Assignment 3

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The War is Eternal.

Everywhere I look, all I see are ruins. Once great cities full of life and love and
happiness, reduced to nothing but rubble, suffering and death. Every day is a
gamble between finding something to aid in your survival or finding your end. It’s
been so long since I’ve seen any amount of peace, I can’t remember why this war
started. Was it between several nations who simply couldn’t come to an agreement?
Was it perhaps a civil war between factions with opposing beliefs? Whatever it was,
it doesn’t matter now.

Between great crumbling mountains of gray concrete and on top of black paths
falling down into countless tunnels leading everywhere and nowhere, I run. I run to
somewhere, anywhere with a better life and anywhere away from those suffocating
mountains. I run from those who wish to bring harm to me, to put an end to my life
for their own benefit. I run towards the dilapidated stores, looting it for any
resources that may prove beneficial to me. Everyday is the same routine of waking
up, running away from danger, looting abandoned stores and finally sleeping.

On one of the many days traveling, I find that I have managed to escape the ruins
of the city. From there, I acquired a means of transport. Even with this
development, my day remains much the same: wake up, run from danger, loot for
resources then sleep. One day, I found myself helping a small team of survivors
from the city. They were nice fellows, had a good chat with one of them about the
better days. I had expected to be on my way after helping them. However, I found
myself encountering them several more times on my trip. Eventually, they decided to
tag along. Apparently, they had the same goal as me, finding somewhere to start a
new life, away from the Eternal War.

We traveled.

For so long, so many unbearably long days, we traveled.

Along the way, paradise was not found. Instead, only more ruins, full of those
murdering and thieving rapscallions! By now, the team had acquired armaments to
fend those aforementioned rapscallions off, but my skills were never in self-
defense, only in running away. So even with friends, the cycle continues almost the
same, with me waking up, running from danger that is handled by the rest of the
team, looting resources for the team, then going to sleep.

I don’t know how long we’ve traveled, but as though we were granted good luck, the
team found something new! A bustling town, away from the devastation of the War,
welcoming all survivors to come and build a new future. We settled down and, as
promised, built a new life! Oh, it was a dream to finally escape the destruction,
the War!

Oh, if only life was a fantasy.

One fateful day, it all went wrong. I still couldn’t fathom how we were so blind,
but those low-life killers and criminals managed to band together and destroy the
town. Everyone fought valiantly, including my admirable team, but they were just
too strong. Only me and a few others managed to escape relatively unharmed. The
same can’t be said about everyone else.

I want to mourn them, I really do.

There’s no time to mourn, I have to move on and survive.

It was a simple, yet difficult choice. I had to go on.

My life now is simple again. No more contributing to the community, no stopping and
taking a break, none of that. Only move and run. It’s simple!

Wake up.

Run from danger.

Loot for resources.


When will it stop?

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