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Setting the Agenda for Preventive Cardiology

Michael D. Shapiro, Sergio Fazio

P reventive cardiology is a spontaneously emerging sub-

specialty with a broad base of support from multiple
disciplines but no obvious consensus on its logistical, edu-
inverse respectively, with rates of myocardial infarction.4 A
decade later, Konrad Bloch and Feodor Lynen received the
Nobel Prize for unraveling the metabolic pathway of choles-
cational, and disciplines boundaries. Here, we examine the terol synthesis. Ten more years and Akira Endo discovered
origins and current status of the field and provide a road- compactin, the forbearer to the first statin, from a blue-green
map for its future success as a subspecialty. mold.5 Shortly thereafter, in 1973, Michael Brown and Joe
Goldstein made their seminal discovery of the low-density
What Is Preventive Cardiology? lipoprotein receptor and its feedback regulation, their work
To some, it is a general concept encompassing a range of in- largely inspired by a young child with homozygous familial
terests so wide to include basic research, population studies, hypercholesterolemia who had a heart attack.6,7 Around this
community medicine, and public policy work. To others, it time, sufficient interest mounted to test the impact of choles-
is a philosophy that informs and defines an aspect of a more terol lowering on rates of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The
general clinical practice stance, be it general cardiology, en- Lipid Research Clinics—Coronary Primary Prevention Trial
docrinology, or internal medicine. To us, practitioners of this with cholestyramine and the Coronary Drug Project with nia-
clinical art, it is a discipline in its own right and worthy of cin ushered in the era of lipid modulation for prevention of
attaining subspecialty status. Atherosclerotic cardiovascular heart disease.8–10 Beyond those already mentioned, there are
disease (ASCVD) remains the leading killer in the world, many other important forefathers of preventive cardiology.
and yet we all know it is largely preventable.1 The notion of Remarkably, they emerged from strikingly disparate back-
dedicating significant resources to ASCVD prevention in the grounds, encompassing basic science, nuclear physics, inter-
clinical setting, although of intuitive value, poses challenges nal medicine, public health, cardiovascular medicine, clinical
of political and logistical nature. Yet, these challenges must research, surgery, endocrinology and metabolism, pediatrics,
be overcome as the threat we face is colossal. All of us after and medical genetics. So, to which medical specialty does
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a certain age are at measurable risk of heart attack or stroke. preventive cardiology belong? And why is there an unspoken
This brief perspective will examine the origins of what is assumption that a preventive cardiology service is mostly an
currently known as preventive cardiology, review the cur- embellished lipid clinic and therefore an endocrine enterprise
rent status of this discipline in its myriad forms, and provide at its root?
a call to action for its future if it is to evolve as a defined Although the fragmented history of the discipline does
subspecialty. not reveal a rightful owner, the first real home for such ac-
Scientists from diverse backgrounds have been inter- tivities can be traced to the Lipid Clinic. These specialized
ested in the link between cholesterol and ASCVD for over centers spawned mostly within the realm of endocrine en-
a century. In 1913, Nikolai Anitschkow fed pure cholester- terprises within academic medical centers and maintained a
ol to rabbits and demonstrated the development of hyper- 2-fold focus, executing research and catering to rare medi-
cholesterolemia and extensive aortic atherosclerosis.2 The cal curiosities. Though important, their impact on the health
Framingham Heart Study, launched in 1948, established of local populations was minimal. The introduction of the
the principle of ASCVD risk factors, contributory agents statins into the market changed the mom-and-pop poise of
with no single sufficient cause.3 It was not until the 1950s most lipid clinics and triggered an adjustment of scale if not
that a physicist, John Gofman, described the major classes of approach. Starting with the landmark publication of the
of plasma lipoproteins using the analytic ultracentrifuge and 4S trial in 1994, a seemingly unending litany of prospective
showed the association of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol randomized controlled trials tested and proved the effective-
and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, direct and ness of these drugs in virtually all clinically relevant patient
groups.11 Because of the success of early studies, trial de-
The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those of the
sign progressed from placebo-controlled to statin-controlled
editors or of the American Heart Association. (high-intensity versus low or moderate-intensity) randomiza-
From the Center for Preventive Cardiology, Knight Cardiovascular tions. The clinical outcomes from these studies suggested
Institute, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR. that there was no low-density lipoprotein cholesterol below
Correspondence to Michael D. Shapiro, DO, or Sergio Fazio, MD,
PhD, Center for Preventive Cardiology, Knight Cardiovascular Institute, which patients did not receive further benefit, thus setting
Oregon Health & Science University, 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd, the stage for the current standard of statin allocation for all
Portland, OR 97239. E-mail or above a certain risk threshold. The results of these trials were
(Circ Res. 2017;121:211-213.
DOI: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.117.311390.) stunningly consistent and revolutionized the way clinicians
© 2017 American Heart Association, Inc. approach dyslipidemia, both in terms of risk assessment
Circulation Research is available at and treatment. As the understanding that low-density lipo-
DOI: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.117.311390 protein cholesterol lowering is safe, simple, and effective at
212  Circulation Research  July 21, 2017

mitigating atherosclerotic risk in broad populations became management of CVD. Cardiology fellowship training pro-
widely appreciated, several agency guidelines adopted low- vides the didactic and practical knowledge of vascular disease
density lipoprotein cholesterol lowering as a top priority for and its consequences, far more so than any other specialty.
risk management. At the same time, proper risk assessment From a practical standpoint, a preventive cardiologist with
became a key driver of interventions that are always chronic, general cardiology training will have the ability to manage all
often expensive, and usually accompanied by inconvenient facets of primary and secondary prevention. Of course, ad-
or intolerable side effects. As the need to identify preventive vanced knowledge in lipid metabolism, hypertension, obesity,
opportunities in larger populations emerged, the value of the nutrition, drug therapy, and atherosclerosis imaging should
narrow Lipid Clinic model diminished. all be provided in the preventive cardiology fellowship pro-
The transition from Lipid Clinic to Preventive Cardiology gram of the future. Today’s challenge relates to the fact that
Center takes many factors into account. First, and perhaps fore- endocrine fellowship programs may provide some training in
most, is the fact that while dyslipidemia plays a prominent and lipid metabolism but none in CVD risk management, whereas
even central role in ASCVD risk assessment and management, cardiology fellowship programs devote time to risk evaluation
we now have a greater understanding of the importance of mul- and treatment but consider metabolism a foreign language. In
tiple influences on this common condition and place more em- the broader domain of practice, this trajectory is already obvi-
phasis on determining whether the patient has the seeds of the ous. A 2016 review of the top 15 academic hospitals by the
disease that kills so many. All major risk factors cluster in a US News and World Report reveals that 14 of 15 programs
metabolic corral. Obesity is the fence around the corral and the offer preventive cardiology services while only 5 of these
leading cause of preventable death. Personalized dietary inter- also offer endocrine-based lipid clinics.12 The National Lipid
ventions should have a central role in the practice of ASCVD Association holds the largest membership of preventive-mind-
risk mitigation. Likewise, diabetes mellitus is now seen as a car- ed providers and has influenced the creation of the only relat-
diometabolic disorder, as opposed to one of solely disordered ed certification board in existence today, the American Board
glucose metabolism, whose associated ASCVD risk derives of Clinical Lipidology, which is an independent organization
from its many accompanying risk factors. Benign essential hy- not affiliated with the American Board of Internal Medicine.
pertension is neither benign nor essential although it is common It is interesting to note that the largest segment (two thirds of
and commonly undertreated. Despite progress, cigarette smok- total) of American Board of Clinical Lipidology graduates is
ing continues to be an epidemic exposure, particularly among made up of internists. The remaining one third of diplomates
the youth. High-risk families, where heart attacks cluster in the includes more cardiologists than endocrinologists (in a 3:1 ra-
absence of obvious risk factors, are more prevalent than previ- tio). Other societies, such as the American Heart Association,
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ously thought. So, if the ambitious goal is to prevent CVD, why the American College of Cardiology, and the American
do we limit ourselves by addressing mostly lipid metabolism? Society for Preventive Cardiology, have the potential to con-
The numerous available global risk assessment tools solidate efforts around this growing subspecialty but have yet
generally qualify patients into discrete risk categories to take up the reins. Nonetheless, it is essential that one of
based on estimates of ASCVD events for a 10-year horizon. these organizations takes ownership of the entire subspecialty
However, ≈50% of individuals who go on to sustain a car- to provide a home for practitioners, set standards and practice
diovascular event are not identified as high-risk candidates guidelines, establish a certifying body and board certification
with these calculators. New tools that refine risk estimation process, and work toward establishment of preventive cardiol-
on top of conventional clinical scoring systems include nov- ogy fellowship training programs, as detailed below.
el biomarkers, genetic testing, and noninvasive measures of
atherosclerosis that can detect the presence of subclinical What Should a Preventive Cardiology
disease. The evidence base has clearly established athero- Fellowship and Accreditation Look Like?
sclerosis imaging, particularly the coronary artery calcium We conceive of this subspecialty fellowship as a dedicated 1-
score, as the single most effective risk stratification tool in or 2-year training program that follows completion of a gen-
primary prevention. Practice models are changing to ac- eral cardiology fellowship. The 1-year fellowship is purely
commodate this fact. The contemporary preventive cardiol- clinical and suited for the trainee who is preparing for a career
ogy program leverages these understandings to provide a dedicated to patient care. The 2-year fellowship will include
comprehensive, integrated practice. Although a bona fide a research component (whether basic science, translational,
preventive cardiology program requires the expertise to outcomes, health services, etc) that will prepare the trainee for
evaluate and treat common and rare lipid phenotypes, it an academic career to include clinical responsibilities but with
must encompass far more than that. The new model must be emphasis on research.
wide ranging and multidisciplinary in its scope and makeup The issue of subspecialty accreditation and board cer-
and incorporate comprehensive risk assessment and treat- tification is of utmost importance because preventive cardi-
ment algorithms (see Table). ology will not be a real subspecialty until it is structured in
training methods and in validation of training. Although the
Who Owns Preventive Cardiology? American Board of Clinical Lipidology oversees an examina-
It is our belief that preventive cardiology is a natural sub- tion representing the pinnacle of expertise endorsement in the
specialty of Cardiovascular Medicine because it principally field of clinical lipidology, the name of this board conveys a
aims to evaluate and treat risk factors for prevention and focus that fails to encompass the wider knowledge spectrum
Shapiro and Fazio   Preventive Cardiology Is a Subspecialty   213

Table. Structure of the Ideal Preventive Cardiology Service

Staffing Clinical Services Diagnostic Testing Education Research
Physicians In-house diagnostic
Daily operation of outpatient Cardiology fellows, medicine Basic and translational
laboratory for state-of-the-art
services residents, medical students science studies
CVD risk assessment
Advanced practice providers In-house cardiac Family studies and N-of-1
Atherosclerosis imaging Visiting providers
rehabilitation clinical studies
Clinical pharmacist PCSK9 inhibitor clinic Genetic testing Outreach visits and audits Development of diagnostics
Genetic counselor Echocardiography exercise CME courses, symposia, and
LDL apheresis Trials of novel therapies
testing stress imaging lectures
Dietitian Lifestyle counseling and Cooking classes, recipe
Patient registry
natural therapies books
Registered nurse Outreach clinics Biorepository

required for a provider to call herself a preventive cardiologist. References

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Conclusions Acad Ser B Phys Biol Sci. 2010;86:484–493.

6. Goldstein JL, Brown MS. The LDL receptor locus and the genetics of
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poproteins by cultured human fibroblasts. Comparison of cells from a
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normal subject and from a patient with homozygous familial hypercho-
treatable, and preventable. Thus, the new era demands a more lesterolemia. J Biol Chem. 1974;249:5153–5162.
efficient and comprehensive approach to risk assessment and 8. The Lipid Research Clinics Coronary Primary Prevention Trial re-
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before it becomes clinically apparent. The concept of the lipid 9. The Lipid Research Clinics Coronary Primary Prevention Trial results.
clinic as an entity with limited focus is no longer viable and II. The relationship of reduction in incidence of coronary heart disease to
must become a component of the larger preventive cardiol- cholesterol lowering. JAMA. 1984;251:365–374.
ogy concept. With advances in basic science, epidemiology, 10. Clofibrate and niacin in coronary heart disease. JAMA. 1975;231:360–381.
11. Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study G. Randomised trial
genetics, clinical trials, therapeutics, risk assessment, and car- of cholesterol lowering in 4444 patients with coronary heart dis-
diovascular imaging, the preventive provider of the future will ease: the Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study (4S). Lancet.
require training and expertise beyond what is currently deliv- 344:1383–1389.
12. U.S. News & World Report [Internet]. 2016–17 Best hospitals honor roll
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specialists to implement such programs is not a pipedream or
fantasy but rather an obligation. And it is within reach. roll-and-overview. Accessed May 15, 2017.
13. Ference BA, Ginsberg HN, Graham I, Ray KK, Packard CJ, Bruckert
E, Hegele RA, Krauss RM, Raal FJ, Schunkert H, Watts GF, Boren J,
Sources of Funding Fazio S, Horton JD, Masana L, Nicholls SJ, Nordestgaard BG, van de
M.D. Shapiro and S. Fazio gratefully acknowledge support from Sluis B, Taskinen MR, Tokgozoglu L, Landmesser U, Laufs U, Wiklund
the Knight Cardiovascular Institute of Oregon Health & Science O, Stock JK, Chapman MJ, Catapano AL. Low-density lipoproteins
University. cause atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. 1. Evidence from genetic,
epidemiologic, and clinical studies. A consensus statement from the
European Atherosclerosis Society Consensus Panel [published online
Disclosures ahead of print April 24, 2017]. Eur Heart J. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/
S. Fazio has received compensation for advisory activities from the ehx144.
following companies: Amarin, Amgen, Kowa, Pfizer, and Merck. eurheartj/ehx144.
M.D. Shapiro has received compensation for advisory activities from
the following companies: Alexion, Akcea, Amgen, Bracco, and GE Key Words: atherosclerosis ■ cardiovascular diseases ■ cholesterol
Healthcare. ■ myocardial infarction ■ preventive cardiology ■ risk assessment

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