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Cyrelle Noreen Sagucio

Anak ng Pugad Lawin

Documentary by Kara David
(Reaction Paper)

Malnutrition is one of the problem that is happening inside the Philippines and In
Mercedes has the most cases of malnutrition. In the documentary by Kara David entitled Anak
ng Pugad Lawin I felt so many emotions; anger, disgusted and pity. I am so angry about the
government doing nothing to solve this case even they know that it is happening even before.
They are aware of the situations inside their community but did nothing or maybe they did but
it’s not enough to solve the problem. I am angry about the fact that they are not doing their job
right, the government should help its community but not in Mercedes.
Moreover, I also feel disgusted not because of the people or their houses and foods but Im
disgusted about their surroundings. There this scene where they show how dirty their
environment, about how children poop on the side of the houses and the lakes that is full of trash
and while watching I feel like throwing up. Its so dirty to the fact that I cant even stand seeing it,
it so gross. I wonder how they survive the smell and everything. They should clean it and do
proper hygiene because it is not really appealing to the eyes.
Also, I feel pity to the malnourished children, to the families who lost someone they love
that died at such young age, and to the poor families. I felt pity to the malnourished kids that
such young age they need to deal with such sickness that is very dangerous because it can cause
death to them, it broke my heart seeing them skinny to the point that their bones are showing up
and even their bum has no fat that it become lose. I also felt pity to the families who lost
someone they love, losing someone is hard to accept especially when you just spend a little time
of that person then suddenly s/he is gone. It felt like my heart is been torn into pieces, I don’t like
seeing someone lose someone they love. Its my weakness. Moreover, I felt pity to the poor
families, We are also poor but not to the point that we cannot buy food to eat but even we
struggle finding money and how about them. My heart can handle such situation, I want to help
but I cant do anything.
In conclusion, I felt three emotions while watching the documentary but I felt pity more
because Im a soft hearted person. I don’t want to see such awful and heartbreaking scene because
my eyes are too weak to see such situation and my heart is to soft.
Cyrelle Noreen Sagucio

Anak ng Pugad Lawin

Documentary by Kara David
(Reflection Paper)

Food is one of our necessity in order to live, without food we can die in hunger.
Mercedes is a place in the Philippines that holds the title of the most malnourished person. In
Pugad Lawin was the chosen place by Kara David to document and by her documentary I learn
so much things and I also realize a lot of things. In the place I learned that malnutrition is such a
dangerous disease, before I thought its is just a simple sickness where children’s are skinny
because they don’t have enough food intake and I thought its not deadly but because of the
documentary I came to my senses and realize It is a serious sickness and it needs to be solve
I also learned that Philippines is not as pretty as it seems from the beautiful Islands and
best view of nature and tourist spots but at hidden places, there you will find its flaws. To many
families isn’t financially stable and doesn’t have stable jobs to sustain their family needs. They
are many pilipino who cant live a nice and peaceful life because everyday they need to think how
they will survive and how would they will find money to buy food. In the documentary I came to
realize that as I waste food because I cant consume it because of the taste or Im already full there
are people who are starving. I shouldn’t have waste food and just set it aside and eat it later when
Im hungry again or just give it to someone who wants it. As of today, I will apply it to myself to
not waste food because some people are starving.
Also, I realize that many people are not educated enough about proper hygiene and
proper malnutrition. I always thought pilipino or people knows it because at such young age it is
the first thing we learn form our parents and school but I guess my assumptions are not true. Our
environment can define our characteristic as humans if we are hygienic or not and In Pugad
Lawin I think they aren’t because of their surroundings so we should clean our surroundings not
only because it will tell f we are clean or not but to protect ourself from any sickness. In Pugad
Lawin they should clean their rivers. It is at least they can do to help the government about this
issue because its not always the governments fault but also its people so they should throw their
trash in their proper places and poop in toilet. Also, I learned that it is not because a child is
malnourish that means s/he is not eating enough or s/he is not having a proper malnutrition but
because also the germs in their tummy from their gross environment that prevents them from
gaining weight.

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