Group 2 Gee Reporting

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Placement of

Definition in
by: GROUP 2
Definition is a way of giving or explaining the meaning of
an abstract term or a concept.

It comes from Latin words, finire meaning “to limit”; and

de meaning “from”. Therefore, the explanation it gives is
limited only to what the reader needs to know about the
term to avoid confusion.

To define is to set limit to or narrow down the area of

meaning of the word. By giving a meaning that clearly
distinguishes what is being defined from other species or
things, definition works to prevent you from attaching
other meaning to the target term. As you come to know
its specific group, basic features, and main function, you
regard the object as clearly different from other objects.

What is As what Burnett (2005) said, this makes you give the
reversible property of definition, that is, a definition that

Definition? fits only the word; the word fits only the definition
Technical writing replete with technical terms that need to be
defined. It is a must to define scientific terms to allow for better
comprehension. These difficult words may come in the form of known
words used in a differently new sense, new words for already known
things, and new words for unknown things. New words do not
necessarily mean newly–coined words; they are new in the sense that
they are encountered by the readers for the first time so they have to
be defined.

When one defines, he gives the meaning of a certain term. The

writer may define a word in any of the three ways: informal (word or
phase) definition, formal (sentence) definition, and amplified (extended
or expanded) definition.
Importance of Definition

1. It gives the readers a 2. It explains ideas or 3. It lessens the gap

clearer and easier concepts behind various between technologically
understanding of the innovations, methods, and experts or “hightech”
concept or idea enough to techniques in the field of people and “low-tech”
encourage him to read technology. people.
continuously till the end
of the text.

4. It frees a person from 5. It helps a company 6. It makes any technical

any confusing, or member do his job more written work readable to
misunderstanding of a efficiently towards a all kinds of audience or
term. certain goal. readers.
Placement of
Definition in
The location of
Definition is based

1. The nature of
the audience or
readers; 2. length of the 3. the purpose 4. the agreed
definition; and layout; and rules and
practices in an
area of discipline.
What are the
Types of

Also called as Aristotelian and one-sentence logical definition. A formal

definition as its name suggests, is in the form of a sentence with these
three elements: species, genus, and differentia/e.

Species — is the term or concept defined

Genus — class or kind to which the term belongs

Differentia — are the distinguishing characteristics that make the term

different from other terms of the same class
Examples of formal definitions:

A somnambulist is a person who walks while asleep.

A somniloquist is a person who talks while asleep.

A thermometer is an instrument that measures temperature.

A barometer is an instrument that measure atmospheric pressure.

Note: Formal definition follows the form:

species = genus and defferentia ( S = G + D )
A. Give one and only one meaning to the term.

B. Put them in a genus or class that is familiar to

your audience or readers.

C. Prevent the reader from thinking of many

comparable and contrasting features of the term in
relation to others by using a specific class rather
than a general class.

D. Use positive words in stating the differentia.

GUIDELINES IN GIVING E. Avoid giving a bias or subjective definition by

FORMAL OR ONE basing your explanation on facts or universal truths
rather than on your viewpoints or opinions.

An informal definition comes in the form of a word or a phrase

oftentimes called a synonym. This type of definition is also called a
parenthetical definition or on in-text definition. Appearing in the text in
the form of a synonym, a phrase, or a clause, this informal definition is
distinguished or separated from other words in the sentence through a
dash, a colon, a comma, parentheses, italics or bold face. In some cases,
it appears as a sentence following another sentence.

Freedom, also referred to as liberty or independence, is a state people
reach when they are free to think and do whatever they please.
1. Function — use of the thing defined
2. Location — placement/ position of the thing defined
The amplified (extended or 3. Physical description — physical traits (color, size, shape,
expanded) definition comes in
the form of additional etc.) of the thing defined
sentences that support a 4. Further definition — definition of words in the formal
formal definition which
becomes the topic sentence definition of the thing defined
of a paragraph with
definition as method of
5. Causation — causes or effects of the thing defined
development. The amplified 6. Comparison — similarities of the thing defined from other
(extension or expansion) is
done in any of the following people things
7. Contrast — differences of the thing defined from another
8. Exemplification — concrete examples of the thing defined
9. Etymology/ word derivation — words from which the
thing defined was derived
EXTENDED 10. Analysis — parts of the thing defined
11. Basic principle — law or principle governing the thing
12 Negation — negative statements about the thing defined
Examples of formal definitions:


Several types of definition can be used in one paragraph to expand

its meaning. But, regardless of the number of definitions used, a
paragraph-length definition must always begin with a formal or one-
sentence definition that exactly specifies its genus or class and its
function or purpose. Then extend its meaning through the various
methods of definition.
A definer faces several problems. One of these is the placement of the
definition. He can choose from among these alternatives:

in the text (most common)

in footnotes — if the definition is short; meaning, one or two-sentence long

glossary — if the definition consists of just a word or phrase or if you think

the reader is not inclined to read the report completely

in special section in the introduction (least common) — the meaning of the

difficult term is necessary for the reader’s understanding of the major parts
of the paper
Another problem is diction or word choice. He has to select the
appropriate words to make his meanings clear. For instance, given the
following examples, the best definition of a square is the last.

A square is a geometric figure which has four equal sides.

A square is a quadrilateral which has equal sides.

A square is a polygon which has four equal sides.

A square in an equilateral which has four equal sides.

A square is a quadrilateral which has four equal sides.

A square is a rectangle which has equal sides.

Two other problems encountered by a definer are the repetition of
key terms and the use of a single example for instance. It is not good
to define fixed assets by saying assets that are fixed and to define
civil engineering as engineering which are civil. Likewise, it is bad to
define volcanic eruption this way: "Volcanic eruption is what occured
to Mount Pinatubo two decades ago." Note that judgement must be
exercised in the use of words in the genus and differentia, in the
choice which key terms are to be repeated, and in the use of examples
to be cited in the definition.
Thank you!
Allen Perry Batchitsa
Pearl Rica Jean Valente
Reinne Yvonne Lempioso
Rengie Lendayao

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