Empirical-Theoretical Method of Comparative Prediction of Airplane Performance (4 June 1920)

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Vol. I June 4, 1920 No. 68



Prepared by Engineering Division, Air Service

McCook Field, April 15, 1920

Ralph Brown Dnrn gir. ,;


MAR 26 2013
Auburn University


I. RESUME. J horsepower required. It is then onl y necessary to study

The present chart gives a complete pictme 01 the varia~ the ':'ariation of th ese factors with alti~ude. Horsepower
tion of maximum velocity at any altitude and in the limit reqmred at altitude d ep'.'mds ·?n the fmeness of the au-
of · the application indicates absolute ceiling. lt is in_ plane and on tl~e density. Tr~e _velocity at al t1t~cle
tended later t:i construct a simil ar chart for the determi_ depends on density. These vanat1ons may be stud ied
nation of rate of climb at the ground. The rate of climb from a purely the:iretical angle. H orsepower available
curve may be assumed t :i be a straight line; the present at altitude d epends on the engine-propeller group alone,
chart and the proposed one will indicate service ceiling and this variation is derived empirically. The presenta-
tion of all these variations is graphical and takes the form
and rate of climb at any altitude. Time of climb can be
expressed graphically by means of a simple alignment of a series of corrections to the pounds per horsepower
chart. Three charts, then, will completely determine the scale, which is used indiscriminately to represent either
lf/H. P. availab le or required, since for any particular
performance of an airplane. ,In order that the completed
sJlution they are equal .
chart may be available for use at once, this report will
d escrib e its derivation and use . The charts for rave of Explanation of the chart will be expedi ted by reference
climb at the ground and t ime of climb will be published to Figure I. Curves 1 of ;;/sq . ft . are first plotted against
scale "a" of velo.city and scale " b" o.E;;/H.P ., required,
in report form as soon as they are completed.
The main vaiiables enteiing into any consideration of in this case. The basis of these curves are the wind
ceiling and maximum speed at any altitude are p ounds tunnel results of a test on a model ,;f the De H-4. Given
the L/D and model lift curve3, and s'.ll ving the fo lbwing
peT horsepower , p ounds p er square foot of wing surface,
equations through angles from ne:i,r zero lift tii maximum
and fineness, or lift/drift ratio. Several purely empirical
K y, for various values of the t '.Jtal weight of t he machine,
charts have been presented in the past, and they are
we find different values of h orsepower and hence ;;/H. P.
practically worthless because of . the omission of the last-
required for different velocities and ;;/sq. ft. The area is
named variable. For instance, these charts would give
k ept constant throughout the various solutions.
for certain loadings per horsepower and per square foot
identical performances for a large t win-engined bomber /weight of airplane
as for a small, cleanly designed pursuit airplane, whereas V=speed of test xscale of model-y lift 0 _11 model
it can be shown that the L/D ratio of the latter may be
100 per cent greater than that of the bomber. Differences ;;/H p _ · Weight W 375 L/D
in high speed at the ground would be of the order of 25 · ·-H.P. required Dv= - v-
per cent. Purely theoretical analyses of performance 375
have been prepared with unsatisfact ory results as a reward We shall n ext consider the effect of altitude on the dis_
for long and tedious mathematical manipulations. The position of the C·.trves I. At any angle of -attack the
conclusion of a recent work of this n ature emphasizes the vel0ci ty at altitude c::imp:11'ed with the vebcity at the
need of more complete experimental data on (J.) wings t c> ground will be-"-
determine the effects of various combinati'.ms; (2) para-
site b odies, t o determine the resistance of new shapes
va = "\'!Iv
g o
and the effect of interference; (3) propellers, t o determine
and the horsepc>wer required at this altitude and vel ocity
the thTust and t orque; (4) engines, t o determine drop in will b e-
h orsep ower with altitude.

Obviously the 011ly logical solution of this pr::iblem is

an empirical- theoreti,:al method. The i11ade1uacy of the where 8 is the relative density at t h e altitude considered.
empirical method may b e overcome by t aking into con- Scale " b" of ;;/H. P. is now plotted along scale "c" so that
sideration fineness , and the difficulties of the the Jretic1l if we start from scale "c" and go to t.h e "ground " line of
methods may be obviated by empirically sJlving the curves II, and then move over to scale " b, " we would find
effects of wing combinations, interference, and propeller th e same ;;/H. P. as the one of scale " c." Starting again
and engine performance at altitudes. An explan'Ltion of from a point on scale "c," going vertically to the 5,000-
the preparation of the present chart will indicate to what foot curve, thence h orizontally to scale "b," we h ave
extent the fundamental the:iries of . flight have been wultiplied the ;;/H. P. b y .,/1/8, or 1.075. We next·come
incorporated. to a certain ;;/sq. h . on cmves I which corre~ponds to a
velocity V on scale ''a.'' In order to find the tn ,e air speed
l at 5,000 feet, this velocity must be multiplied by .,/1/8 =
Maximum velocitv attainable may be defined as that 1.075, and the curves III effect this multiplication. High
velocity at whicl1 tb·e horsep ower av~ilable is equal to the speed is now read on scale " d " instead of scale "a."
A further correction to #JH. P. required is next applied ards on tests on the variation of engine power with altitude
and takes into account the effect of fineness . The J,/D and if these are refined and become accurate, the proposed
model curves of the DII-4 were used as a basis and we will separation can be effected.
sav that the fineness 01 the DH-4 is 100. H. P. required


is clirectly proportion:al to L/D at any velocity. So that
if we wish to use the Dil-4 basic curves in finding the per- Results of full-flight tests are used in conjunction with
formance of an airplane of different fineness or relative the chart for two purposes, to determine a series of engine-
L/D, we must decrease the ;1/H. P. required directly as propeller curves and to establish a table of fineness factors
this increase in L/D, or vice versa. The curves IV were for as many different airplanes as have been tested. Once
next construct.eel and the ;1/H. P. scale moved from " c" these curves and a sufficiently long and varied table are
to "e." Values marked on currns IV are not relative L/D available, it is proposed to choose for an airplane of
ratios directly, but are the cube roots of the same . This is unknown performance, hut of known loadings, a suitable
clone simply to confine the values of fineness to narrower factorj' ancl to them predict from the chart absolute ceiling
limits . Starting from a point, say, 101; per H. P. on scale and speeds at all altitudes. The proper engine-propeller
"e," moving horizontally to the right to a fineness of, say, curve must, of course, he used.
llO, we would find on scale "c" a #JH. P. of 10/ll03 =7 .5. In Table I are presented a list of all airplanes on which
)foving vertically now to, say, 5,000 feet, we would find on complete full flight performance results are available,
scale "b" a ;I/IT. P. of 7.5Xl.075=8.06. The procedure together with the fineness factor of each. The method for
from this point has been explained. finding the fineness factor of any airplane is the following:
j;/Il. P . has now been corrected for fineness and altitude, Given a certain airplane, its weight, wing area, r. p. m .
and speed has been corrected for altitude. There remains of the engine during high speed in ground tests, the max:i-
only to correct ;;/II. P. available clue to the variation of the mumspeed of the airplane and the horsepower of the engine
engine and pror,eller performance "ith altitude. Scale corresponding to this r. p. m., the ;;/H . P. and ;I/sq. ft.
'·e" is first moved horizontally to scale "g." Scale "h" · are determined. Referring to the chart of Figure I,
is an altitude scale and scale "f" is an engine-propeller starting at point 1 corresponding to the given speed, move
factor scale . Suppose we have a specific engine curve YI. horizontally to the left to point 2 on. the ground line of
Starting on scale " h" at, say, 5,000 feet, moving to the curves III, vertically to point 3, which is the given
right to curve VI, we would find on scale "f" a factor less #/sq. ft ., horizontally 1.o the left to point 4 on the ground
than unity whirh woulrl represent the horsepower avail- line of curves IL A Yertical line 4-5 is clrawn . Next,
able from the engine-propeller group in per cent of the beginning on scale "h" at zero altitude, point 6, move
horsepower available from the engine at the ground and horizontally to the right to point 7 of curves VI, vertically
with a propeller efficiency of l 00 per cent. In this in- to point 8 corresponding to the given ;1/H. P., and draw
stance the factor would be about 0.66. 'fltis means that for the line 8-9. The intersection of this line with line 4-5
a given performance (high speed) at 5,000 feet, the#/ IT. P. is point 10, which lies among curves IV and determines the
available at the ground would have to be increased by 1/.66 fineness factor of the airplane in question.
if the curves I are to be used. The curves V of #/IT. P. It is to be noted that all of the engine-propeller curves
available at the ground are so constructed that if we come correspond to a factor on scale "f " of 0.80 at the ground,
from 5,000 feet on scale "h" to the engine curve and then "-hich means that in determining fineness factors an
up to, say, the 10;;/ll . P. curve, we should find on scale arbitrary propeller efficiency of 80 per cent at the ground
"e" a ;;/H.P. o[ 10/.6-0=15.2 . The proreclure from scale bas been chosen. Since this is COJlSistently clone, and the
"e" has been explained. fineness factor for a new airplane is selected by comparison
It must he remarked here that the assumption of con- 11ith the airplanes of Table I, no error can arise from using
stant fineness with altitude is not exactly true. lt invari-· 80 per cent rather than some other figure for propeller
ably decreases toward ceiling as maximum L /D i5 efficiency.
approached. The variation of this [a<·tor could he deter- From flight. test r<'sul ts at all altitudes th e engine-pro-
mined, hut it would be included at the expense of making peller cu rves for the LibC'rly-·12 and th e llispano- 300
the chart much more complicated. _Fmthermore, any engines have been co nstructed . The gener.11 procedlll'e in
error arising tluough 1.his assumption is modified to a establish.ing an engine curve is the following: 'L'he lf/H. P.
negligible amount, since 1 the effect of the variation is based on r. p. m. corresponding to high speed at th e
included in the engine curyes YI. The fundamental ground is used throughout. Given th e j;/sq. ft. and the
purpose of the chart is a "ornpar:1tiYe prediction of per- speed at all altitudes, the fineness factor is determ ined as
formances, and once a general engine-propeller curve is pnwiously outlined. Next, we shall determi1;e a point on
established from full flight results, any effect of an error in the engine-propeller curve at, say, 5,000 feet. Starting on
assumptions is . automatically eliminated hy using this scale "cl" at point ll corresponding to the high speed n,t
empirically derived curve . It is at this point that the 5,000 feet from full flight tests, move to the left to point J 2
difficulties of pu1~ely theoretical analyses are obviated or on the 5,000-foot curve, vertically to point 13 corresponding
rather evaded. Again, ·the engine-propeller curve can be to the given j;/sq . ft ., to the rigM to point 14 on the 5,000-
further broken up to take into account the variations o[ foot curve, vertically to point 15 on the fin eness factor line
engine and propeller performance separately, but this can preYiously d etermined, to the left to point 16 correspond-
only be clone after one or the other has been determined. ing to the given #/H. P., and draw a vertical line 16-17 .
Considerable work has been done at the Bureau of Stand- '!'his line will intersect a line 18-19 drawn horizontally
from the 5,000-foot point on scale "h." The intersection highly accmate res ults, quickly arrived at, wlrnreas
point 20 determines the desired point on the engine-pro- theoretical methods 1rnuld entail a mass of computation
peller curve. The same procedure is repeated for all and a considerable time.
altitudes at which full flight results are avai lab le . The 'Jlable I is especially valuable for the reason that the
engine-propeller curves of the Liberty-12 and the Hispano- fineness factors are an exact indication of the relative
300 were obtained by averaging curves ohtained from per- worth of airplan es regardless of their loadings. For
formanc es·of vari ous airplanes cq uipped with th ese engines. instance, the U. S. A. C-11 has a speed of 136 m. p. h.
The use of the chart may now be extended to the preclic- 1vith loadings of 8.3 #(H. P. and 0.34 #/sq. ft. , while the
tion of t h e performance of an airpl ane of which is known XB-JA .has a speed of 124 m. p. h . with loadings of 9.6
the weight, the area, the engine, and the structural charac- #/H. P. and 7.;~8 ;;/sq. ft. An inspection of these speeds
teristics. By comparison with th e airplanes of Table I , a and loadings would serve no indication as to which
fineness factor may b e chosen , which is j udgcd to be appro- is superior, and generally the U. S. A. C- 11 would
priate to the external proporti ons (wing truss, wing curve, be chosen in prefere1i.ce to the XB-lA on account
chassis, fuselage), peculiar to the airplane under · con- of the higher speed, but the table indicates clearly
sideration . To find th e speed at any altitude, it is only that if the two were reduced to the same basis-that is,
nec essary to proceed through the chart from left to right, loaded identically the same per horsepower and per square
starting at the altitude scale " h," at, say, point 18, fi gure foot- the latter would be 4 per cent better than the former
1, and proceeding through points 20, 16 .. 12, 11. If in regard to speed.
the cmve of the particular engine used is not available, it The chart has been extended to include very low horse-
will be necessary to select one of tl~e given engine-pro- power loadings, high wing loadings, and finen ess factors
peller curves. As more full flight data is obtainable, as high as l~O. In view of this, it serves as an indication ·
engine-propell er curves for all engines in curr,mt use may of the limits of speed performance which it is possible to
be add ed to the chart. expect when the horsepower loading of an airplane is
As th e altitude in vestigated approaches the ceiling of reduced to a minimum dependent on weights per horse-
t he airplane, point 13 moves up·.vard along th e part,icular power of engiues, and when the loading per square foot has
it/sq . ft . cmve until the apex of the curve is reached .. been increased to a point where landing speed, stability,
This point must in general be approached by starting at or structural considerations limit it.
points 18 corresponding to small increments of altitude,
until an altitude is found at which the line 14-13 becomes IV. CONCLUSION.
tangent to the p artic ular #/sq. ft. curve. Thus the chart It can b.e shown that high speed at the ground is prac-
serves a means of d etermining the absolu te ceiling of an tically proportional to the cube root of L/D. The fine-
airplane. ness factors of Table I , whi ch are exactly the cub e root
An airplane may be built and ready for performance of the relative L/D , are then a direct measure of the p er-
tests,and the engine-propeller curve of the engine used centage of error which may be expected from using past
may have been previously d etermined and included on charts of a purely empirical nature, based on #/h- p. and
the chart. If the airplane is given a high-speed test near #/sq . ft. alone. The fineness factors of Table I vary
the ground, a,id the r. p. m. of th e engine observed , then from 91 to 116, so that the error above mentioned may
the fineness facLor, the ceiling, and the speeds at all be as high as 25 per cent.
alt itudes can b e as accurately predicted from the chart as The author has done considerable work along the lines
they can b e by compl ete flight tests at all altitudes, and of purely theoretical analyses of p erfo1,mance, and is con-
the work of flight testing can be considerabl-y red need. 1rinced that, due to the paucity of experimental da,ta,
A. further use of the chart in conjunction 1vith flight the L/D of an airplane can not be computed with the accu-
testing is suggested. For instance, if two complete per- racy with ,vhich it can be selected from Table J. As
form;i,nces are d etermined for a given airplane, engine,
pure1y theoretical analyses are extended from the deter-
and pi.lot, but -.vith different propellers, two engine-pro-
mination of the L/D cmve to the computation of per-
peller curves can be established, and by direct division
formance at altitude, errors and difficulties due to lack
the relative efficiencies of the propellers can be deter-
of experimental dat;i, on engine performance at altitude
mined at various altitudes or at the various corresponding ·
increase to such proportions that results are obtained so
V/ nD ratios. Again, given two complete performances for
greatly at vai·iance with full flight-test results as to be
a given airplane, pilot, an d propeller, but with different
practically worthless.
engines, two engine-propeller curves are established, and
It has b een shown that the present empirical theoreti-
by direct di visio n the relative p erform ances of the engines
cal chai·t combines the advantages and avoids the diffi-
at various altitudes can ·be determined. In this connec-
culties of former purely empirical or purely theoretical
tion, the increase of horsepower at any altitude due to
methods of performance prediction, with a great saving of
sup ercharging can be accurately found .
time over the latter and wi th a higher degree of accuracy
Practical ekes often arise in which it is desired to know
the effect on the performance of an airplane, of changing than either. It must be remembered that as the volume
from its present engine of certain weight and horsepower to of flight-test results increases so will the length and diver-
another engine of different weight and horsepower. This sity of Table I increase, with the result that the exercise
change will generally result in a change in both the of proper judgment in selecting a fineness factor for a new
#fH. P. and the #/sq . ft. loadings, one decreasing and the airplane wi.11 continually be mad e easier and require l ess
other increasing. ln these cases the charts present .time.

High High Fineness

Airplane. #/H. P. #jsq. ft. speed at ~;5 s Airpfane. #/H.. P. Ji/sq. It. speed at factor .
ground. ground.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- ----11----- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -.- - - - - - -
F riedrichsh aven bomber. ... . 16. 6 9.2.5 91 91 U.S . A. C-11. .............. . 8.3 9. 34 136 104
A. E.G. bomber. ........ . .. . 13. 7 9. 75 100 91 Ameri can SE-5 .. . .. . ..... . . . 11. 4 8. 4 117 105
L e Pere t riplane .. ........ .. . 9. 75 9. 8.5 114 91. 5 VE-7 .................. ....... . 11. 6 7.36 114 106
Martin bomber. ..... .•. ... .. 12. 3 9.57 104. 8 92.5 Ordnance-300 . .......... . . . . . 7.05 19.3 · 147 107
Gotha bomber ......... . .... . 18. 7 9 . .50 89.5 93 XB-lA ............ . ..... . .. . 9.6 7. 38 124 108
Martin transport . ...... ..... . 12.3 9. 57 106 93.5 'rhom as-Morse MB-3 ........ . 6.3 8.35 152 112
De H-4 ................ . . . . . . 9.8 8. 9 120 100 SV A scout . ... ..... : . .. . 8.4 8.5 143 . 114
Pomilio-12 .... .... ... .. ... .. . 11.1 7. 88 111 100. 5 Spad H erbemont . ..... . 9.1 8.9 142 114. 5
Fokker D- VII . . ....... . ... . . 10. 8 8. 53 117 102 VCP- 1.. . . .. . .......... . 8. 72 9. 72 l CO 116
LSl i 36-20 (T o fa ce pago Q.)

I. RATE OF CLIMB AT THE GROUND. and the nature of the upper half of the curve approaches
parabolical nature, as might be expected.
Rate of climb at the ground depends on the three
variables, loading per horsepower, loading per square II. TIME OF 'CLIMB.
foot, and fineness factor, all of which have been taken
into consideration in the determination of absolute ceil- Absolute ceiling and rate of climb at t he ground b eing
ing and high speed near the ground from the chart of known, and assuming the rate of climb curve to be a
A. D. J\{. 489. For a given set of variables, the three straight line, the rate of climb at any al ti tude is known.
above-mentioned characteristics of performance are Service ceiling is the altit ude at which the rate of climb is
definitely fixed. The cri teri on for determining rate of 100 ft./min. The only remaining characteristic of per-
climb at the ground can be shown to be the product qf formance is time of climb to any altitude. 'l'he Flight
absolute ceiling and high speed at the ground . Proceed- Test Branch bas constructed an alignment chart-for this
ing on this theory and using full flight results on the purpose and i t is reproduced in this report in figure 3.
airplanes listed in Table II, the curve of figure 2 h3:s been A vertical line, C- B, is drawn from the absolute ceiling,
constructed. C, to any altitude B, and a horizontal line B- F is drawn
'l'he nature of the curve can readily be understood if to intersect line A- F. Point F is joined by a line F - G
the horsepower available and-horsepower required curves to point G on the rate of climb scale, where G is the rate
of an ordinary velocity chart are borne in mind. The of climb at the ground of an airplane having an absolute
lower part of the curve is characteristic of the condition ceiling, C. P oint H, where line F - G intersects the time
of high horsepower loadings and low. fin eness factors. scale, gi ves the time required for the airplane to climb to
In this case, an increase in h orsepower available means the altitude, B. Conversely, the altitude reach!)d in a
an increase in rate of climb, but proportj.onately smaller given time may b e found.
increases in both absolute ceiling and high speed, so The chart of A . D . l\1. 489 gives absolute ceiling and
that the product of the latter two, if plotted against rate speed at all altitudes. Using in figure 2 the absolute
of climb, will give a curve of the natme of a straight ceiling and speed at the ground obtained from fi gm e 1,
line. The upper· half of the curve corresponds to low the rate of climb at the ground is determined, and inci-
loadings per horsepower and high fineness factors . In dentally" service ceiling and rate of climb at any altitude.
this case, the rnte of climb and absolute ceiling are very Using in figure 3, the absolute ceiling obtained from
nearly proportional to horsepower available, while high figme 1 and the rnte of climb at the ground obtained from
speed is proportional to the cube root of horsepower avail- figme 2, the time required to climb t o any altitud e is
able. Thus rate of climb at the gro und in creases much known. Thus, ·the performance of an airplane is com-
faster than the product of absolute ceiling a~d high speed, pletely, acc urately, and quickly determined.


Airplane. Weight. Area.

R.P .M.
~/II.P. I ;;/s'l. ft.
speed a t
fact or.
Rate ol

- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Martin bomber (wit h bom bs) .. .. .... . .. . 10,225 1, 070 1, 665 832 12. 3 9.57 104. 8 92.5 12,300 630
Martin trans port ................... . ..... 10,22.5 1, 070 1, 66.5 S32 12.3 9.57 lOG 93. 5 12,600 ·660
Martin bomber ( without bombs) .... ... . 9,185 1,070 1,700 834 11. 8 . .'\6 106 94 . 15,000 770
J:'<--4 D - 2 .. , .. .... ............ .. ......•.. 2,016 352.5 1, 456 90 22.G 5. 72 73 97 9, 250 335
DH--4 ....................... . ...... .. .. .. 3,920 440 1, 630 400 9. 8 8. 9 120 100 18,000 960
DH-9 bomber . ... ................. .. ....
Fokker D - V II .. .. ............ . ..... . .. . .
VE-7 ........................ . . •• .. . .••..
4, 872
284. 5
11, t
11. G I
I 9.95
8. 5
Ordnance 300 ..........• • . . . . ... ...... ... 2,432 261 1., 885 345 7.05 9.3 147 107 23, 300 1,460
SE-5 ... . ... ... . ... ... . • . . . ........ ... ... 2, 060 245.3 1, 725 180 11. 4 8.42 121. 6 108 19, 800 1,040
Thomas-Morse 300 .... . ... . . . .• ·......••.. 152 112 2.5,500 1, 920
X B- l A ....................... .. • . . . . ... .
VCP-1. ... ...... .. ... . .... . . ..... . . ......
1, 810
1, 875
2, 000
I 6.3
8. 7
7. 22
8. 35
9. i2
24, 500



4000 ,FOR T/1£ PREIJICT/0/t OF .,,.,.--
Rl1TE OF ull/18 AT Tf/£ 6ROl/lt0



"~ I
~ I
/ 000

I ..

I 200 40tJ 6tJtJ 9()0 1000 1200 l'MO 1000 1eoo 2000 2200.
R'1T£ OF CL./lfll /IT 6RtlUIIO FEET PER /fl.II/IT£
.... . .. ~ - r ''2600
.. ~4
-+- 2400
-- s .
- - 6
7 -1- 2000
-- 8

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~ I-- ~ 30

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- 30
-~ 600
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t.Ot:,~. ,ao --40

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" I j:'.{oO / 0
'J' ~6'
- 300
£N6/N££Rllf6 OIYIS/0/f
/MY- 7- /9/;J.

Ralph Brown Draughon


MAR 26 2013
Auburn University

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