Islamic Studies Assign 1

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The Existence of God

Existence of God has been in question for as long the mankind existed. It is a subject of

debate in theology, philosophy, and popular culture as it is a very fundamental topic. There

are many arguments on the existence of God. Like

 The Cosmological Idea

 The Teleological Idea

 The Ontological Idea

 The Moral Idea

 The idea of life demands a life giver.

 Human reasoning

 Free Will

The Cosmological Idea/ The Law of Cause and Effect:

It says,

“For every material effect we see, there is a cause that came before it, or was

simultaneous to it and greater than it.”

The universe is a material effect. so, what caused the universe? We can say singularity,

“Something that popped into existence from nothing “.

It is somehow natural, but it is supernatural or supernature. So, if we believe on material

effect of the universe then there is supernatural creator that caused the universe. There are

three types of cosmological ideas that prove the existence of God.

 First cause cosmological argument

 The Kalam cosmological argument

 The contingency argument

First Cause Argument:

It was stated by St. Thomas Aquinas. In summary.

 Causes and motion exist.

 All causation or motion requires some prior cause or motion; things can’t happen nor

move for no reason.

 But this chain of causation or motion cannot go back infinitely; this seems impossible.

 Therefore, there must be a first, uncaused cause, or first, unmoved mover.

 The most plausible example of an uncaused cause or unmoved mover would be God.

 Therefore, God exists.

But there are many contradictions like if God caused us then who caused the god and things

can happen for no reason. Well, there are many controversies.

The Kalam Cosmological Argument:

It was presented by William Lane Carig. In summary,

 If something begins to exist, its existence was caused by something.

 The universe, including time and space, cannot go back infinitely far in time.

 Therefore, the universe began to exist.

 Therefore, the universe’s existence was caused by something.

 The most-plausible example of a creator of time and space would be something like


 Therefore, God exists.

The universe does not have infinite past there are many philosophical and scientific proof for

this. But there are some controversies also.

The Contingency Argument:

It was developed by Gottfried Leibniz. In summary:

 Every contingent being needs an explanation for its existence, the cause or reason for

its existence.

 Contingent beings can’t be the cause or reason for their own existence.

 Therefore, the explanation for the existence of contingent beings must be some non-

contingent being and since it’s non-contingent, that being must exist necessarily.

 The most-plausible necessarily existing explanation for all the contingent beings

would be God.

 Therefore, the God exists.

The Teleological Idea/ Design Demands a Designer:

The term teleology is a Greek word. It come from the word telos, meaning ‘end’ or ‘goal’ as

well as logos, meaning ‘explanation’. So, in simple terms it’s meaning is ‘end explanation’.

 The universe or world exhibits x

 The nature of x word would suggest design by an intelligent mind.

 Thus, the universe must be the product of intelligent mind.

It is a true reason that everybody Recognises that this universe looks like a design. Infect,

when we see the different aspects of nature and we see the birds, squirrel, trees, and all

aspects of things that so well. Many times, as humans, we try to copy the design but often we

don’t make them as they are. When we look at the design of human body, we see the arm, leg,

hand and many other parts and the most advanced parts like brain. These designs are
overwhelming. It is everywhere. The earth is designed for living things. There is air, water,

the temperature is suitable, the gravity’s present. So, where does the design originate?

When we look at the most complex and functional things, we say that this design come from

the Intelligent Designer.

The big explosions don’t just bring order. They just don’t cause things that are functional and

complex. The design demands a Supernatural and Intelligent designer.

Paley Watchmaker Teleological Argument:

The Paley said if we look at the watch, we thought how it came into its origin. What was the

event? Obviously, someone had made it. He said if the watch bears all the marks of design_

of a watchmaker. So, the universe also bears all the design _ of a universe-maker.

The parleys emphasized that the universe is much complex and purposive in its design.

“The contrivance s of nature surpasses the contrivances of art,

In complexity, subtlety, and curiosity of the mechanism”.

(Paley 1802)

There are many controversies on this idea also like Philo said, if the universe was designed

by some mind like ours. Does this mind have emotions like us? Does this mind have flaws?

Well, this leads to anthropomorphism.

Philo also said this watch has many makers then there will be many makers of the universe,

and this leads us to polytheism.

The Ontological Argument:

This is the idea of possibility and necessity. For this I must tell what greatness of God is.
God Greatness:

The Abrahamic conception of God is that he’s awesome—all-powerful, all-knowing, all-

good, creator of the universe, self-existent, and a host of other properties that make him not

just very, very great, but the greatest that there is or could possibly be.

Anselm, S Argument:

 God is a being than which nothing greater can be conceived.

 This is a definition which even a fool understands in his mind.

 There is a difference between having an idea in the mind and knowing.

 It is greater to exist both in the mind and reality, than to exist only in the mind.

 If God existed only in the mind, I could think of something greater,

namely a God who existed also.

 Therefore, to be the greatest conceivable being (P1), God must

exist both in the mind and in reality.

The Moral Argument/ The Moral Law Depends on Moral Law Giver:

 If God does not exist, objective moral values do not exist.

 Objective moral values do exist.

 Therefore, God exists.

First, we must define morality; morality is a standard of right or wrong. For example,

everyone knows murder is wrong; if one kills someone, he feels guilty, proving an absolute

morality. These laws are innate, meaning you know them from birth. This is morality. So,

from where does this concept of morality comes? How do we know that what to do good or
bad? How have we people learned these moral values. So, we can say that there is a moral

giver who gives us the morality who told us to do moral deeds through different sources. So,

there are no moral values without the moral values giver. This proves that God exists who has

highest objective moral values.

Life Demands a Supernatural Life-Giver:

In this material world we must come to understand there is a law of biology called the law of

biogenesis states as:

“In this material world life comes from previously.

existing life of its own kind”.

On ancient time it was believed that the life can come into existence from non-living

chemicals. Life can arise spontaneously from non-living chemicals. But from mostly

performed biological experiments it is proved that life cannot arise from non-living things.

So, from where did life arise? When it originated when it doesn’t originate from non-living

things. So, we can say that life demand a supernatural life giver.

Free Will Exists:

For most religions insist that God has given human beings free will and thus human beings

can choose right from wrong, and that (in some religions at least) wrongful acts are sinful and

worthy of divine punishment, while good acts are righteous and worthy of divine reward.

Human Reasoning

If we see, we reason on the regular basis. We try to understand the abstract ideas. If we were

products of

 Blind processes
 Random processes

 Chance processes

from the millions of years then Reasoning and the laws of Reasoning would have no

explanation and yet we reason to meet on regular basis. So, from where does reason arise?

So, this is the proof for the existence of God.

Proof From the Holy Quran:

There are many religions who says that God exists like Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. As I

am a Muslim, as I am the follower of Allah almighty (the word which is specifically used for

the Muslims GOD.) And His Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon Him) and the Holy

Quran and many other things that we must believe to be a Muslim so, I will also explain the

existence of God through The Holy Quran.

According to the Qur'an, God (Allah) is omniscient; he eternally knows whatever comes into

being, be it universal or particular in character.

Allah says:

“Have they been created without a Creator? Or are they their own creators? Or have

they created the heavens and the earth? The fact is that they lack faith.”


And He also says:

“And He has created everything and designed it in a perfect measure (and ordained its

destiny in a precise manner)."


And in another verse, He says:

“It is He who created the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them."

Allah says in CH 12 that.

“In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate) Say (O Muhammad) He is God

the One God, the Everlasting Refuge, who has not begotten, nor has been begotten, and

equal to Him is not anyone.”

These are all the evidence for and against the existence of God.

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