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So A kee AS ws Q © % * 2 ° a e, ABSORPTION OF DRums aS NNR Absoyphon ig Movement of the Chg foe is ite of Odministevation Into the Cveslation- Pampertant Povameter le the Yosle ef, Absorption . Factors Of Fecting Absovptien +| Ajeous Dolobility : Bugs Oven In Kelick Porn Most Cliseolse In Olqeoos [Phase before Ub Ts Closerbect. Fer Preity Udcter Fooloble Clvog (eq: sprvin, grisenfalwin) Tlate of absovption is lous . kKeteonazole chssolves crt low pu (cacti PH) 5 Gastie Crete le Tlequivect for its Absor Phen . «| Concentration : Passive AvPPocion Clepends Opsn Concentration Chachient 5 roca) ren Os Concentratect Deletion is Absorbed! faster than Chitet= Bolten, - Atco 4 absorsing . Larger Dor Pace = Snore bsorptie Chea Dvifoce .| Vascolovity of the; teed block flow crtthe & Absorbing Aur faco GeleadREE Sion hastens Ow Clbsox P Hon . 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Clad Qastetc Seite in Stomach. * Rosie Chvogs rEg ¢ Morphine, joinine — Aare Absa kad Only Or Tleachtng “he ae —> Howeves Cver ex Cladie veg Clb sor pH | Prom Stomach ls Blower, pecase MuUcoss IS dick , Covereck Lith Mucus And Barface Osea is a — Poster see Crnptying Cleetevaten = Thes. Chawg Absorption | In Clenercal , + Dissolution |s A BunPace Phenornencn dt. [Por ticle Bire of Chwy in Acti Choe age fern Sfoverns Tato. of Chesolotion i) As Govern Yat of Clbsorption, sp Presence of cluge ford hlotes Chios rel Seterds Absorption Cinch form Insoleble CGomptaner USA cock Pestheles. és. Tetracycl nes USith Gar Preset teenie —b Exeption ; Fatty ‘feck Qabances lone Runtvine CibsovPtien . Drugs inehhective Uohen Gweo , Gentamicin, Neastigmnine 5 Orawy Penicuin Gi, insolin ; +] P- glyeprotem - : testinal epi. Cow Dro (Gi Cone+ >) hey ob fix KI Blood Luoven let pass mofabotism AS The Orel Clbserp-tien of Certain Clog lous becavse CL Lraction ef the Obeovecd “seg Is Cactvocledt ~ back Inte the Interstthret _ | by ote telan tere el P- g* Digoxin arch cyctes serine 3 higeters of P-gp: og Geinichire , Verapamil, exytrremyein, « Telece ve (cause vay Apiture) + Yifarnpicin, Gnel Phanotarkitone Lominesl ect + Absorption 64 Crug Can be aPPectech by Lerinel ebb! one ob es ingested drug ; foros insolube Complexes . Ey: ) Tetracyclines Usith G2, i) TYen PreParations USIt Cinlacids . ¥) Phenytoin USith Bverat Rte , abs Sach interaction Gin be Minirnizect (4 Celi nistering hw. Olvugs at 2-4 bv intervals. Got Udutt affects. + Drugs Gan Otter Absorption bye ) Altering TMotitity . Anticholinersscs, On ticles sgsants , ov" Opieids Yetamel Motility Udbile Meteclopramicde Cntances it. i) Guosing Mucosal damage + & Nearaycin, Mothctrexete | Vinblastine . “ (Se Crim) Tr] Absorption Aweogh Sobeutaneous nd Trivanuscules Yeate “= B, these Vootes Chiog Is Clepositect Chrectty tn the | Viainity of Capiuories. Capitasies have. fase | Pavocetuterr Space Ane Cloeesn't Obstvoct Goa large lipted insoloble Mclecotes . Very lage Melecoles alymph > Many Aregs Net abs erbect Otay Ave absevbqol | Pox enteraly. AosorPtion Se gite & Slower thar tm, Site oot both Cre Aeneraly Rister | Cons then Oval Teste . — Al pplication of heat Clack Miuscelers Crrevetss Ciceelerate Alvog Akserprion by Aring boloock, flow | Udhile Vasece netrictor lackvenatingy Tletord ates , Hyalu yenidase. 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