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Hi, my name is Danice Kyle Rodeo, a fresh graduate from STI College Cotabato with a degree in Bachelor

of Art in Communication. Throughout my academic journey, I’ve been actively participating in journalism
and student media, building my skills as a media practitioner. Since elementary, I've been consistently
being in the honors list. I been also in summer job in Municipal of Upi where I work there as youth
HRMO. In addition to that, I been a SK Official in my barangay for 3 years.

I consider myself a motivated and driven person with a passion for continuous learning and growth. I
adapt quickly to challenges and I have great problem-solving abilities. I believe in positive and
collaborative work ethic

I am confident in my ability to contribute to the success of this company, team or organization. I will be
happier to bring my skills and talent to make a great impact in this role.

My strength is my listening skills can make people being heard and value their thoughts and this might
help the company build good relationship. I also have this strength which is adaptability and eagerness
to learn which allow me to have contribution in every aspect of work. Additionally, my effective
communication and teamwork skills enhance my ability to collaborate effectively to my colleagues.

On the other side, my potential weakness is my limited practical experience in the field. However, I view
this as an opportunity for growth and development.

Its hard to predict where I’ll be 5 or 10 years from now with how fast the world is changing, but I know I
want to be in a place where I can still learn new skills and continue to grow. I want to be a part of a team
that challenges me, that expose me to different things, if this is still here in this company it would be
helpful to gain more opportunity. In addition, I want to see myself further developing my expertise and
taking leadership responsibilities.

Leadership for me is the ability to be a good listener and to make hard decisions. There was a time when
my team was facing a tight deadline on a very important project. We were lacking o man power since we
are only 3 members in a team and the pressure is mounting. I realized morale was low, so I organized a
quick meeting to have discussion and about the challenges we are facing and brainstorm solution
together. Through open communication and mutual support, we not only met the deadline but also
delivered work we were proud of. This experience taught me the importance of transparency and

I recall a situation from my time working on a group project during my final year of college. We were
tasked to make a report about an issue but as we were working on it, we found out that we are lacked in
information. Rather than panicking, our team immediately gathered to discuss our options. We first
identified the specific information gaps and outlined how each missing piece could impact our analysis.
Then, we brainstormed alternative approaches to work around the missing data. To fill the gaps, we
asked our professor for guidance and clarification. We also do research online and consulted relevant
literature to gather additional insights. Through effective communication and collaboration, we managed
to overcome the challenge of incomplete information. In the end, we delivered a comprehensive

During my second semester in college, I set a personal goal to maintain a high GPA and consistently make
the dean's list.

I committed myself to rigorous studying and time management techniques to achieve this goal.

Despite my efforts, I encountered unexpected challenges that impacted my academic performance. I

underestimated the difficulty of some courses and overextended myself with extracurricular activities. As
a result, I fell short of the GPA requirement to make the dean's list.

I felt disappointed and frustrated with myself for not meeting my goal. However, I quickly realized that
failure is an opportunity for growth and self-reflection. Instead of dwelling on my disappointment, I
proactively sought feedback from professors and academic advisors to understand where I went wrong
and how I could improve. I also adjusted my study habits and priorities to better balance my academic
and extracurricular commitments moving forward.

You should hire me because this position is very related with my ability, so I can make sure with skill and
abilities that I have, I can make a good contribution to this company. I offer a unique blend of skills,
experiences, and qualities that make me the ideal candidate for this position. I'm confident that my
background in communication, coupled with my passion and dedication, will enable me to excel and
make valuable contributions to your team.

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