Emi Question Bank

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 Define measurement and briefly describe the significance of measurements.
 With neat block diagram explain the elements generalized measurement system.
 With neat block diagram explain the input output configuration of measuring
instruments and measurement system.
 Explain the application of measurement systems.
 Define.
I. True value II. Static Error III. Accuracy IV. Precision.
 Explain how the effect of modifying and interfering inputs is minimized in
measurement systems with examples.
 With neat block diagram and equations explain the Wheatstone bridge used for
measurement of resistance.
 List the limitations of Wheatstone bridge used for measurement of resistance
 Distinguish between the direct and indirect methods of measurement. Cite
examples to support your answer.
 Explain the intelligent instrumentation systems and Dumb instrumentation
 How the instruments are classified and explain each of them.
 Explain briefly types of accuracies.
 What are “Desired”, “Modifying” and “Interfering “inputs for an instrumentation
system? Draw the block diagram.
 List the advantages of electronic instruments over electrical and mechanical
 Explain the kelvin’s double bridge with neat diagram.
 Explain the working of megger with neat diagram.
 Write a note on sources and detectors.
 Explain the maxwell’s inductance and capacitance bridge with neat diagram and
derive the equation for calculating inductance.
 Explain with neat diagram de-sauty’s bridge and derive the equation to calculate
unknown capacitance.
 Explain the sources and detectors used in AC bridges.
 Explain with the neat diagram Hey’s and Anderson’s bridge.
 Explain the measurement of inductance using Anderson’s Bridge with a neat
 With a neat diagram derive the balancing equation for kelvin’s double bridge.
 Define Sensitivity of the Wheatstone bridge with necessary diagram, reduce the
Expression for sensitivity of bridge for SB.
 Explain how schering bridge can be used to measure relative permittivity of
 Explain fall of potential method for measuring earth resistance.

 List the uses of instrument transformers and discuss the burden on instrument
 Discuss the errors in CT and list the characteristics of CT.
 Discuss the difference between CT & PT.
 List the advantages of instrument transformer.
 Discuss the ratios of instrument transformer.
 Discuss the features of current transformer.
 How the errors in PT are reduced.
Explain the methods of testing instrument transformer.
 Explain with neat diagram measurement of flux/flux density.
 Explain with neat diagram measurement of magnetizing force.
 Explain with neat diagram measurement of iron loss using wattmeter method.
 Explain the Silsbee’s method of testing CT.
 Briefly explain the essentials of electronic Instrumentation.
 Mention the advantage of electronic instruments over conventional instruments.
 With neat sketch describe true R.M.S responding voltmeter.
 With a neat block diagram explain Q-Meter.
 Explain the working of electronic multimeter.
 with a neat sketch explain the working of following:
 Integrating type DVM
 Ramp type DVM.
 Draw the block diagram of electronic energy meter and explain its working.
 List the advantages of electronic energy meter.
 Explain the construction and working of successive approximation type DVM.
 Explain the construction and working of potentiometer type DVM.

 Write a short note on the various display devices Viz. LED, LCD, Nixie tube.
 With a neat sketch explain Cathode ray tubes.
 Explain with a neat sketch explain Strip chart recorders.
 Explain with a neat sketch, Electro Cardio Graph (ECG).
 Write a note on.
. Dot matrix Display. Bar matrix Display.
 Explain LVDT type recorders.
 With relevant diagram explain seven segment display.
 List the difference types of recording systems.
 What is bar graph displays and where are they used.
 Write a short note on circular char and xy recorders.
 Write a short note on galvanometer recorder and null balance recorder.

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