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Binalonan, Pangasinan

First Semester, Academic Year 2023-2024

Lesson Plan




Content Standards (C): Performance Standards (P):

The learners demonstrate an understanding of: The learners should be able to:
- the nature of assertion by analyzing written and oral statements; also how to - formulate and identify a statement of assertion.
construct their assertion as a reaction to a response to a certain situation.

Learning Competencies:

The learners should be able to:
1. familiarize the different types of assertion;
2. construct a statement of assertion; and
3. observe the appropriate manner of assertion.


Topic: Expressing Reactions in a Text

Value Integration: Able to properly response in a certain situation by using assertion.

Binalonan, Pangasinan
First Semester, Academic Year 2023-2024

Learning Resources: PowerPoint presentation and Smart TV

References: SLM – Q3 – M6: Expressing One’s Belief or Conviction,


A. Preliminary Activities Opening Prayer

 Class, before anything else, kindly stand up for our opening prayer to be led by Student A.

 Good morning class.
 How are you this morning?

Checking of Attendance
 Ms./Mr. Secretary who is absent today? (The teacher will note the absent/excused learner)

Class Rules

 Class we will employ " BeFoERe " throughout the discussion, Okay? (BeFoERe – Behave, Focus, Express, and Repeat)

B. Reviewing the Previous Rewind

Lesson Instruction: The teacher will ask for the description or definition of the following term below.
Narrative text, Theme, Characters, Settings, Plot, and Conflict.

C. Establishing a Purpose Short Advertisement...

for the Lesson As an introduction to the lesson, the teacher will play a video advertisement for the students. Then, ask about their observations regarding
the clips.
Binalonan, Pangasinan
First Semester, Academic Year 2023-2024

D. Presentation and Discussion

Development of the
The teacher will discuss the different types of assertions along with examples.

An ASSERTION is a statement or declaration regarding an idea, a topic, or an issue. It expresses a person’s opinion, feelings, or beliefs.

Where do we usually encounter assertions?

Persuasive texts and argumentative texts naturally contain assertions. Persuasive texts like advertisements, campaign speeches, and
persuasive essays have assertions that are not always backed up by evidence. On the other hand, argumentative texts have assertions that
are supported by evidence like facts, statistics, and examples. Also, they present opposing arguments and rebuttals for those arguments.

1) Basic assertion – This is a simple and direct expression of one’s opinion, feelings, or belief.
- (When being interrupted) "Excuse me, I'd like to finish what I'm saying."
- (Expressing adoration) Taylor Swift is the greatest singer to ever exist.
- (Making a Stand) Cats are better than dogs.

2) Empathic assertion – This shows sympathy to another person. It is an acknowledgment of the other person’s feelings or situation and at
the same time a show of support to the rights of the person.
Binalonan, Pangasinan
First Semester, Academic Year 2023-2024
- “I understand that you have been waiting for a while now for your internet to be reconnected. That is why we are doing the best we
can to navigate the problems and fix them.
- “I know that you are disappointed because I broke my promises, but I swear that I’ll make it up to you once my work is done.
- "I know you are upset and frustrated with the results, but you must be patient with what I am doing to resolve your issue."
3) Positive assertion – This expresses positive feelings or emotions. To make this assertion, one gives a reason or an explanation for a
good feeling or opinion.
- "I'm glad you came back to see me, I missed you."
- “I’m happy to see you achieving your dreams, I’m so proud of you.”
- “You’re so good at what you do, you’re my inspiration.”
4) Confrontive assertion – A confrontive assertion is a statement made when an agreement has been violated. This presents three closely
related actions: an action that was supposed to be done, the actual action, and the action that the speaker wants done.
- "I told you to complete the forms by November 15, and you agreed to do so. Now it is January 15 and you are telling me that you
forgot the forms but you still expect to complete our business on time. What is it that you want me to do?"
- “We agreed that you would take out the trash every Tuesday to earn your allowance. It is Wednesday and you didn’t take out the
trash yesterday. Consequently, I won’t be giving you your allowance this week.”
- “You were supposed to treat me right because you said that you love me, but you can’t even give me your time, how is that right?
Do you really love me?
5) Escalating assertion – This is a firm, but respectful statement made by a person who is expecting another person’s response to his or
her earlier assertion. However, the other person has not given any response. The escalating assertion has a consequence attached to it.
Binalonan, Pangasinan
First Semester, Academic Year 2023-2024
- “If you don’t make it to the top one, I won’t raise your allowance.”
- “If this happens again, you won’t get another chance.”
- “As long as you keep being a good student, I’ll keep cooking your favorite dishes.”
6) I-language assertion – This expresses negative feelings. It describes the person’s feelings toward a certain negative behavior and states
what he or she desires to happen. It involves a 3-part statement
 When you do . . . (describe the behavior).
 The effects are . . . (describe how the behavior concretely affects you).
 I'd prefer. . . (describe what you want).
- "When you shout the effect is I am unable to work with you and I feel angry. Therefore, I would like for you to stop shouting and
tell me what you want."
- “When you don’t work seriously your project will never get a high grade then you’ll be left behind. So, I would like you to take
things seriously. “
- “When you’re not honest with your words, I don’t feel okay. So, don’t lie.

E. Developing Mastery Got It? Let’s Find out!

(leads to Formative Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Assessment) 1. It is a statement or declaration regarding an idea, a topic, or an issue.
a. Declaration b. prediction c. Assertion d. contradiction
2. Which of the following are expressed by assertions?
a. Feelings b. opinions c. beliefs d. facts
3. In the band’s press release, they stated that they would hold their concert in Manila on the 22nd of September. However, the
concert did not push through because of a typhoon. The concert should be rescheduled, and those who cannot go but already have
tickets should be refunded their money.
The given statement is _________.
a. An escalating assertion c. an I-Language assertion
Binalonan, Pangasinan
First Semester, Academic Year 2023-2024
b. A confrontive assertion d. an emphatic assertion
4. In expressing one’s feelings regarding a negative behavior and what one wants to happen about it, which of the following types
of assertions is used?
a. An escalating assertion c. an I-Language assertion
b. A confrontive assertion d. an emphatic assertion
5. Iris walked up to Lea and told her that she was very pleased with how Lea handled her nervousness when she had to speak in
front of the class. She also told Lea how proud she was of her. Which of the following types of assertions did Iris use?
a. basic assertion c. positive assertion
b. confrontive assertion d. an emphatic assertion

F. Finding practical Hire me because…

application of concepts Instruction: Assume you are applying for a job (a cashier, chef/cook, teacher, manager, nurse, salesman/saleslady, band vocalist/singer, or
in daily lives whatever else you can think of). Why do you believe they should hire you? Your response should be 3-4 sentences long and include at least
one basic assertion, though the more the better.

G. Making generalizations The teacher will ask the meaning of the following terms;
and abstraction about
the lesson Assertion, Basic Assertion, Empathic Assertion, Positive Assertion, Confrontive Assertion, Escalating Assertion, and I-Language


Let’s Find Out!

Direction: Please read the following statement carefully and identify what type of assertion the statement is.
1. The story of Waywaya is the saddest story that I ever read. Basic
2. I get it that you are not ready to be in a relationship, so, I might pull back for now and give you the space that you want. Empathic
3. I like your handwriting, it’s beautiful. I might attempt to imitate your hand movements sometimes. Positive
4. We agreed that the due date of your activity is Monday, it is now Friday and you haven’t submitted your activity yet. How am I supposed to give you a grade?
5. Score high on the exam or else you will rank down. Escalating
6. When you’re not attending the party I’ll be very disappointed. I won’t talk to you for a week. I-Language
7. SB19 is better than BTS. Basic
Binalonan, Pangasinan
First Semester, Academic Year 2023-2024
8. If you forget to buy coffee, I won’t share my food. Escalating
9. Ben&Ben has the most beautiful love songs ever. Basic
10. English is my favorite subject! Basic


Directions: Research the story of Hunger in Barok by N.V.M Gonzales, and go over an advanced reading.

VII. REFLECTION (Please accomplish after execution for your lesson)

a. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

b. No. of learners who require additional activities for


c. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have

caught up with the lesson.

d. No. of learners who continue to require remediation

e. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did

these work?

f. What difficulties did I encounter which my

Resource/Cooperating Teacher can help me solve?

g. What Innovation or localized materials did I use/discover

which I wish to share with other pre-service teachers?

Prepared by: Checked & Approved by:

Binalonan, Pangasinan
First Semester, Academic Year 2023-2024

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