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Number System

Chapter 1
Data Representation
The smallest piece of data that can be recognised and used by the computer is
known as the bit or a binary digit. A bit is a single binary value of 1 or 0.
Because the computer is an electronic device which has two states, On and Off,
these two states of the computer are represented by two digits, 1 and 0. Here, 1
represents the electronic state On, and 0 represents the electronic state Off. We
use the decimal number system while counting but a computer uses a binary
system because the binary number system uses only two digits, i.e. bits, to
represent the data.

Number System
A number system is a way to express quantities used for counting, comparing
amounts, performing calculations and for representing values. Some common
number systems are binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal. Different number
systems use different digits or symbols to represent numbers. The total number
of digits used in a number system is called its base or radix.
Decimal Number System
The decimal number system is a standard number system for denoting numbers.
It consists of ten digits from 0 to 9. Only these digits can be used to represent
numeric value in decimal number system. Hence, the base of decimal number
system is 10. The decimal number system is the most widely used number
system. The value represented by individual digit depends on the weight and
position of the digit.
The position of the first digit towards left side of the decimal point is 0. The
position of second digit towards left side of the decimal point is 1. Similarly, the
position of the first digit towards right side of decimal point is -1. The position
of second digit towards right side of decimal point is -2, and so on.
The value of a number is determined by multiplying the digits with the weight
of their position and adding the results. This method is known as expansion
method. The right-most digit of the number has the lowest weight. This digit is
called Least Significant Digit (LSD). The left-most digit of a number has the
highest weight. This digit is called Most Significant Digit (MSD). Digit 7 in
the number 724 is the most significant digit and 4 is the least significant digit.
The following table shows positional weight of decimal number (724)10.
Hundreds Tens Units
Weight 102 10 1
Real Value of each 7 X 102 2 X 101 4 X 100
Result 700 20 4

Binary Number System

The word binary comes from ‘Bi-‘ meaning two. A number system made up of
only two symbols, 0 and 1, is known as the binary number system. When the
binary number system is used, every number is formed using only 0 and 1.
Since the formation of a number involves the use of two symbols only, the base
of the binary number is said to be 2. It is also known as the base-2 system.
Each position in a binary number represents a power of the base (2). Hence, the
rightmost position is the units (20) position. The second position from the right
is the 2’s position, and proceeds in this way.
For example: 10101 or (10101)2 is
= (1 x 24) + (0x 23) + (1x 22) + (0x 21) + (1x 20)
= (1 x 16) + (0 x 8) + (1 x 4) + (0 x 2) + (1 x 1)
= (21)10
Name Size(bits) Examples
Bit 1 Single digit either 0 or 1
Nibble 4 Group of 4 digits either 0 or 1
Byte 8 Group of 8 digits either 0 or 1
Word 16 Group of 16 digits either 0 or 1

Conversion of Decimal to Binary

To convert a decimal number into a binary number, follow the given steps:
Step 1: Divide the number to be converted by 2 while keeping track of the
quotient and remainder.
Step 2: Continue dividing the quotient by 2 until you get a quotient of 0.
Step 3: Then write the remainder in the reverse order.
Example: (126)10
Repeated Division Remainder
2 126
2 63 0
2 31 1
2 15 1
2 7 1
2 3 1
2 1 1
0 1

Therefore, 12610 = 11111102

Activity 1
Convert 2610 to a binary number
Repeated Division Remainder

2 26

Therefore, 21010 = _____2

Conversion of Binary to Decimal
To convert a binary number into a decimal number, follow the given steps:
Step 1: Multiply each digit of the binary number by 2 to the power of n, where n
is the position of the digit starting from 0 on the right.
Step 2: Add the result.

Example: 1010012
Position Digit Position Value Multiplication of Position
value and Position Digit
1 20= 1 1 x 1= 1
0 21= 2 0x2=0
0 22= 4 0x4=0
1 23= 8 1x8=8
0 24= 16 0 x 16 = 0
1 25= 32 1 x 32 = 32

Sum of the products = 32 + 0 + 8 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 41

Therefore, 1010012 = 4110
Activity 2
Convert 1010112 to a decimal number
Position Digit Position Value Multiplication of Position
value and Position Digit

Sum of the products = ___________

Therefore, 1010112= ___________

Activity 3
Convert 101110112 to a decimal number
Position Digit Position Value Multiplication of Position
value and Position Digit

Sum of the products = ___________

Therefore, 1010112 = ____________
Operations on Binary Numbers
Binary Addition
Binary addition is similar to the addition of decimal numbers. When the value
of addition exceeds the value 1, say 10 or 11, then 1 is carried over to the left of
the current position. The rules for adding two binary digits are given below:

0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 10(Carry 1)


Binary Subtraction
Binary subtraction, binary number of lower value is subtracted from the binary
number of higher value. The following table explains the subtraction of digit Y
from digit X. If Y is greater than X, then 1 is borrowed from the next position.
When the binary digit) borrows 1 from the most significant digit, it becomes 10.

0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

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