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“Do not write anvth ; ite anything on question paper except Roll Number otherwise it shall he deemed asian aet of indulging fin vanfair means and aetion shall be taken as per rales.” Roll No, BAUD 1716 Operat. Sys. B.C.A, (Part-II) EXAMINATION, 2018 PAPER - VII BCA: 201- OPERATING SYSTEMS Time Allowed - Three Hours ‘Maximum Marks -80 Ste =) wer diem oifand Brae we A a RB aR aT ye safer 2) FA wet & sie wart Note:+ (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any FOUR questions from the remaining questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks, 1 Explain in brief the following: Write the types of operating system (any four). What is process. 1716 BCA. (a) 1300, oy cond https:/ {What iscontext switching. @ a (© Whatisthe purase ofsystem call? {@) Whats Interprocess communication (© Whatis fragmentation ? (© What isswapping? (8) Whatis Threshing? Give3 mainservices 2 Define an operating systom 7 Give 3 rinse FP idan openings ale exp PES of operating system? ; Gi) Whatis tread ? Explain it's work and types 3 Consider the set of Process with the length of the CPU-barst time given in miliseconds. Process BurstTime "Priority (CPU Time) P, 10 3 P, 4 2 P, 3 2 PB 7 1 P, 5 4 (@) Draw the Gantt char illustrating the Execution of these processes using fofs, SIF, Priority & Round Robin (QT=2ms) scheduling. (b) Calculate the Avg Totel Turn Around Time & Avg waiting Time of the scheduling, 1716, BeA.(4n 1300 o cont hutps:/ oe > 1 1000 mie ae Bom Son Anawerthefellowings: ‘<7 the system in safe state ? b) also it's safe sequence : oifarequet fom pecs berequetinmediey gamed 5. wi ragme! 1 Why are @_ What is fragmentation ? Explain, , ‘ segmentation and paging combined into one ‘scheme ? with suitable diagram. 1716 BCA. n_1300 CO) 2 ference string side soilowing paBe-F%S cont wg 1 ny ace secu forthe Following any page Ful gsuming 3 frames 2 AN wor first unique BABES frames will all cost one PAE’ LRU Replacement Optimal Replacement explain Disk Scheduling 7 Explain diff. disk scheduling Aigorthe: Vo to block on ‘The disk Queve in the request for 183, 37, 122, 14,124, 65,97 if cylinders are 98, the disk head initially at 53, thencompute t i¢ total ‘head movernent for the following algorithms : @fefs: scheduling Gi) ‘SSTF scheduling (Gi) C-Scan Scheduling. Write short notes of following. Virtual Memory Linux file system ‘Schedular Banker's Algorithm

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