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March 30, 2024

To: All Officers and Board of Directors Bagong Nayon Neighborhood Ass. Inc,

Mr. President!
Good morning for and all the Board of Directors our association. It’s been almost for almost 8
years since 2016 when our association adopted aur new constitution and by/laws but I’m sorry to say
that it wasn’t correctly and properly in accordance will the context in shrined in the said by/laws.
We must remember and understood that the by/law is the basic fundamental guideline to be follow in
administering an association like ours. We adopted it in 2016, On the 2nd Sunday of December of the
same year we conducted an election of Board of Directors which was wrong in our opinion.
Art. V, Sec. 26 states or provide;
The first meeting of the association’s membership Shall the on the 3rd Sunday of January.
There after the annual meeting of the association shall de held every 2nd Sunday of December. At
time to be set by the Board Directors in each succeeding year. At such meeting there shall be elected
by ballot of the member of the Board Directors in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 26, Art. V
of these by/laws.
There was gross negligence and gross violation of the by/law on the part of officers for it was a
pre-mature election of the board of the 2nd Sunday of 2016 after the adoption of the saw constitution
and by/laws.
Likewise, officers commit gross violation for not implementing properly of some pertinent
provisions of the by/laws since 2016 until now.
May I cite some provision of the by/laws where in officers neglected to implement it properly.
1. Article II, Sec 3 (c) – the powers, Duties of the association.
Art. II, Sec. 3-c
Regulate the use, Maintain, Repair, Replacement and modification of common areas and
cause additional improvement to be made part a common area. Provided that the aforementioned do
not contradict the provision of the approved Subdivision Plan.
2. Art. II Sec. 14. - Delinquent members:
A member who has failed to pay of six consecutive monthly dues, or membership fees, despite
demand of the Association or has repeatedly violated the Association by/laws and or declared policy.
On that note, officers were delinquent for violating and not implementing properly the by/laws.
3. Art. V, Sec. 29 - Quorum.
* From time-to-time meetings conducted by the association has no Quorum. The presence in person
or by proxy of at least fifty percent (50%) plus one (1) of the number of member base on the record
on file with the HLURD or DHSUD shall a quorum for all meetings of members.
4. Art. VII, Officers:
Sec. 55,
The president shall post a fidelity Bond sufficient to answer’s association cash assets and it’s
equivalent at the time of his or her assumption.
Sec. 58,
The Treasurer shall post a fidelity Bond on the account of the association to be determined by
the Board & Directors.
*Note: This fidelity Bond was discussed already in our previous meeting. Despite of the answer
of our Good Vice President, the Board never made any action or initiate to remedy the problem.
5. Art. VIII-Associations Committees:
For almost a couple of years from the adoption of our new by/laws the Board of Directors,
create the different Committees.
Luckily, the creative the grievance and adjudication committee. Ironically, previous committee
attuned and follow the proper set up. Much worst one of the designated members of the grievance
committee before was not even in member of Association.
6. Art. VIIII – Fiscal management
Sec. 66 - Auditing:
At the close of each fiscal year the books and record of the Association of Shall be audited and
certified by a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) as required by the Board of Directors.
The Association Shall furnished each member with an Annual Financial Statement (Balance
Sheet and Income Statement).
*Relative to Art. VIIII, Sec. 66, may we humbly request the office of the association to provide us,
including all bonafide members of the association a copy of the Annual Financial Report (Balance
Sheet and Income Statement) duly audited and certified to by the Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
as provided in the by/laws from 2016-2024.
Likewise, kindly provide us all the undertakings of the association of the previous year like
resolution, inventory of our office equipment, hardware and donation. We would like also to be
updated about contract between our association and Engr. Dadiz. It was almost more or less than 12
years since it was signed last 2012.
It is unfortunate that the two signatories of the contract have passed away on the one of
designatory is a live.
The contract Stipulate that the work including other aspects on the contract will last only or 240 days
but until now our association office has no definite report about the outcome of the contract or tragic.
We would be very grateful for what ever attention or action you may extend with this

Respectfully Yours,

1. Fernando R. Sendon Sr.

2. Domingo Nantiza

3. Helarion Zuniga

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