous as that of Pursuit, but due to the fact tha t the Observation and
Bombardment pilots a re not called upon merely to destroy enemy aircr aft ,
it should not be allowed to ai d in establishing a popular comparison of
results merely by relative victories. - - Extract of l etter, Director of
Air Service , January 5, 1920.

{,j\Sl8/\!Un UlOQ0\1
f, JOl!OdaQ•UON

·, Ufll\OJ8 qdtl?lJ

U-804,A,C.,Rev .7/22/31
Franc o , Septe!Ilb~r 9, J.918,
NO . )
1. The folloTiing ;-ri ll govorn in giving offici a l credit to aviators of
Ame rican E.F. for enemy aircraf t brought dmm .
( a ) Every onomy airpl an e _or ball oon nhich, as a r esult of a n aeria.l com-
. be.t lands or ·.falls ·:ii t:1in our orrn lin;:rn wili' be considor ed ao havi ng
boon b r ought · doTin. Every enemy e.ircra ft so de stroyed in on omy t or-
ri tory i7ill :tikewis o b0 cons idor 0d as h a ving boon brought dom1 .
(b) Enemy a irpla nes forc e d to l a nd on enemy territory as the r esult .of
combat and whi ch ma..'\;;:e nor~al· landings will not be considered as
having b een br ought dmm .
(c) In order t hat offici a l cr edit may b e given for en emy aircraft
brought domi one or moro ,;,,T itten confirma tions,in addition to the
r eports of tho comba t ant s,must b e made to the proper ' authority,by :-
( 1) Pil ots or observers who were ob servers of the combat • .
(2) . Pilots or observers who s aw on the gr ound at the point st ated
by those who cla i med the ~i-c tory , debris from suc:1 enemy a ir-
(3) · From balloon observers ,-rho ,1i tnessed the f a c ts ~
( 4 ) Ey observers _at .A.nti-aircra.H ob s erva tion p osts.
(5) From ground observers of any sort. And
( 6 ) Ey the declarat ions of enemy prisoners.
2. Enemy aircraft brought a.own and confi r me d should be credit ed to
ever y one who has contributed to t his r esult. To the pilot of mono-pla c e ma-
chines nhich have achiev ed · tlie victory; to both p ilot a nd observ:e;,r i n v ictor-
ious b i-pla ce ma chin 0s , and for airplanes carry i ng more than t ,76 i h' ·th.o · crev.r;
to the pilots and to such ob serve rs and machine gunners as may have taken
part in the combat i7i t h the en emy plane. at tho time when it was'br ought dorm .
3. The names of th e offi c e rs and men in the Air Servic e Tiho a re on ti.-
tled to official credit f or h aving brought dmm enemy a ircraft will be fur -
nished about the first a n d 15th of each r:1onth to th e s e Headquarter s .
Ey ·comma n d of Ge neral Per shing:
Official: JAMES ·; ;. Mc.A1'TDREI,
ROBERT C. DAVI S, Cllief of Staff • .
Adjut~nt General .
210 . 6 2nd Ind .
C.A .S., Arnericl;l,n E. l'., Septemb er 3 , 191 8 . - To the Chief of Staff , GHQ,.,
.American E.F.
1. It is believed. t h at no ,such .order should be published by the 1st .Army.
If authority uere grant ed by the Comma::1.ding Ge nerals .of :di.fferent Ar.mies to pub-
lish like orders t hey would in general b e somerrhat di f ferent one from t he other,
and t his ;-,ould cause con fusion. . , .'~;
2 . It is believe d t hat it would b e ~7ell to have the regulatio11s uJ1der··
credit is given for bringing do11n eneh1y aircraft pub lish ed by He adquart ers .Amer-
ican E.F. ,in order that they mi ght be ' uniform f or a ll of tne. .American Forces .
3 . Su ch a sugge s ted order, ,-rhich' differs but sli ghtly .i rom t he one it 1.7as
propos e d should be i ssued by. t he 1st .Army , is a t t ached here·iri th.
2 atts . .. Mason· M. Patrick .
MMP/ a:rrr U- 804 ,A.C. ,Rev .7/22/31 Ma jor-General, IT.A.
The list herein is t bat of the nu..~oer . of enemy aircraft destroyed from the
air in combat by pil ots and obs ervers of . the U.S. Air Servi ce , A.J:,F., in the
'i"iorld ;7ar . Cognizance is talcen of only those 11 victor i es 11 actua lly confirmed by
r epor ts f:r om the British, French, · Italian Governm.::mts and Gcnere.l Orders of the
U.S. First and Second Armies.
This list does not include victories obtained by me:r.1bers of the U.S. Air
Service p rior to their becoming such whi l e in the service of Alli ed countries.
It does not include the three enemy airplanes destroyed FR.rn;i THE GROUJ:7Il
by fi r e of the 2nd and 6th U.S. Balloon Companies •
.Al1 addition of the victorie s listed herein does not furnish the number of
enemy aircraft destroyed, . due to the fact that the Air Service me thod of credit-
ing gave each person who participated in co:r.1bat one victory. Thus , if three
•.1ere concerned in one fight to the d e struction of one en:emy airplane each United con1batant 11ould be credited i'li th one victo ry, i:f properly confirI:Jed, but
the enemy loss would still be but one airplane~

T:1e follm:ring are the nruues of those who won 11 victories 11 a gainst enemy
airpl m.1es and balloons, with the numbers of the last squadrons of Yrhich they
rrere mer.1bers. The figures u.,.,.der the colurnn 11 .Airplanes 11 and 11 Ball oonsll repre-
sent the viG tories officially credited, that is to say, only those nhich ,crere
confirned in orders. '.:1bere a na:r.1e is marked ,1i th an asterisk ( *) it n ill be
not·ed the bearer was killed in conbat. "R~A. F, 11, 11 Ind. A~F. 11 , 11 French 11 , and
It a lian 11 , denote that such men of the U.S. Air Service ssrved as individual
raer.1be rs attach ed to the Royal Air Force (:British), Independent Ai r Force
(:British), French and Italian Air Services, respe ctively


Last Air- Eal-
Rank Organization planes loons Total

Rickenb a cker, Edw. v•• Colu.u1bus , Ohio Captain 94 21 4 25

*Lu1ce, Frank, Phoenix, .A rizona ·.2nd Lt. 27 4 14 18

Vauglm, George .i • ' Erookly11, jJ. y. 1st Lt. 17 12 1 13

Kindley, Fi'eld E., Gravette, lU'k. Captai n 148 12 12

Springs, Elliott Yi. , Lancaster, s.c. Captain 148 12 12

Landis, Reed G,, Chi cago , Ill. Captain 25 9. 1 10

*Putnam, David E., Brookline, Mass. 1st Lt. 139 10 10
S,,aab, J acques M. ' Philadelphia, Pa. Captain 22 10 ,- 10
*Hai,1il ton, r.,loy d A. , Burlington, Vt. 1st Lt. 17 6 ;.3 9
·,fright t Chester E.' Canb ridge, Mass , 1 st Lt . 93 8 l 9
:Baer, Paul F., Fort ·,7ayne, Ind. 1st Lt. 103 9 9
Cassady, Thomas G,'~- \
Spencer, Ind. Captain 28 9 9

Hunter, Frank0 1 D.. , Savannah, Ga. 1st Lt. 103 8 8

Clay , Henry R., Jr.' Fort ·,; orth, Texas ; 1st Lt. 148 8 8
*Coolidge, Hanlil ton, Boston, Mass. Ca ptain 94 5 3 8
Creech , Jesseo., ·;fashingt on, D. c. 1st Lt. 148 8 8
Donaldson, John Owen, Washington, D.C; Captain · R.A.F, 8 8
:Erwin, ~7illiaTTI P, ; Chisago, Ill. 1st Lt. 1 8 8
•. - 2 - U-804,A,C.,Rev.7/22/31
Last Air- Bal-
Rank Organization planes loons Total
Jones, Clinton, San Frai!cisco , Calif. 2nd Lt.- 22 8 8
Meissner, James A., Brooklyn, N.Y. Major 94 7 1 8
·'*.i"ihite, °liilbur Wallace, N~w York, N.Y. 1st Lt. 147 7 1 8

Biddle, Chas • .J., Philadelphia, Pa. Major 13 7 7

Burdick, Howard, :Brooklyn, N.Y. 1st Lt. 17 7 7
Chambers, Reed M. , · Memphis, Te1m. Major 94 6 1 7
Cook, H. ~7eir, Toledo, Ohio Captain 94 3 4 7
Holden, Lansi1:1g C., New York, i)i. Y. 1st Lt. 95 2 5 7
La rner, G. DeFreest, New York, N.Y. Captain 103 7 7
Rob ertson, ·;7endel A., Fort Smith, .Ark. 1st Lt, 139 7 7
RUi"TIIllel, Leslie J., Herrark, "tJ,J. 1st Lt. 93 7 7
*Schoen, Karl J., Indianapolis, Ind. 1st Lt, 139 .7 7
Sewall, Sumner, Bath~ Me. Captain 95 · 5 2 7
Stovall, ",iilliam H., Stovall, Miss. 1st Lt. 13 7 7

*Beane, James D., Concord, Mass. 1st Lt. 22 6 6

Brooks, .Arthur R~, Farrningharo, Mass. Capt a in 139 · 5 · 6
Campbell, Douglas., .Mount Hamilton, Calif. Captain . 94 6 6
Curtiss, Ed~ard Pr, Rochester, N.Y. Captain 95 6 6
Easterbrook, ~\rth1µ' ' E, 1st Lt, l 6 6
Guthrie, Murray K.. , Mobile, Ala. 1st Lt. 13 Q_' 6
Hammond, Leonard C,, San : Francisco, Cal if.Captain 91 6 · 6
Hays. Frank K., Chicago, Ill. 1st Lt .. 13 6 6
Knotts, Howard C., Carlinville, Ill. 2nd Lt~· .17 6 6
Lindsay, Robert O., .Madison, N.C. 1st Lt. 139 6 6
McArthur, John K., ~erett, ~ash. 2nd Lt. 27 • 6 6
Ponder, ',7illia."TI T. MQllgt.Un, . Okla. 1st Lt. 103 6 6
"·Porter, Kem1eth L., Dowagiac, Mich. 2nd Lt. 147, 6 6
- Stenseth, Martinus, T;\7in ·valley, Minn. Captain 28 6 6
Tobin, Edgar G., Sa~ Antonio, Texas Captain 103 6 6
Vasconcelles, Jerry C., Denver, Colo. Ca.ptai n 27 9 6
Vernam, Remington De B., New York, ·N.Y. 1st Lt. 22 3 6

Badham, William T., Birmingham, Ala. 1st Lt. 91 5 5

Bair, Hilbert L., New York City, N.Y. 1st Lt. R.A.F. 5 5
Bissell, Clayton L., Kane, Pa. Capt..ain ' 148 5 5
Buckley, Harold R., Agawam, Mass. Captain 95 4 1 ·5
Cook , Everett R., San Francisco, Calif, Captain 91 5 5
Furlow, George \7., Rochester, Minn. 1st Lt. 103 5 5
Geor ge, Harold H. , Niagara Falls, N, Y. 1st Lt. 139 5 5
Gray, Chas! G., Chicago, Ill. Captain 213. 4 l 5 ght, EdwardM., Astoria, N.Y. 1st Lt. 139 5 5
Healy, James A., Jersey City , N.J. Captain 147 5 5
Knowles, James, Cambridge, ·Mass. 1st Lt. 95 5 ·5
Luff, Fr ederick E., Cleveland, Ohio 1st Lt. 25 3 2 . ,.5
0 1 NeiI1, Ralph A., Nogales, Ariz. 1st Lt. 147 5 5
Owens, J. Sidney, Baltimore County,,Md, 2nd Lt. 139 5 );! ,
Ralston, Orville A., Lincoln', Nebr. 1st Lt. 148 5 5
Strahm~ Victor H., Bowling Green, Ky. Major 91 5 5
Seerley, John J., Chicago, In.: 1st Lt. 13 5 5

- 3 U-804,A.C.,Rev,7/22/31
Last Air- Bal -
Harne Rank organization plane s loons -
To dd , Rob ert M.' CincLmati, Ohio 2nd Lt, 17 4 1 5
*iel'mer, Joseph Fritz, Everett, Mass. 1st Lt . 27 5 5
·,vill i ams' Rodney D., ·.vaukasha, W:i: s, 1st Lt, ·17 ·_4 1 5


Bac~s, David H. 1st Lt. 49 4 4

Beverly, Belmont F. Captain 96 4 4
Bri dgman , Raymond C. Captain. 139 4 4
Campbell , Jes se F, Captain . 17 3 1 4
*Campbell, Morton L. 1st Lt. 17 4 4
Dawson, Leo. H. 1st Lt. . :J.66 3 1· 4
Dillon, Paul R. 1st Lt, .24 4 4
D1 01ive, Charles R, 1st Lt, 9~ 4 4
Este, J. Dickinson Captain 13 4 4
Font aine, ~ugh L, 1st Lt . 49 4 4
Garvie, Hugh A. 1st Lt,, 139 4 4
Guthrie, R!:l,ymond H. 2nd Lt. 11 4 4
Harding, Lov,ell s. :1st Lt. 93 4 "4
Heater , c:1as. L. Captain 11 4 4
Jones, Arthur H. 1st Lt, 147 4 4
Kaye , Samuel, Jr. Captain . 94 4 4.
Keating , James A. Ma.ior R.A.F. 4 4·
Lee, John B., III 2nd Lt. 24 4 4
Manning , James F •' Jr . ls.t Lt •. 49 4 -4.
Maughan, Russel L. 1st Lt • . . 139 4 4
Oatis, Vincent P. 1st L:t • 11 4 4 Chas. P. 2nd Lt.• 147 4 4
Richa!'dson, James M. 1st.. Lt •. 1 L:l: 4
Schaelf fer_, H. lst' ·Lt, . Fr ench ,1 4
Shelby , Richa rd D. Captain 139· '1 4
*Shoemaker, Har old G, 1st Lt . 1.7 4 ·4
Sieper , Frederick E. 2nd Lt . 9], 4 4
Simonds, Francis M. 1st Lt. 147 L± 4
Sperry, John A. 1st :Lt. 22 4 .4
Tyndall, Frank B. Captain 22 ,1 . ·4 ·:
Weatherhead , Albert J. , . J r. 1s t Lt, . 95 1 3 4
*Wick s , Gl enn D. 1st Lt. 17 ":1: 4
Wyl y, Laurence T. . 1st Lt , 148 L1 4


Abernathy, Thos . J. 1st Lt• 1,17 3 3 .

Av,.ery, Walt er ~,.
1st L"' . L,. 95 2 1 3
Bai:er, Hobo.rt A,H8 Captain .141 3 3
Baucom, Byrne V9 Capt ain 1 3. 3
Brewer, 1·e ightoi1 1st .Lt-.. . 13 3 3
*Brotherton,, Wm. E. • 2nd. Lt, . 117 2 1 3
Converse , Robert R. s. 1st · Lt. , : . 13 3 3
Corl ey , J ames w. ,211a .Lt . 1, 3 3
Di ekema , i'ii llis A. Capt a in ·'. 91 3 3
· ,.' - ·.l: - U-80·:l:,A.C. , Rov.7/22/31
· Last Air- Bal-
Rank organization planes loons .Total

Douglass, Kingman Captain 91 3 3

Edwards , Phil:ip J. 2nd Lt, 11 3 3
Ford , Christopher W. · Major 213 3 3
Forshey- , Harold J. 1st Lt. 166 3 3
Freeman , Harry B. 1st Lt. 13 3 3·
Gail lard, Samuel P. , Jr. 1st Lt, 213 2 1 3
Garlough, John L, . 2nd Lt. 11 3 3
Garretson, Ray~. Captain 100 3 3
,Garver ; John B. 2nd Lt, 25 2 1 3
Germer., Lester H, 2nd Lt, 139 3 3
.Grant, Alfred A, Captain 27 3 3
Grantr. Sidney B. 1st Lt. 88 3 .3
Hall, Jas. Norman Captain 9,:1 3 3
Ramble.ton, John A/ Captain 213 3 3
;Hartman , Ralph L. 1st Lt. 93 3 3
Hoover.~ Yim . J. 1st Lt. 27 ;3 3
Howe , .David \t. 1st Lt. 13 3 3
Hudson, Donald 1st Lt, 27 3 3
hu.dson, Henry B, 1st ,Lt. 22 3 3
Jervey, Thomas M. (Ord,) 1st tt. 91 3 3
Koepfgen, Leslie P, 1st Lt. 20 3 3
Lambert , John H. Captain 91 3 3
Little, Raymond J, 2nd Lt, 22 '3 3
McCarthy, ~alter H. 1st Lt. 11 3 3
McClure, David M. 1st Lt, 213 3. 3
McDermott, Cleveland w. 2nd Lt, 147 . 3, 3
McDougall, Harry O. 1st Lt. 100 3 3
McKay, Elmore. K. 2nd Lt, 96 3 3
McKeown, Stuart E. 1st Lt. 95 3 3
McLanahan, Alex. H. Capt ain 95 2 1 3
McMurry, Ora R. 1st Lt. 49 3 3
Mathews, .A..F. 1st Lt, R.A.F. 3· 3
Meyer, . Rollin E. 1st Lt. 28 3 3
Miller., Zenos R. 1st Lt. 27 2 1 3
Mitchell, John L. Capt ain 95 · 3 3
Moore, Thol!l2.S L. 1st Lt. 148 3 3
Moy, Gordon V. 1st Lt. 139 3 3
Nelson, Paul D. 1st Lt. 11 3 3
Norris, Sigbert A.G. 2nd Lt, 11 3 3
Peters.on, David McK. Major 95 3 3
Palmer, Wm W. Capta in 94 3 3
*Pat terson, Alfred E., Jr, 1st Lt, 93 3 3
Pays on, Ph ilip M. 1st Lt. 166 3 3
Payton, Robert C. 2nd Lt. 11 3 3
Poler, Donald S, Captain 25 1 2 3
Pope, John B,, Jr, 1st Lt. 91 3 3
Porter, Robert B. 1st Lt. 11 3 3
Q,uinn, John J. 1st Lt, 139 3 3
Redfi eld, John J. 1st Lt. Ind . A.F. 3 3
*Roherts, Ivan A, 1st Lt, 27 2 1 3
Rorisoµ , Harmon C. 1st Lt, 22 3 3
- 5 - U-804 ,A. C.,Rev.7/22/31
T.dRE:E VICTORIES ( -c"o:-.JT I D)
Last Ai r- Bal-
Nrune Rank organization planes loons Total

Schenck, Alex. P . 1st Lt. 49 3 3

Seaver., Arthur F. 1st Lt . 20 3 3
Seevers, Raymond O. 1st Lt. 139 :
- 3
*Siebold, George V. 1st Lt. 148 · u 3
Slauson, C11as . G.S. 1s t Lt . 11 3 3
Spatz, Carl Niajor 13' 3 3
*Stiles, Robert H. 1st Lt. 13 3. 3
Stokes, John Y. , Jr. 1st Lt . 20 3 3
Thaw, William Lt . Col. 103 2 ·1 3
Tipton., Wm . D. 1st Lt . 17 2 1 3
*Treadwell, Alvin H. 1st Lt. 103 2 1 3
. Veil, Charles 1st Lt , French 3 3
Wells, Horace P. 1st Lt . Ind. A.F. 3 3
Wilcox, Chas. H. 1st Lt . 103 . "-t ' 3 3
Yates, . James s. 2nd Lt . 11 ;;. '~ . '$ . 3
'Joung, David H. Captain 96 •3 3
Zistell, Errol H. 1st Lt. 148 ,'3 .... 3


Allsop, Clifford ·;;. 1st Lt. 11 2 2

Andrew, Flynn , L. A. 1st Lt. 104 . .2 2
Avery , Stephen M. 1st Lt. 13 2 2
Babcock, Philip R. Major 1 2 2
Bartholf, Herbert B. 1st Lt, 103 2 2
Bennett , John C. 1st Lt. 139 2 2
Biggs, Reuben D. 1st Lt. 11 2 2
Boudwin , J. E. 1st Lt• R.A . F. 1 l 2
Borchers , Fred W. 1st Lt . 163 2. 2
Brewster, Hugh 1st Lt, 49 2 2
Brown, Ben E. 1st Lt . 28 ·2 2, Edw., Jr. Captain 95 2· 2
Burger, Valentine J. 2nd Lt. 90 ...,
Calkins, Yi. s. Captain French 2 2
Cal lal1a.11, Lawrence K. 1st Lt . 148 2 2
qarney, Harry B. 1st Lt. 28 2 2
Carruthers, Louis L. 1st Lt. 93 z 2
Castleman, John R. 1st Lt. 99 2 2
*Cheston, Galloway C. lst "Lt. R. A.F; 2 2
Clapp, K\3nneth So 1st Lt. 27 2 2
Clark, Edwin R. 1st Lt . 168 1 1 2
Clark, Georges. 1st Lt . ' 104 2 2
Clements, Yim . TQ 2nd Lt . 17 2 2
Coleman, Wallace 1st Lt . 135 2 2
Colson, z. ,--1vm. 1st Lt. 49 ·2 2
Colton , San1uel H. 1st Lt . 27 2 2
Conant, RolliE c. 2nd Lt . 168 1 1 2
Cooper, Alfred C. 1st Lt . 11 .2 . 2
Corse, Ir..ving P. 2nd L·"v • R.A . F. 'i 1 2 ; .·
Coryell, Ralph I. 1st Lt. 96 ·2 2.
Cousins, .John \'i. Captain 24 2 2
- 6 - U- 804,A.C ., Rev.7/22/31
T·."io VICTOR ns ( COlJT I D)
Last Air.. :Sal-
:i.ifaxne ~hk organization planes loons Total
Coyle, Arthur J.
Crissey , John C.
Curry , John F • . ,.
Capt a in
2nd Lt.
2 . 2
Colonel 2d Army l l 2
De France, Smith 1st Lt. 139 2 2
Diamond, Aubrey F. 1st Lt . 25 2 2
Dixon. Frank A. 1st Lt t 17 2 2
Dorsey, Geo. c. 1st Lt. 148 . 2 2
Elliott, Robert P. 1st Lt, 9b 2 2
Fay, Samuel P. 1st Lt. 91 2 2
Feinstein, Herman 2nd Lt Q 166 a
Fisher, George F.
Follmer, Harold W.
1st Lt.
2 .. . 2·
93 2 2
Fort, Frank B. 2nd Lt. 8 2 2
Foster, Francis B. 1st Lt. 88 2 2
Frost, John 1st Lt,
*Fuller, Roswell H.
Giles, Benj. F.
1st Lt.
1st Lt.
2 . 2
1 1 2
Goulding , Um. F. 1st Lt. 93 2 2
*Gracie, ,Ralph D. 1st Lt. 17
Gravaline, F. G.
Grier, Hal I.
Sgt. 1st Cl,
1st Lt.
, 2
... 2

Hall, Herbert R. 1st Lt. 95 1. 2

Hardy, Eugene J. 1st Lt. 28 2 ·,: 2
Haskins, Joseph F. 1st Lt. 96 2 2
*Hassinger;· Philip E. 1s t Lt, 22 2. 2
Heinrichs, Waldo H. 1st Lt. 95 2 :·2
Herbert, T. J. 1s t Lt. R.A.F. 2 2 ·
Hill, Maury Captain 24 2 2
Hopper, Bruce C. Ca ptain 96 ? 2
Houghton, Earle 1s t Lt. 91 ~ 2
Howard, Sidney C, 1st Lt. 20 2 2
Jagoe, Walker M. 2nd Lt• 135 2 •, 2
Jebb, Wm . T-. , Jr~ 211d Lt. 28 2 . 2: .
Jeffers, John M, 1s t Lt. 94 2 ·2
Johnson, Oliver P, 1st Lt, 25 2 2·
Keith, Alex.H. 1st Lt. French 2 \2
Kelly, Arthur H. 1st Lt. 96 2 ... 2
Kenny, Geo. C. Captain 91 2 2
Knox, Walter B, 1st Lt. 148 2 · 2,
Lakin, Paul E. 1st Lt. 96 2 2
Lawrence, Mortimer M. 1st Lt. 104 2 2
Lennon, Thos, F. 1st Lt. 27 1. 1 2
Likely , Robert D. 1st Lt. 135 2 2
Lindsley , Henry D~, Jr, 1st Lt. 93 2 ·2
Lunt, Saxnuel M. 1st Lt. 96 2 '2
McCordic, Fletcher L, 1st Lt, 88 2 ·2'
McCormack, V. R, 1st Lt. 139 2 2
McKean, John w. 1st Lt . 166 2 2 ,· ..
McLean, Chas. I. 1st Lt. 148 2 ·2 .i ., ·
Mell, Patrick H. 1st Lt. 213 2 .2 .
Merrick , Chas. I, .. 1st Lt, 103 2 ·2
U-804,A.C . ,Rev.7/22/31
T\7,0. VICS: ORI:£S ( C01T'.i' 1 D)
. . ~;.,• .-
Last Air - :Bal-

Hame :3,an};: organization planes l oop.s Total

*Miller, John c. 1st Lt. 12 2 2

Meyers , Oscar B. ,: 1st Lt. 147 2 - 2
Merrill, Linn D, 1s t Lt. 166 2 2
Morris, Zd,-;ard M~ ; ~
2nd Lt. 104 2 2
Nathan, Joseph H. , Jr. . ~ . \
1st Lt. 135 2 2
ifolson, Carl:rle 1st Lt. 100 1 1 2
Newbury , Fran1: J. , Jr. 1st Lt• 96 2 2
Newell , J ames it. 2nd Lt. French 2 2,
· '· ···
Newell, Arthur E. 1s t Lt. 96 J,. 1 2
l'foo:n,an , Thos. ".7. 2nd Lt. French 2 .,, 2-
*Horton , Fred 11. 1s t Lt,. 27 2 .. ,.2
0 1 Donnell, -Paul J. 2nd Lt. 96 2 .. 2
Ohrstron, George L. • 1:;.
1st Lt. 104 2 2
Oyster , Norman 17 . : 1st Lt. 96 2 2
Parks, Vict'or, Jr·. Captain 166 2 2
Fedler, Russ el H.' 1st Lt. 1 66 2 ..,. 2
Pegues, Josia11 J. 1st Lt. 95 2 -· 2
Perry, Geo:· ;i. 2nd_ Lt. 11 2 . -- .: ;~· . .. 2
'~Phela.."1, Richa rd 1st Lt. 213 2 .... 2
Plush, Lewfs c. 1st Lt. 49 2 2
Po1,1ell , Clifford R. 1st Lt. French 2 ·- , . 2
Po-;1e_r s, Leo F. 1st Lt. 88 ~ 2 -
Preston, Glen A. 2nd Lt. 99 .2 2
Reynolds, Jor...n lJ. Lt.Col. 91 2 2
Richards , Ea rl F.
Richards, John A• .
1st Lt. 22 2 -. ·2
1st Lt. 11 2 2 :' ... :
Rollins, Ja;.iles s.
Rm1la.,.d, ROger ·1 :i. '
1st Lt. 96 2 - 2
1st Lt. 27 2 2
Schmitt, Ralph s. 1st Lt. 27 2 2
Scott, Richard !d. 1st Lt. 135 2 2
Simo11., Louis c. , J r.
. 1st Lt. 147 2 7 2
Smith, Albert H. 1st Lt. 28 2 .,.. 2
Starkey, Henry c. 1st Lt, 148 2 2
Stier, H. D. 1st Lt. R.A.F. 2 ..,.
. .
Stivers, 0 "T) ....
Telchan, .Alexander
1st Lt. 13 2
2nd Lt. 1 66 2 2
Taylor, Thorne c. Captain 94 2 2
Ten Eyck, ifal ton B.• , Jr. 2nd Lt. 96 2 2
Thompson , St ephen Yi. 1st Lt. 12 2 2
Turnbull, Lev.'is F. 1st Lt . 96 2 2
Turnure, George E.·, Jr. ' .
1st Lt. 103 2 2
ifaddell, Jos eph 1st Lt. 103 2 2
·.-ialli s , James E. Captain 91 2 2,
·,-iard, La1,1rence 2nd Lt. 166 2 2
i7heeler, Curtis 1st Lt. 88 2 2
i7illis , John T• , J r. 1st Lt. 20 2 2
Viinslow, Alan F. 2nd Lt. 94 2 2
w·ooley, Charles H• . 1st Lt . 49 2 2
·iioodard, Grai.ville o. 2nd Lt. 95 1 1 2
.. ,.
-8- U-804,A. C.,Rev.7/22/31
tast Air- Bal-
Name .· Rank organizat i on planes l oons Total

Adarns, Morton B. 1st Lt. 90 l 1

*Aldrich. Petry H. 1st Lt. 135 l l
Alex~der, .Arthur H. 1st Lt. 96 l ... l
Alex~der, Chas. w. 1st Lt, Italian l 1
Al exander, ·Raymond Corporal 20 1 1
Alexander, Stirling C. 1st Lt, 99 1 1
Allein, Henry C. 1st Lt, 2~ 1. 1
Andrews , Harold~. 2ncl Lt. French 1 l
Archer, Hassel D, 2nd Lt. 11 1 1
*Armstrong , Henry G, 1st Lt . 13 1 l
Armstrong., William J. 1st Lt. 11 l ~ l
Arthur, Dogan Hi Captain 1~ l l
Ash, Thomas, Jr, 1st Lt. 24 ·l 1
Atwater, ·Benjami n L. 1st Lt. 9'9 · l ,.. 1
Auptin, ~ichard S. 1st Lt. 1 66 .l 1
Bagby , Ralph B. 1st Lt. 88 l , .· l
Ea.Hey, .Frederick W. 2nd Lt. 27 l l
Baker, Edward D, 1st Lt . 9'5 1 l
B.aker, John M. 1st Lt . 20 . ·1. - 1
Baker, William F, 1st Lt . 9i . '. .1, l
Ball, James E., Jr. 2nd Lt. Itaiian l 1
Barksdale, E. H, 1s t Lt. R.A.F. .l 1
Bates, Edmund E. 1st Lt. 96 l 1
:Baxter~ George R• .· 2nd Lt, 49 1 1
Benell, Otto '.El. 2nd Lt . 135 l 1
Billar·d, Arthur M. 1st Lt. 13 l .~ 1
Binley, Howard C. 1st Lt , ·96 1- ·- 1
Black , Edward C. 1st Lt . 166 l· ,, - 1
. Bleecker, Lyman C, 2n d Lt. 96 l 1
. Braid, William G. 1st Lt, Ind·. A•.F . . l 1
Bridgman, Hugh 1st Lt. 49 · 1 1
Briggs, Henry 1st Lt, 96 ·l 1
Bron.son , Tyler C. 2nd Lt . 147 1 1
Brown , Edward Lee 1st Lt .. 165 1 1
Brown, Mitchell H. 1st Lt , ,50 1 1
Burwell , Paul V. Captain 25 1 1
Butz, Thomas F. 1st Lt. 95 1 ~ 1
Cady, Loris V. 1st Lt. · i-O 1· 1
Carl, Pitt F • . 1st Lt. 88 1 i
Carney, C. G. 1st Lt. 99 1 l,
Paul•. . 1st LL 1 66 l · 1
Carr, oseph ·H~ 1st Lt. · 139 l ' 1
*Cart er, Arthur R. 1st Lt, 11 1 1
Casgrain, Wilfred V. 1s t Lt •. 95 .' ·1 1
C&sper, Lloyd C. · · 1st Lt. French 1 1
Cates,. Robert z.: Jr. 1st Lt. 94 1 1
Cauchon, Leo Bernard 1st Lt. 24 1 1
Chamberlin, Wiliard J. 1st Lt. 91 · ' 1 1
Chamb ers, Stuart M. 1st Lt, 354 1 1.
Charomess, William A. 2nd J;.t. Fre·nch · 1 1
Chapin, Roger F. 1st Lt. 11 · l 1
- 9 - U-~04~A.C~,Rev,7/22/31
Ql,JE VICT·eni'Y (C0lfi: 11J)
. ;
Last Air- :Sal-
. lifarne Rank organization planes loons Total

*Chapman, Charles w. '.

2nd Lt. 94 1 .. -· 1-
Chappel , ' Paul ~. \ ,,. •. .•. 2nd Lt. 141 ·l : 1
Chase, Paul W.
Christian, Early :s.
' ,·
( ' .·. i
·'· 2nd Lt.
2nd Lt.
l ·
·- 1
Cline, Charles S. 1st Lt. 28 T 1
*Coates, Dana E.· 1st Lt. 11 -1 1
*Coleman,Dewitt;; Jr. 1st Lt. Italian 1 1
Coilins, :Bayard F. 2nd Lt. 24 .'l 1
*Comegys, Edward. T. 1st Lt. 11 1 ],
Corney, Ge·orge ~rtin 1st Lt. 88 1 1
Comstock, Keyon·1 P. 2nd Lt. 166 l i
Cone, Carroll 1st Lt. 213 1 'l
Conover, Harvey .
Cooper, Leslie :S.•
1st Lt. 90 1 -· 1
1st Lt. 27 1 i
Cooper, Merion C.. Captain 20 1 1
Cor'd es, Walter W. 1st Lt, French 1 1
Cosper, Lloyd C. : 2nd Lt. 163 1. 1·
Cowan, Royal W. B. 2nd Lt. 24 1 1 ·
Cox, Paul s. .. ·.. 1st Lt. 93 1 . 1
Cullman, George Ii.. 2nd. Lt. 166 1 1
Cunnius, Percy E.; 2nd Lt. 148 1 1
Curt·in, John J. 1st Lt. 135 1 1
*Dahringer, Homer yv. 1st Lt. 1 1. 1
Davis, R. s·. 1st Lt. French 1 1
Delana, Edward K.3 1st Lt. 91 1 1
Derge, David R. -' 2nd Lt. 20 1. 1
Devery, John J. , ,:....- Captain 166 1 1
De Witt, Jolm 2nd Lt. 94 1 1
Dolai1, Charles H. ,; Jr. 1st Lt. 103 1 1
Donaldson, Robert \v. ., ...
.· 1st Lto 94 1 l
Doolin, :Serna.rd M•.· 2nd Lt. 22 1 1
Drew, · Charles 'IV. ' Capt ain 13 1 1
Drumm©nd, ]Yank C. ·. • r .. 1st Lt. 135 1 I
Duckstein, Arthur i'i. 1st Lt. 1 1 J'.
Duncan, Asa N. 1st Lt, 91 1 1
Eaton, ·;rarren E. 1st Lt. 103 1 1
Edwards, :Srooke 1st Lt. 20 1 ... 1
Ellis, Arthur · c.
Ellis , Robert · Huber
1st Lt.
1st Lt.
-· 1
Ennis, ' Frank S. 2nd Lt. 147 1 1
Evans, D. 1st Lt. Ind. A.F. 1 ·- 1
Eypper, George W.
Faith, :Clarence H.
· 2nd Lt.
French 1
1, ·.·:
. ... ' ' 1
*Farnsworth, Thomas H. 1st Lt. 96 1 1·
Ferrell~ Enoch B. ·' · · 2nd Lt. 24 l . - - 1
Fish, F.
Fisher, Leroy :S.
1st Lt. French - ,, ,.:·~, 1 - 1
2nd Lt. 96 .l · 1
Fiske, Gardine:t' H.
Fleeson, Howard: T,
1st Lt.
1st Lt.
1 ·. ,.
·- 1
Fleet, Charles c. 1st Lt. 135 1 1
Folger, Harry T. ,'· 2nd Lt. 96 1 1
- 10 - U-804,A.C.,Rev.7/22/31
ONE VICTORY ( cOit'r 1 D)
Last Air- Eal-
Rank organization plaries loons Total
· *Forbes, Earl 2nd Lt •. :- 20 · l l
Foster, Austin T. ls t Lt. 90 l 1
*Frarik, William F. 1st Lt. 20 1 1
Ful t o;.1, Richard W. 2nd Lt. 20 .· 1 1
*Gari1sey, Edward G. 1st Lt. 94 1 1
Gastreich, Joseph V. 1st Lt. l l 1
Gaylord, Bradley J, 1st Lt. 96 l 1
George, Abram ii. 2nd Lt. 28 1 1
Gill, Clarence S, ls ·'; Lt. 95 i 1
Goldthwaite, George E. ls 'L Lt. 24 l l
Graham, Percy ~V. 1st Lt. 49 1 1
Gravatt, Charl es M. 1st Lt. 95 1 1
Green, M. Edwin 1st Lt. 94 1 l
Greene, Paul S. 1st Lt. 11 l 1
Grier, Alexander T.' .. 2nd .Lt. 90 l 1
Grylls, Greveys 1st Lt. 22 1 1
*G~delach, Andre A~ H. 1st j~t. , 96 · .1 1
Guy, David W. 1st Lt. French 1 1
Gwi.nn, Joseph M., Jr. 1st Lt. 27 1 1
Hall, James G. · · 1st Lt. Fr.e n ch 1 1
Halley, s. Russell· · Captain French 1 1
Hamlin, Bryan ·· 2nd :t,t. 141 1 l
Hanunond, Eradl ey E ~ . 2nd 7.t. French l 1
Hardendorf, James 1r;·_· 1st Lt. 28 1 1
Harrington, John R', 1st Lt . 13 1 1
*Harris, David E. 2nd Lt. 20 l 1
Hart, Floyd H. 2nd Lt. 90 1 1
Hart, Percival G. 2nd Lt. 135 1 l
*Hart er, Lester S. 1st Lt •. 11 . 1 1
Hartney , Harold E: · Lt.Col. 27 1 .; 1
Herron , James P. 1st Lt. 147 l - 1
Hewett, Ernest W. 1st Lt. 27 1 1
Hexter, Avrone N. 1st Lt. 96 1 1
Hieber, Milo W. 2nd.Lt. 49

1 1
Hicks, Samuel C. 1st Lt: . 20 1 1
Hill, Robert E. 1st Lt. 27 1 1
Hoevel er, . William' A. 1st L:t. French 1 l
Holland, Spessard' L. Captain 24 l 1
*Hopkins, Stephens'T. 2nd Lt. 96 1 1
Hubbard, Theodore' H. 1st Lt. 103 1 1
Hume , Henry 'il. 2nd Lt. 49 1 1
Husted, Merle R. ' 2nd Lt. ·91 1 1
Irving, Livingston G. 1st Lt. 103 l 1
Jannopoule, Richard S. 2nd Lt. 91 1 1
Jenks , Henry J. 2nd Lt. 166 1 1
Johnson, Clare T; 21:i.d Lt. 20 1 1
*Jones , Eugene E. · 1st.Lt. 103 l l
Kearney, Thomas J • . 1st Lt. R.A.F. 1 1
*Keesler, Samuel R., Jr. 2nd Lt,
Kennedy , David s: · 24 l 1
1st Lt. 24 1 1
Kenyon, Hugo A. 1st Lt. 103 1 1
- 11 - .U-804,~.C. , Rev.7/22/31
Last Air- Bal- Ran}: organization plane~ loons Total

Kingsle~ , ~i l bert E. 2nd Lt. 90 1 1

*Y.i1mey, Clair A. 1st Lt. 49 . 1· 1
I:{:i rby , Maxwell Ma,jor 94 1 1
Knight' Duerson 1s t Lt. R.A.F. · 1 1
Knox, Charles R. 1st Lt. 20 1 1
La Force, Vim . w. 2nd Lt. 22 1 1
Laird , Clair B. 2nd Lt. 11 .l 1
Lake , Horace A. 2i1d Lt. 9~ 1 1
Landon, Edward C. 1st Lt. 135 1 1
Lauer, \7illard C. ::i"'. Captain 25 l 1
Lawson, Walter R. 1st Lt. 91 1' l
L~onard, : Edmond C. 1st Lt. 20 ..
1 1
Lindsay , . Edward \7. 1st Lt. 96 ·1 1
Lindsey,', Leon M-. 1st Lt. 49· l 1
Loomis, Henry s.• 1st Lt. ·213 1 l
LQomis, i"lilliarn F. 1st Lt. 94 l l
Lovett, Yli 11 i am: \7.
L.9we, iiillia-rn o.
1st Lt.
2nd Lt.
1 -.. 1
l -:- l
Lurie, Hyman H.
Lyman, A.. Victor
2nd Lt. " 166" 1 .- 1
1st Lt, I
27 1 l
M?,cDonald, Hun_ter , 1st Lt, 135 1 l
M~cDonald, Edrrard ,K. 1st Lt. French 1 1
McClung , Carroll D•. ·• 1st Lt. · 28 1 l
M~Coun, Thomas B. 1st Lt. Frerich 1 l
MqCubbin , Eugene L.
Mc.Fadden ~' Harvey .P •
1st Lt.
2nd Lt ..
' 27
-l 1 1
McGehee, '. J ames E • . 1st Lt. 213 ·1 1
McKay, James R. Captain L1~ l l
McKimmon, John A•. 1st Lt. 16~ 1 1
McLenna.'1 , John c. 2nd Lt. ~6
1 l
Mallory , Joseph B. 2:1d Lt. 104' l l
Mandel, Oscar 2nd Lt. 14S. 1 l
*Mandell, $amuel _P.~ 1st Lt, 20 1 1
Mat alone, 1 Clarenc_e L. ,· ~ ', 2nd Lt. French ' l 1
Mathews, Richard. .P.
./ '
1st Lt. 20 · 1 1
Matheson, 1 Kenne t~ U. 1st Lt. 213 1 1
Ma.Xi7ell, 9harles B.. 1st Lt . · 93 1 1
Maynard , ;iilliam R. 2nd Lt 0 96 1 l
Melican, George D. 2nd Lt. 166 1 l
Merrill, George B. 1st Lt. 91 1 l
*Merrill, John F. 1st Lt. 28 1 .- 1
Meyers, Har old 2nd Lt. 168 1 1
Milner, Jqhn K. 1st Lt. 96
Mitchell, :George 1st Lt. . 166 l
Monroe , Charle s H. 1st Lt• 103 .1 1
Moran . ' rii lliarn J. , Jr. 2nd Lt. 91· 1 l
Moreland, ~illiarn H. 1st Lt. 96
Moriarity, ; Louis. P_. . ,
... 2nd Lt. 28 "
Moseley , Cprliss c. . \, ~
1st Lt . 27 1 1
:Wmnn , ililliarn A. . , .. 1st Lt. 213' l l

-- 12 - U~804 ,A.C.,Rev.7/22/31
: .~· \ Last Ai r - Bal-
Name Rank organization planes l oons Total

Mur phy, Robert E. Lee 2nd Lt. 20 1 1

Neidecker, _Bertrande c. 1st Lt. 90 1 1
Nevi us, Ru],iff v. 1st Lt. 27 1 1
Nordh off , Qhas. B. 1st Lt, French 1 1
:ifori£ig , Erri:est G. 1st Lt. French I 1
*Nutt~- Allen 1st Lt. 94 1 1
Oates·, R. F. 1st Lt. 94 1 1
Oberst, Cl a ir R. 1st Lt. 20 1 1
Q ,1 Cock, Albert Sgt. 1st Cl. s· 1 1
Oliver, Bennett 1st Lt. 148 ' 1 1
Osmun, John E. 2nd Lt. 11 1 1
Page~ · Richard c. M. Captain 88 . 1 1
Pancoast, Henry L; 1st Lt. 96 1 - 1
. *Parrott, Edmund A. 1st Lt. 20 1 l
*Pa skill, Reuben L. 1st Lt. R.A.F. l 1
Patton, J ames L. 1st Lt. 11 l l
Peak, Lawrence I. 1st Lt. Fr ench l l
Peck , · Roy 1·. 1st Lt. 135 l 1
Perry, M. o-. 2nd Lt. 147 'l 1
Peters, Sidney V. 2nd Lt. 24 1 1
Phillips, George R. 2nd Lt. 50 l l
Pointer, Henry 1st Lt. 139 1 l
Popperfuss, Henry J . 1st Lt. 95 l l
Port er, Earl W. 2nd Lt. French l 1
Posey, John .A. 1st Lt. French 1 l
' *Potter , William c. 1st Lt. 20 1 l
Powell, Leon W. 1st Lt. 91 l 1
Pressler , Warr en S. 1st Lt. 96 l 1
Presley , Curtis E. 2nd Lt. 13 l 1
*Pre ston , Harry C. 1st Lt. 20 l 1
Puryear, George Yi . 1st Lt. 95 1 1
Pyne , Percy R. 1st Lt. 103 1 .1
Rabe , Lou is W.
Raible, Jos eph C., Jr.
2nd Lt.
1st Lt.
.. '· 1
Rath, Howar d G.
Raymond, Rob ert F.·' Jr.
1st Lt.
1s t Lt.
95 ·
- 1
Ream , George D. 2nd Lt. 135 1 .1
Reedy; George C. 2nd Lt. French l ·1
. Rhenstron, Elmer 2nd Lt. 95 1 .. 1
*Rhtnela nder , Philip N. 1st Lt. 20 1 1
Ri chardson, Gl enn C. · 1st Lt. 20 1 1
Ri chardson, Roland ~ . 1st Lt. 21'.3 1 .1
Ri ley, · Har old W. 1st Lt. 24 1 1
Ri ng, Th oma s M. 1st Lt. 11 l 1
Roberts, Meri deth J. 1st Lt. 95 1 1
· Robertson, George s.
Rohr er, Lewi s E.
1st Lt.
*Roosevelt, Quent in 1st Lt. 95 1 1
Rubel, J ames L. 2nd Lt. 24 1 1
Ruck er·; Edwa rd W., J r . Captain 27 1 1

- 13 - U~804 ~A.C. , Rev.7/22/31

Last Air- Bal-
l'Jame Rank organization planes loons -
Sariderhoff , Raymond 2nd Lt. 8 1 1
,Sayre , Harold H, 2nd Lt. ·- 11 1 - 1
Schary ,· Harry, A. 2nd Lt. 166 1 1
Scl1auffler, Hilliaro G,, J r. Major 90 ·1 1
Schneider, Alb ert J. 1st Lt. 17 1 1.
Schock, ,..Leland D. 2nd Lt . R.A,F. 1 1
~chlotzchauer, Harry A. 1st Lt. 91 1 1
Schricker , John 11, 1st Lt. 91 1 1
$,-chul tz ,. George Vi . 2nd Lt. 20 1 1
Scroggie., Eugene R. 1st Lt. 94 l 1
S-e arch, .Henrick M. 1st Lt. 24 1· 1
*Shaw, Ir.11in D. · 1st Lt. R,A.F. · . 1 1
Shearman, \H ll iq.II1 Hugh 2nd Lt. 17 l 1
Shelly , Ralph A.
Sherry , Alden B.
1st Lt.
1st Lt.
- 1
Shidler, . Horace. ' . . ... :
2nd Lt • 11 ·1 1
S~o\7alter, Floyd M. 1st Lt. 17 ' ·1 1
Signer, J. w. . .·'. ~
1st Lt. 88 1 .1
Smart, Lanrence L. 1st Lt . 135 l 1
Srrii th, Howard C. 1st Lt. 213 1 ;l
Sm{th, Philip G. Sgt .1st Cl. 8 l' 1
Sm1th , Perry H• . 2nd Lt . 96 l l .
Smith, Ray 2nd Lt. 8 .' 1 l ··
Smith , \falter J. 1st Lt. 24 1 ,. 1
Snoke, Ralph W. : 1st Lt. 17 1
.. 1. ..·-:."
Sparks, 'iiiley s.· 1st Lt. 94 'l . .. 1
Stahl, ·::alter A. 1st Lt . 11 l ' ···. 1
Stanley, Gilbert · 1st Lt. 96 " l .. 1.
St eele, Richard \1, 2nd Lt. 166 ·1 .1 ...
*Stephenson, Mac.Crea 1st u . 11 I l
*Step~1enson, "iiayne B.
*Ste.v ans, John H.
1st Lt.
2nd Lt.
l J
Stewart, Robert s. 1st Lt. 96 l l
Stev1art, William F. 1st Lt. 27 .. 1· l
Stickney, Henry E. 1st Lt. French l 1..
*Strauch, Harry H. 1st Lt. 11 ' ·1 - +
*Stuart, William A.
Sutherland , ..Paul
1st Lt. 96
2nd Lt. Ind. A.F.
- ·l
Surnmersett, J ames A. Captain 96 1 1
Sumner, Harlan R. 1st Lt. 139 .1 1
Srlinebroad , Albert w. 2nd Lt. 24 ·1 ·1
*Taylor, Everett A. ·
*Taylor, Raymond C. ..
2nd Lt.
1st Lt.
20 1 - ;L
96 l 1.
Taylor, iiilliam H. 1st Lt. 95 1 1
Thomas, Ralph C. 2nd Lt. 96 'l ·l .
*Thrall, Loren R. 2nd Lt. 11 1 1

Todd , Van Winkle 1st Lt. 103 l l

Townes,, Robert F. 1st Lt. 20 l l., A. L. 1st Lt. 96 1 l ·.
Trimble , J. s. Sgt . 1st Cl. 96 1 1
*Turner, Henry E., Jr. 1st Lt. 20 l 1
. \ . • • . t ·, ,. - 14 - U-804,A,C.,Rev.7/22/31
=>. J
Olil'E VI CT ORY ( C011JT1 D)
La st Air- :Bal-
Harne Rank orga niz ation planes l oons Total

T;y-tus, Yiflliam G. Capt a in 1 1 1

Urband, Ednard M. 1st Lt . 135 1 1
Usher, George L. 1st Lt. 135 1 1
Va.:il, i"iilliarn H. 1st Lt. 95 1 1
Van Heuvel, John ·i i . 1st Lt. 91 1 1
*Vann, Grover c. 1st Lt. 95 1 1
·,ianser, Paul c. 1s t Lt . 166 1 1
·:lar ner, Donald D. 1st Lt. 96 1 1
·,f aring, ii''i 11 i am "ii . 1st Lt. 11 1 1
riaters , George G. 1st Lt. 147 1 1
i"iay , Penni ngt on H. 2nd Lt. 96 1 1
Weat her bee, R. Noble 1st Lt. 93 1 1
Weirick , Artl1.u r M. 1st Lt·. 213 1 1
Weaver, A. E. 1st Lt . 1 66 1 1
·ii ells, Roe E. 2nd Lt . 24 1 1
*Weimer, J. H. 2nd Lt. 20 1 1
Weingart, c. c. 1st Lt. 24 1 1
Yi entHorth, John Captain 49 1 1
*;fast, Karl G. 1st Lt. 20 1 1
*'ii"hi t e , Sidney W. 1st Lt. 27 1 1
'."ihi ting, George c. 2nd Lt. 148 1 1
ii"illiams, Bertram 1st Lt. 96 1 1
Winslow, Paul s. 1 st Lt. R.A.F. 1 1
\'iis e , George T. ,
2nd Lt . 17 1 J.
riis e, Solomon 1st Lt . Fr ench 1 1
Wi s er, Guy J3. 2nd Lt. 20 1 1
i·ioi t islwk, Loui s A. 1st Lt. 24 1 1
ii"ood , Harry T. Capt ain 24 l l
Woolfolk , Alb ert s. 1st Lt. 20 1 l
Yow"1.g , JohJ.1 s. 1st Lt. 90 1 l

- 15 - U- 804 ,A.C ~,Rev.7/22/31

.Ra\ph BTO\'JO oraughon

. 'MAR 2 5 20\3
~ubuf\'\ un,vers\\V


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