Unit 3e English 1 Iuh

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3e Quick communication
Learning objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
➢ Write notes and messages

Learning methods:
➢ Individual work
➢ Pair work
➢ Group work
3e Quick communication
Writing notes and messages

1. How do you normally send notes and messages to friends and

colleagues? By text or email? What other ways do you use?

- Yes, I regularly send notes and messages to my friends and

colleagues by both text and email.

- I also use other possible ways such as chatting on social networking

sites like Facebook, leaving notes or memos on paper, leaving
messages on an answerphone, by letter or postcard.
3e-p. 41
2. Read the notes and messages (1–8). Match them with the reasons for writing (a–e).
a thanking d suggesting a time and place
b apologizing e giving a message from someone else
c giving travel information




3e-p. 41
3. Writing skill writing in note form
a. People often miss out words in notes and messages. Look again at the notes and messages
in Exercise 1. Find places where the writers have missed out these kinds of words.
• articles (e.g. a, the)
• pronouns (e.g. I, me)
• auxiliary verbs (e.g. do, are)
• polite forms (e.g. Would you like to …? Can we …?)
1. (Can we) Meet outside (the) airport at 2? (Is that) OK?
2. I’m Sorry. The Bus was late. I Will be 15 minutes late.
3. Javier called. Can you call him back? His number is 0770 657 655.
4. The train leaves from platform 6.
5. Thanks for getting the tickets. Here’s the money.
6. The plane is at gate 6.
7. I am in (a/the) taxi. Shall I/I’ll See you outside in 5 minutes?
8. I’m afraid I was late so I missed the meeting. May I offer/Please accept
my apologies.
3e-p. 41
3. Writing skill writing in note form
a. People often miss out words in notes and messages. Look again at the notes and messages
in Exercise 1. Find places where the writers have missed out these kinds of words.
• articles (e.g. a, the)
• pronouns (e.g. I, me)
• auxiliary verbs (e.g. do, are)
• polite forms (e.g. Would you like to …? Can we …?)
1. (Can we) Meet outside (the) airport at 2? (Is that) OK?
2. (I’m) Sorry. (The) Bus (was) late. (I) Will be 15 minutes late.
3. Javier called. (Can you) Call him back? (His number is) 0770 657 655.
4. (The) Train leaves (from) platform 6.
5. Thanks for getting (the) tickets. Here’s the money.
6. (The) Plane (is) at gate 6.
7. (I) Am in (a/the) taxi. (Shall I/I’ll) See you outside in 5 (minutes)?
8. (I’m) Afraid I was late so (I) missed (the) meeting. (May I offer/Please
accept) My apologies.
3e-p. 41
b. Rewrite these phone messages as shorter text messages.
1. ‘I’m sorry but I’m stuck in a traffic jam. I’ll see you in half an hour.’
=> Sorry. Stuck in traffic. See you in 30 mins.
2. ‘Thank you for booking the train tickets. I’ll pay you when we meet at the station.’
=> Thanks for booking tickets. Pay you at station.
3. ‘Take the underground to Oxford Street and the Moon café is opposite the station.’

=> Take underground to Oxford Street. Moon café opposite station.

4. ‘Peter wants to come with us in the taxi. Can you call him and tell him where
to meet us?’
=> Peter wants to come in taxi. Call and tell him where to meet.
5. ‘My flight is an hour late. Meet me in the arrivals area at five o’clock.’
=> Flight 1 hr late. Meet arrivals at 5.
4. Work in pairs. Write a short note or message for each situation.
1. You have to work late. Write a text to your friend. Say you will arrive at the
bus station an hour later.
=> Working late. Arrive bus station 1 hr later.
2. You are meeting tonight in the city centre. Suggest your friend takes a taxi from
the taxi rank outside the train station.
=> Take taxi outside station to centre.

3. You cannot travel with your friend on the underground to the airport.
Explain you will travel by bus and meet him/her at the check-in desk.
=> Can’t travel on underground. Will take bus. Meet check-in.

5. Write a short message to your partner. Then exchange messages. Can you
understand the other person’s message? Write a reply if necessary!

3e-p. 41

National Geographic Learning, a Cengage Company. © 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This presentation tool is for teaching purpose only. May not be scanned, copied or
duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.

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