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Name: Marc Anthony Indraputra

Class: nutritions (2D)

“Biography of Indonesia's smartest president”

 Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, commonly known as B.J. Habibie, is one of the
most influential figures in modern Indonesian history. Born on June 25, 1936,
in Parepare, South Sulawesi, he was the son of a teacher with a keen
interest in science. His thirst for knowledge led him abroad, where he earned
a bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering from the Bandung Institute of
Technology in 1960. He then pursued further education in Germany, obtaining
a doctoral degree in engineering from the Aerospace Engineering Faculty at
the Technical University of Munich in 1965.

 In Germany, Habibie not only acquired knowledge in aerospace engineering

but also began to develop his interest in the aircraft industry. His career
flourished there, and he even became a German citizen. However, the call to
return to Indonesia eventually grew stronger, especially with the
encouragement of Indonesia's first president, Sukarno, who wanted to see
accomplished nationals return to contribute to their country.

 In 1974, Habibie returned to Indonesia and joined the Agency for the
Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT). Here, he began his role
in developing the national aircraft industry. In 1978, he was appointed as the
State Minister for Research and Technology by President Suharto, a position
that strengthened his position in the government.

 When Suharto resigned in 1998 following pressure from student

demonstrations and riots, Habibie became Indonesia's third president. His
presidency, though brief, was marked by efforts at political and economic
reform. One of the significant moments during his presidency was the
referendum in East Timor, which resulted in the territory's independence.

 After stepping down from the presidency in 1999, Habibie remained active in
research and development. He founded the Habibie Center Foundation,
focusing on public policy issues and community development. Habibie's life
and work not only made significant contributions to technological
advancements in Indonesia but also embodied the spirit of struggle and
dedication to the nation's progress. He passed away on September 11, 2019,
leaving behind a strong legacy in modern Indonesian history.

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