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I am Euvanica Grace M. Jacinto, and I am a person who loves numbers. In my 17 years of existence, I can
now say that I already know what kind of life I want to live in the future. I will be turning 18 in May 14, 2023. I
am now residing in Doña Juana, San Agustin, Romblon with my parents and my one and only younger brother.
Both of my parents work for the government, my mother as a teacher in Department of Education (DepEd) and
my father as a jail officer in Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP). People call me in different
nicknames like Nica, Nics, Euva, and some people only address me by my first name.
I have already considered the careers I would like to pursue. I even had a debate with myself due to the
numerous options that kept popping into my head. Engineering, dentistry, business, education, psychology, and
even law courses piqued my interest. However, I have decided to make Engineering my primary target. I call it a
target since I am a lady who aims rather than just dreams. I strive for my goals rather than simply fantasizing
about them. I have already listed a few of my plans on the timeline I have created for myself, such as where I
want to go and what assets I will build.
Playing guitar, reading self-help books and manga, creating art using number equations in Desmos, and
watching zombie-related series/movies are my hobbies. This year, I intend to learn to play the piano. I used to
attend Taekwondo classes and earned my yellow belt. Unfortunately, I had to take a break due to some health
issues. However, I am confident that I will return soon and earn the black belt. In addition, my pet peeves include
people who are inconsistent, unnecessary noises during my working hours, an unorganized work place, unfinished
schedules, and people who touch my things without my permission.
As mentioned previously, it is quite obvious that my tastes do not coincide all that well. My interests span
multiple fields. That is simply because I am competing with myself, which prevents me from being easily pleased
with my efforts. Some people refer to me as "OA," or "overacting," and claim that I do not enjoy my life, but they
are completely wrong. This is something I'd like to share in this class. I enjoy my life by simply improving myself
every day. People do not need to go out and enjoy themselves with a group of people. Growing up taught me to
create my own version of happiness, namely peace. That's what I am craving for.
As a student, I hope to gain new competencies in the subject of Chemistry. I am expecting that this subject
will help me gain the ability to reason accurately and reach reliable conclusions. Since Chemistry also covers
building material properties, the natural environment, and the reaction of building materials with the environment,
this class will assist or provide me with the advanced knowledge that I will require as an aspiring Civil Engineer.
Ever since I was born up until the present, I have been prone to illness. I even had a tuberculosis once
when I was a kid. Now, in my teens, asthma makes my life horrible. It occasionally causes long-term cough that
is triggered by allergens. As a result, I am a person who has been exposed to a variety of medications that I can
relate to Chemistry. With that, I am looking forward to learning more about how Chemistry affects and runs my

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