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Marvin Derick M.

BSIT 4-2


Presentation: Database Solutions for Commercial Shipping Company



Company Profile: Our client, a commercial shipping company, is undergoing a migration

from an on-premises legacy data management system to a serverless ecosystem while
retaining their existing Oracle-based database system. They are also decomposing their
highly structured relational data into semi-structured data.


The current architecture comprises an unspecified database, AWS AppSync for data
synchronization, AWS Lambda for serverless compute, and Amazon Simple Notification
Service (Amazon SNS) for messaging. There is an unspecified component marked as "???"
where the database solution is required.

Key Considerations for Database Technology Selection:

1. Legacy System Compatibility: The new database solution must seamlessly integrate
with the existing Oracle-based database system to ensure data continuity and
2. Scalability and Flexibility: The database solution should cater to the migration to a
serverless ecosystem, supporting semi-structured data storage while offering
scalability and flexibility.
3. Data Decomposition Support: Capabilities to efficiently manage the transition from
highly structured relational data to semi-structured data, ensuring smooth data
decomposition and management.
4. Serverless Ecosystem Compatibility: Compatibility and smooth integration with
serverless components like AWS Lambda and AWS AppSync, facilitating seamless
data flow and management.
Recommended Database Solution:

Amazon DynamoDB


 Compatibility with AWS services and serverless ecosystem components, ensuring

smooth integration with AWS Lambda and AWS AppSync.
 Scalability and flexibility to handle semi-structured data, catering to the ongoing data
decomposition process.
 Offers managed NoSQL capabilities, providing agility in data modeling and flexibility
in accommodating evolving data structures.
 Robust performance and scalability, supporting the migration to a serverless
architecture while ensuring data continuity with the existing Oracle database.

Factors Influencing Recommendations:

 Emerging Technologies: Any advancements in database services offering better

compatibility, scalability, or performance might impact recommendations.
 Data Transformation Progress: Changes in the pace or strategy of the data
decomposition process could influence the suitability of the database solution.
 Integration and Compatibility Challenges: Unforeseen integration complexities or
compatibility issues with existing systems might prompt reconsideration of the
database solution.


The recommendation of Amazon DynamoDB aligns comprehensively with the company's

migration objectives, offering compatibility, scalability, flexibility, and integration
capabilities with the serverless ecosystem. Continuous evaluations considering evolving
needs, technological advancements, and data transformation progress are vital to ensure the
chosen database solution effectively supports the company's migration journey.


Implementing Amazon DynamoDB provides:

 Seamless integration within the serverless ecosystem and existing Oracle database
 Scalability and flexibility for semi-structured data management.
 Agility in data modeling and handling evolving data structures.
 Compatibility with serverless components, ensuring smooth data flow and

This solution aims to facilitate a successful migration while enabling efficient management
and transition of data structures for the commercial shipping company.

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