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‘Do not write anything on question-paper except Roll ——~ © Number otherwise it shall be deemed as ane act of indulging a in unfair means and action shall be taken as per rules.” ° Rolt No. o B.C.A.d) @ 1717 Data Struct. & Algor. o B.C.A. (Part-I) EXAMINATION, 2018 2@ PAPER - VIL BCA: 202-DATA STRUCTURES AND © ALGORITHMS ‘Time Allowed? Three Hours ‘Maximum Marks - 89 2@ sre = (1) we som 1 aiid 81 dre wet AS AE a aH © we | (2) wt west & sie war BI Note:- (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any FOUR questions from the remaining questions. @) Allquestions carry equal marks. 4 1. @ Define the term "Data structure". @ ©) Whatis recursion? ® . © @ ons 1717_BCA_¢UH_1300 pisterentebewoen Internat wg, What is Hashing ? > ‘What do you mean by weighted graph ‘What is LIFO ? What do you mean by Degree of te ? Whats circular link list? ‘Whatis a Queue data structure ? Write an algorth topperfoan insert and delete operations on queues, Explain the arithmatic expression and write aq algorithm to convert an infix expression to postfix expression. ‘Write an algorithm for implementation of BFs Greadth First Search), Construct the binary tree using the following reorder and inorder sequence : Preorder: ABCEIFIDGHKL Inorder: EICFIBGDKHLA Explain the following :- Adjacency Matrix Hashing Methods Application of g tac Quick sort ks ! 5. (a) © 6 (@) ) 7. a) b) °° a Explain the Inorder, Preorder and Postorder traversal of Binary tee with example. What is sorting ? Explain the bubble sort with algorithm and example. What do you mean by searching techniques ? Explain the Binary search technique with algorithm. and example. Write an algorithm to isert an element into a linear linked list. Explain the following : Directed Graph V/s Undirected graph. ‘Complete Graph Records Circular queue inttps:/www Whatsapp @ 9300930012 ‘Send your old paper & get 101 red gt tet a ate 10 vet, Paytm or Google Pay

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