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40 PE OT Lop a nm SRI armed NIT Hr ry ee LEO ers Sen ras gt: sen Pre men ie rite anvthing on gu Mige shall be deenred ea wind action Shall be ragojint 8 O Per eC ePF RO Number in unfair inating les, Rott No, en as pep a ns On}, B.CA. (Part-II) Examinaneg eos nit Oo ation 2019 14.203. Paper-IX BCA-203: OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRMMING WiTH C++. ‘Time Allowed-Three Hours Maximum Marks - 80 fen 0) WARREN 1 oiard Sate eh AS ee a a we ART Q) WA Re S ow TAF BI We (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any FOUR questions from the remaining questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks Contd. MBca._900 oD jes 2 estion cart 1 nem ait questions. Bach 4 Mors 3). Define Union in CH? 7B) Define seope Resolution Operstor ©) What do you mean by Polymer "> What is Encapsulation? Define Clan? 9). How will you declare 2 Di cH? ‘What aze Inline Functions? 27 What is meant by Traversal? i) Define Data Structure. F)_ Define linked list. mensional Artay in [Attempt any Four Questions, Each Question Carries 15 Marks) 2 a) Define functions. Discuss the concepts of "Pass by value" and "Pass by reference” with help of Program in CH oa b) Whotis Inheritance? What are different types of inheritance available in C44? ®) How Function Overloading is possible in C++? Discuss with C++ Program? m 2 1718_B.C.A,_900 @ Contd. https by What are the charaet ) (tistics of OP's approach(8) { 2) Whatdo you mean by File Handling? Write aC++ Program to Copy Contents of one filet another (7) 'b) What is stack? Write the Insertion and Deletion algorithm in stack. ®) 5-8) Define Exception handling. Explain the use of try, catch and throw for exception handling in C++. ® _by~ Define a Constructor, How will you overload a / Constructor? Explain with example. oO 6 _a)-— Differentiate between Cand cH. ®) “~) Write a note on Data Hiding. gg) Pa 7. a) Write algorithim to perform basic operation in 7 Linked List. 8) b ¢ do you mean by Control Flow Statements? Explain any two with example Mm hitossiwww

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