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Create the table of student having field s_id, name.

Insert the values in the table

Create the customer table having following entities make cust_id field as a
primary key.

Insert the following values in the table using insert command

cust_id Name Address Doj

1 Ram Delhi '30-aug-85'

2 Sham Rohtak '30-jun-86'

3 Rohan Gujrat '30-may-87'

4 Rajan Rohtak '30-may-88'

 View all the data of customer table

 Retrieve only first two records from the customer table.

 View all the data of customer table whose address is sirsa

 View all the data of customer table whose address is not Sirsa

 View cust_id and name from customer table whose doj is ’30-may-88’

 View all the data of customer table whose doj is greater then ‘30-may-87’

 View all the records of customer table whose address is rohtak and

 View all the records of customer table whose name is rohan or doj is ‘30-

 View all the data of customer table whose doj is between '30-may-85' and
 View all the data of customer table whose doj is not between '30-may-85'
and '17-nov-86';

 View all the records of customer table where the address can be delhi,
gujrat, sirsa.

 Update the address of customer table whose cust_id=4 with new address

 Update the name & address of customer table whose cust_id=2 with new
name & address.

 View all the records of customer whose name starting with char ‘r’.

 View all the records of customer whose name starting with Any letter but
second and third letter is ‘am’.

 View all the records of customer whose name starting and ending letter is
anything but this two letter ‘am’ should be in between the name.

 View all the data of customer table & their address should be in ascending

 View all the data of customer table thier address should be in descending

 Retrieve the unique address from the customer table.

 Delete the record of customer table whose name is ram.

 Delete all the record of customer table

 Delete the customer table


 Create table emp having following fields id, salary, name

Insert the following values in the above table

1 5000 Ram
2 6000 Sham
3 5000 Mohan
4 5000 Karan

Count the total number of records in the emp table.

Calculate the total salary from emp table

Calculate the average of salary from emp table

Calculate the maximum salary from emp table.

Calculate the minimum salary from emp table

Retrieve all the records of emp table whose salary is maximum.

Change the case of name field in upper letter.

Change the case of name field in lower letter.

Add the column of address in the emp table using alter command

Delete the column of address in the emp table

Change the Data Type of address column in the emp table.

Create table stud id numeric(10), name varchar(50). Make id as unique key

Create table supplier s_id numeric(10), s_name varchar(50), address

varchar(50). Make s_id as primary key
Create table customer c_id numeric(10), c_name varchar(50), address
varchar(50), s_id numeric(10). Make s_id as primary key and s_id as foreign

Retrieve all the data from customer and supplier tables.


Create the table name PO having fild id, name, score. In this table id should
be greater then 0. (Use check command)

Create the table name RI having fild id, name. In this table name should be
ram. (Use Check Command)

Use the table’s supplier & customer from the assignment no 2 and show the
working of inner join.

Use the table’s supplier & customer from the assignment no 2 and show the
working of left join.

Use the table’s supplier & customer from the assignment no 2 and show the
working of right join.

Use the table’s supplier & customer from the assignment no 2 and show the
working of full outer join.

Use the table’s supplier & customer from the assignment no 2 and show the
working of self join.

Create a view of supplier with the new name supp.

Insert the values in the supp table

Delete any data from supp table.

Drop the view supp

Create the table of name math having field name & salary.
Insert into math values('rakesh',5000);
Insert into math values('rakesh',3000);
Insert into math values('saurav',4000);
Insert into math values('saurav',7000);
From the above data find the total salary of rakesh & saurav using group by
Retrieve the data from the math table where name of person is ‘raju’ using
having command.

Retrieve the data from the math table where the total salary of
any person is greater then 10000 using having command.

(Note: The WHERE clause places conditions on the selected columns, whereas
the HAVING clause places conditions on groups created by the GROUP BY
clause. The HAVING clause must follow the GROUP BY clause in a query and
must also precede the ORDER BY clause if used. )

Select all the data from math table where name having null values.

Select all the data from math table where name having not null values.

Show the schema of math table.

Rename the math table to new name math1

Create table student(id numeric(10), name varchar(40));

Create table s_id(stud_id numeric(10), name varchar(40));

Insert into student values(1, ‘raju’);

Insert into student values(2, ‘ram’);
Insert into student values(3, ‘raman’);
Insert into student values(4, ‘rohit’);

Insert into s_id values(1, ‘ram’);

Insert into s_id values(2, ‘raman’);
Insert into s_id values(3, ‘amit’);

Select the value from both student & s_id table using Union Command.

Use the minus command in the above tables student & S_id & Show the
Use the Interect command in the above tables student & S_id & Show the

Show the name field records with any other alias name

Delete all the data from student table using truncate command

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