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Grim(m) World - Adventure Mode V1.

The Adventure Mode is intended for those players who want to experience the story of Grim(m) World, but don't like the tactical combat. In the Adventure Mode, the chance to win a
combat is defined based on the equipped items and the character's stats. To do this, the character's Combat value is compared against the Combat value of the enemies, and a Conflict
value is calculated based on this. This value must then be reached or exceeded to win or escape from combat.

To calculate the character's Combat value, go through the 8 rows of the table below from top to bottom, add the values and the sum is the Combat value. This value can be between
-45 and 100. If the value is below 0, a combat value of 0 is assumed.

To calculate the Combat value of the enemies, you must check against which enemies you have to fight. The Combat values of all enemies in the fight are added up and form their
Combat value.

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Grim(m) World - Adventure Mode V1.0

In the table below, the character's Combat value is compared against the enemies’ Combat value, resulting in a cell.
Calculation of the combat result:
1. You reveal the top card of the Encounter Deck and checks the Fate Number. This is a number between 1-6.
2. If the character has the special ability Fighter, then you may place the first drawn Encounter Card under the deck and draw a new Encounter Card. The new Fate Number
then counts.
3. You must now decide whether to fight or flee from the combat (the last option only if there is an escape ( ) condition on your Conflict Card). This must be done before the
second card from the Encounter Deck is revealed.
4. Now reveal a second card from the Encounter Deck and add the two Fate Numbers together. The result is a value between 2-12. This value is compared against the
Conflict for Fight (F) or Escape (E) in the table below. If the value is reached or exceeded, then the character has won the fight or escaped. Otherwise, he has lost the fight.
5. Depending on the result, the character loses hit points:
• If you won the fight or escaped, then you discard half of the Action Cards in your hand as damage (rounded down).
• If you lost the fight, then you discard all the Action Cards in your hand as damage.
6. Now X cards are discarded from the Encounter Deck. X is the number behind the arrow (→) in the cell of the table. If you draw 'The Time Passes' or 'The Next Chapter'
Encounter Card during this process, then it is resolved first and then the remaining cards are discarded from the Encounter Deck. This simulates the time that has passed
during the combat.
7. Finally, you read the corresponding entry on the Conflict Card, depending on whether have won, escaped, or lost the combat. In doing so, you follow the instructions on
the Conflict Card and then continue with the game.

Colors of the cells in the Conflict Table:

• Red cell: The character automatically loses the combat.

• Orange cell: The character can try to escape. Fighting is not possible.
• Light green cell: The character can flee without performing a check. To win the fight, a check must be performed.
• Dark green field: The character wins the combat automatically.
Abbreviations within the cells of the Conflict Table:

• F: Indicates the check value for fighting.

• E: Indicates the check value for escaping from combat.
• →: Specifies the number of cards that must be discarded from the Encounter Deck. This simulates the time that passes in combat.

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