Title 4 Crimes Against Public Interest

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Criminal Law


3. Falsifying or Counterfeiting document issued
CHAPTER ONE by foreign government
FORGERIES 4. Forging or Altering a circulating note or bill
issued by a foreign bank authorized therefor
Section 1: Forging the seal of the Government of the
Philippines Islands, the signature or stamp of the Chief Art. 167: Counterfeiting, Importing and Uttering
Executive instruments not payable to bearer
Art. 161: Counterfeiting the great seal of the 1. Any person, who:
Government of the Philippine Islands, forging the 2. Forge, Import, Utter in connivance
signature or stamp of the Chief Executive 3. Instrument is payable to order or other
Acts Punishable: document of credit not payable to bearer
1. Any person, who:
a. Forge the great seal of the Art. 168: Illegal Possession and use of false treasury or
Government of the Philippine Islands bank notes and other instruments of credit
b. Forge the signature or stamp of the Elements:
Chief Executive 1. Any person, who:
2. Knowingly use or in possession, with intent to
Art. 162: Using forged signature or counterfeit seal or use
stamp 3. False or Falsified Instruments
1. Offender is any person Art. 169: How Forgery is committed:
2. Knows that the same is forged Act Punishable:
3. Uses the counterfeit seal or stamp 1. Giving to a treasury or bank note or any
instrument, payable to bearer or order
Section 2: Counterfeiting Coins mentioned therein, the appearance of a true
Art. 163: Making and Importing and Uttering false coins and genuine document
Acts Punishable: 2. Erasing, substituting, counterfeiting, or
1. Making false coins – imitating true & genuine altering by any means the figures, letters,
2. Importing false Coins – bringing to Philippines words, or signs contained therein
3. Uttering false coins – giving away, passing,
circulating Section 4: Falsification of legislative, public, commercial,
and private documents, and wireless telegraph, and
Art. 164: Mutilation of coins, Importation and Utterance telephone message
of mutilated Coins
Act Punishable: Art. 170: Falsification of Legislative Documents
1. Mutilating – take off part of the metal which Elements:
would decrease value 1. Any person
2. Importing, in connivance with mutilators 2. Without proper authority
3. Uttering, in connivance with mutilators 3. Alters any bill, resolution, or ordinance
enacted or approved or pending approval by
Art. 165: Selling of False or mutilated coins, without either House or any provincial board or
connivance municipal council
Act Punishable:
1. Possession of any coin mutilated or Kinds of Documents
counterfeited, with intent to utter and know 1. Public
it is not genuine 2. Official
2. Actually uttering despite knowledge 3. Commercial
4. Private
Section 3: Forging treasury or bank notes, obligations
and securities, importing and uttering false or forged Art. 171: Falsification by Public officer, employee, or
notes and documents notary or ecclesiastic minister
Act Punishable:
Art. 166: Forging treasury or bank noted on other 1. Counterfeiting or imitating any handwriting,
documents payable to bearer; importing and uttering signature or rubric
such false or forged notes and documents 2. Causing to appear that persons have
Act Punishable: participated in any act or proceeding when
1. Falsifying, Counterfeiting, Altering an they did not in fact so participate
obligation or security of the United States or 3. Attributing o persons who have participated
of Philippines in an act or proceeding statements other than
2. Falsifying, Counterfeiting Altering a those in fact made by them
circulating note issued by any banking 4. Making untruthful statements in a narration
association duly authorized by law to issue of facts
the same 5. Altering true dates
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Criminal Law
6. Making any alteration or intercalation in a CHAPTER TWO
genuine document which changes its meaning OTHER FALSITIES
7. Issuing in an authenticated form a document
purporting to be a copy of an original Section 1: Usurpation of authority, rank, title, and
document when no such original exist, OR improper use of names, uniforms and insignia
including in such a copy a statement contrary
to, or different from that of the genuine Art. 177: Usurpation of authority or official functions
original Act Punishable:
8. Intercalating any instrument or note relative 1. Usurpation of Public Authority
to the issuance thereof in a protocol, registry 2. Usurpation of Official Function
or official book
Art. 178: Using fictitious name and concealing true name
Art. 172: Falsification by private individual and use of Act Punishable:
falsified documents 1. Using fictitious name
Act Punishable: a. Any person
1. Falsification of public, official, or commercial b. Using other name publicly
document by a private individual c. Conceal crime, evade execution of
2. Falsification of a private document by any judgment, and damage public interest
person 2. Concealing true name
3. Use of falsified document a. Any person
b. Conceal his real name and other
Art. 173: Falsification of wireless, cable, telegraph and personal circumstances
telephone messages, and use of said falsified messages c. Intent to conceal real identity
Act Punishable:
1. Uttering fictitious wireless, telegraph or CA 142 AS AMENDED: ANTI-ALIAS LAW
telephone messages
2. Falsifying wireless, telegraph or telephone
messages Art. 179: Illegal Use of uniforms or insignia
3. Using such falsifies messages Elements:
1. Offender uses insignia, uniform, dress
Section 5: Falsification of Medical Certificates, 2. Pertains to an office or class not held by him/
Certificates of Merit, or Services and the like not a member
3. Used publicly and improperly
Art. 174: False medical certificates, false certificates of
merits or service, etc. Section Two: False Testimony
Act Punishable: Art. 180: False Testimony against a defendant
1. Physician or surgeon in connection with the
practice of his profession Art. 181: False Testimony favorable to the defendants
2. Public officer who issues a false certificate of
merit of service, good moral character Art. 182: False Testimony in civil cases
3. Private individual who shall falsify such
certificate Art. 183: False Testimony in other cases and perjury in
solemn affirmation
Art. 175: Using false certificates Act Punishable:
Act Punishable: 1. Any person
1. Any person 2. Gives false testimony;
2. Knowingly use and of the false certificates a. Against the defendant
b. In favor of defendant
Section 6: Manufacturing, Importing and Possession of c. Civil cases
instruments or implements intended for the commission d. Other cases
of falsification Perjury under Art 183:
Art. 176: Manufacturing and Possession of instruments Elements:
or implements for falsification 1. Accused made a statement under oath OR
Act Punishable: executed an affidavit on material matter
1. Making or introducing into Philippines 2. That it was made before a competent officer
2. Possessing with intent to use instruments or duly authorized to receive or administer oath
implements for falsification 3. Accused made willful and deliberate assertion
of falsehood
4. Sworn statement of affidavit is required by
Acts Punishable under Perjury
1. Statement under oath
2. Making false affidavit

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Criminal Law
Art. 184: Offering false testimony in evidence
1. Any person
2. Knowingly offers in evidence a false witness
or testimony
3. Judicial or Official proceeding


Section 1: Machinations, Monopolies, and Combinations

Art. 185: Machinations in Public Auctions

Act Punishable:
1. Soliciting gift or promise as consideration
from refraining from taking part in any public
2. Attempting to cause bidders to stay away
from an auction by threats, gifts, promises, or
any other artifice

Art. 186: Monopolies and combinations in restraint of

Act Punishable:
1. Combination to prevent free competition in
the market
2. Monopoly to restrain free completion in the
3. Manufacturer, producer, or processor or
importer combining, conspiring, or agreeing
with any person to make transactions
prejudicial to lawful commerce or to increase
the market price of merchandise

Section 2: Frauds in commerce and industry

Art. 187: Importation and Disposition of Falsely Marked

Articles or Merchandise made of gold, silver, or other
precious metals or their alloys
1. Any person
2. Imports, sells, or dispose, any article or
merchandise made of gold, silver, or other
precious metals, or alloys
3. Stamps, brands, or marks of those
merchandise failed to indicate the actual
fineness or quality of said metal or alloys
4. Offender knew the stamp, brand, or mark
failed to indicate actual fineness or quality

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