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STUDY OF RUBRICS IN KENT REPERTORY By, Dr.Mansoor Ali (Edited by -Dr. Ankita Bali) Repertory which is an index of symptoms can be utilized in a better manner only when the user is aware of how to convert the conditions into symptoms, and the symptams in to rubrics, Many of the practitioners and students find it very difficult to interpret these symptoms and conditions to refer in the repertory and to arrive at the similimum, And this is an effort to help the students and practitioners especially the new comers in using the repertory. Many of the rubric are ambiguous and implicit and need a continues study for using these rubrics in bed side. Majority of the rubrics found in the mind as well as in the generalities are neglected by the common practitioners for want of correct understanding and interpretation of the rubrics. Hence the meaning as well as the denotations of the important rubrics of the Kent's repertory are explained here under. Despite all these there are limitations in the Interpretations of rubrics and the void |s to be filled by the experience of the practitioner with the knowledge of Materia medica. 1. Artificial behavior designed to impress others : Mind: Affectation 2. Aperson desire to possess something which belongs to others : Mind. Covetous 3. Anextreme sense of self-importance or boastfulness: Mind. Egotism 4. Air passes from female urethra : Urethra, Air Astate of emotion so intense that one is carried beyond thought and self-control : Mind. Ecstasy Agonizing physical or mental pain : Mind. Anguish Arousal of public interest in cause of controversial matter : Mind, Agitation Anger when thinking of complaints : Mind, Anger thinking ailments . Avoids sight of peaple : Mind. Campany avoids sight.. . Aversion to certain people : Mind. Aversion . As if intestine were hang down : Abdomen. Loose 12, Aching pain deep in pelvis & bladder, morning & afternoon after coition : Prostate, Pain aching 13. Aversion to her household works : Mind. Indolence, aversion.. 14. Anorexia in fogey weather : Stomach. Appetite wanting Foggy weather in 1s. Anger drive him to hits someone : Mind.Anger.violent 16. Always conscious of her uterus : Gewnit.F. Conscious Study of Rubrics in Kent Repertory ~ Dr. Mansoor Ali (Edited- Dr. Ankita Ball) Asphyxia neonatorum : Resp.Ashyxia,Newborn infant. . Anaemia : Gen.Anaemia. . Aggravated by “sambar” : Gen.Food, beans and peas aggr. . Atrial fibrillation : Gen.Pulse,slower than the beat of heart. Aversion to uncovering : Gen.Uncavering age. After abuse of homoeopathic potencies in fever : Fever. Changing paroxysms. . Absent perspiration : Skin. Dry, inability to perspire, Fever. Perspiration absent. . Anthrax : Extr, Anthrax. . Always washing her hands : Mind.Washing. Extr.Washes. Aneurysm of heart and arteries : Chest.Ancurysm. . Angina : Chest.Angina. Chest.Stenocardia. AR/MR : Chest. Murmurs. Adrenal disorders : Kidney.Addison’disease. . Albumin in urine : Urine.Albumines, Urine.Sediment,albumines. . Ascites : Abdomen.Drapsy. . Appendicitis : Abdomen. tnflamation,appendics, . Ankyloglossia : Mouth Protruded,tounge difficult with Mouth.Motion,tougue difficult. ‘Angular stomatitis : Face.Ulcers,mouth corners of. . Anosmia : Nose.Smell wanting.lost All sound seems far off : Hearing.Impaired, distance. Hearing,Distant . All glitters are not gold : Vision.Colors, golden everything looks. . All the colors of rainbow : Vision.Colors rainbow. . Aversion to bring objects near eye : Eye.Aversion. ‘Aversion to oppasite sex : Mind, Aversion. Mind Religious. . Aversion to riding ina carriage : Mind Riding. Asif something rolling to and {ro in ear : Ear.Ralling. ‘Arcus senilis : Eye.Opacity,arcus senilis. . Astigmatism : Eye. Astigmatism, . Apthae in fip : Face.Apthae. . Act hastily & incautiously no seriousness in life : Mind. Rashness . Aversion to peaple/hatred of mankind: Mind, Misanthropy . Amaurosis : Eye.Paralysis of optic nerve (amaurosis } Aversion to her own sex : Mind. Women ————— Study of Rubrics in Kent Repertory - Dr. Mansoor Ali (Eudited- Dr. Ankita Bali) After falling asleep he make verses : Mind.Verses Aversion to being touched : Mind.Touched Aversion to red,yellow,ereern.. : Mind.Color Aversion to husband : Mind.Aversion Aversion to music : Mind.Sensitive music to Addison's disease only in 2 places : Kidney Gen.Convulsions Anisocoria : Eye.Pupil unequal ?. Audible palpitations : Chest.Palpitation Ear.Noises Allergic asthma ; Resp.Asthamatic,hay asthma Nose.Coryza,annual., Nose.Coryza,flowers Nose.Sneezing,hay asthma with Anorexia nervosa : Mind, Eat refuses to Gen.Emaciation insanity with Agarophobia : Vertigo. Walking across open. Vertigo.looking large plain Abscess just below coccyx : Rectum.Abscess . Anutia : Kidney. Suppression of urine . Appetite increased In night : Stomach. Apettite Appetite. Ravenous Sleep. Sleeplessness hunger from Sleep. Waking from Amplitude of breath unequal : Resp.intermitent Always talk during perspiration : Mind.Loquacity, perspiration during Albuminous sputa : Expectoration white AIC tuberculosis with extensive degeneration & necrosis : Chest.Pthisis,florida Asthma due to diseased conditions of distant parts not involved in the act of breathing : Respiration. Difficult, disease Anteversion/retroversion uterus : Genit. F. Displacement Asa of fire on closing the eyes : Vision. Fire Alphabetical arrangement of rubric is not found in : Cough & Expectoration Absolute or permanent blindness : Eye. Amaurosis Aphonia : L&T.voice.lost Abdominal swelling in inguinal region : Abdomen. Swelling Abuse of iron : Gen,lron after abuse of Abscess of glands : Gen. Abscess glands 72. Aversion to going aut : Mind. Gaing aut aversion to 78. Abdominal pain > doubling : Abdomen, Pain bending double> Study of Rubries in Kent Repertory - Dr, Mansoor Ali (Edited- Dr. Ankita . Aggravation from noise : Mind. Sensitive naise to . Ager. To what would become him : Mind, Anxiety future about Apparition from horrible when awake : Mind. Anxiety apparition . Aversion to business : Mind. Business aversion to . Abandons his relatives : Mind. Delusion abandon Attempt to leave the bed ; Mind. Escape A flame seemed passing through him : Mind. Fire as flame of Aversion to work : Mind. Indolence aversion to work Afternoon imagine it is ; Mind. Mistakes time in An eruption of 3 syphilis with formation of bullae : Skin.Rupia . Audible expression of grief : Mind. Lamenting . Animal poison : Gen, Wounds bites of poisonous animals . As if head is full of blood : Head, Heaviness blood Asif head is separated from body : Head. Separated . AS if head rising from stomach : Head, Stomach . Air forced in ear while blowing nose : Ear. Air . Burns : Generalities .Burns. . Back pain after cesarean or forceps delivery : Back Pain. Sacralregion,intsrumental delivery after. 97, Bronchiectasis : Expectoration. Copious paroxysmal cough after each. Cough. Paroxysmal,copiousexpectoration... 98. Bovine cough —_—_: Cough. Tonless. 99, Balanitis : Genit.Male. Inflammation, penis glans. 100 Bladder stone : Bladder, Calculi. 101.8 HP : Prostate. Enlargement. 102.Bites of poisonous animals : Gen. Wounds bites of poisonous animals. 103.Bell's palsy : Face.Paralysis,riding the wind. Face.Paralysis,corners of mouth. 108.Black nostrils : Nose. Sooty. 108.Boring finger in ear amel. : Ear.Stopped,borring Ear.Boring Hearing. Impaired, lost, boring fingers 106 Biting fingers : Mind.Biting. 107.Bedsore : Skin Sore,become|decubitus} 108.Birth mark : Skin. Naevi. 309.Bronchitis : Chest .Inflammation, bronchial tubes. uo.Blepharitis _: Eye. Inflammation, lids. a1.Baldness : Head.Hair,baldness, uiz.Bitter regret arising from repentance of past misdeeds : Mind. Remorse ee Study of Rubrics in Kent Repertory - Dr. Mansoor Ali (Edited- Dr. Ankita Bali) 113.Bleeding due to sub involution of uterus : Genit. Female. Mettorhagia Sub involution... 114.Butter nut shaped hard growth on the dorsum of penis : Genit.Male. Condylomata... 115.Bleeding in fibroid uterus : Genit.Female.Metorrhagia,fibroid from. 116 Believe all she says is a lie : Mind.Lie 117.Bitter feeling from slight offence: Mind. Hatred 118,Barber wants to kill his customer : Mind.Kill 119.Burning their hands in syringiomylia : Extr. Insensibility 120.Bitter taste in throat not in mouth ; Mouth. Taste bitter 121,Bubble start fram the heart and pass through large arteries : Chest. Bubble 122.Batter breaks & flies like thin ; Expectoration. Batter 323.Bathing face > : Gen. Bathing 124,Body fat but leg thin : Gen. Obesity 125.Boring nose in brain affection : Nose. Picking 126.Belching ; Abdomen, Eructation, Empty 127,Burnt taste in mouth : Mouth.Taste, empyrumatic 428. Burning pain extending from coccyx to spine : Back.Pain coccyx extend. up to spine 129.Body fat but legs thin : Gen.Obesity 130.Bulimia with emaciation : Stomach. Appetite ravenous emaciation Stomach. Appetite ravenous marasmus 131.Blood gum due to scurvy in salt eaters : Mouth.Scorbutic gum,in salt eaters 132.Bubo : Abdomen.Bubo 133.Bloady water oozing from nipple : Chest. Discharge from nipple Bloody water 134,Become unconscious with cough : Sleep. Sleepiness cough with 135.Bellows like a calf: Mind.Del bellows like a calf 136.Behaves like a crazy person ; Mind. Insanity, behaves like... 137,Babbling : Mind. Speech babbling 138.Breath loud like sawing : Resp.Rough.Sawing 139,.Boredom, weariness & dullness : Mind. Dullness Mind, Weary 140.Breath stopped: Resp. Arrested Resp. Interrupted 141.Bad smell of feet without sweat : Extr.Odor feet offensive 142.Bold resistance to an opposing force or authority : Mind. Defiant 193.Brain were rolled in to small bulk : Head. Rolling 144.Brain feel too far from skull : Head,Smaller 145,Bald spot above ear : Ear.Bald 146,Complaints from arsenical poisoning : Gen. Arsenical poisoning. 147.Complaints after head bathing : Head, Washing head ager. 148.Catalepsy : Gen.Catalepsy. ey ‘Study of Rubrics in Kent Repertory - Dr. Mansoor Ali (Edited: Dr. Ankita Bali) 149,.Complaints aggr.on extremes of temp.: Gen.Cold,heat and cold, 150.Complaints on change of weather: Gen.Change. weather ager. 151.Constipation amel. : Gen. Constipation amel. Mind. Cheerful, constipated when, 3s2.Caged as if with wires : Gen.Caged. 153.Gen. Constriction as if caged. 154,Convulsions in adrenal disorders: Gen.Convulsions,addison’sdisease in 455.Chronic effect of lead : Gen.Lead. 156.Complaints perspiration: Gen. Perspiration, Perspiration, Symptoms. 157.Complaints of stone cutters : Gen.Stone cutters for. Chest.Phthisis,stone cutters. 158,Chickenpox : Skin.Eruption,chickenpox. 459.Cerebrospinal fever : Fever.Cerebrospinal. Fever.Continued cerebral. 160.Chilliness beginning in epigastric fossa : Chill.Beginning, scorbicularis cordis. 161.Cat’s bite to thumb : Extremities. Injuries, thumb cat's bite. 162.Clubbing of fingers : Extremities. Knobby, 163,Cock’s gate : Extr, Walking, gresses gallinaceous. 164.Cow's gate —_: Extr.Walking,gresses vaccinus. 165,Collapse of lung : Chest.Atelectasis. 366.Cardiac croup : Chest.Croup. 367,Cough by brushing teeth ; Cough.Brushing. 368.Cough passing flatus : Cough.Flatus. Cough.Dry,fiatus. 169.Cough after manual labour : Cough.Exertion, Cough.Manual labor, Cough.Lifting 170.Cardiac cough : Cough. Heart affection with, 171,Cough not ceasing until masses of offensive sputa are raised : Cough.Hard Cough.Paroxysmal 172.Child cough at sight of strangers: Cough.S strangers. Cough.Person 47.Copperdrum beating sound on coughing: Cough.Mettalic, 178,Cough ends in sneezing : Cough.Sneezing.ends in 175,Cough after whooping cough : Cough Spasmodic, whooping cough after 176,Cold breath: Mouth.Cold 172.Cheynstokes respiration : Resp. Irregular,at one times slow... w7.Crablice —: Genit.Male.Crab lice. 179,Child handles genital during spasm: Mind.Gestures Study of Rubrics in Kent Repertory - Dr. Mansoor Ali (Edited: Dr, Ankita Bali) Genit.Male.Handles. 480.Child cries during urination ; Bladder.Urging,frequent, infan Bladder.Urging,painfull,child cries Bladder.Urination dysuria,painfull_child cries. as1.Can pass stool only when urinating: Rectum.Constipation difficult stool 182.Cirrhosis : Abdomen. Cirrhosis. 283,Cord connecting from anus to navel: Rectum.Cord. Abdomen.Cord. 184,Convulsions & vertigo after rising from a chair : Extr.Convulsion,vertigo after rising from a chair 388,Cough from an elongated uvula : Cough. Elongated uvula as from 186,Constant disposition to swallow speaking while: Mind. Excitement Throat. Swallow 187,Complaints from wisdom tooth : Teeth. Wisdom 188.Child putting fingers in mouth : Mouth.Fingers 189,Chewing motion of the jaw before an attack of epilepsy ; Face.Chewing 190.Cracking jaw while chewing : Face.Cracking 391.Child constantly rubbing the nose: Nose.Itching,cubs 192.Cannot detect the direction of sound: Hearing.tmpaired,direction 193,C SO M : Ear. Suppuration, middle ear 394,Can only see objects when looking at them sideways : Vison.Dim,sideways. 195,Central scotoma : Vision.Scotma,central 196.Conical cornea : Eye.Conical 197,Conjunctivitis : Eyednflamation,conjuntiva a98.Child grasp the nurse when carried: Vertigo.Child 399,Chronic vertigo with one sided headache: Vertigo.Chronic 200.Cephal haematoma : Head. Cephal haematoma 201.Cerebral hge. : Head.Cerebral hge. 202.Cerebral palsy : Head, Paralysis of brain 203.Child frightened, screams,cling to the nurse: Mind, Clinging Mind. Frightened Mind.Anxiety,child 208,Cosmopolitan : Mind.Travel 208,Cataract : Eye. Cataract 206.Careful about domestic affairs : Mind.Cares 207,Complaints in mother fram nursing : Gen.Loss of vital fluids 208,Contradictory symptoms : Gen. Contradictory 209.Conjunctiva full of dark vessels : Eye. Injected 210.Cough after getting hot in summer : Cough, Heated on becoming 241.Cri_ Encaphali : Mind. Shreking, brain cry Study of Rubrics In Kent Repertory ~ Dr. Mansoor Ali (Edited- Dr, Ankita Bali) 212,Consolation < : Mind.Consolation < Mind.lritability consolation < 213.Cracking of newspaper drive him to despair : Mind.lritabllity 214,Contemptuous of everything: Mind. Contemptuous 2is.Crazy feeling on the top of head, wild feeling in head with 216.Confusion of ideas : Mind. Concentration 217.Color blindness : Vision, Color blindness 218.Cornea full of yellow blood vessels : Eye.Spots 219,Coryzac by warmth yet dread of cold : Nose.Coryza acrid 220,Compelled to blow nose but no discharge : Nase.Dryness 221.Constant desire to urinate with pain in liver,chest,kidney & bladder ; Bladder. Urging constant 222,Cough with organic heart disease : Cough. Sympathetic 223,Cough on examining ear : Cough. Touching 224,Chapter in which for Pain divisions are mentioned Ast then extension : Chest.Pain 225.Chapter in which pain begin with ‘aching’ not pain in general : Abdomen. Pain 226.Culex moscae mentioned only in one place : Vertigo. Blowing, 227.Coxarthritis : Exte.Hip joint disease 228,Counting continually : Mind.Counting Extr,Motion fingers 229.Chapter having no ‘eruption’ : Nose, Throat,Mouth 220.Child refuse mothers milk : Chest.Milk Stomach.Aversion 231,Constipation after laxatives : Rectum. Constipation, drugs 232.Chest pain pneumonia after: Chest.Pain, inflammation lung. 233.Curious to Know : Mind. Inquisitive 284.Cardiac hypertrophy in athletes: Chest.Hypertrophy 235,Cough due to roughness voice : Cough.Roughness 236.Child sleep only when rocked : Sleep.Sleeplesness,Rocked 237,Crowded roam < ; Gen.Room 238.Cracking sound in sternum on bending backward : Chest.Cracking 239.Corrosion testes : Genit. M.Fretting 240.Chill occupy earlier everyday : Chill. Anticipating 241.Complaints from exertion in sun : Gen.Sun 242,Complaints from abstinence smoking : Gen.Tobacco 243.Cold & stiff on approaching a stove : Gen. Warm, 244.Capillary hee. : Skin, Network 245.Caughing increases the fever : Fever. Coughing 246.Cancrum oris : Mouth, Stomacace 247,Cannot smell at all : Nose:Smell wanting loss of —— Study of Rubrics in Kent Repertory ~ Dr. Mansoor Ali (Edited- Dr. Ankita Bali) 248,Constipated although normal stools are present : Rectum. Constipation natural stool 2a9,Cancer lip from pressure pipes : Face. Cancer lips pressure... 250.Chill develop while residing at seashore : Chill. Exposure seashore residing. 251,Cannot bear slight touch : Gen.Tauch.slight < 2s2.Child develop symptom due to neglect and scolding by others : Mind. Forsaken 253.Cardiospasm ; Stomach. Constriction cardiac orifice swallowing on 254,Car sickness _: Stomach. Nausea riding in a carriage Stomach. Vomiting riding in.. 258,Cannot look at knife : Mind.Blood can't look at or knife 256,Cough after milk : Cough.Milk after 257,Cough in 3 paroxysm : Cough.Paroxysmal Cough.3 cough 2s8.Coryza with taste loss of : Mouth. Taste wanting coryza in 259.Continues nausea : Stomach. Nausea constant 260,Cough with vorniting : Stomach, Vomiting coughing on 261.Carphalogy : Mind.Gestures pick at bed clothes 262.Curved nails in consumption : Extr.Curved 263.Complaints increase & decrease with sun : Gen.Sun 264,Cancerous cachexia : Gen, Cancerous affection 265.Compelled to arouse himself : Mind.Confusion arouse himself compelled to 266.Crying like a wolf or dog : Mind.Howling 267.Cut & destroy clothes : Mind. Destructiveness 268,.Cunning : Mind. Destructiveness. cunning 269,Can recall things long forgotten : Mind. Forgotten 270.Children cannot bear to have anyone near ; Mind.Fear,approaching him others 271.Can't endure looking at brilliant objects,glasses etc : Mind, Fear brilliant objects 272.Cannot ery : Mind.Grief ailments from can’t cry Mind.Sadness weep cannot 273,Can’t do things fast enough : Mind.Hurry 274.Confaunds present with the future ; Mind. Mistakes time in 275.Chilly refractory & clumsy children : Mind.Obstinate children 276,Curios to know : Mind. inquisitive 277.Child passes urine & continues sleep : Blader.Urination Invol.night difficult to wake the child 278.Can‘t make up his mind what to do : Mind.{rresolution 279.Can't hear human voice : Hearing.lmpaired voice human 280,Coma : Sleep.Comatose Resp. Accelerated ascending coma during 281.Can pass urine only when whistling : Bl.Urination, Retarded Whis 2e2,Chronically forgotten : Mind.Absent minded Study of Rubrics in Kent Repertory - Dr. Mansoor Ali (Edited- Dr. Ankita Bali) 283,Could not think of her condition : Mind, Dullness couldn’t think of her condition 24,Coldness of head during HA : Head, Coldness headache during 285,Coldness if head with perspiration ; Head. Coldness perspiration with 286,Corners of mouth drops & saliva run out : Face. Paralysis... 287.Caries clavicle : Chest.Caries clavicle 2a8,Carenculae : Eye.Redness carenculae Eye.infl. Carenculae 289,Cuticle forming on the surface of urine : Urine.Cuticle 290,Croaking like frog in stomach while turning in bed : Stomach. Croaking 291,Can see better an a dark day : Eye.Cataract dark 292,Color blindness : Vision. Loss colors of , Vision Color blindness 293,Diseases of horse : Gen. Glanders 24,Distention of blood vessels during fever : Gen. Distention,BV.fever during Fever. Burning,distented By.with 295, Dreams of elephant ; Sleep.Dreams,animals black 296,Dreams of duplicating moncy : Sleep.Dreams,money counterfeit 237.Dislocation of patella going upstairs when: Extr.Dislocation, patella 28. Diminished respiratory movement: Resp.Imperceptable 259,Diabetes mellitus : Urine.Sugar Urine. Specific gravity increased 4300.Diabetes insipidus : Urine. Specific gravity decreased 301.Diseases of pancreas : Abdomen. Pancreas 302.Desire chillies : Stomach.Desire, pungent things 303,Duodenal ulcer : Stomach,Pain, fasting while Stomach Pain,eating after > 304.Diphtheria _: Throat.Membrane... 305, Dysphagia : Throat. Obstructon,swallow when Throat.Swallowing,difficult 306. Drink must in order to swallow ; Throat Swallowing Throat Swallowing,impeded 307.Distant sound seems his own voice: Hearing. Distant 308,Dacrocystitis : Eye. Inflammation, lachrymal sac 309.Difficult to keep head erect : Head. Balancing Head.Hold 310,Dandruff : Head, Dandruff 312.Desire to break things : Mind. Break 312.0islike her own children : Mind. Children 313,Delirium tremens : Mind.Mania_a_potu 314,.Doing many things but preserve in nothing: Mind. Undertakes Mind.Hurry Study of Rubrics In Kent Repertory - Dr. Mansoor Ali (Edited- Dr. Ankita Bali) 318,Drug fail to act due to excessive medication; Gen.|rritability, when too much. 316. Dyspnea < on moon phases : Resp.Asthamatic,periodic 317,Discharge hanging over eyes, must be wiped away:Eye.Discharge sensation 318. Doesn't pay serious attention to anything: Mind.Frivolos 319,Dribbling of semen sleep in : Genit.Male Semen 320,Desire chillies : Stomach.Desire.Pungent 321.Dislike objects coming near eye: Eye.Aversion 322,Desire to beat his children : Mind.Children 323,.Dreams of robbers followed by searching for them ; Mind.Searching Sleep.Dreams robbers 324,Dispute with absent person ; Mind. Quarrelsome 325.Desire to pull ones nose in the street : Mind.Pull 326,Declare there is nothing the matter with him : Mind. Obstinate 327,Desire to appear in public place in grotesque manner : Mind. Monomania 328.Desire to get good opinion from others ; Mind.Longing 329,Desire to kill the person who contradict : Mind. Kill 330,Desire to stab his flesh with knife he hold ; Mind, Impulsive 331,Desire to do several things at a time : Mind.Hurry '332.Doing many things but persist in nothing : Mind. Under takes 333.Difficult to comb hair in shape : Head.Hair bristling 334,Dirty matter on lip : Face. Sordes 338.Dreams of epilepsy : Sleep. Dreams disease 336.Division of pain upper arm : Bones,biceps,deltoid,inner side outer side,post,triceps. Elbow : Bend,olecranon Fore arm : Extensormuscle,flexor,ant,post, between bones,radialside, radius tendons,ulna,near wrist Hand : Back of,ball,bones,joints,palm,ulnar jones,tendones, tendo ach,tibia,calf 327.Desire to eat,but no pleasure in eating : Appetite ,relish without 338 Duputryen’s contracture ; Extr.Contraction,hand flexor,tendon 339.Drinking make HA & all other : Chill.Drinking symptom unbearable 340,Despair from abdominal pain: Abdomen.Pain,despair 341.Diarrhoea other than in ‘Rectum’ : Abdomen 342,Diarthoea in summer : weather 343.Distented bladder with no desire to urinate : Bladder.Fullness 38,Diarrhoea from poison : Rectum, Diarrhoea, effluvia.. 345, Desire for liquors before menses: Stomach. Desire alcoholic 346,Drops things from hand : Extr. Awkwardness hand drop.. Extr. Weakness.fingers drop.. 347,Desire to cut clothes : Mind. Destruction of clothes ‘Study of Rubrics In Kent Repertory ~ Dr. Mansoor Ali (Edited- Dr. Ankita Ball) 348. Desire for sunlight & society : Mind.Longing sunshine light & society 349,.Dances around room in agony due to painful micturition : Bld. Urination dysuria painful 350.Develop palpitation on swallowing : Chest.Palpitation heart Swallowing 351,Desire to drink though not thirsty : Stomach. Thirstleness Desire to drink with 382.Despair from abdominal pain : Abdomen ,Pain despair driving to 353.Despair from stomach pain : Mind. Despair pain in stoamch 384.Desire to rub the eyes ; Eye.Wipe inclination to 355.Desire to lie down after eating : Gen.Lie down, eating after 386.Driving fram place to place : Mind. Wander Mind.Travel Mind.Restlesness 357.Desire to remain bed : Mind.Bed 388,Desire to break things : Mind.Break things desire to 359.Dislike little girls : Mind.Children... 360,Dreams as if in : Mind.Confusion as ifina Mind.Unconscious dream as if ina 361.Despair of salvation ; Mind. Despair, religious 362.Drinking on the sly ‘ Mind Dipsomania,drinking on sly 363.Does not want to be disturbed : Mind, Disturbed avers to being 364.Doubt full of soul’s welfare : Mind.Doubtful soul's welfare of 365,.Doesn’t remember her own ames : Mind. Forgetful names his own 366.Desire to leave & go home : Mind. Home 367.Dresses his best clothes ; Mind, Insanity dresses best clothes 368.Doesn’t know his relatives : Mind, Recognize 369.Desire to be read to ; Mind, Reading 370.Desire to strike at his face ; Mind. Striking 371.Desire to silent & taciturn : Mind.Talk.Indisposed 372.Does the opposite of what he is told : Mind. Contradict Mind. Defiant 373.Desire to loose clothing after meal : sensitive to 374,Daring : Mind. Courageous 375.Difficult breathing in diseased condition of distant parts : Resp. Difficult diseased. 376.Desire to wash face in cold water : Face.Wash ar7.Deaf but hear better in noise : Hearing .Impaired noise.. 378.Desire to draw in anus ; Rectum. Draw in desire to 379.Desire appetizing things : Stomach. Desire delicacies 380.Deliberately provocative behavior/attitude: Mind. Defiant 381.During passage of stool & urine uterus feel weak : Genit.F.Weakness sensation in region. —_—_—_——— Study of Rubrics in Kent Repertory ~ Dr. Mansoor Ali (Edited+ Dr. Ankita Bali) Page 12 382.Drawing back the corners of mouth due to spasm of muscles : Face.Risus sardonicus 383, Mind. Laughing sardonicus 384,Delicately fanciful sudden funny and changing mind from one to another : Mind.Whimsical 385.Dilated pupil : €ye.Pupil dilated 386,Diarrhoea from tender mango : Rectum.Diarrhoea fruit unripe 387.€very paroxysm of pain excite a nervaus laugh : Mind.Laugh 388,Emprosthotonos : Back.Emprosthotonos 389,.Emphysema : Chest, Emphysema 390.£lephentiasis of scrotum : Genit.Male. Elephantiasis 391.Empyema : Chest.Empyema 392,Enamel deficient : Teeth.Enamel 393.Epulis : Mouth.€pulis 394,Ethmoidal sinusitis : Nose.Pain,root off Head.Pain forhed middle Head.Pain,nose above root off 395.Eye deviating inwards : Eye. Esophoria [paralysis of lateral rectus] 396 Entropion : Eye.tnversion of lids 397.Encephalitis : Head.{nflamation,brain 398. Encephalomalacia : Head. Softening of brain 399.Exaggerated obsession about single idea: Mind. Monomania 400,Extreme aversion/fecling of severe dislike: Mind, Repulsive 401.Extreme emotional feeling of very great happiness —_: Mind.Ecstasy 4o2.Ears are sensitive to open air : Ear.Air 403.Expansion of nostrils on each inspiration : Nose.Dilated 408,Exopthalmos : Eye.Protrusion Ext.throat.Goiter 405.Erection of penis in child : Genit.M.Erection 406,Eversion of lids after opthalmia neonatorum : Eye.Eversion 4o7,Enlarged mammae menses during : Chest-Fullness 408.£rythrema nodosum : Skin.Induration,bluish spots Skin.Induration,red hard 409.Emaciation with enormous appetite : Stomach.appetite,ravenous.. 410.Emaciation of neck : Back.Emaciation a11.Enlargement of tonsils hardness of hearing with : Hearing,|mpaired 412.Eclampsia/pre eclampsia : Gen.Convulsion, pregnancy during Urine.Albuminous, pregnancy during 413 Easily broken sensation of body : Gen.Frail a14.Excessive sleepiness : Sleep. Sleepiness, overpowering 415.Enlargement sensation of fingers when touching something : Extr. Enlargement ‘Study of Rubries In Kent Repertory ~ Dr. Mansoor AU (Edited- Dr, Ankita Ball) 416.Expectoration easier turning from Lt. to Rt. : Expectoration. Sides 417.Eruption in inguinal region : Abdomen.Eruption 418.Elbow bent off when covered : Ext Restlessness a19.Every 2 week ear gathers & Dhge: Ear.Abscess 420,Expectoration best with successive blows : Expect.Batter 421,Emaciation of neck : Back.Emaciation.cervical region 422.Excessive joy on walking in open air : Mind. Cheerful walking in open air 423.Effect of suppressed sexual desire : Genit.M.Sexual passion suppressing complaints 424.Edema glabellas : Head .Edema glabella 425.Exaggeration of distance : Mind, Distance. Exaggerated 426.Effect of wounded honor : Mind. Honor 427,Exposes the person : Mind Shameless exposes the person 428.Ext.recti paralysis : Eye,Paralysis of muscle,ext.recti 429.£pithelioma nose : Nose.Cancer epithetioma 430,Eyelids sticks together : Eye Agglutinated 431,Eczematous eruption on prepuce : Genit.M.Eruption, prepuce 432,Expected of him when anything is : Mind. Anxiety expected of him 433,Embraces the stove : Mind.Delerium embrace the stove ax4.Everything feel sore must move about —_: Mind. Restlessness night.3 am 435,Expression & words hear & recur to his mind : Mind. Thoughts persistent expressions... 436.Emptiness in ear : Ear. Hollowness sensation of 437.Emaciation of face & hands : Face. Emaciation 436,Emotionally desperate, markedly rapid, disordered nervous action : Mind.Frantic 439,£ezema of margin of hair: Head. Eruption eczema 440.Erysipelas of scalp : Head. Ervsepatas 4a1.Every cough seems to reecho in stamach : Cough.Re echo ae2.Febrile fits : Gen, Convulsions,heat during the 4a3.Freckles : Skin,Freckles ‘44a.Fever due to getting wet in rain: Chill.Exposure,rains during 445.Fever,becoming wet after : Chill.Exposuer,wet from becoming Chill. Water,wet getting 446,Fatty tumors on neck : Back.Tumors,fatty 4a7,Fears unless on the move the heart will stop beating: Mind,Fear Chest.Ceases aaa Fatty degeneration of heart : Chest.Fatty 449,Fullness in bladder without desire to urinate: Bladder.Fullness 4so.Feel as if urine has escaped, if the desire is not attended : Bladder Urging,{requent,urinate 451,Bladder.Urging sudden attended to Study of Rubrics in Kent Repertory - Dr. Mansoor Ali (Edited- Or. Ankita Rall) 482,Fissure in ani : Stool.Bloody,streeks in 453,Fatty degeneration of liver : Liver.Fatty 4$4,Frontal sinusitis : Nose.Catarrha, frontal sinus Nose.coryza,ext. to frontal sinus Nose.Fullness,frontal sinus from inflammation 455.Fan like motion of alae nasi in pneumonia : Nose.Motion 456Feel as if sound came fram another world : Hearing.llusion 457,Fistulae lachrymalis : Eye.Fistulae 458.Falling of eyebrows : Eye.Mair-falling 4saflies from his own children: Mind.Children Mind.Estranged Mind.Forsaken 460.Forgotten things comes to mind during sleep : Mind. Forgetful, sleep Mind. Forgotten 461,False labour pain : Genit.Female.Pain laborpains false 462,Fibroid uterus : Genit.female.Tumor utres,fibriod 463.Feeling as if urine remind in : Urethra.Sensation Bladder,Urination, Unsatisfactory. 464,Familiar things seems strange : Mind. Delusion, strange everything seems... 465.Fears to be wounded himself when left alone : Mind.Injures 466,Fee! as if he could do great action : Mind.Deeds, 467.Fault finding in dearest friend : Mind.Sensorious a6s.Flies from his own child : Mind.Children 469.Fissure in face : Face.Eruption, fissure 470Feel that all her fingers are thumb : Extr. Awkwardness 471.Fungus articulosm : Extr.Swelling knee white 472.Feet smell offensive without perspiration : Extr.Odar 473.Fever after injection : Fever.2ymotic a74Feels better before chill : Gen.Chill 475,Feels very much disturbed when steel points are directed towards her : Mind. Sensitive 476, Fungus articulosom : Extr.Swelling 477Fears to approach handkerchief near mouth it will cause dyspnoea : Resp. difficult, handkerchief 478.Forcible retention seems to paralyze the bladder ; Bladder.Paral 479.Food escape from mouth during chewing : Mouth.Food 480.Fullness of nose due to frontal sinusitis : Nose. Fullness .Forcible/strong yawning : Sleep. Yawning, whehment 4sz,Feather bed <: Gen. Feather bed 483.Fingers closed during sleep : Extr.Closed Study of Rubrics in Kent Repertory jansoor Ali (Edited: Dr. Ankita Bali) Page 15 484,Finger nails grow slowly : Extr.stow 485,Fungus growth on neck ; Back.€ruption 4gs.Feel as if she had 2 nose ; Nose.Double 487.Feel as if she could feel every muscle & fibers of her Rt.side : Gen.Feels 48,Fee! he could do great things in life : Mind.Deeds 489,Fee! so chilly with sensation as if hair were standing : Chill Forenoon sudden chill. Chill Chilliness Chill shaking hair Skin.goose flesh sudden chill 490,Face look haggard when she looks in mirror : Face. Expression haggard 491.Flies away from his wife ; Mind. Estranged 492,Fee! that she have no confidence and others also have none ; Mind. Confidence want of self & others. 493,Flashes of heat in spine : Back.heat spine in flashes 438,Food goes in to larynx on swallowing : L&T.tood 495,Femoral hernia : Abdomen. Hernia.Femaral 496,Feel sleepy during fever : Sleep. Sleepiness heat during the 497,Fever Sleep heat comes on during 498,Food turned like a corkscrew in esophagus : esophagus 499,Flickering vision : Vision Flickering 500,Feel as if stomach is overloaded : Stomach. Overloaded stomach asif sot.Fingers spread apart : Exte. Abducted fingers 502,Feel a rat running up the legs : Extr.Rat 503 Flies away from society : Mind, Estranged, society from s04,Feel he is a stranger : Mind, Stranger 505,Food taste like dung : Mouth. Taste manure like 506.Few seconds seems ages : Mind.Time 507,Feel he will get diarrhoea : Abdomen. Diarrhoea as if would come ‘Abd.Pain.diarrhoea as if would come Rectum. Diarrhoea sense as before 508.Frowning : Mind.Frown disposed to Face.wrinkled forehead 509.Flapping alae nasi : Nose. Motion of wings fan like 510,Flatus doesn’t passes easily : Abdomen. Flatus obstructed Rectum. Flatus difficult 511,Food is felt until enters stomach : Throat.Food esophagus. 512,Feels brain were striking while walking : Head.Loosness of motion 513,Feels all limbs are bandaged ; Exte.Band sensation 514,Fecling of anger or irritation caused by sense of injury ar insult : Mind. Resentment 515.Forgetfulness of drunkards : Mind. Insanity drunkards in Mind.Stupefaction,wine after Study of Rubrics in Kent Repertory - Dr. Mansoor Ali (Edited- Dr. Ankita Bali) Page 16 s16,Febrile disease having inflammation and redness of skin and mucus membrane : Skin. Erysipelas 517,Forcible retention seems to paralyze the bladder : Bladder Paralysis forcible retention sie.Fungus in eye : Eye.Cancer 519.Fungus in ear : Ear.Fungus szo.Filmy ——_: Eye.Filmy Urine.Sediment filmy s21,Gangrene : Gen. Blackness of external parts Skin.Gangrene Gen.inflammation 522,Glandular fistula : Gen. Fistulae of glands 523,Gout : Exte.Arthritic nodosities Extr.Pain.Joints gouty 524,Ground itch : Extr.Excoriation,toes between Extr.Cracked skin,toes between Extr.Perspiration,rawness causing... 525.Galactorrhoea_: Chest..Milk, flowing 526,Gastro enteritis : Rectum.Cholera infantum 527.Gall stone colic : Abdomen.Pain,Liver, colic gall stone 28.Gastric ulcer : Stomach.Ulcer 529.Globus hystericus : Throat.Lump,rising sensation Stomach.Ball Abdomen.Ball s30,Geographical tongue : Tongue. Mapped s31.Glaucoma _: Eye.Glaucoma s32.Greedy : Mind.Avarice 533.Grasp the larynx while coughing : Cough.Grasping LT Pain larynx,coughing on '534,Gonorthoeal discharge : Urethra.Discharge,gonorrhoeal 535.Good sleep in day,screams and restless at night : Mind. Weeping 536.Growling like a dog : Mind.Growling 537,General modalities of head ends in : Yawning 538,Glomerulonephritis : Kidney.Infl.a/c paranchyma.. 539,Gently stroking < : Gen.Rubbing sa0.Growth like a walnut in Lt.male mamme : Chest.tumor 541.Gleet : Urethra.Dhge.gleety $42.Goose flesh in Head : Head.Hair,bristling 543,Grape juice like sputum : Expect.Prune juice 544,Giddiness when sitting : Vertigo Sitting while Study of Rubrics in Kent Repertory ~ Dr. Mansoor Ali (Edited Dr. Ankita Ball) 545.Growth in nose : Nose.Swelling inside Nose.Tumors inside s46.Gossip about murder fire rats: Mind.Talk of nothing but murder 47,Gnawing when not urinating : Urethra Gnawning 48. Hypochromic micracytic anaemia : Gen.Chlorosis 549. Hemophilia : Gen Hge.blood does not coagulate s80.Hodgkin’s disease : Gen.Induration,glands knottylike ropes ss1.Hears everything during sleep : Sleep. Semiconscious hears every thing ss2.House maids knee : Extr.Bursac 53.Hemiplegia : Gen-Parslysis,one sided Extr.Paralysis, partial s54.High stepping gate in tertiary syphilis ; Extr.Walking,gresses gallineces sss.Hydrothorax : Chest.Dropsy 56, Haemoptysis : Expectoration.Bloody Chest.Hge. 387.Hot breath : Respiration.Hot breath 558. Hoarseness of politicians ; L-T.Voice.hoarsenes,overuse of voice sss.Hydrocele : Genit.Male.Hydrocele 60.Hydatidiform mole : Genit.Female.Moles s61,Honeymoon cystitis : Bladder.Urination dysuria,marrid women newly Bladder.Urging,married women newly 's62.Has to wait a long time urine to start; Bladder.Urination,retarded Bladder.Urination retared,press must 63.Haematuria : Urine. Bloody 564.Hair in feces : Stool. Filaments 565,House wives diarrhoea : Rectum. Diarrhoea,domestic cares from sé6.Hernia : Abdemen,Hernia se7.Hutchison’s teeth : Teeth.Serrated s6s.Hair growth on child's face : Face.Hair growth 569. Hypertrophied turbinates : Nose.Swelling inside 570.Halo around light : Vision.Color, halo ‘571.Hemiopia : Vision.Hemiopia s72.Hypermetropia : Vision.Hyper metropia 73.Hydrocephalus : Head.Hydrocephalus s74.Herpes zoster : Skin.Eruption, herpetic zoster 575.His own leg felt as if not his own: Extr.Own 576.Hyper emesis gravidarum : Stomach Nausea,pregnancy during 577.Holding firmly even if others disagree : Mind,Pertinacity s7a.Hiccough : Stomach.Hiccough 579.Hold head while coughing : Head.Hands ES Study of Rubrics in Kent Repertory ~ Dr. Mansoor Ali (Edited- Dr. Ankita Bali) sso.Hair falling from face : Face. Falling whiskers sa1.Horror of opposite sex : Mind.Religious Mind.Indifference 582,He has got many jobs, not remain In anything : Mind.Under takes 583.Has to restrain himself to keep away from violence : Mind.Contradiction 584.Has to exert a long before he can utter a word : Mind,Speech stammering ses.Hair falling eruption after ; Head.Eruption,moist Skin.Eruption disgh,moist se6.Hour glass contraction of uterus : Genit.£.Contraction 587,Headache last for weeks, months, even years with rare intermission ; Head.Pain.Constant 58, Head ache as if fly to pieces : Head.Pain bursting se9,Headache during pilgrimage !: Head.Pain,stitching, temple to temple se0.Hoarseness improve after talking a while : L & T,voice,hoarsness s91.Herpes zoster ; Skin.eruption,herpetic 592.Hyperemia chest ; Chest. Congestion 593. Heart swimming in water : Chest.Swimming 594,Her own voice seems very loud ; Hearing A/C s95.Headache if hunger is not appeared at once : Head.Pain fasting from 596,Headache as if from little hammers : Head.Pain.Pulsating Head. Pain Pulsating,Brain 597. Hypochondriasis : Mind.Anxiety, hypochondriacal 598.Hold chest while coughing : Cough.Hands 599, Hanging of lower jaw : Face.Oropping 600.Hard testes : Genit. Male indurations 601.Hippocratic face : Face. Hippocratic Face.Expression.old looking 602.Hold the larynx on coughing : L&T.Supports 603.Headache from smell of dirt clothes : Head.Pain odar from dirty... 608, Homosexuality : Mind.Love.lovesick with her own sex 605.Handles genitals : Genit.M.Handle 606.Hungry after eating : Stomach. Appetite increased cating after 607.Horrible sensation in morning on waking in drunkards : Stomach.Horrible sensation 60s. Hearing affected by suppressed menses : Ear.Noises menses suppressed 609.Headache caused by exposure to sun: Head.Pain sun exposed to 610.Heaviness in chest: Chest Oppression 611,Heat then chill then sweat : Fever. Succession heat followed by 612.Happiness & pride ; Mind. Foolish happiness & pride 613,Has bitter feeling from slight offence ; Mind. Hatred bitter feeling 614,Has no desire no activities of will : Mind. Indifference Study of Rubrics in Kent Repertory ~ Dr. Mansoor Ali (Edited- Dr. Ankita Bali) 615.Hunting for thieves at night : Mind. Searching 616.HA $0 Severe that as to sit in one place for 3-4 days: Mind. Sits 617. Haunted by unpleasant subjects : Mind. thought. unpleasant subjects 618. His own voice seems loud to him : Hearing A/c voice her own 619.Hard testes : Genit.M.induration testes Genit.M. Firmness increased testes 620.Hesitates: Irresolution 621,Hypochondriacal mood by day merry in evening : Mind. Irritability alternating 622.Hot tea seems cold : Mouth.Caldness hot tea seems 623,Herpes labialis : Face.Eruption herpes lips around 624.He is gliding in the air : Vertigo. Walking 625.Hordeola : Eye.Styes 626, Habit of blaming on trivial or unjust grounds : Mind. Faultfinding 627.Hair falling from eyebrows : Eye.Hair falling 628.Headache after hge : Head.Pain animal fluid from loss of 629.Inflammation of the anterior chamber of eye : Eye. Inflammation ris, hypopion. 630.Infantile cyanosis : Gen.Cynosis infants in 631.Intention tremor: Gen.Trembiing, something is to be done when Extr.Trembling e3z.{cterus neonatorum : Skin.Discoloration, yellow,newborne infants e33.lcthyosis ; Skin.Eruption,scaly,icthyosis 634, .T.P : Skin.Purpura haemarragica 635.Infectious fever : Fever.2ymatic 636.lrresistible desire to bend arm : Extr.Bend 637.Infective endocarditis : Chest.Inflamation,heart,endocardium 638.Irritating things cause cough : Cough.lrritating Cough.Pepper Cough.Salt 639,Inspiration cold expiration hot : L.T.Cold 6¢o.rritation in air passages increase the more one cough : L.T.lrritation Cough.[rritation ean.Impotency : Genit.Male. Erection, wanting 642, Inguinal gland fistula: Abdomen.Fistula 643.Induration of mesenteric glands : Abdomen.Hardnes 643.Intussusception : Abdomen intussucception 645,Imprint of teeth on tongue : Mouth Intended 646.Inflammation of uvula : Mouth.tnflamation,palate,velum e47 Inferior or small others are : Mind. Delusion,inferior Mind.Delusion.diminished Mind.Delusion.small ‘Study of Rubrics in Kent Repertory - Dr. Mansoor Ali (Edited: Dr. Ankita Bali) 6aa.Interference in others business which maynot concern him : Mind. Meddlesome s19,Involuntary urination with enlarged prostate : Bladder.Urination invol.old people. 6so.lnter menstrual bleeding —_: Genit.F.Metrorhhagia,bet.periods 6s1.Indisposition to play in children: Mind.Playfull 85z,Inability to sustain mental effort: Mind.Prostration ssalnsist upon saying his prayers at the tail of his horse : Mind.tnsanity 854..nconsolable over fancied misfortune : Mind.Inconsolable 855,|mpotency of his mind seems to drive him craze : Mind, Work 656.1 Inflammation of eye fromvinsect bite : Eye.Infl,erysepitatous 657, mportance of pressing pain in head : Finest madalities which are not mentioned in main rubric ésa.intestinal enclosure : Abdomen. Impaction 6s9.Infants eye complaints : Eye.Inflamation, infants 860.Itching of skin > Vomiting : Skin.Itching,vomits se1.lmpotence at all other times other than riding in a carraige : Genit M.Erection,riding 662.Indurations of parts injury after : Gen.Induration ssxinclination toliedown — : Gen.Lie sss.Inability to perspire during exercise : Skin. Dry 66s.lmpossible to rise the foot : Extr.Raised be6.Increased discharge of smegma ; Genit.M.Smegma ss7.Increased stool with decreased constituents in urine : Urine. Constituents sss.Inclinatian to clear eyes again & again : Eye.Wipe inclination to 669.1 mmovable chest : Chest.immovable 670.1nvoluntary motion of hand : Extr. Motion hand automatic e7uintertriga ; Skin.Intertriga 672.1 see green object before my eyes : Vision.Color green 673.1mpulse to bite teeth together : Teeth.Clinch together constant... 674,1nflammation of internal ear : Ear. Inflammation inside 675.Indistinct voice : L&T.Voice hoarseness indistinct 676,Intolerance to music : Mind.Music sensitive to s77 incapacity for business : Mind Business incapacity for 67a.intoxicated as if : Mind.Confusion. intoxicated 679,Inclined to grow fat in obstinate children : Mind.Obstinate 680.1mpulse to do strange things : Mind.strange things s81.Indelible stains of sweat : Perspiration Staining linen ssz.Imagine himself to be a train : Mind. Del. locomotive engine @83,Injury to dental nerves : Teeth.Nerves 634.Jaundice : Skin, Discoloration, yellow 685.Jumping of words while reading : Vision Jumping 6a6.Jerking and twitching ceasing on falling asleep : Mind.Starting Study of Rubrics In Kent Repertory ~ Dr. Mansoor Ali (Edited- Dr. Ankita Bal 687,Jerk the penis after urination : Urethra.Jerking 688.Kleptomania : Mind. Kleptomania 6s9.Keloid : Gen.Tumor 620.Kneading his head against the wall : Mind.Striking 691.Know not where he is : Mind. Stupefaction knows not were.. 692.Knows everything but cannot move : Mind, Recognise 693.Kneeling & praying : Mind. kneeling & praying 694,Lipoma : Gen. induration, nodes under skin? 695.Leukemia : Gen.Leukemia 696. Leprosy : Skin.Eruption,leprosy 697.Leg flexed upon thigh when he tries to walk : Ext.Flexed,leg upon thigh Ext.Drawn 698.Leg seems to be longer at night when lying down : Extr.Longer 699.Largest rubric in kent : Cough-Lying,face... 7oo.Laryingismus stridulas : Resp.Stridulas 701.17 Laryngismus stridulas 702.Late menarche : Genit.Female.Menses,delayed in girls 1st 7o3.Lice : Head.Lice 70s Lesbianism : Mind.Love,her own sex 70s.Late learning to walk : Extr.Walk 706.Lasciviousness :Mind.Lasciviousness Mind.Shamless.. Noked wants to be 707.Loss of vision at the beginning of Ha: Vision.Loss Head.Pain, blindness 708,Lemon colored sputa : Expectoration. Yellow 703.Lies on back with knees drawn up : Back.Curvature nio.Largest number of rubrics in : Mind 7i.Lowest number of rubrics in : Hearing 712.Longitudinal ridges in finger nails : Extr. Roughness 713.Leg swaying to & fro when walking : Extr.Swaying 714 Lousiness : Skin.Lousiness as. Less sour things : Stomach.Aversion acids Gen.Food sour < nis.Lordosis : Back.Curvature spine 7arLies with eye closed : Mind.indifference lies with eyes closed nia.Lie as if dead : Mind, Unconscious lie as if dead nia.Lack courage : Mind.Cowardice nno.Left alone especially when most needed : Mind, Deserted ma.Living on principles : Mind.Scrouplesness maz.Lupus on face : Face.Cancer lupus 723,Light seem broken up into rays : Vision. Rays 224 Marasmus : Gen.Emaciation children 725,.Mouth remain open after yawning : Mouth.Open Sleep.Yawning 726. Mosquito allergy : Skin Stings of insects 727.Measles : Skin.Eruption measles Fever.Exanthematic 228. Malaria : Fever.intermittent 729.Must keep fingers separated : Extr.Touch Extr Sensitive fingers 730.Myelitis : Back.Inflamation,cord 731.Mastodynia : Chest.Pain,mammae 732. Mucus flies from mouth on coughing : Expectoration. Flies Mouth.Mucus 733.Must hold chest while coughing : Cough.Hand 734.Malposition of uterus ; Genit.Female.Displacement 733.Menopause : Genit,Female,Menopaue 236. Menses appear as if would : Genit.Female.Menses appear Abdomen.Pain,menses appear 237. Movement of the fetus result nausea and vomiting :Abdomen. Movements 738. Migraine : Head.Pain. periodical Vision.Dim headache during Stomach. Vomiting,headache during 739.Morning sickness : Stomach.Vomiting, pregnancy during 740. Must drink in order to swallow : Throat.Swallowing Throat.Swallowing,impeded 741,.Mumps : Fate. Inflammation, parotid gland 7ar.Miner’s disease ; Ear.Noise,vertigo with 743, Muscae volitans : Vision.Colors,black, floating 744. Myopia : Vision. Myopia 745. Mental symptom alternate with physical : Mind.Mental Mind.insanity 246. Muscle refuse to obey the will when attention is turned away : Mind, Will 747, Must walk about sometime in sitting posture before hecan straighten up : Back. Stiffness, walking. 748. Mania to work : Mind.Industrious 749.Menses persists for days : Genit.F.Menses,protracted 750.Maxillary sinusitis : Face.Pain.2ygoma 751.Motion sickness : Stomach.Vomiting,riding ina carriage. ‘Study of Rubrics in Kent Repertory ~ Dr. Mansoor Ali (Edited- Dr. Ankita Bali} 782.Make useless purchases : Mind.Insanity,makes useless purchases. 753.Mental complaints from sexual excess : Mind.Sexual 754.Mocking his relatives : Mind.Mocking 755.Moon phase : Gen.Periadicity 14th day 756.Must sit up with knees drawn up rest her head & arms upon knee : Gen. Sitting 757.Melanotic spots from exposure to sun : Skin.Freckles 7ss.Mastodynia —: Chest.Pain. Mammae 759.Marginal blepharitis : Eye.Inflamation,Lids margin 760.Muscles & tendons stiff during exacerbation of pain : Exte,Contraction 761.Mumps metastasis to testes : Face.Inflamation, parotid 762.Miller’s asthma ; L&T.Laryngismuns stridulus Resp:stridulus 763.Menstrual flow on breast feeding : Genit.F.Meterrhagia nursing the child when 764,Moon light : Gen.Moon light Mind.Sentimental mood in Vision.Moon light > Eye.Moon light 76s.Muscle shartened contracted : Extr.Contraction of muscles & tendons 766.Mucus stool slimy : Stool.Mucus slimy 767,Must lie down with anguish : Mind.Anxiety lying must 768.Mental symptom > by physical exertion : Mind.Exertion 769.Movement of hand begins in the face as if brushing something away : Mind.Gestures hands of the Tro. Measures & Weight and give wrong answers : Mind, Mistakes 77.Must urinate 5-6 times to empty bladder : Bldr.Urination,incompl. 7™2.Mental depression ; Mind,Sadness depression 773.Moral obliquity alt, with sexual excitement : Mind.Fear moral obliq. 774.Mageot filled ulcers : Skin.Ulcers maggot with 77s.Malena : Stool. Black Stool.Tarry colored 776.Must rub anus till raw ; Rectum.Excoriation 77.Malingering: Mind. Feigning sickness 778. Mosquito allergy in face : Face.Erysepelas bites 799.Nodules in the lids : Eye. Tumors 780.Nervousness : Mind, Restlessness 781.Not satisfied in life : Mind. Discontented 7ex.Never speaks the truth : Mind.Lie 783.Nails do not grow : Extri,Grow 784.Nightly pollution : Genit.Male-Seminaldischarge, seminal emission (nightly) 785.No desire to urinate after labor : Bladder.Paralysis Study of Rubrics in Kent Repertory ~ Dr. Mansoor Ul (Edited: Dr. Ankita Bali) Bladder Retention,confinment.. 786.Nocturnal enuresis :Bladder Urination involantary,night 787.Nasal regurgitation : Throat.Food,passes in to chonae Throat Liquid,taken are forced to nose : Nose.Liquid,... 788.Nasal polyp : Nose.Polypus 78a.Noises in ear on blowing nose : Ear.Noise,blowing nose 790.Night blindness : Vision.Dim,night Vision.Loss of vision 7a1,.Nail like opacity of cornea : Eye.Onyx 792.Nystagmus : Eye. Motion,pendulum like 7ax.Network of blood vessels : Skin. Network Chest.Capillary net work Extr-V.Vein,network in skin 7s4.Nocturnal enuresis due to habit : Bladder.Urination invol,tangiable 798.Number of blank rubrics in mind : 145 736.No blank rubrics in : Hearing &Prostate 797.Neuro fibromatosis : Skin Eruption grape shaped | Skin.€ruption.Gritty 798.Narrowing of interval between lids ; Eye.Narrowing 799.Nipples insensitive ; Chest.Insensible nipples Chest. Numbness mammae nipples 800.No to all questions : Mind. Answer monosyllables ‘e01.Nodules of vocal cord : L&T.Polps larynx 202.Nose cold to touch during heat stage of fever : Nose.Heat in cold to touch 203.Noise > resting head on table : Ear.Noise humming leaning head On table s04.Noise as of water fall on opening mouth during dinner : Ear.Noises rushing water falls like 805.0steomylites : Gen, Inflammation, bone 306.Osteomalacia : Gen Softening of bone #07,.Qpisthotanus : Back.Opisthotonus b08.Oily sputa : Expectoration. Oleaginous 20, Orthopnoea : Resp. Difficult,lying while 810.0rchitis : Genit.Male.inflamation,testes 811.0rchitis due to mumps : Genit.Male.swelling,testes,mumps from 812,Oxalate crystals in urine : Urine. Sediment,oxalate 813.0titis media : Ear.Inflammation,media 814.Opening & shutting sensation like a valve in ear : Ear.Opening ‘815.Object seems to appraach & then recedes : Vision. Approach Vision.Moving Vertigo.Objects Study of Rubrics In Kent Repertory - Dr. Mansoor All (Edited- Dr. Ankita Bali) 1816.Object fade away then reappear : Vision. Fade 817.Object become pale after looking for a long : Vision.Pale #18.Optic nerve atrophy : Eye.Atrophy 819,Opthalmia neonatorum : Eye.Inflamation,infants 820,0pening & shutting in head : Head.Pain, opening and shutting s21.Opening & shutting Open fontanels _: Head. Open 822.Ovarian cyst : Genit.Feamle.Tumor,Ovarian cyst 823,Osteogenesis imperfecta : Gen. Brittle bones. 824,014 rags seems as fine silks : Mind. Imbecility 825. Open sensation of posterior nares on walking : Nose.Open 826.0nly place in the repertory ‘pessary’ in mentioned : Genit.F .Induration #27,.Object fade away the re appear : Eye.Fade #28.One leg shorter than the other : Extr.Shorter 823.0ffensive foot without perspiration : Extr.Odor 1830.Oxalate crystals in urine : Urine.sediment,oxalate 831.Orgasm wanting in female : Genit.F.Coition #32.0nly one blank rubric in: Ext.throat 1833,Qsteo sarcoma tibia : Extr.Tumors 834,Obstruction of pulmonary vascular Capillaries : Chest. Capillary network 835.0rgasm subside several times before it lead to ejaculation : Genit.M.Seminal chelate #836.Obliged to urinate several times before the bladder is empty: Bladder.Urination,incomplete 837.One having excessive irrational attachment to a cause/position : Mind.Fanaticism 838, Oesophagus is distended : Throat distended esophagus sense of #839.Orgasm wanting in females : Genit.F.Coition orgasm wanting '820.Optimistic : Mind. Hopeful sa1.Obscene songs : Mind.Singing saz. Object seems new : Mind.New object seems 843.Objects move on circles on closing the eyes : Vision.Circles objects 848,One cheek cold other hot : Face.Heat.cold one side other hot 845, Objects seems inverted : Vision inverted objects seems 846,Ovary feels like a heavy ball : Genit.F.Ball ovary feals like #47,Pain in small spots : Gen.Pain in small spots #848,Painlessness of complaints usually painful : Gen. Painlessness ‘849.Parkinsonism : Gen. Paralysis agitans 80.Paralysis due to C VA : Gen.Parlysis,apoplexy after asiPost diphteritic paralysis: Gen.Paralysis,post diphteri Throat Paralysis post diphteritic Extr.Paralysis,post diphteritic ‘Study of Rubrics in Kent Repertory ~ Dr. Mansoor Ali (Edited: Dr. Ankita Bali) #82.Phrenoderma : Skin.€ruption,horny 853,Psoriasis : Skin.Eruption,psoriasis 854Prickly heat : Skin.Eruption,vesicular,sudamina 855,Profuse perspiration without any relief: Perspiration colliquative 856.Perspiration absent : Skin.dry,inability to perspire Fever.Perspiration absent 857,Psoriasis of palms : Extr.Eruption palm,desquamation of Extr.Eruption palm,psoriasis 8s8.Phlegmasia alba dolens : Extr.Milk leg 859 Paralysis of lowerlimb with lightning like pain in abdomen :€xtr,Paralysis LL fulgurating pain in abdomen 860,Popliteal cyst’: Exte.Tumors,knee hollow of 861.Psoas abscess : Extr. Abscess lowerlimbs psoas 862.Back.Abscess,lumbar region psoas 863,Pain in opposite mammae on nursing: Chest.Pain,mammae opposite Chest.Constriction,mammae left.. 864,Pleural effusion : Chest.Dropsy 2865,Pericardial effusion : Chest.Orapsy, pericardium 2866.Preumonia : Chest.Hepatisation of lungs Chest.Inflamation of lungs 867,Pleurisy : Chest.Inflamation,pleura 868,Pulmonary edema : Chest.Edema.pulmonary 869,Post herpetic neuralgia : Chest.Pain, herpes zoster after 810 Palpitation : Chest. Palpitation 871,Panting : Respiration, Panting Cough .Panting #72.Primary complex : Chest. Phthisis pulm.incipient 873, Pneumothorax : Resp.Catching #74Pus in hydrocele : Genit.Male.Empyocele 875,Paraphimosis : Genit-Male.Phimosis,paraphimosis, Genit.Male Retraction, perpuce 876,Premature ejaculation : Genit.Male.Seminal discharge quick too a77-Physometra : Genit.Female.Flatus 878.Precaceues puberty : Genit.Female.Menses,before the proper age 879.Pylonephritis : Kidney.Inflamation,sappurative 880,Phosphate crystals in urine : Urine.Sediment,phosphate #81,Pus in urine : Urine.Sediment,purulant 862Perineal abscess Rectum.Abcess,perineum 883,Pin worm : Rectum.Worm,ascarides #84,Po0t bellied children : Abdomen.Enlarged,children Study of Rubrics in Kent Repertory ~ Dr. Mansoor Ali (Edited- Dr. Ankita Bali) 885.Picca : Stomach.Desire,lime,salt,pencils, Stomach.Desire,strange things 886,Premature decay of teeth in children:Teeth.Carries,premature in children 887.Pain in filled teeth : Teeth.Pain.filling after 888 Paralysis of tongue : Mouth.Motion,toungue wanting Mouth-Parslysis of tongue 889.Pointed toungue : Mouth.Pointed 890.Psoriasis of eyebrows : Face.Eruption, psoriasis eyebrows Eye-Eruption,eyebrows psoriasis 891.Pain in tempero mandibular joint : Face.Pain, lower jaw,articulation 892.Ptosis : Eye.Falling of lids Eye.Paralysis of lids 893.Pterygium : Eye.Pterygium 898.Pendulum like motion of head : Head.Balancing Head.Motion '835,Premature graying of hair : Head.Hair,gray become 896.Plicca polonica : Head.Hair,stick together 897.Predict time of death : Mind.Death,presentiment of 898,Pin mania : Mind.Delusion,pins about Mind.Sensitive,steel points 899.Pre_mesntrual tension ; Mind.|rritability,menses before \d.Obstinate... ‘800,Persons in habit of reporting against others in order to disgrace/defame them: Mind. Slander disposition 901.Pain come suddenly & disappear gradually: Gen. Pain... s02.Paralysis of auditory nerve : Hearing, Impaired 903.Painful erection with curvature of penis : Urethra.Chordee 904.Pendulous abdomen : Abdomen.Pendulous. 905,Pyloric stenosis ; Stomach.Narrow Stomach.Contraction Stomach.Obstruction 906.Pulls the hair of bystanders : Mind.Rage s07.Predict the time of death : Mind.Prophesying Mind.Death.. 908.Power of love: Mind.Power 909.Play with button of his clothes : Mind.Play full s10.Poetical dreams about future : Mind.Dreams 211,Pretended deafness : Mind.Deafness 912.Pretended blindness : Mind.Blindness 913,Phthisis with more phlegm : Chest.Phthisis,pituitious Study of Rubrics in Kent Repertory ~ Dr. Mansoor Ali (Edited- Dr. Ankita Bal 914,Pain in filled tooth : Teeth.Pain filled tooth in Teeth.Pain filling after Teeth.Pain pressing filling after Teeth.Sensitive... 915,Panniculus abdomen : Abdomen.Enlarged fat 916.Peculiar about subrubrics for different kinds of pain in abdomen ; modalities which are not found in main rubric 917,Perspiration of hand in migraine : Extr .Perspiration hand megrim 918.Pedal edema in albuminuria ; Extr.Edema, following, 919,Pain vanishing on touch & appear else were: Gen.Touch 920.Puerperal fever from suppressed lochia ; Fever.Puerperal 921,Pain along crural nerves : Extr.Pain,thigh 922.Psoriasis with joint affections : Skin.Eruption, psoriasis invetrata 923.Phthisis with curved finger nails: Extr.curved 924,Pain in chest after pneumonia : Chest.Pain. Inflammation 925,Post-menopausal ‘menses’ : Genit.F.Menses.return after... 926.Pruritus vagina ; Genit.F.ltching.vagina $27,Pulp like stool : Stool.Mushy 928.Pneumonia after abuse of aconite: Chest.tnfl.lungs 529.Partial perspiration : Perspiration,single parts 930.Perspiration from humor in axilla : Chest.Moisture 931.Peritonitis : Abdamen. Inflammation. 932.Painful anxiety : Mind. Anguish 933,Pain abdomen after a full meal : Abdomen.Pain eating after 934,Patient feel his thumb Is paralysed : Extr.Paralysis thumb sensation 935.Person who would not bother about anybody's feeling : Mind. Unfeeling 936.Pain in precordium before urination: Chest.Pain heart urination.. 937,Perspiration on single parts : Perspiration. single parts 938,Paralysis of diaphragm : Chest, Paralysis of diaphragm 939,Pain in stomach resulting in fever : Fever.Pain fever from pain in stamach 940.Putting hand in warm water cause vomiting : Stomach. Vomiting putting hands in warm water. 941,Premature old age : Gen.Old age premature 942,Perspiration when doing job/work : Persp. Occupation during ‘943,Pain in stomach < pressure clothes : Stomach.Pain pressing clothes 988,Prolonged neglected pneumonia : Chest.Infla lungs neglected 945,Puts stones in mouth ; Mind,Del, put stones 946.People would observe her confusion ; Mind.Fear confusion 947,Pun makes : Mind.Jesting pun makes 948,Prattling : Mind.Speech prattling Study of Rubrics in Kent Repertory - Dr. Mansoor Ali (Edited- Dr. Ankita Bali) 949.Pulling pain in back: Back.Pain drawing 950.PND{post nasal dhge) : Nase.Catarrah post nasal 951.Pain in nose brain like rays: Nose.Pain ext 982.Pain in small of back : Back.Pain sacral region 953,Pain takes away the breath : Resp.impeded pain takes away... 954.Penis relaxed when excited : Genit.F.Erection wanting penis relax 985,Physical anxiety : Gen. Anxiety general physical 956,Papcorn like stool ; Stool.Mucus white popcorn like 987,Prefers to talk rather than writing ideas : Mind, Writing difficult 958,Pretend that he cannot see things’: Mind.blindness pretended 959.Prosopalgia : Face.Pain aching (prosopalgia) 560.Paralysis of sternomastoid : Extr.throat paralysis sternomastoid 961.Prostatic fluid discharge while talking to a young lady : P.Gland.Emission 962,Premature development,ripe in understanding before usual age or time : Mind. Precocity 963.Plica polonica ; Head .Hair sticks together 964.Pain as if shreds of mucus between teeth : Teeth.Pain pressing 96s.Puckered sensation in palate: Mouth, Puckered sensation 966,Pain as if an insect had got in to ear ; Ear.Pain digging 967.Quality of being easily influenced by anger : Mind. Anger irascibility 968,Quinsy : Throat.Sappuration,tonsils 969.Rubric having more nosodes : Teeth. Serrated 970.Recurrent abscess : Gen.Abscess, recurrent 971.Recurrent attack of cold : Gen.Cold, tendency to take 972.Ring worm infection : Skin. Eruption, herpetic circinate 973.Rheumatic fever : Fever. Inflammatory 974. Recurrent attack of fever : Fever. Relapsing 975.Rapid growth of finger nails ; Exte.Grow. 976,Rheumatism alt.with gastric symptoms:Extr.Pain, rheumatism alt.with gastric 977,Rheumatic edocarditis:Chest.Inflamation, heart, endocardium,rheumatic s7s.Rigidity of os during labor ; Genit.Female.Rigidity Genit.Female.Contraction s72.Retained placenta : Genit.Female.Placenta 980.R B Cin urine : Urine.Cast, blood 981,Renal stone : Urine.Sediment,renal calculi,sand,gravel 982.Round worm : Rectum.Worm,luabricoides 983,.Reversed peristalsis: Abdomen.Peristalisis reversed Throat. Reversed 984,Receding gums : Mouth.Detached from teeth, gums 988.Rhus tox tongue : Mouth. Discoloration, toungue,red,tip,triagular Studly of Rubrics In Kent Repertory ~ Dr, Mansoor Ali (Edited: Dr. Ankita Bali) s86,Rodent ulcer : Face.Cancer,noli_me_tangere 987,Risus sardonicus : Face.Risus ardonicus Mind. Laughing,sardonic ‘988,Reechoing his own sound : Ear.Noise,reverbarating,own ‘989.Raises his foot unnecessarily in stepping over small objects when walking : Vision. Large. ‘980.Retinal hge. : Eye.Bleeding,retinal 991,Restless eye ball : Eye.Movements,eye ball,constant Eye. Restless eyes ‘992 Recurrent styes : Eye.Styes, recurrent 993.Recurrent tonsillitis : Throat. Inflammation, tonsils, recurrent ‘953.Refuses to eat : Mind. Eat 99s.Regard with deep respect : Mind.Veneration 986.Rawness of upper lip with coryzal discharge over flows : Nose.Discharge,excoriating. 957 Repeat the question 1st,before answering : Mind.Answer 988, Remain motionless like a statue : Mind. Unconsciousness 999,Reveals secretes in sleep : Mind. Reveals Recurrent croup : L&T.Croup R/C boils in axilla : Chest.Eruption axilla Rteye feels larger than the Lt.: Eye Enlargement Rattling & snoring as in deep coma : Resp. Stertorous Raynaud's disease : Extr.Coldness hand blue with Extr.Discoloration, hand blue coldness with Regurgitation : Abdomen.Eructation Food Rubric for head load workers : Gen.Carrying Ribbed finger nails : Extr. Roughness Reddened papillae tongue : Mouth. Papillae Ringworm on Rt side of tongue : Mouth.ring worm Rocking > : Mind.Rocking > Rapid breathing : Resp. Accelerated Ranula : Mouth .Ranula Repugnance to food : Mind. Loathing food Respiration impeded in hysteria : Resp. Difficult hysterical Recall old grievances : Mind.Dwell recall old grievances Repents quickly : Mind. Remorse Remove the lime of the walls : Mind. Scratches Reverses : Mind: Mistakes reverses Run with difficulty : Mind, Stupefaction run with difficulty Rumor/ talk of a personal nature and often sensational : Mind. Gossiping Shaving < : Face.Shaving Shaving >: L&T.Cold Sensation of marble in eye : Eye.Hardness Sensation of dilation of meatus : Ear.Difataion Sore throat with coryza : Nose.coryza sore throat with Sudden tingling in nostrils fotlowed by sneezing : Nose.Tingling Submaxillar gland is for ; Sub mandibular gland Sabal serulata only in 2 places : Prostate Back.Pain coition after Shock extend from head to elbow : Extr.Shock Shock extend from elbow to head : Head.Shock Skin cancers : Gen.Cancerous affections Sydenhams chorea : Gen.Chorea,theumatic Sudden collapse : Gen.Collapse sudden Stricture/stenosis after inflammation : Gen. Contraction Skin intended easily from pressure : Gen-Pain,pressing inward Skin.Intended Scurvy : Gen Scurvy Mouth.Bleeding scurvy Septicemia : Gen. Septicemia Slow repair of broken bones : Gen.Slow Stoop shouldered person : Gen.Stoop shouldered Slow healing of wounds : Gen.Wound,slow heal to Scar breaks open again : Skin.Cicatrices,breakes open Scabies : Skin.Eruption,scabies Smallpox : Skin.Eruption,smallpox Skin become thick after excessive scratching : Skin. Thick Sebaceous cyst :Skin.Wens Sensation as if about to perspire but no moisture appear : Perspiration. Sensation Snoring : Respiration. Snoring Spotted finger nails : Extr.Spotted Extr.Discoloration fingernails, spotted Step missing while going downstairs : Extr. Missing Stamping gate in tertiary syphilis: Extr. Motion upwards then.... Sciatica in summer alt.cough in winter : Extr.Pain,LL se Cough.Croupy Cough.Sciatica Stretched out hand as if to grasp something : Extr.stretched Extr.Extended Spina bifida : Back.Bifida Swollen cervical glands : Back.Swelling,nape of neck ‘Study of Rubrics in Kent Repertory ~ Dr. Mansoor Ali (Edited+ Dr. Ankita Bali)

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