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EV4313 Project Report (Phase I)

Submitted by
in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of







MARCH 2023


Certified that this Report titled “APPLICATION OF COLLECTED

bonafide work of HARIHARAN R (Reg.No.: 912021416005) who carried out
the work under my supervision. Certified further that to the best of my knowledge
the work reported herein does not form part of any other thesis or dissertation on
the basis of which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier occasion on this
or any other candidate.

Dr.S.Meenakshi Sudarvizhi, M.E., Ph.D. Mr.M.Appu Sriram, M.E.,

Head of the Department, Assistant Professor,
Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering,
Pandian Saraswathi Yadav Engineering Pandian Saraswathi Yadav
College, Engineering College,
Arasanoor – 630561 Arasanoor – 630561
Sivagangai Dist Sivagangai Dist

Submitted for the University Viva-Voce examination at Department of

Civil Engineering, Pandian Saraswathi Yadav Engineering College held on

It is always a pleasure to remind the fine People in the Engineering
Profession for their sincere Guidance I Received to uphold my Practical as
well as Theoretical Skills in Civil and Environmental Engineering.
I take it a privilege to express my profound thanks to our beloved
Founder “Hindu Rattan” Mr. Malaysia S.PANDIAN for his support. I
express my thanks to our Managing Director Er. S.P.VARADHARAJAN
for his encouragement and necessary facilities.
No word of gratitude will be sufficient to pay my heartfelt thanks to
our beloved Principal Dr. R.RAJA, M.E., Ph.D., for his valuable
suggestion and kind cooperation.
I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to my beloved
Head of Department Dr. S. MEENAKSHI SUDARVIZHI, M.E Ph.D.,
for constant encouragement.
I express my immense pleasure and deep sense of gratitude to my
guide Mr.M.Appu Sriram, M.E., Assistant Professor, Department of
Civil Engineering, Pandian Saraswathi Yadav Engineering College,
supported me and also helped me in completion of task and gives valuable
guidance throughout the project work.
I extend my heartfelt thanks to all my staff members and friends for
their moral support and encouragement to do this work. I also thank all
those who have directly involved or indirectly helped for the successful
completion of this project report.

The use of wastewater for irrigation is increasingly being

considered as a technical solution to minimize soil degradation and to restore
nutrient content of soils. The aim of this study was to test if wastewater
irrigation could improve yield of plants. A field experiment going to conduct
investigate the effects of irrigation with ground and preliminary and primary
treated wastewater of Vehicle Manufacturing industry on macro and
micronutrient distribution within the soil profile, yield and mineral content
of Okra or Okro (Abelmoschus esculentus, Lady’s fingers) plants grown on
an Omnibus group of Soil (Red Soil). Application of wastewater may be
increase soil salinity, organic matter, exchangeable Na, K, Ca, Mg, plant
available phosphorus and microelement, and decreased soil pH when it is not
treated effluent. The study being highest yield, macro and micronutrient
uptake of Okra or Okro (Abelmoschus esculentus, Lady’s fingers)
comparing with the ground and preliminary and primary treated wastewater
of Vehicle Manufacturing Industry. Indeed, in recent years, wastewater
recycling in agriculture has gained importance as component of agriculture
plays an important role in suburban world agriculture irrigation in different
parts of the world, especially in countries that are short of water, since it
contains nutrients that can be used by crops. This field experiment will be
helps in water scarcity area where the demand water is more for drinking
purpose. This study analysed the physical and chemical parameters of
Vehicle Manufacturing industry effluent and groundwater. Also, the
experimental study was conducted to test the soil quality and observed
variation of nutrients contents like N, P, K, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Calcium
Carbonate, EC and pH during the duration of crop growth. Here the project
is aimed to analyse treated wastewater of Vehicle Manufacturing industry is
able to use in the agricultural land by comparing the yield of crop and with
the groundwater. It can be concluded that untreated wastewater can be used
confidently, in the short term, in agricultural land, while primary treated
wastewater can be used in sustainable agriculture in the long term.



1.1 General 1
1.2 Soil 2
1.3 Waste Water Effluent 3
1.4 Ground Water 4
1.5 Characteristics of Okra 5
2.1 General 6
2.2 Literature Review 6
3.1 Methodology 11
3.2 Soil Selection 12
3.2.1 Area of cultivating for both Vehicle 13
Manufacturing Wastewater effluent and
ground water influenced plants growth.
3.3 Collection of effluent 13
3.4 Collection of ground water 14
3.5 Physical and Chemical characteristics 15
3.5.1 Turbidity 15
3.5.2 Color 15
3.5.3 Solids 16
3.5.4 Electrical Conductivity 16
3.5.5 pH 16
3.5.6 Alkalinity 17
3.5.7 Sulphate 17
3.5.8 Nitrogen 17
3.5.9 Fluoride 18
3.5.10 Iron and Manganese 18


3.5.11 Hardness 18
3.5.12 Chloride 19
3.5.13 Tidy’s 19
3.5.14 Calcium 19
3.5.15 Magnesium 19
3.5.16 BOD 20
3.5.17 COD 20
3.6 Nutrients of soil 21
3.6.1 Nitrogen 21
3.6.2 Phosphorous 21
3.6.3 Potassium 22
3.6.4 Micronutrient (Zinc, Copper,
Manganese and Iron)
4 Standard Quality Parameters 23
4.1 Permissible Limit of Water Quality
4.2 Permissible Limit of Soil Quality



To meet mounting water demands, treated wastewater has

become an important source of irrigation. In many parts of the world, treated
waste water has been successfully used for irrigation, and many researchers
have recognized its benefits in the Mediterranean countries, treated
wastewater is increasingly used in areas with water scarcity and its
application in agriculture is becoming an important addition to water
supplies. In Greece the possibility of wastewater reuse for irrigation of
vegetables has been studied by Professor Kalavrouziotis et al (2000).
Treated municipal wastewater is most readily available source of water to
meet the increasing demand for crop irrigation. Indeed, in recent years,
wastewater recycling in agriculture has gained water supply in several water-
scare countries. Wastewater plays an important role in suburban agriculture
irrigation in different parts of the world, especially in countries that are short
of water, since it contains nutrients that can be used by crops.

They concluded that the future perspectives favor such a reuse,

but to accomplish social acceptance, more work is necessary to decrease the
health risk factor involved and make the reuse safer. Several studies have
shown the advantages and disadvantages of using wastewater for irrigation
of various crops. The reuse of treated waste water is a good option for
increasing water supplies to agriculture. One of its benefits is the plant’s use
of the water’s nutrients and therefore a reduction in the pollution load that
wastewater contributes to the surface water supply. However, depending
upon its source and treatments, sewage wastewater may contain high
concentrations of salts, heavy metals, viruses and/or bacteria and the
reclaimed wastewater applications may create undesirable effects in soils
and plants with different effects in soils and plants with direct effects on soil
suitability for cultivation and water resources availability.

Current water quality criteria for agricultural reuse have mainly
focused on total dissolved solids (TDS), salinity aspects, and the
microbiological factors that may cause sanitary problems.

More specific water quality parameters for the reuse of

reclaimed wastewater have been presented by Levine and Asano, and there
is a considerable interest in the long-term effects of reclaimed wastewater on
crops intended for human consumption. The purpose of the present work is
to study the effects of treated effluent reuse for the irrigation of Okra or
Okro (Abelmoschus esculentus, Lady’s fingers). The objective of this
research is to compare two sources of treated wastewater and groundwater in
yield of short duration crops.

1.2 SOIL

Red soil is a type of soil that develops in a warm, temperature,

moist, climate under deciduous or mixed forest, having thin organic and
organic-mineral layers overlaying a yellowish-brown leached layer resting
on an illuvium red layer. Red soils are generally derived from crystalline
rock. They are usually poor growing soils, low in nutrients and humus and
difficult to be cultivated because of its low water holding capacity.

This soil in India, also known as the omnibus group, have been
developed over Archaean granite, gneiss and other crystalline rocks, the
sediment Aries of the Cuddapah and Vindhayan basins and mixed
Dharwarian group of rocks. Their color is mainly due to ferric oxides
occurring as thin coatings on the soil particles while the iron oxide occurs as
haematite or as hydrous ferric oxide, the color is red and when it occurs in
the hydrate dorm as limonite the soil gets a yellow color. Ordinarily the
surface soils are red while the horizon below gets yellowish color.

The texture of red soil varies from, sand to clay, the majority
being loam. Their other characteristics include porous and friable structure,
absence of lime, kankar and free carbonates and small quantity of soluble
salts.Their chemical composition includes non-soluble material 90.47%, iron
3.61%, aluminum 2.92%, organic matter 1.01%, magnesium 0.70%, lime
0.56%, carbon dioxide 0.3-%, potash 0.24%, soda 0.12%, phosphorus 0.09%
and nitrogen 0.08%. However significant regional differenced are observed
in the chemical composition. In general, these soils are deficient in lime,
magnesia, phosphates, nitrogen, humus, and potash.

Intense leaching is a menace to these soils. On the uplands they

are thin, poor and gravelly, sandy. Or stony and porous, light-colored soils
on which food crops like bajra can be grown. But on the lower plains and
valleys they are rich, deep, dark colored fertile loam on which, under
irrigation, they can produce excellent crops like cotton, wheat, pulses,
tobacco, jowar, linseed, millet, potatoes and fruits. These are also
characterized by stunted forest growth and are suited to dry farming.


Chennai & Kanchipuram is the Cities in Which having the
Major Vehicle Manufacturing Induestries like Yamaha, Royal Enfield,
Hyundai, Nissan, Daimler (Bharath Benz) are located in Tamilnadu. Among
all industrial sectors, Surface Treatment and Coating, Paint Spray Booths,
Washing, Rinsing, Hosing, Cooling, Air – Conditioning Systems and Boilers
are major contributor of waste water generation. The Vehicle Manufacturing
industry on an average has been reported to use Water as of 4000 Lit/for 1
Car & 1900 Lit/ for 1 Bike. It is one of the major industries causing water
pollution. Considering the increased Vehicle Requirement, the Vehicle
Manufacturing industry in Tamilnadu is expected to grow rapidly and have
the waste generation and related environmental problems are also

Poorly treated wastewater with high level of pollutants caused by poor
design, operation or treatment systems creates major problems when
discharged to the surface land or water. Various operations in a Vehicle
Manufacturing industry may include Surface Treatment and Coating, Paint
Spray Booths, Washing, Rinsing, Hosing, Cooling, Air – Conditioning
Systems and Boilers. The water removed from the Vehicle Manufacturing
Industries can contain considerable amounts of organic Matters and minerals
Oil & Greese.


Groundwater is the water present beneath Earth’s surface in

soil pore spaces and in the fractures of rock formations. A unit of rock or
ab unconsolidated deposit is called an aquifer when it can yield a usable
quantity of water. The depth at which soil pore spaces or fractures and
voids in rock become completely saturated with water is called the water
table. Groundwater is recharged from the surface naturally at springs and
seeps, and can form oases of wetlands. Groundwater is also often
withdrawn for agricultural, municipal, and industrial use by constructing
and operating extraction wells. The study of the distribution and movement
of groundwater is hydrogeology, also called groundwater hydrology.

In India, 65% of the irrigation is from groundwater. The

regulations are controlled and maintained by the central government and
four organizations; 1) Central Ground Water 2) Central Water Commission
3) Central Pollution Control Board.

Groundwater makes up about thirty percent of the world’s

freshwater supply, which is about 0.76% of the entire world’s water,
including oceans and permanent ice. Global groundwater storage is roughly
equal to the total amount of freshwater stored in sow and ice pack,
including the north and south poles.

This makes it an important resource that can acts as a natural
storage that can buffer against shortages of surface water, as in during
times of drought. Groundwater is naturally replenished by surface water
from precipitation, streams and rivers when this recharge reaches the water



Depth of soil 8 to 10 inches

Plants grow 36 to 72 inches high

Foot spread 24 to 48 inches

Plants produce pods 3 to 12 inches long and pods

Soil selection All kind of soil, especially loam soil

Soil pH 6 to 8.5

Mature Duration 90 Days

Water Requirement of plant 1.5 to 2 inches of water every 7 to 10





This chapter includes, literature review relevant to replacement

of domestic water by effluent in agriculture and characteristics of plants
nutrients and soil nutrients.


Faith M. Kiziloglu (2007) et al has compiled the effects of soil

while applying preliminary and primary waste water to determine macro and
micro nutrient distribution within the soil profile in soils irrigated with
wastewater and to evaluate the effect of different wastewater-treatment
procedures on nutrient contents of cabbage

Salvatore Melia (2002) et al has done an experiment on

evaluation of number of soil chemical and microbiological parameters MBC
and MBN, solu-z ble carbon and nitrogen, cumulative respiration,
respiratory quotient and enzymatic activity of citrus orchard soil irrigated for
15 years with lagoon wastewater are reported, to better understand the
influence of this practice on soil fertility in an area with widespread citrus
farming in eastern Sicily.

Rosa Aiello (2007) et all has assesses the field performance of

different commercially available filters and emitters used within drip (DI)
and sub-drip (SDI) irrigation with reclaimed urban wastewater; To study the
effect of irrigation by treated wastewater, as compared to fresh water, on the
quality and microbial contamination of tomato fruits; assess the persistence
of microbial contaminants in the irrigated soil and evaluate potential changes
in hydraulic soil properties.

Tomer Malchi (2014) et all has uptake of PCs by root
vegetables (carrots and sweet potatoes) which may represent a worst-case
scenario of direct contact between the treated wastewater and the consumed
crops. PCs exhibiting a wide range of physicochemical properties were
introduced to crops through treated wastewater at their environmentally
relevant concentrations. In addition, a risk assessment associated with the
consumption of treated wastewater irrigated root vegetables was conducted
based on the threshold of toxicological concern (TTC) approach. The TTC is
a useful tool to estimate the safety of exposure to chemicals found at low
concentrations in foods and drinking water.

F.M. Kiziloglu (2008) et all has an attempt is made to compare

to evaluate the fertility, chemical soil characteristics and possible
accumulation of heavy metals in the calcareous Arid sol, and also to evaluate
plant yields and nutrient contents of cauliflower and red cabbage in response
to irrigation with untreated, and preliminary and primary treated wastewater.

Claudio Lubelloa (2004) et all has of appropriate treatments

for tertiary refinement of secondary effluent with special regards to
disinfection treatment; Geographic location of Pistoia (Tuscany Italy) and
comparison of the effects of well water and tertiary effluent irrigation on
some ornamental plant species, typical of local production.

F. Mapandaa (2005) et all has the total concentrations of Cu,

Pb, and Cr, and estimate their annual loading rates in soils at the Mukuvisi,
Pension and Crow borough vegetable production sites where wastewater has
been applied for at least 10 years. This would provide knowledge that guides
future research into the protection of the environment and people from
exposure to heavy metals with potential to cause health problems. Although
total concentrations of heavy metals in soil poorly indicate their availability
for plant uptake existing permissible limits of heavy metals in soils are based
on total concentrations.

Munir J. Mohammed Rusan (2007) et all has impact of long-
term land application of wastewater on soil fertility parameters and possible
accumulation of heavy metals in the soil-plant systems.

Gideon Orona, Claudia Camposb (1999) et all has two main

types of small and isolated communities can be identified. One has limited
water supply and land resources, and its main problems are associated with
wastewater treatment and disposal. The second has enough land for effluent
reuse, but lacks the additional amounts needed for cultivation.

A.M. Palese, V. Pasquale (2009) et all has monitor the

medium-term impact on the soil-plant system of drip irrigation with low
quality wastewater, reclaimed by simplified municipal treatment schemes. E.
coli, enterococci and sulphite-reducing Clostridium spores were selected as
indicators of faecal contamination, whereas Salmonella was selected as
pathogenic bacteria. In addition, the research focuses on the use of reclaimed
municipal wastewater for olive tree (Olea europaea L) irrigation under safe

Francisco Pedrero (2009) et all has the effects of treated

municipal wastewater reuse for the irrigation of citrus trees and research was
to compare two sources of treated wastewater, one obtained with a
secondary treatment and the other with a tertiary treatment, ad to study their
effects on soil chemical properties and on the leaf mineral status.

P.K. Singh, O.B. Deshbhratar (2012) et all has more concern

to the people/farmers when being used as irritant, which may contain
constituents capable of creating adverse effects on the soil media and
agriculture produce. The present study deals with application of domestic
wastewater for irrigation and its effect on soil properties, crop yield and

Oscar Vazquez-Montiel (1996) et all has evaluated the
suitability of a given effluent for irrigation, wastewater reuse practices
should also adapt the properties of the effluent and the characteristics of the
site so as to produce a favourable environment for crop growth.

Ali Morad Hassanli, Mohammad Ali Ebrahimizadeh (2009)

et all has evaluated the effects of different irrigation systems, combined with
soil moisture and routing depth monitoring. The study involved the
application of treated municipal effluent and compared the new irrigation
methods with the conventional technique of using furrows without
monitoring. The study examined water savings, yields and IWUE for the
different irrigation methods.

M. Qadir, J.D. Oster (2004) et all has about sustainable

irrigation systems using saline-sodic soils and water have the potential to
improve crop production with minimized adverse environmental effects.
This will require a comprehensive approach to soil, water and crop
management. The foci will need to be on reclamation of new lands,
rehabilitation of saline and sodic lands generated by past irrigation practices,
improved productivity per unit of water, and environmental protection.

Moshe Shenker, Daniella Harush (2011) et all has in

hydroponic culture to verify CBZ Phytotoxicity, and uptake and
fractionation among vegetative organs, in a pot experiment to examine the
effect od solid matrix on the uptake and translocation of CBZ to different
plant organs, including the edible fruits,; and in a second pot experiment to
evaluate the effect of irrigation-water quality (fresh water vs reclaimed
wastewater) and the origin of CBZ (spiked vs wastewater origin) on its
uptake and bioaccumulation.

Thomas Rutkowski, Liqa Raschid-Sally (2007) et all has an
overview of existing urban wastewater disposal infrastructure, wastewater
disposal infrastructure, wastewater agricultural practices and the quality of
water used, the health implications and the level of institutional awareness of
wastewater related issues in the Kathmandu Valley, using two case study
sites, the Kirtipur and Bhaktapur municipalities.

Its central focus is to elucidate farmer perception and responses

to a situation over which they have essentially no choice which they have
essentially no choice or control and their properties of its health

H. Li, Y. Zhang, C. G. Zhang (2005) et all has both microbial

diversities and soil enzymatic were related to the soil function. The effects of
long-term petroleum-containing wastewater irrigation on the soil microbial
diversities and soil enzymatic activities in the Shenfu irrigation area have
been scarcely studied. To understand if soil function is affected by long-term
petroleum wastewater irrigation, soil bacteria diversities and enzymatic
activities in the Shenfu irrigation area were evaluated in this study.

Wang Jun-feng (2007) et all has were test the effects of irrigation on
soil properties given a controlled application of treated sewage; determine
the effects of irrigation on crop yield and quality given a controlled
application of treated sewage; determine the health and groundwater
pollution risks associated with the use of treated sewage; evaluate the effects
of several irrigation methods when applying treated sewage

Angela Libutti, Giuseppe Gattaa (2018) et all has to compile the

impact of treated wastewater on the main chemical properties of irrigated
soil; the effects of treated wastewater on quantitative and qualitative aspects
of crops yield; the risk of microbiological contamination of irrigated soil and
the pathogen health risk of crop products.





Red soils are generally derived from crystalline rock. They are usually
poor growing soils, low in nutrients and humus and difficult to be cultivated
because of its low water holding capacity. Soil is collected Near By Karaikudi
and it is a two years uncultivated land.

Three soil Samples were Collected. One soil sample is before

watering and other Two samples were collected after 24 hrs. Immersion of
three water samples like Ground water, Primary treated Effluent. The samples
were air dried, ground to pass through 2 mm sieve and stored in plastic bottles
before analysis. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design
with four wastewater purification variants: non-wastewater irrigation
(NWWI), untreated wastewater irrigation (UWWI), preliminary treated
(PLTWI) and, primary treated (PTWI) wastewater irrigation on Okra or Okro
(Abelmoschus esculentus, Lady’s fingers).

Test were analyzed the three main factors like Nitrogen(N),

Phosphorus(P) and Potassium(K) and also analyzed other factors like texture,
Presence of Calcium carbonate (Caco3), Electrical conductivity of soil, pH,
Iron( Fe), Zinc(Zn) and copper(Cu) for soil before and after watering of non-
wastewater irrigation (NWWI), untreated wastewater irrigation (UWWI),
preliminary treated (PLTWI) and, primary treated (PTWI) .


Diameter of Cultivable Specimen = 75 cm = 0.75 m

Area of the cultivatable =

= 3.14 x 0.752

= 1.767 m2

Area of cultivating Space for both Vehicle Manufacturing

Wastewater effluent and Ground water influenced plants growth= 1.767 m2



Vehicle Manufacturing processing plants generate significant

quantities of wastewater with relatively high organic matter concentrations
on a daily basis. Effluent choose for the Project is Vehicle Manufacturing
Wastewater effluent. Sample Collected from: Vallam - Vadagal, Private
Vehicle Manufacturing industry; Sample Collection Date: 07-03-2023
Collecting Container: Sample collected in one-liter closed.


Groundwater makes up about thirty percent of the world’s

freshwater supply, which is about 0.76% of the entire world’s water,
including oceans and permanent ice. Global groundwater storage is roughly
equal to the total amount of freshwater stored in snow and ice pack,
including the north and south poles. This makes it an important resource
that can acts as a natural storage that can buffer against shortages of surface
water, as in during times of drought.

Groundwater is naturally replenished by surface water from

precipitation, streams and rivers when this recharge reaches the water table.
Source of water choose for the Project is ground water. Sample Collected
from: Karaikudi; Sample Collection Date: 09-03-2023; Collecting
Container: Sample collected in one-liter closed container.



Turbidity is the cloudiness of water. It is a measure of the

ability of light to pass through water. It is caused by suspended material such
as clay, silt, organic material, plankton, and other particulate materials in
water. Turbidity in drinking water is esthetically unacceptable, which makes
the water look unappetizing. The amount of available food is reduced
because higher turbidity raises water temperatures in light of the fact that
suspended particles absorb more sun heat. Consequently, the concentration
of the dissolved oxygen (DO) can be decreased since warm water carries less
dissolved oxygen than cold water.

Turbidity measured with the help of turbidimeters and its works

in the principal of interference caused by the water samples to the passage of
light rays. It consists of a calibrated glass tube, which can be placed on a
metallic cylindrical tube holder fixed over a metallic stand provided with the
fixed candle at its bottom.

With the glass tube in place over the lighted candle, the water
sample is gradually added to the glass tube to increase the height of the
water column in the tube, and candle flame is observed from the top of the
tube. The addition of the water is stopped as soon as the image of the candle
flame ceases to be seen. At this stage, the height pf the turbid water will
provide just enough turbidity for preventing the candle light to pass through

3.5.2 COLOR:

Materials decayed from organic matter, namely, vegetation, and

inorganic matter such as soil, stones, and rocks impart color to water, which
is objectionable for esthetic reasons, not for the health reasons. The color
detected through the naked eyes.

3.5.3 SOLIDS

Solids occur in water either in solution or in suspension. These

two types of solids can be identified by using a glass fiber filter that the
water sample passes through. By definition, the suspended solids are
retained on the top of the filter and the dissolved solids pass through the
filter with the water.

The total amount of solids is determined by evaporating a

known volume of sewage sample, and weighing the dry residue left. The
mass of residue divided by the volume of sample evaporated.


The electrical conductivity (EC) of water is a measure of the

ability of a solution to carry or conduct an electrical current. Since the
electrical current is carried by ions in solution, the conductivity increases as
the concentration of ions increases. Therefore, it is one of the main
parameters used to determine the suitability of water for irrigation and

The electrical conductivity of water is measured by potable

ionic water tester (fountain pen or ball pen size), called as conductivity
sensor. It measures as how to much electricity is being conducted through a
centimeter of water.

3.5.5 pH:

pH is one of the most important parameters of water quality. It

is defined as the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration. It is a
dimensionless number indicate the strength of an acidic or a basic solution.
Actually, pH of water is a measure of how acidic/basic water. Acidic water
contains extra hydrogen ions ( and basic water contains extra hydroxyl
( ions. The pH value can be measured quickly and automatically with
the help of potentiometer, which measures the electrical potential exerted by
the hydrogen ions, and thus, indicating their concentrations.


The alkalinity of water is its acid-neutralizing capacity

comprised of the total of all titratable bases. The measurement of alkalinity
of water is necessary to determine the amount of lime and soda needed for
water softening. Alkalinity is determined by titration with a standard acid
solution ( of 0.02 N) using selective indicators (methyl orange or


Sulfate ions ( occur in natural water and in wastewater.

The high concentration of sulfate in natural water is usually caused by
leaching of natural deposits of sodium sulfate (Glauber’s salt) or magnesium
sulfate (Epson salt). If high concentrations are consumed in drinking water,
there may be objectionable tasted or unwanted laxative effects, but there is
no significant danger to public health. The determination of sulphides and
sulphates in sewage is rarely called far, although their presence aerobic,
and/or anaerobic decomposition.


There are four forms of nitrogen in water and wastewater:

organic nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen. If
water is contaminated sewage, most of the nitrogen is in the forms of organic
and ammonia, which are transformed by microbes to form nitrites and
nitrates. Nitrogen in the nitrate form is a basic nutrient to the growth of
plants and can be a growth limiting nutrient factor.

The amount of nitrites or nitrates present in sewage sample can

be measures by color matching methods. For nitrites, the color is developed
by adding sulphonilic acid and naphtha mine; whereas for nitrates, the color
is developed by adding phenol-di-sulphonilic acid and potassium hydroxide.
The color developed in waste water is finally compared with the standard
colors of known concentrations.


A moderate amount of fluoride ions ( ) in drinking water

contributes to good dental health. About 1.0 mg/l is effective in preventing
tooth decay, particularly in children. Excessive amounts of fluoride cause
discolored teeth, a condition known as dental fluorosis.

Fluoride measured with the use of potentiometric method while

there are combination electrodes that combine both the sensing and reference
electrode into once probe, more stable fluoride readings with the half cell.


Although iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) do not cause health

problems, they impart a noticeable bitter taste to drinking water even at very
low concentrations. These metals usually occur in groundwater in solution as
ferrous ( ) and manganous ( ) ions. When these ions are exposed
to air, they form the insoluble ferric ( ) and manganic ( ) forms
making the water turbid and unacceptable to most people.

The amount of iron and manganese are measured using color matching
methods by using different indicators for iron 1,10 phenanthroline and for
manganese ammonium persulphate and nitric acid.


Hardness is a term used to express the properties of highly

mineralized waters. The dissolved minerals in water cause problems such as
scale deposits in hot water pipes and difficulty in producing lather with soap.

Calcium and magnesium ions cause the greatest portion of

hardness in naturally occurring waters. They enter water mainly from
contact with soil and rock, particularly limestone deposits.

Hardness is measured by EDTA method by titrating the sample

against the EDTA with EBT as indicator and ammonia as a buffer solution.


Concentration of chlorides in effluent and water sample

indicative of pollutants of water. chloride gain access to water either because
of excellent solvent properties or through human excreta or industrial
pollutants. Chlorides were used for several years for indicating the pollutants
in the water.

Chloride measured by standardization of silver nitrate solution by using

sodium chloride with help of potassium chromate as indicator and it is
titrating against with this silver nitrate solution. Same procedure for sample
instead of sodium chloride, sample needs to titrate against the silver nitrate

3.5.13 Tidy’s

Chemical processes to test the wastewater, often it involves of

chemicals such as potassium and iodine to test the sample, if it undergone
with any other chemicals. If it vital to spot the chemicals in waste water
when potassium and iodine added it turns to blue color.

3.5.14 CALCIUM

Calcium is needed nutrients for body function, deficiency of

calcium is also leading to several problems when it becomes excess amount
it’s also indicates the sample is pollutants. Calcium and magnesium ions
cause the greatest portion of hardness in naturally occurring waters. They
enter water mainly from contact with soil and rock, particularly limestone
deposits. Calcium is measured by EDTA method by titrating the sample
against the EDTA with EBT as indicator and ammonia as a buffer solution.


Magnesium is needed nutrients for body function, deficiency of

calcium is also leading to several problems when it becomes excess amount
it’s also indicates the sample is pollutants.

Calcium and magnesium ions cause the greatest portion of
hardness in naturally occurring waters. They enter water mainly from
contact with soil and rock, particularly limestone deposits.

Magnesium is measured by EDTA method by titrating the

sample against the EDTA with EBT as indicator and ammonia as a buffer

3.5.16 BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand)

For BOD analysis 4 BOD bottles up to brim and after filtration

fifteen minutes tightly stopper the bottles and air bubbles are removed and
two bottles were used for initial DO and Other two kept inside the Incubator
to check the BOD at 5days. BOD of the sample Difference between the DO
before and after incubation of 5 days.

3.5.17 COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand)

For COD analysis 50ml of sample were taken in a flask and

added boiling chips and 1 gm of HgSO4 and 5ml of H2SO4 add slowly to
dissolve HgSO4 and cooled the mixture and 25ml of 0.25N K2Cr2O7
Solution and again mix and attach the condense and start cooling water. The
remaining acid agent is added thoroughly through the open end of
condensers and efflux mixture to about 150ml and titrate excess dichromate
with std. FAS using Ferro in indicator and the color will change from yellow
to green to blue and finally red and ml of titrate was deduced and Reflux on
the same manner to flask consisting of distilled water, equal to the volume of
the sample.



Nitrogen is measured by Taking 20 g of Soil in a liter round

bottom distillation flask and add 20ml of distilled water followed by 100ml
each of 0.32%KMnO4 and 25% NaOH and frothing is avoided by the
addition of 1ml liquid paraffin and also bumping avoided by using few glass
beads and collected the liberated ammonia in beaker contain the 20ml of
boric acid with double indicator and then 30ml of distillate with absorption
of ammonia the color turns to green and after cooling it titrated against the
N/50 H2SO4 until it turns to bluish purple.


Phosphorous is measured by preparing the multi funnel rack.

Fold double layers of filter paper and staple the edges that hold their form.
Put the titters into the funnels prepare the colour reagent B (Dissolve 1g of
ascorbic per 100ml of reagent A(Transfer Molybdate and Tartrate solutions,
Fill up to the mark with distilled water and transfer into 5 litre bottle) For
one batch take 250-300m1 of reagent A and add 2.5-3 g Ascorbic acid and
stir with a magnetic stirrer until dissolved.

Weigh 5 g of the samples into the bottles of a tray. The last

sample should be a standard sample which is repeated with every batch.
Then dispense 35 ml extracting solution to each of the samples. Stir for 1
minute with the multi sample stirrer. (If the Bray and Kurtz II extractant is
used stir for 40 seconds.) Immediately after stirring filter by pouring
simultaneously the contents of 1 1 bottles (one bottle rack) onto one row of
filters. It' the filtrates are not clear, filter again using the same filters. Put the
tube connected to the syringe calibrated to 5 ml of the combination diluter-
dispenser into the colour reagent B solution. (The syringe calibrated to 15 ml
is permanently connected with the water drum.) Pump at least 5 or more
times and discard solution to make sure that all tubes are filled with fresh
solution. 21
Place third bottle rack tray next to the one with the titrates, Put
tire double plastic tips of the diluter-dispenser into extract. By pressing the
lever take up 20 and extract, 5 nil colour reagent and 15 ml water. Transfer
this into the bottles of the third tray by releasing the lever. Dip the tips into
beaker with distilled water to clean the outside. For the standards proceed
same way and fill a little more than 20 ml of standards extracting solution
into row of bottles and transfer with the diluter dispenser into second row.

Potassium is measured by taking 5gm of sample in a 100 ml
and polyethylene conical flask add 25ml of neutral ammonium acetate and
shake the contents in horizontal shaker for 5 minutes in medium speed and
filter the entire solution through Whatman No. 1 filter paper into 50ml
beaker and switch ON the flame photometer and light the burner and set up
the flame photometer by atomizing the 0 to 100ppm potassium solution
alternatively to 0 to 100 meter readings respectively till the instrument is
steady and feed the sample extract and reading is noted.



Micronutrient is measured by weighing 10gm of sample in a

125ml polyethylene conical flask and then ass 20ml of extractant and shake
for two hours then filtered using Whatman No. 40 or 41 filter paper and the
reading taken in Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS).

Standard Quality Parameters
4.1. Permissible Limit of Water Quality Parameters

BIS 10500-2012

S.No Parameters Permissible Limit in the

Absence of Alternate

1 Colour Pt/Co 5 15
2 Turbidity NTU 1 5
3 Total Dissolved 500 2000
solids mg/L
4 pH 6.5-8.5 No relaxation
5 Alkalinity (as 200 600
CaCO3) mg/L
6 Total hardness (as 200 600
CaCO3) mg/L
7 Calcium (as Ca) 75 200
8 Magnesium (as 30 100
Mg) mg/L
9 Iron (as Fe) mg/L 1.0 No Relaxation
10 Manganese (as 0.1 0.3
Mn) mg/L
11 Chloride (as Cl) 250 1000
12 Fluoride (as F) 1.0 1.5
13 Sulphate (as SO4) 200 400
14 Nitrate (as NO3) 45 No Relaxation
15 Copper (as Cu) 0.05 1.5
16 Cadmium (as Cd) 0.003 No Relaxation
BIS 10500-2012

S.No Parameters Permissible Limit in the

Absence of Alternate
17 Selenium (as Se) 0.01 No Relaxation
18 Mercury (as Hg) 0.001 No Relaxation
19 Arsenic (as As) 0.01 No Relaxation
20 Lead (as Pb) mg/L 0.01 No Relaxation
21 Zinc (as Zn) mg/L 5 15

Parameter Unit Method BIS value
Texture - Hydrometer -
pH - Digital pH Meter 6.8 – 8.0
Electrical Conductivity
dS/m 0.07 – 0.6
Conductivity Meter
Organic Carbon % 0.5 – 7.5
KelplusDistyl –
Nitrogen Mg/Kg <50
Phosphorous Colorimeter <2.5
Potassium Flame Photometer <60
Iron Mg/Kg Absorption 2.9 – 6.7
Manganese 3.8 – 6.9
Zinc 0.3 – 1.4
Copper 0.3 – 1.5

1. Testing & Analysis of Ground Water & Waste Water Samples
2. Compare the Results with Standard Water Quality Parameters.
3. Seeding of Plants
4. Watering of Plants using Waste water & Ground Water
5. Monitoring the Growth of Plants & Monitoring the Graphical
Representation By weekly
6. Results & Discussion
7. Conclusion



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