Read The Following Passage Carefully and Then Choose The Best Option To Fit Each Space

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Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best option to fit each space.

Faster processors and advances in memory technology have made today’s smartphones much more powerful than
a lot of computers from just a decade ago. With wireless technology, people can surf the Internet, play online
games, send e- mail, and do (1) _______ all the things they once could only do on a computer. (2) _______ they
have the power to do things constantly at their fingertips.
Many people (3) _______ that while smartphones are powerful tools, they are making people reliant on them.
Why would a person need to learn to read a map when he can get directions to anywhere by simply asking his
phone a question? Who needs to learn maths when you have immense calculating power in your pocket at all
times? What reason is there to memorise facts about history, art, or geography when that information is readily
available (4) _______ a portable Internet interface?
There are just some of the questions being asked and answered as smartphone usage continues to spread. Like any
technology, smartphones have their advantages, but they do have disadvantages as well that we must (5) _______
an eye on.

1a. practically b. suitably c. effectively d. most

2a. Therefore b. Although c. However d. Rather
3a. show b. agree c. speak d. argue
4a. for b. from c. with d. at
5a. put b. remain c. keep d. hold

Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.
6. They improve the quality of their products. We will order more from them.
a. Even if they improve the quality of their products, we will order more from them.
b. Unless they improve the quality of their products, we will order more from them.
c. Only when they improve the quality of their products will we order more from them.
d. In case they improve the quality of their products, we will order more from them.

7. He didn’t take his father’s advice. That’s why he is out of work now.
a. If he took his father’s advice, he would not be out of work now.
b. If he takes his father’s advice, he will not be out of work now
c. If he had taken his father’s advice, he would not be out of work now.
d. If he had taken his father’s advice, he would not have been out of work now.

8. Joe has finished his first-aid course. He proves extremely helpful as a rescue worker.
a. Although Joe proves extremely helpful as a rescue worker, he hasn't finished his first-aid course.
b. Without finishing his first-aid course, Joe proves extremely helpful as a rescue worker.
c. However helpful Joe proves as a rescue worker, he hasn't finished his first-aid course.
d. Having finished his first-aid course, Joe proves extremely helpful as a rescue worker.

9. Alcohol is bad for you and so are cigarettes

a. Either alcohol or cigarettes aren’t good for you b. Neither alcohol nor cigarettes do you any good.
c. Neither alcohol nor cigarettes are bad for you d. Both alcohol and cigarettes are good for you

Choose the underlined word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that needs correcting.

10. The woman’s stressful (a) job made (b) her many (c) nights of restless sleep and emotional distress (d).

11. They’ve carried out exhausting (a) research into (b) the effects of smartphones on schoolchildren's behaviour
and (c) their academic performance (d).

13. Making up of (a) more than 15 branches around the world (b), his company is known (b) as a (d) multinational one.

21 - 12 - 2023 1 A1,A5
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three.
14a. economics b. rains c. halves d. chairs
15a. academician b. applicant c. candidate d. academic

Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest.
16a. distribution b. dissatisfied c. community d. technology
17a. chemistry b. politics c. statistics d. primary

Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined.

18. Many old people view the mass media as a significant means of enhancing their quality of life.
a. worsening b. improving c. lengthening d. assessing
19. Joe’s outstanding performance in the exams made him think he was the cat’s whiskers.
a. an animal lover b. the best performer c. the worst person d. a troublemaker

Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined.

20. We’ll have to use this photocopy because ours are not in working condition.
a. out of order b. out of work c. run out of d. torn down
21. The teacher gave some suggestions on what could come out for the exam.
a. effects b. symptoms c. hints d. demonstrations

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each space of the following sentences.
22. Most old people often find it __________ to use the Net so we should help them throught the process.
a. challenge b. challenger c. challenged d. challenging
23. Do most students in my country __________ around sixteen or seventeen start preparing for A-level exams?
a. age b. aged c. aging d. ages
24. I always encourage my students to __________ to the occasion when challenges arise.
a. rise b. raise c. come d. try
25. She felt that travelling had greatly ________ her life.
a. moved b. enriched c. expanded d. increased
26. I’ve never seen anyone so __________ to their job as Philip is.
a. interested b. eager c. keen d. dedicated
27. Aware that his pension will be small, he ________ a part of his salary for his old age.
a. sets up b. sets aside c. puts up d. puts apart
28. Your daughter is almost ________ age ________ my son, so I'm sure they can easily make friends with each
a. such / that b. the same / as c. similar / to d. as / as
29. ________ had her boy friend left her in the lurch ________ she decided to start everything from scratch with
someone else.
a. Hardly / than b. No sooner / than c. Not only / but also d. Both / and
30. ________ Gordons is a very interesting family. They like to travel around ________ world.
a. A / the b . The / the c. A / a d. A / ~
31. You should look _______ the meaning of the new word in the dictionary so as not to misuse it.
a. up b. after c. down d. into
32. Marry is going to get married _______ John.
a. to b. with c. by d. for
33. As I ________ a book, I suddenly saw some boys ________ into the garden.
a. was reading / walking b. was reading / was walking
c. am reading / is walking d. has been reading / walked
34. The bacteria in milk is destroyed when it ________ to at least 620C.
a. heated b. would be heated c. heats d. is heated
35. I ________ the homework by the time you come back.
a. will do b. have done c. will have done d. had done
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36. If you had attended the meeting, you ________ the problem easily now.
a. can solve b. will solve c. could solve d. would have solved
37. ________ in the report to the manager, she decided to take a rest .
a. Handed b. To hand c. Being handed d. Having handed
39. Her excellent grades in college will lead ________ a high-paying job after graduation.
a. to get her b. in getting her c. to her getting d. her getting
39. Mary: Where do you live now?”
Mai: “I live in Hanoi; ________ . “
a. neither do my parents b. my parents do either
c. my parents do, too d. my parents also do
40. They're not ________ as we first thought.
a. so bad neighbours b. such bad neighbours c. as neighbours d. too bad neighbours
41. There are many ________ in our library.
a. old American interesting history books b. interesting old American history books
c. interesting American old history books d. American interesting old history books
42. Located in the cranial cavity in the skull, ________ .
a. the biggest mass of nerve tissue in the human body is the brain
b. human body has the biggest mass of nerve tissue in the brain.
c. the brain is the biggest mass of nerve tissue in the human body.
d. the tissue of the brain in human body is the smallest
43. Daisy: I think women will not be paid as much as men will.
Friend: ________ women are now equal to men.
a. It’s nice of you to say so b. Not yet c. What nonsense! d. Don’t mention it

Read the passage below and choose the best answer (a, b, c, or d) to each question.
Most people know that a balanced diet and regular exercise are very important. However, most people do not know
how to exercise properly. Instead of concentrating on how to get the best results efficiently and effectively, people
usually rush through their workouts, or they make the same common workout mistakes.
Exercising the right way is important for people who are worried about their health and their appearance. However,
if someone is not working out properly, it is rare that he or she will see the results he or she wants. Therefore, training
experts have devised tips to teach people how to exercise correctly in order to achieve the greatest health benefits. If
you want to achieve the best workout results, here are a few helpful tips to bear in mind.
One of the most common workout mistakes is doing the same routine over and over again. This does not challenge
your muscles, and it can actually prevent muscles from growing and repairing themselves. Instead of always sticking
to the same old workout, it is important to change your routine every six to eight weeks. It is also important to add a
variety of workouts to your routine, such as swimming, yoga, or biking, to make sure your whole body stays fit. This
will help make your workouts more interesting, and benefit your health and muscle development as well.
Another mistake people tend to make is to work out too hard, too often. Your body needs to rest between workouts;
otherwise, no progress will be made. It is best to keep the number of hard workout routines to no more than two per
week. Then, for those who don’t want to get off schedule by skipping a day, shorter workouts of about twenty
minutes can be used on other days. For more variety in workouts, you could also plan an easier routine for forty to
sixty minutes between days of shorter, more intense workouts. Experts recommend, however, taking at least one day
off completely each week, especially after several hard workout days in a row.
In reality, no one is perfect. However, if you want to make a difference in your overall health, there are some
things you can do. Stretch before and after every workout. Do not rush your routine, and do not work out too little
or too much. Remember not to make these common workout mistakes, and always have fun while exercising!

44. What is the main idea of this reading?

a. Daily exercise can often be bad for your health.
b. Working out properly is the only way to gain effective health results.
c. Most people know how to work out efficiently and effectively.
d. Adding a variety of workouts to your routine is not important.
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45. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
a. Daily intense workouts help one stay healthy.
b. One’s body needs to rest between workouts.
c. A variety of exercises is better than doing the same one all the time.
d. It can be good to take a day off from exercising.
46. Which word is closest in meaning to the word “stretch” in this reading?
a. Exaggerate b. Widen c. Enrich d. Extend
47. The word “This” in paragraph 3 refers to _________ .
a. adding a variety of workouts b. doing the same routine
c. challenging your muscles d. sticking to the same old workout
48. What can be inferred about the mistakes people make when they work out?
a. They are very harmful to the body. b. People who rarely work out make them.
c. People think it is OK to make them. d. Athletes would not make these mistakes.
49. Why should you change your workout routine every six to eight weeks?
a. To challenge your muscles b. To become faster
c. To avoid bone problems d. To exercise your brain
50. According to the passage, what is a common mistake that people who work out often make?
a. taking at least one day off completely each week
b. changing their routine every six to eight weeks
c. keeping the number of hard workout routines to two per week
d. letting their bodies rest between workouts


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