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paper except Rolt mnt of indulging sang om getin st acre al een os vo moe erate a Number, orkerwise i fair rans and ™ Roll No. nee Comput. Sys. Archi v B.C.A. (Part) EXAMINATION, 2018 PAPER-X BCA: 204-COMPUTER SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE ‘Time Allowed - Three Hours "Maximum Marks - 80 Fe () were stand 81 ae eH AS AS ered wa ene, (2 TARAS sew 8 . ~ 0 gee ne eons tempt ay @) Allquestions carry equal marks. not 1L@ ® Boataae 0-processor and its use ? © GakteMicro Operation with example ? ° ‘croinstruction format? Pisses sad memory mapped Ho on. asastll s hittps:/ Tt a © ® 3 on Yo _ foreach sub cycle. Draw the block diagram of a 2's complement Subtract, What do you mean by OPCODE. Define vector processing. Whats a priority Interrupt ? 2x8=16 Discuss the functions of DMA controller in data transfer between Vo memory. Also state different modes of DMA operation. 8+8=16 ‘What are various types of interrupts ? How does processor determine which device issued the interrupt? 848616 ‘Write zero, one, two, three address instructions for the evaluation of following expression: X=(A-B)+(C*D) What are shift Micro operations ? design 4 bit ‘combinational circuit for shifter. 8+8=16 Define the term : Instruction Format and its addressing mode ? ‘Explain in detail the various ‘addressing modes of commonly used by various CPUs. htipssiwwnw 848=16 ‘Explain 8085 micro processor Architecture with diagram: 848516 Explain 7-Segment LED displey. aplaininsiruction cycle. Givethe RTL statement How the instruction cycle isto evomodate the intept irom Vo devices? 4ds8-16 https:ziwwrn

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