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Before we going to the pre, I would like to introduce .

Can you give me some information

about the United Nations organization?

The United Nations[1] is an intergovern’mental organization tasked with maintaining peace

and national security. international, promote friendly relations between countries, carry out
international cooperation and serve as a center for harmonizing international efforts towards
common goals.

We present on the screen some highlight phrases for our listening content today, through which you
will partly know an aspect of the work of the UN organization.

The Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) is a governmental department tasked with
formulating and implementing policies related to economic planning, investment, and development
within a country. Its primary objective is to promote sustainable economic growth, attract domestic
and foreign investment, and ensure efficient allocation of resources to foster economic development

Representing the United Nations at the highest levels of state and, in order for the UN development
system to help address the country’s needs, priorities and challenges to fulfil the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs);

Coordinating operational activities for development of the UN in support of the country’s efforts to
implement the 2030 Agenda;

Permanent agency: This is the agency where an individual or a business is officially identified as the
place of residence or business regi’stration. The resident agency usually has ad’ministrative and legal
authority over that person or organization, and it is where they usually have to submit various
immi’gration or business-related documents, reports and formalities.

Non-resident agency: This is an agency used for a specific purpose but is not the official place of the
individual or business to register residence or business. Non-resident agencies may be used for
temporary activities, special projects, or to carry out specific tasks that do not require a permanent

Access to justice is the process of handling cases through fair and legal proceedings to ensure
human rights.

You have a few minutes to see and take note some notable phrases before we get to the recording.

Firstly we will play the recording so you can review the information before we start interpreting

And now we will listen to each short recording to interpret. "Thank you for your attention, and I look
forward to any questions or discussions you may have. Have a great day!"

Bộ trưởng Bộ Kế Hoạch và Đầu tư Nguyễn Chí Dũng và Điều phối viên thường trú của Liên
Hợp Quốc tại Việt Nam, bà Pauline Tamesis, vừa ký chung Chiến lược Hợp tác Phát Triển
Bền Vững giai đoạn 2022-2026 giữa Hà Nội và các cơ quan thường trú và không thường trú
của Liên Hợp Quốc tại Việt Nam.
Minister of Planning and Investment, Mr. Nguyen Chi Dung and United Nations Resident
Coordinator in Viet Nam, Ms Pauline Tamesis have just signed together The Sustainable
Development Cooperation Strategy 2022-2026 between Hanoi and other resident and non-resident
agencies of the United Nations in Vietnam.

Let's listen to the next recording

Tổ chức Liên Hợp Quốc tại Việt Nam cho biết Khung chiến lược Hợp tác Phát triển Bền
vững 2022-2026 là tài liệu chiến lược chủ chốt, hướng dẫn và định hướng sự hợp tác giữa
chính phủ Việt Nam và Liên Hợp Quốc trong việc “ đẩy nhanh tiến bộ đạt được các Mục tiêu
phát triển bền vững”.

The United Nations in Vietnam said that The Stra’tegic Framework for Sustainable De’velopment
Cooperation 2022-2026 is a key strategic document, guiding and ‘orienting the cooperation between
the Vietnamese government and the United Nations in "accelerating progress towards achieving
Sustainable De’velopment Goals."

Theo phía Liên Hợp Quốc, tổ chức này và chính phủ Việt Nam đề ra 4 kết quả phát triển
chính gồm phát triển xã hội bao trùm, ứng phó với biến đổi khí hậu, chống chịu thiên tai và
bền vững môi trường, chia sẻ thịnh vượng thông qua chuyển đổi kinh tế và quản trị tiếp cận
công lý.

According to the United Nations, this organai’zation and the Vietnamese government set
out/propose/offer/suggest 4 main de’velopment outcomes including in’clusive social
development; responding to ‘claimate change, disaster resilience and environmental
sustainability, shared pros’perity through eco’nomic transformation and governance with
access to ‘justice.
We will show you the transcription of the recording

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