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Method Study

To increase productivity, two important functions are: -

1) Installation of the most effective method for performing the operations.

2) The control of resources, mainly plant and labor.

What study was formerly known as Time and Motion study, is now termed as Method
Study and Work Measurement?

Method Study aims to determine the most effective method of performing a job, the
most logical layout of manufacturing facilities, the smooth flow of man and materials
throughout the organization and the right placement of inspection stages, to enable
processing of a job through the smallest possible time and the least possible cost.

Work management on the other hand helps to determine the time required by the
operator to complete a specific task for the defined method at the defined pace of

Definition of Method study

Method study is the systematic recording and critical examination of existing and
proposed ways of doing work, as a means of developing and applying easier and
more effective methods and reducing cost.(BS 3138)

Scope of Method Study

Method study can be used in various areas of production

1. To evolve creatively and innovatively Improvement in processes and

2. To determine correct sequence of operations and avoid duplication (if
3. To improve layout, smoothen material flow, reduce back tracking and
avoid obstacles.
4. To reduce unoccupied time of the operator and thereby obtain effective
use of human efforts.

5. To improve utilization of equipment and thereby reduce manufacturing
cycle time per piece.
6. To select material of right specification, cut down process waste, reduce
defective and thereby reduce raw material consumption per unit of
7. To achieve economy in human effort and reduction of unnecessary
8. To develop a better physical working environment.

Basic procedure of method study

1. Select the work to be analyzed

2. Record all facts relating to the existing methods
3. Examine the recorded facts critically but impartially
4. Develop the most economical method commensurate with the plant
5. Install the new methods as standard practice
6. Maintain the new method

1. Operation -
2. Inspection -
3. Transport -
4. Delay -
5. Storage -
Illustration: Typing a letter
10’ To director’s Cabin
12.0’ Take Dictation
10’ Back to work table
20.0’ Type letter
4.0’ Verify for mistakes
10’ To Director’s cabin with the letter
1.0’ Await while Director reads and signs the letter
Back to work
Note: - Time that the activity takes is written on left hand against the symbols.


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