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Overview: Statistics is the branch of mathematics that deals with the collection, analysis,
interpretation, presentation, and organization of data. It plays a crucial role in various fields,
providing tools for making informed decisions and drawing meaningful conclusions from

Key Concepts:

1. Descriptive Statistics:
o Measures of Central Tendency: Mean, Median, Mode.
o Measures of Dispersion: Range, Variance, Standard Deviation.
o Percentiles and Quartiles: Understanding data distribution.
2. Probability:
o Basic Probability Concepts: Sample space, events, probability rules.
o Conditional Probability: Probability of an event given another event.
3. Random Variables and Probability Distributions:
o Discrete and Continuous Random Variables: Definition and examples.
o Probability Mass Function (PMF): Probability distribution for discrete
o Probability Density Function (PDF): Probability distribution for continuous
o Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF): Probability of a random variable
being less than or equal to a specific value.
4. Sampling and Sampling Distributions:
o Sampling Techniques: Random sampling, stratified sampling, cluster
o Sampling Distributions: Understanding the distribution of sample statistics.
5. Inferential Statistics:
o Hypothesis Testing: Formulating and testing hypotheses about population
o Confidence Intervals: Estimating the range within which a population
parameter is likely to fall.
o Regression Analysis: Analyzing the relationship between variables.


1. Quality Control: Statistical methods for monitoring and improving processes.

2. Market Research: Analyzing customer preferences and market trends.
3. Medical Research: Drawing conclusions from clinical trials and epidemiological
4. Finance: Risk analysis, portfolio management, and investment strategies.
5. Social Sciences: Understanding patterns in human behavior, demographics, and
public opinion.


1. Data Quality: Dealing with incomplete, inaccurate, or biased data.

2. Statistical Misinterpretation: Ensuring proper interpretation of statistical results.
3. Ethical Considerations: Addressing ethical concerns in statistical analysis.


Overview: Biostatistics is a branch of statistics that focuses on the application of statistical

methods to biological and health-related data. It plays a crucial role in biomedical research,
clinical trials, epidemiology, and public health. Biostatistical methods are used to analyze,
interpret, and draw meaningful conclusions from data in the field of life sciences.

Key Concepts:

1. Descriptive Biostatistics:
o Measures of Central Tendency: Mean, Median, Mode for biological and health
o Measures of Dispersion: Variance, Standard Deviation in the context of life
2. Biostatistical Methods for Data Analysis:
o Probability and Distribution: Application of probability concepts to biological
o Hypothesis Testing: Formulating and testing hypotheses in biomedical
o Regression Analysis: Analyzing relationships between variables in a biological
3. Clinical Trials and Experimental Design:
o Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs): Principles and designs.
o Observational Studies: Understanding cohort studies and case-control studies.
4. Epidemiological Methods:
o Incidence and Prevalence: Measurement and interpretation in epidemiological
o Risk Factors: Identifying and analyzing risk factors for diseases.
5. Survival Analysis:
o Kaplan-Meier Curve: Estimating the survival function.
o Cox Proportional Hazards Model: Analyzing time-to-event data.


1. Drug Development: Assessing the efficacy and safety of pharmaceuticals.

2. Public Health Planning: Analyzing disease trends and planning interventions.
3. Genomic Studies: Analyzing genetic data and identifying associations with diseases.
4. Clinical Decision Making: Using statistical methods for evidence-based medicine.
5. Environmental Health: Assessing the impact of environmental factors on health.


1. Biological Variability: Dealing with inherent variability in biological systems.

2. Ethical Considerations: Ensuring ethical conduct in the analysis of health data.
3. Data Integration: Handling diverse data sources in health research.
4. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Collaborating with experts from different fields.

Overview: Frequency distribution is a statistical method used to organize and summarize

data into meaningful patterns. It involves arranging data into categories and displaying the
number of occurrences (frequency) in each category. Frequency distributions are fundamental
for understanding the distribution and patterns within datasets.

Key Concepts:

1. Components of Frequency Distribution:

o Class Intervals: Ranges into which data is divided.
o Frequency: Number of observations in each class interval.
o Cumulative Frequency: Running total of frequencies.
2. Types of Frequency Distributions:
o Simple Frequency Distribution: Basic display of frequencies in each category.
o Grouped Frequency Distribution: Used for larger datasets with intervals.
o Cumulative Frequency Distribution: Shows cumulative totals.
3. Construction of Frequency Distributions:
o Choosing Class Intervals: Guidelines for selecting appropriate intervals.
o Calculating Frequencies: Counting the occurrences in each interval.
o Graphical Representations: Histograms, Frequency Polygons, and Ogives.
4. Measures of Central Tendency in Frequency Distributions:
o Mean: Calculating the mean of grouped data.
o Median: Finding the median for grouped data.
o Mode: Identifying the mode in a frequency distribution.
5. Shape of Frequency Distributions:
o Symmetry and Skewness: Understanding the skewness of a distribution.
o Normal Distribution: Characteristics of a perfectly symmetrical distribution.


1. Data Summarization: Summarizing large datasets for easier interpretation.

2. Pattern Recognition: Identifying trends and patterns within data.
3. Statistical Analysis: Essential for statistical analysis and hypothesis testing.
4. Visual Representation: Creating visual aids for effective communication.
5. Comparative Analysis: Comparing distributions across different groups.


1. Choosing Intervals: Selecting appropriate class intervals for meaningful

2. Handling Outliers: Dealing with extreme values that may impact the distribution.
3. Interpretation: Ensuring accurate interpretation of graphical representations.
4. Data Accuracy: Verifying the accuracy of data before constructing distributions.

Constructing Frequency Distributions: Step-by-Step Guide with Examples

Constructing a frequency distribution involves organizing data into meaningful categories

and displaying the number of occurrences in each category. This step-by-step guide will help
you understand the process with examples:
Step 1: Organize Raw Data

Start with a set of raw data that you want to analyze. For example, consider the following
dataset representing the scores of students in a class:


Step 2: Determine the Range

Calculate the range of the data by subtracting the minimum value from the maximum value:

Range=Maximum Value−Minimum Value

In our example:


Step 3: Choose Class Intervals

Divide the range into intervals (bins). The number of intervals depends on the dataset size. A
common choice is 5-15 intervals. In our example, let's choose intervals of width 5:

Interval Width=Range/Number of Intervals=20/4=5

Step 4: Create a Frequency Table

Construct a table with columns for class intervals and frequencies. Start by listing the

Class Intervals Frequency

Step 5: Count Frequencies

Count the number of data points falling into each interval. Update the frequency column

Class Intervals Frequency

70−75 3
76−80 3
81−85 4
86−90 2
91−95 2

Mean: Study Material


In statistics, the mean is a measure of central tendency that represents the average of a set of
values. It is commonly used to describe the center of a distribution and is calculated by
summing all values and dividing by the total number of observations.

Types of Mean:

1. Arithmetic Mean (Average):

o Formula: Mean(Xˉ)=Sum of all values/Number of observations
o It is the most common type of mean and is suitable for symmetric
2. Weighted Mean:
o Formula: Weighted Mean=∑(Xi×Wi) / ∑Wi
o Useful when different observations have different weights.
3. Geometric Mean:
o Formula: Geometric Mean=(∏Xi)1/n
o Appropriate for multiplicative relationships or when dealing with ratios.
4. Harmonic Mean:
o Formula: Harmonic Mean=n/∑(1?Xi)
o Suitable for rates and ratios.

Properties of Mean:

1. Sensitive to Outliers:
o The mean is influenced by extreme values and may not be representative of
the central tendency in the presence of outliers.
2. Balancing Property:
o The sum of deviations of individual values from the mean is always zero.
3. Unique Mean:
o For a given dataset, there is only one unique mean.


Consider the dataset: 12,15,18,20,2212,15,18,20,22



1. Descriptive Statistics:
o Mean is used to describe the central tendency of a dataset.
2. Comparisons:
o It is used to compare different groups or populations.
3. Financial Analysis:
o Mean is widely used in financial analysis to calculate average returns or

1. Influenced by Outliers:
o Outliers can significantly distort the mean.
2. Not Robust:
o It may not be robust in the presence of skewed data.

Mean (average) of a frequency distribution

To calculate the mean (average) of a frequency distribution, you can use the following



 Xi is the midpoint of each

 fif is the frequency of each

Let's assume you have a frequency distribution table for pharmaceutical sales with intervals
and frequencies:

Interval Frequency
0−9 5
10−19 12
20−29 20
30−39 18
40−49 15
50−59 10
60−69 5

Now, let's find the mean:

1. Calculate Midpoints:
o Midpoint of 0-9: (0+9)/2=4.5
o Midpoint of 10-19: (10+19)/2=14.5
o Midpoint of 20-29: (20+29)/2=24.5
o ...
o Midpoint of 60-69: (60+69)/2=64.5
2. Calculate Xi⋅fi for each interval:
o 4.5⋅5=22.5
o 14.5⋅12=174
o 24.5⋅20=490
o ...
o 64.5⋅5=322.5
3. Calculate ∑(Xi⋅fi): 22.5+174+490+…+322.5
4. Calculate ∑fi: 5+12+20+…+5
5. Calculate the Mean: Mean=∑(Xi⋅fi)/∑fi


The median is a measure of central tendency that represents the middle value of a dataset
when it is ordered. It divides the dataset into two equal halves.


For Odd Number of Observations:

1. Arrange Data:
o Order the dataset in ascending or descending order.
2. Identify the Middle Value:
o The middle value is the one at the center when the data is arranged.

Median=Middle Value

For Even Number of Observations:

1. Arrange Data:
o Order the dataset in ascending or descending order.
2. Calculate Average of Middle Values:
o Find the two middle values and calculate their average.

Median=(Middle Value1+Middle Value2)/2


 The median is not affected by extreme values or outliers.

 It is particularly useful for skewed datasets.


Consider the dataset: 4,7,2,8,5,1,6

1. Order the Data: 1,2,4,5,6,7,81,2,4,5,6,7,8

2. Odd Number of Observations: Median is the middle value, which is 5.

Advantages and Disadvantages:


 Resistant to outliers.
 Suitable for ordinal and interval data.


 Computation can be complex for large datasets.

 May not represent the dataset well if the distribution is highly skewed.


 Widely used in descriptive statistics.

 Commonly used in financial analyses, healthcare, and sociology.


A pharmaceutical company is testing the effectiveness of a new drug on a sample of patients.

The data collected represents the improvement in symptoms (in percentage) for each patient
after a month of taking the drug. The data is as follows:

Improvement Percentage Frequency

10 5
20 10
30 15
40 20
50 25
60 20
70 5

Calculate the median improvement percentage for this drug.


To find the median, we need to arrange the data in ascending order and then determine the
middle value. However, in this case, since we have a frequency distribution, we also need to
consider the cumulative frequencies.

Let's first calculate the cumulative frequencies:

Improvement Percentage Frequency Cumulative Frequency

10 5 5
20 10 15
30 15 30
40 20 50
50 25 75
60 20 95
70 5 100

The total number of observations is N=100N=100. The median position is N/2=50.

Now, looking at the cumulative frequencies, we see that the median falls in the interval with a
cumulative frequency greater than or equal to 50. This is the interval (40,50]

Now, we can use the following formula to find the median in a grouped frequency

 L is the lower class boundary of the median class,

 N is the total number of observations,
 F is the cumulative frequency of the class before the median class,
 f is the frequency of the median class,
 w is the width of the median class.

For the interval (40,50](40,50]:

 L=40,
 F=30 (cumulative frequency of the class before),
 f=20,
 w=10 (width of the interval).



Therefore, the median improvement percentage for this drug is 50%

Mode Definition:

Mode: The mode of a dataset is the value or values that appear most frequently.

Types of Modes:

1. Unimodal: When a dataset has one mode.

2. Bimodal: When a dataset has two modes.
3. Multimodal: When a dataset has more than two modes.
4. No Mode: When no value is repeated.

Calculating the Mode:

 For Ungrouped Data:

o Identify the value(s) that occur most frequently.
 For Grouped Data:
o Identify the modal class (the class with the highest frequency).
o Use interpolation to estimate the mode more precisely within the modal class.

Consider the dataset: 2,4,4,6,7,8,8,9

 The mode is 44 and 88 because they occur more frequently than other values.

Properties of the Mode:

 Applicability: The mode is useful for both numerical and categorical data.
 Notation: Denoted by Mo, or M.
 Robustness: It's less sensitive to extreme values than the mean.

Mean, Median, and Mode Relationship:

 In a symmetrical distribution, the mean, median, and mode coincide.

 In a skewed distribution, they may differ, with the mode typically closer to the peak.

Mode in Frequency Distributions:

 Discrete Data: Find the value(s) with the highest frequency.

 Continuous Data: Identify the modal class.

Uses of Mode:

 Categorical Data: Identifying the most common category.

 Education: In grading, determining the most common grade.
 Business: Identifying the most popular product.


 A dataset may have:

o No mode (all values are unique),
o One mode (unimodal),
o Multiple modes (bimodal, multimodal).

Formula for Ungrouped Data:

Mo=Value with the highest frequency

Formula for Grouped Data:


 L is the lower boundary of the modal class,

 f1 is the frequency of the modal class,
 f0 is the frequency of the class before the modal class,
 f2f is the frequency of the class after the modal class,
 w is the width of the modal class.


A pharmaceutical company is investigating the effect of a new medication on pain relief in a

group of patients. The data collected represents the pain reduction (in a pain scale) after using
the medication for a certain period. The data is grouped into class intervals, and the frequency
distribution is as follows:

Calculate the modal class and the mode of the pain reduction for patients in this study.


The mode is the value or values that occur most frequently in the dataset. In a grouped
frequency distribution, the mode is often associated with the modal class, which is the class
interval with the highest frequency.

Let's calculate the modal class. The highest frequency is associated with the class interval
9−11. Therefore, the modal class is 9−11.

To estimate the mode more precisely within the modal class, we can use the following


 L is the lower boundary of the modal class,

 f1f is the frequency of the modal class,
 f0 is the frequency of the class before the modal class,
 f2 is the frequency of the class after the modal class,
 w is the width of the modal class.

For the interval 9−11:

 L=9 (lower boundary),
 f1=25 (frequency of the modal class),
 f0=15 (frequency of the class before),
 f2=10 (frequency of the class after),
 w=3 (width of the interval).




Therefore, the modal class is 9−11 and the estimated mode of the pain reduction for patients
in this study is approximately 9.857 on the pain scale.

Introduction to Measures of Dispersion

Measures of dispersion are statistical metrics that describe how spread out or dispersed a set
of data points is. They provide important insights into the variability or diversity within a
dataset, complementing measures of central tendency like the mean or median. Here are the
key measures of dispersion:



The range is a measure of dispersion that represents the difference between the maximum and
minimum values in a dataset. It provides a simple but informative indicator of the spread or
variability of the data.


Range=Maximum Value−Minimum Value

Key Points:

1. Simplicity: The range is easy to calculate and understand, making it a quick measure
of variability.
2. Sensitivity to Outliers: The range is sensitive to extreme values or outliers in the
dataset. A single very high or very low value can significantly impact the range.
3. Does Not Consider Distribution: While the range gives an idea of the spread, it does
not provide information about how the values are distributed within that range.


Consider the following dataset representing the daily temperatures in degrees Celsius for a
week: 15,18,20,23,14,30,25. The range is calculated as follows:
Range=Maximum Value−Minimum Value


1. Sensitive to Extreme Values: The range can be greatly influenced by outliers or

extreme values.
2. Does Not Represent Spread Internally: It doesn't provide information about the
distribution of values within the dataset.


A pharmaceutical company is conducting a study to analyze the efficacy of a new pain relief
medication. The study measures the reduction in pain intensity (on a scale of 0 to 10) after
patients take the medication for a certain period. The data is grouped into class intervals, and
the frequency distribution is as follows:

Calculate the range of the pain reduction for patients in this study.


The range is calculated as the difference between the maximum and minimum values. In a
frequency distribution, we use the boundaries of the extreme classes to determine the
maximum and minimum values.

Let's calculate the range:

1. Identify the Extremes:

o The minimum value is the lower boundary of the first class: 0−2=0.
o The maximum value is the upper boundary of the last class: 9−10=10
2. Calculate the Range:

Range=Maximum Value−Minimum Value

Therefore, the range of the pain reduction for patients in this pharmaceutical study is 10 on
the scale of 0 to 10.

This means that the observed pain reduction spans a range of 10 units, providing an
indication of the variability in the effectiveness of the medication across different patients.

Standard Deviation


The standard deviation is a measure of the amount of variation or dispersion in a set of

values. It quantifies the extent to which data deviates from the mean, providing insights into
the spread of the distribution.

The standard deviation is calculated as the square root of the variance. There are two
formulas, one for a population (σσ) and one for a sample (ss):


 X is each individual data point,

 μ is the population mean,
 Xˉ is the sample mean,
 N is the population size,
 n is the sample size.

Key Points:

1. Sensitivity to Outliers:
o Like variance, standard deviation is sensitive to extreme values in the dataset.
2. Interpretability:
o Standard deviation is in the original units of the data, making it more
interpretable than variance.
3. Comparison:
o Allows for the comparison of variability across datasets with different means.


A pharmaceutical company is conducting a clinical trial to evaluate the effect of a new drug
on blood pressure. The systolic blood pressure (in mmHg) of a sample of participants is
measured before and after the treatment. The raw data for the systolic blood pressure change
is as follows:

Calculate the standard deviation of the systolic blood pressure change for the participants in
this clinical trial.


To calculate the standard deviation for a sample, you can use the following formula:

Therefore, the standard deviation of the systolic blood pressure change for the participants in
this clinical trial is 5/3 or approximately 1.67 mmHg.

This value indicates the spread or variability in the systolic blood pressure change within the


A pharmaceutical company is studying the effect of a new medication on the cholesterol

levels of patients. The data, representing the change in cholesterol levels (in mg/dL) after
taking the medication for a certain period, is grouped into class intervals. The frequency
distribution is as follows:
Calculate the
standard deviation of the change in cholesterol levels for the patients in this study.


To calculate the standard deviation for data grouped into class intervals, we need to use a
slightly modified formula. The formula for the standard deviation of grouped data is:


 fi is the frequency of the ith class,

 Xi is the midpoint of the ith class,
 Xˉ is the mean of the data,
 N is the total frequency.

1. Calculate Midpoints (XiXi):

o Midpoint of −5 to 0 is −2.5.
o Midpoint of 0 to 5 is 2.5.
o Midpoint of 5 to 10 is 7.5.
o Midpoint of 10 to 15 is 12.5.
o Midpoint of 15 to 20 is 17.5.

This involves a series of calculations based on the provided class intervals and frequencies.


Correlation measures the statistical association or relationship between two or more variables.
It quantifies how changes in one variable are related to changes in another. The strength and
direction of this relationship are assessed through correlation coefficients.

Key Concepts:

1. Correlation Coefficient:
o The correlation coefficient (rr) is a numerical measure of the strength and
direction of a linear relationship between two variables.
o It ranges from -1 to 1.
 r=1 implies a perfect positive linear relationship.
 r=−1 implies a perfect negative linear relationship.
 r=0 implies no linear relationship.
2. Scatter Plots:
o A scatter plot visually represents the relationship between two variables.
Points on the plot indicate individual data pairs.
3. Positive vs. Negative Correlation:
o Positive correlation: As one variable increases, the other tends to increase.
o Negative correlation: As one variable increases, the other tends to decrease.
4. Strength of Correlation:
o The closer r is to 1 or -1, the stronger the correlation.
o Values near 0 suggest a weak or no linear relationship.

Types of Correlation:

1. Pearson Correlation Coefficient (r):

o Measures linear relationships between variables with continuous data.
o Sensitive to outliers.
2. Spearman Rank Correlation (ρ):
o Measures the strength and direction of monotonic relationships.
o Appropriate for ordinal or ranked data.
3. Kendall Tau Correlation (τ):
o Assesses the strength and direction of a monotonic relationship.
o Suitable for ordinal data.


1. Research:
o Used in various fields like psychology, economics, biology to explore
relationships between variables.
2. Finance:
o Examining the correlation between different financial assets.
3. Medicine:
o Studying the correlation between lifestyle factors and health outcomes.

Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation

Introduction: Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation, often denoted as rr, is a statistical
measure that quantifies the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two
continuous variables. It was developed by Karl Pearson, a prominent statistician, in the late
19th century.

Formula: The formula for Pearson's correlation coefficient is as follows:


 Xi and Yi are individual data points,

 Xˉ and Yˉ are the means of the two variables.

Key Concepts:

1. Range of Values:
o Pearson’s rr ranges from -1 to 1.
o r=1 indicates a perfect positive linear relationship.
o r=−1 indicates a perfect negative linear relationship.
o r=0 suggests no linear relationship.
2. Interpretation:
o The sign of rr indicates the direction of the relationship.
o The magnitude of rr indicates the strength of the relationship.
3. Assumptions:
o Assumes a linear relationship between variables.
o Sensitive to outliers.

Steps for Calculation:

1. Compute Means:
o Calculate the means of the two variables (Xˉ and Yˉ).
2. Compute Differences:
o Find the differences between each data point and the mean for both variables.
3. Summation:
o Sum the products and squares of the differences.
4. Plug into Formula:
o Use the formula to calculate rr.


1. Research Studies:
o Used in various scientific studies to analyze relationships between variables.
2. Economics:
o Examining the correlation between economic indicators.
3. Health Sciences:
o Studying correlations between lifestyle factors and health outcomes.

A pharmaceutical company is interested in investigating the relationship between the dosage

of a drug (in milligrams) administered to patients and their corresponding improvement in a
health condition (measured on a scale from 1 to 10). The company collected data from a
sample of patients. The dataset is as follows:

alculate Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation to assess the strength and direction of the
relationship between the dosage of the drug and the improvement in the health condition.


The calculated rr value is approximately 0.87. This indicates a strong positive linear
relationship between the dosage of the drug and the improvement in the health condition. As
the dosage increases, there is a tendency for the health condition to improve.

Remember that rr ranges from -1 to 1, where 1 represents a perfect positive linear

relationship, -1 represents a perfect negative linear relationship, and 0 represents no linear
relationship. In this case, the positive value of 0.87 suggests a strong positive correlation.


A pharmaceutical company is conducting a study to analyze the relationship between the time
a patient spends exercising (in hours per week) and the reduction in cholesterol levels
(measured in mg/dL) after taking a new medication. The company collected data from a
sample of patients, and the dataset is as follows:

Calculate Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation to assess the strength and direction of the
relationship between exercise time and cholesterol reduction.


The calculated rr value is approximately 0.73. This indicates a moderately strong positive
linear relationship between the time spent exercising and the reduction in cholesterol levels.
As the exercise time increases, there is a tendency for a greater reduction in cholesterol

This positive value of 0.73 suggests a strong positive correlation, but not perfect. The
interpretation of correlation values is subjective and may vary based on the context and field
of study. In this case, a 0.73 correlation is indicative of a substantial positive association
between exercise and cholesterol reduction.

Multiple Correlation
Definition: Multiple correlation is an extension of the concept of correlation to three or more
variables. It measures the strength and direction of the linear relationship between one
variable (the dependent variable) and two or more predictor variables.

Formula: The multiple correlation coefficient is denoted by RR and is calculated as follows:


 Ryx1,Ryx2,…,Ryxk are the partial correlation coefficients between the dependent

variable and each individual predictor variable, holding the other predictors constant.

Key Concepts:

1. Partial Correlation:
o Partial correlation measures the relationship between two variables while
controlling for the effect of one or more additional variables.
o In multiple correlation, each Ryxi is a partial correlation coefficient.
2. Interpretation:
o The multiple correlation coefficient (R) represents the proportion of variance
in the dependent variable that is accounted for by the predictors.
3. Use in Regression:
o Multiple correlation is often used in the context of multiple linear regression
analysis, where it helps assess the overall predictive power of a set of predictor


1. Captures Combined Effects:

o Provides a single index that reflects the combined effects of multiple
predictors on the dependent variable.
2. Regression Relationship:
o Essential in understanding the relationship between a dependent variable and
multiple predictors in regression models.


1. Assumption of Linearity:
o Like simple correlation, multiple correlation assumes a linear relationship
between variables.
2. Sensitivity to Outliers:
o Sensitive to outliers, especially when there are influential observations.


1. Predictive Modeling:
o Commonly used in prdictive modeling, such as predicting sales based on
advertising spend, pricing, and other factors.
2. Psychological Studies:
o Used in psychological studies to analyze the combined effects of various
factors on a psychological outcome.


A pharmaceutical company is developing a new drug, and they want to predict its
effectiveness based on three factors: dosage (in mg), patient's age, and the duration of
treatment (in weeks). They collect data from a sample of patients and measure the drug
effectiveness on a scale from 1 to 100.


To calculate the multiple correlation coefficient (RR), we need to follow these steps:


 ryXi is the simple correlation coefficient between Y and Xi,

 ryXi⋅Xk is the multiple correlation coefficient between Y and all predictors except Xi
 rXjXk is the multiple correlation coefficient between XjXj and all other predictors.

Step 1: Data Preparation

Dosage (X1) Age (X2) Duration (X3) Effectiveness (Y)

20 35 4 72

30 45 6 85
40 50 8 92

50 40 5 78

60 55 7 88

The calculated R value is approximately 0.97. This indicates a very strong positive linear
relationship between the dosage, patient's age, and the duration of treatment with the
effectiveness of the drug. As these predictor variables increase, there is a tendency for the
drug's effectiveness to increase.

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