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Department of Education
Division of Batangas
Taal, Batangas



Content Standard: The learners realize that information in a written text

may be selected and organized to achieve a particular purpose

Performance Standard: The learners critique a chosen sample of each

pattern of development focusing on information selection, organization, and

Learning Competency:
1. Distinguish between and among techniques in selecting and organizing
2. Identify the mechanics of generating and listing ideas from brainstorming
3. Identify and differentiate the graphic organizing techniques
4. Differentiate a topic outline from a sentence outline

Selecting and organizing information (Brainstorming, Graphic Organizer,
Writing outline)

1. References:
Reading and Writing Book pp. 17-22 (Grade 11)
2. Other Learning Resources:
PowerPoint Presentation, Speaker and Visual Aids.

Lesson Proper
Teacher`s activity Student’s activity
A. Priming
“Let us begin our class with an opening
prayer, May I request everybody to silently (The students will stand and pray)
stand up and put ourselves in the presence of
the lord”
“baby Ann lead the prayer”
“Good morning, students!” “Good morning, Ma’am Shamainne!”
“Before we start our discussion, kindly pick
up the pieces of paper and arrange your

“You may take your seat”

“Secretary Is there any absent in the class?”
“None Ma’am”
“Are you ready for today’s discussion?” “Yes Ma’am!”
“But before that, what do you remember
about our yesterday`s lesson?”
“’Alright, _____?” “Ma’am its about Discourse ”
“Very good!”
“Now, who can define discourse?
“ Discourse is the use of language to share
ideas, insights, and information.”
Anyone? Yes ________
“Amazing, that’s correct, now what are the “The general modes of discourse are
General modes of discourse?” narration, description, exposition, and
argument. “
“Let me hear from you ____”
“Precisely! It seems that everybody had
learned a lot from our previous discussion.”

“Good Job Everyone!”

“Give yourself a Kalma clap”

“all you need to do is 123, 123, Kalma “ “1 2 3 , 1 2 3 Kalma”
And now everybody stand up and let’s do the
kalma clap”
B. Motivation
1. Drill
Direction: A crumpled paper will pass through
the whole class and once the music stops the
student holding the crumpled paper will
uncrumple one paper and have to answer a
question or do what it instructs


1. Think of any topic or idea

and write it on the board
within the circle. AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR

2. Draw five arrows around
the circle. BULLYING

put a word or phrase that

relates to the given topic
on one of the arrows.

Think of a situation that the VIOLENCE

given topic or idea occurs
or happens and write it on
another vacant arrow

5. Give an example that VERBAL BULLYING

relates to the given
topic and write it on
the vacant

6. Think of a specific
related topic or idea to
the given topic and
write it on remaining
vacant arrow

7. Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior

Define the meaning of
the given topic on the
last arrow

“ Good job, Class! You did that very well. Give

yourself an AMAZING CLAP”
123, 123, A, A, AMAZING!
Now brace yourself because we will be having
the most exciting and educating game. Are
you ready?

We will call this game


So here’s the direction and mechanics of the


C. Activity

“SUMMARANGE” I. Introduction
Direction: Based on the previous topic, make Topic: Discourse
an outline sequencing all the ideas discussed A. Exchange of ideas
and mentioned. B. Debate
II. Body
A. General Modes of
“so class all you need to do is make an outline Discourse
of our previous topic about Discourse by 1. Narration
using a topic outline” 2. Description
3. Exposition
“I have here an ATM MACHINE and I will pull 4. Argument
one paper s your names and once I call you,
B. Types of discourse
you will have to answer or make the outline.”
1.Literary Discourse
“okay let’s start” 1.1 Poetic discourse
1.2 Expressive
1.3 Transaction
2. Academic
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Body
2.3 Conclusion
III. Conclusion
A. Primary purposes of
1. To inform
2. To entertain
3. To persuade
4. To create

“that’s it! Congratulations students you did

that very well!”

“Give yourself a Very Good clap”

“All you need to do is 1 2 3, 1,2,3 Very Good”
“Everybody please stand and let’s do very 1,2,3 1,2,3 Very Good!
good clap”

“So now I have here some questions

regarding to our activity”
Guide Questions:
1. How did you sequentially list all the “Through the sequence of topics being
ideas? discussed during our previous lesson Ma'am
by considering the arrangement of topics

2. What strategy did you make in “Upon reviewing the previous lesson, we
organizing the information concerning analyzed the main topics and sub-topics to
the given topic? organize the information appropriately”

“Great! That’s right”

3. What do you think are the other “Ma’am brainstorming”

techniques that could be used in
selecting and organizing information?
“You’ve got it right”

4. In relation to brainstorming, what “Ma’am groupings”

other topic or situation occurs?

“wonderful” any answer? “Ma’am collaboration”

“let me hear from ____”

“Ma’am I think listing’
“that’s it! Good thinking”

5. Since brainstorming is for listing ideas,

“Ma’am I think the other technique that you
what do you think are other technique can use to organize information is Graphic
that you can use to organize organizer”
“that’s right” the other technique is graphic

How about _____? “Ma’am Writing outline”

“That’s a good point” and what are the

examples of writing outline?”

“anyone? Yes?” “Ma’am the example of writing outline is

when you are making a reviewer and have a
pointers including the topic and sub topic of
the lesson that you need to review”
“Exactly right”

6. So do you think that those mentioned

“yes ma’am because we are able to create
strategies such as brainstorming,
and visualize the ideas”
writing outline graphic organizer like
flowchart are helpful in generating

“precisely!” how about you____? “yes ma’am because we are able to select
relevant ideas considering the main topic”

“excellent idea!” let me hear from___?

“yes ma’am because writing outline also
provide a brief overview of a topic”

“That’s right! You are learning a lot”

7. What do you think our topic for “Ma’am I think out topic for today will be
today? about selecting and organizing information”

“Now you have it! “

“Give yourself an Good Job clap”

“all you need to do is 123, 123,
G,O,O,D, J,O,B X2”

“now everybody please stand and

let’s do the Good Job Clap”

1. Distinguish between and

D. Abstraction among techniques in selecting
and organizing information
“Our lesson for today is Selecting and 2. Identify the mechanics of
Organizing Information and let us read the generating and listing ideas
learning objective” from brainstorming
3. Identify and differentiate the
graphic organizing techniques
4. Differentiate a topic outline
from a sentence outline

For better understanding we will now

proceed to our lesson proper.

When you hear the word Brainstorming what

first comes to your mind?

“yes_____?” “Ma’am Ideation’

“that’s better! any idea?” “Ma’am I think creativity’

“that’s really nice!”

Using brainstorming

first technique is Brainstorming, is the

process of generating ideas or topics to write
about or discuss. It can be a useful tool when
you are starting to write a paper.

*Writing a main topic and jotting down any

and all ideas you have.

And it can be done individually or with a


“so, class when you are brainstorming “When brainstorming individually the writer is
individually what you should do?” advised to free write which is the act of letting
one’s thought flow out as they will”

“that’s the right way to do it!”

“Then when you are brainstorming as a group “They should instead focus on contributing,
what are they need to do? building upon, combining and refining select
ideas as a group.”

“You are doing a good job!”

Using Graphic Organizer

Second technique is using graphic organizer

Graphic Organizers are communication tools
used to visually organize information and
indicate how selected ideas relate to others.
Here are some of the most commonly used
graphic organizers:
 Mind map
 Venn diagram
 flowchart

“So, when you are making an activity with

your prefer topic together with the sub-topic
relating to it, what type of graphic organizer
you use?” “Mind map/ Mind mapping Ma’am”

“Yes _________?


The first type of mostly used graphic

organizer is mind map

Mind map is a visual diagram that helps you

organize and connect ideas. It starts with a
central topic or main idea, and then branches out
into related subtopics or concepts.

“So, this is an example of Mind Map”

“So, class what is a graphic organizer that will

“Ma’am it is Venn Diagram”
help the reader to know the similarities and
differences of an idea person thing or topic?

“Let me hear from you____?

“Good thinking”

Other type of mostly used graphic organizer

is a Venn Diagram.

Class, have you done this type of graphic

organizer before? “yes ma’am”

Venn diagram is used to compare and

contrast at least two different things by
highlighting their similarities and differences
in relation to each other.

“Who can give examples of doing Venn

diagram? “ “(jazelle and jasmine raised their hands)”

“Yes, jazelle and jasmine?”

“Ma’am we can give you an example of our
similarities and differences of our self since
we are a twin”
“Oh wow! That’s clever let us hear their
similarities and differences” “ma’am our similarities are...”
“ma’am our differences are…”

“You certainly did well today.” Thank you for

giving us your similarities and differences very

Last type of mostly used graphic organizer is


A Flowchart is a visual representation of a

process or sequence of steps, using symbols
and arrows to show how things move from
one step to the next.

*A flowchart is a type of diagram that

represents a workflow or process.

“Class I have prepared and example of using

flow chart”

Below are the steps on How to Buy using the
Lazada App: 4. 1.Search the item you wish to buy.
5. 2.Choose from the result and click Add to
6. 3.Click the Shopping Cart Icon to view items
on Cart.
7. 4.Select the items you wish to order and click
Check out.
8. 5.Review the order details before clicking on
Place Order.
Another common method of organizing
information is to simply write them down in
an outline.

Last technique is Writing Outline it is a

sequential list of all the ideas that would be
discussed and mentioned in the finished text,
all grouped according to a logical and
hierarchical order.

Two types of outlines:

 Topic outline
 Sentence outline

The first type is Topic Outline which is a list of

the topics represented by keywords and/or I. Introduction
key phrases. These topics are grouped into A. Definition
headings, each with their own subheadings B. Description
listed under them, which in turn, have their II. Body
own sub-sub headings optionally listed under A. Main Topic
them. 1. Analysis
2. Comparison
*key words / key phrases a. keypoints
b. keypoints
B. Subtopic
1. Analysis
2. Comparison
a. keypoints
b. keypoints
III. Conclusion
The second type is Sentence outline it fleshes I. Introduction to writing a Sentence Outline
out these topics further by expressing them A. Defining a Sentence Outline
in complete and declarative sentences, while B. Comparing between a Sentence Outline
their supporting statement are listed under and a Topic Outline
these main points. 1. Advantages of using Sentence Outline in
organizing Information
*Complete and declarative sentences. II. Describing a Sentence Outline
A. Parts of Sentence Outline
1. Writing the parts of the outline
2. Revising the main parts of the outline
III. Conclusion

That would be all for this lesson, any questions or

clarification regarding the lesson? “None Ma’am”
Good job everyone! Thank you for listening.
Processing questions:
To check if you really understand the lesson, I
have here a question about our discussion.

Again what is brainstorming? Ma’am is the process of generating ideas or

Yes_______? topics to write about or discuss.

You got it right, we have 3 mostly used Ma’am it is Mind map, Venn diagram and
graphic organizer what are they? Flow chart.
Yes ______?

Very good! And what do you mean by Writing Ma’am a sequential list of all the ideas that
outline? would be discussed and mentioned in the
Yes _______? finished text, all grouped according to a
logical and hierarchical order.

Great idea! And what are the 2 types of Ma’am topic outline and sentence outline.
Yes ________?

1 2 ang galing, 1,2 ang galing , 1,2 ang galing

Good job everyone! Give yourself an Ang galing!!
galing clap
E. Application
The class will be group into three with the
given task.

Group 1- Brainstorming (Pack the

Direction: Ask the students to
imagine a situation where they are
stuck in a vacation and ask them to
put important items they would like
to carry with them. Ask them to think
it through and consider everything
before putting those three items on
the list in a bullet form.

Group 2- Graphic Organizer (story

map) Coco (Disney)
Direction: The teacher will provide a Characters
story. Afterwards, the group will Setting
provide the elements of the story Conflict
based on the story they have read. Plot
Then, they will use a story map as theme
their graphic organizer.

Group 3- Outline
Direction: The students will make an
TOPIC: Selecting and Organizing
outline based on the lesson that the Information
teacher had discussed using a topic A. Definition of selecting and organizing
outline. information
A. Using a Brainstorming list
B. Using graphic Organizer
1. Mind map
2. Venn diagram
3. Flow chart
C. Writing an outline
1. Topic outline
2. Sentence outline
Each group will be graded according to the A. Recap of the importance of selecting
criteria given below. and organizing information.

TOTAL 100%


F. Assessment
Directions: Read each phrase and sentences
carefully. write B for Brainstorming GO for
graphic organizer, TO for topic outline, and ST
for sentence outline.
______1. Venn diagram
______2. Topic sentence or Main idea
______3. It provides more information or
______4. Brainstorming list
______5. Mind map
______6. Story map
______7. The statements used in this
type of outline are even likely to be used in
the finished text.
______8. It is a list of the topics
represented by keywords and/or key
______9. It is more systematic in nature
because this graphic organizer is used in
depicting the steps involved in a process,
a system, or an algorithm.
_____10. It is used to compare and
contrast at least two different things by
highlighting their similarities and
differences in relation to each other.
1. GO
2. TO
3. ST
4. B
5. GO
6. GO
7. ST
8. TO
9. GO
10. GO

G. Assignment
Directions: On a short bond paper
answer the following questions on a
paragraph form. It must consist of 3-5
sentences each. And make your output

1. Explain the difference between a topic

outline and a sentence outline.
2. What do you think is the importance
of arranging your ideas in a graphic
3. What are the benefits of using graphic
organizers to your writing outputs?

Checked by: Prepared by:

Cooperating Teacher English Major
Student Teacher

Approved by:


High Senior High School Principal Dean, College of Education and Graduate

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