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Journal of Cleaner Production 205 (2018) 552e564

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A meta-network-based risk evaluation and control method for

industrialized building construction projects
Tao Wang a, Shangde Gao a, Xiaodong Li b, *, Xin Ning c
Department of Engineering Management, School of Management Science and Engineering, Central University of Finance and Economics, Tupei Building
403, South College Road 39, Haidian District, Beijing 100081, China
Department of Construction Management, School of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
School of Investment & Construction Management, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian, Liaoning Province 116025, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Construction methods in developing countries such as China are gradually industrializing due to rising
Received 1 January 2018 labor costs, new techniques, tools, procedures and management methods. This makes it essential to
Received in revised form develop new risk evaluation and control methods. Previous research seems to ignore the risk manage-
3 August 2018
ment of the application of new construction technologies and procedures. The identification of risk
Accepted 15 September 2018
Available online 17 September 2018
mechanisms is unclear, leading to a lack of clear guidance for risk avoidance and control. This paper
describes a network model based on meta-network analysis of project objectives, risk events, risk factors
and stakeholders in the construction process of building industrialization. According to ISO 31000, the
Building industrialization
main processes of risk management in the model has three parts: risk identification, risk analysis and
Risk identification evaluation, and risk treatment and control. Risk factors are identified from previous literature and site
Risk evaluation investigation, and the indirect impact on project objectives is analyzed and calculated with the networks
Risk control in the meta-network. The order of importance is evaluated and used as the foundation of risk treatment
Meta-network analysis and control. The analysis of the crucial risk factors makes it possible to identify the stakeholders who
Project stakeholders influence them, leading to suggestions for relevant control strategies. A residential building construction
project in South China that uses the building industrialization construction system serves as a case study
to verify the feasibility and applicability of the risk management system. Results show that critical risk
factors are construction-related factors and design-related factors. The water and electricity engineers,
the project manager, the project secretary, the field engineer, the project supervisor and the main
contractor engineer have a significant influence on the risk factors. A stakeholder supervision system
with targeted risk control strategies is proposed.
© 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction advantage of prefabrication is that better supervision on improving

the quality of prefabricated products can be conducted (Tam et al.,
Building industrialization has had various definitions and con- 2007). The movement of the construction industry toward indus-
cepts in each period along with increasing demands and economic trialization in the fabrication system includes the trend of helping
necessities. It is the integration of a wide range of new concepts and the building industry achieve benefits and share them with the
techniques, including e but not limited to e automation, robotics, end-user (Martinez et al., 2008). This trend gains considerable
reproduction, preassembly, standardization, mechanization, pre- attention and support from the government in China (Ji et al., 2017).
fabrication and off-site construction (Zabihi, 2013). Industrialized In the transformation process of building industrialization, new
construction has had a significant influence on improving effi- concepts and techniques create greater requirements for project
ciency, quality and the environmental impact of projects (Aye et al., management for several reasons. First, compared to the traditional
2012; Gibb, 1999; Wong and Yeh, 1985). The most significant construction process, construction workers typically need to learn
new techniques and become more familiar with the process of
prefabricated building components assembly. Second, pre-
fabricated components and new construction equipment (e.g., self-
* Corresponding author. climb form, which is an intelligent wall formwork) greatly increase
E-mail address: (X. Li).
0959-6526/© 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
T. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 205 (2018) 552e564 553

the construction speed and enhance the flexibility of project building industrialization. In this model, the association of risk
planning (Jaillon and Poon, 2009). New management modes, such events and factors that led to the deviation of project objectives was
as interspersed construction e a new construction planning tech- revealed, and targeted risk control strategies e based on the anal-
nology (Feng and Hu, 2016) e, have been applied to project man- ysis of the relationship between stakeholders and risk factors e are
agement and have had significant influences on project duration proposed.
and cost. Building industrialization brings positive changes in the The structure of this paper is as follows: In the next section,
construction process (Lovell and Smith, 2010) as well as complexity previous studies of risk management in building industrialization
and uncertainty to project implementation. Industrialized con- projects are reviewed, and the research gap is analyzed. In section
struction projects are generally subjected to more risks compared 3, the establishment of the meta-network and our calculation
to traditional projects (Karimiazari et al., 2011; Luo et al., 2015). methods are described in detail. To show how the risk evaluation
Risk factors (e.g., the seam material is not securely fastened) and control model can be applied, a case study of a residential
increase with the new construction system of building industrial- building construction project in South China, which applied a
ization (Luo et al., 2015), and they are more complex as more re- building industrialization construction system, is discussed in
lationships exist among project objectives, risk events and risk section 4. Related results and future work are described in section 5.
factors. Some risk events can even lead to the failure of realization
of project objectives, and risk factors can lead to risk events, so 2. Literature review
more strict requirements for risk management are necessary. Thus
the relationships among project objectives, risk events and risk 2.1. Building industrialization and its influence on construction
factors need to be considered (Bu-Qammaz et al., 2009; Fang and projects
Marle, 2015; Fang et al., 2012; Guan and Guo, 2014; Luo et al.,
2015; Tavakolan et al., 2017). However, there are still some limita- Previous research has shown that building industrialization has
tions that need to be addressed. First, effective risk control methods several notable characteristics. The first is standardization e
are necessary for the successful risk management of industrialized including in the design phase, component production, actual con-
building construction projects, while the risk management and struction and management. Standardization has a significant in-
control skills of managers of different levels (project managers, fluence on the improvement of the quality of construction projects
field engineers, supervision engineers) may fail to meet the re- in the existing building system (Roy et al., 2005). Standardization
quirements of a new construction management system (Liu, 2017). and generalization of building components leads to the second
But very limited studies focus on proposing targeted risk control characteristic: prefabrication in factories (Jaillon and Poon, 2009).
methods based on how the risk factor lead to the deviation of Prefabrication refers to the mass production of building compo-
project objectives and affect each other (Kuo and Lu, 2013; Wang nents in factories; these components are then delivered to a project
et al., 2016). Second, previous project risk management has site to be used in construction. The third characteristic is scientific
analyzed and assessed risks from the perspective of the whole management (Yan et al., 2004). Overall planning and new tech-
project (e.g. economics risks, market risks, risks from the external nology are the bases of scientific management in industrial con-
environment) (Luo et al., 2015; Xiahou et al., 2018), and there has struction. Building industrialization has been widely adopted
been little attention focused on the potential risks associated with around the world (Pan and Sidwell, 2011). According to Mao et al.
the implementation of building industrialization, which are listed (2013), in 1996, the levels of prefabrication in the construction in-
in the case study of this paper. Third, a substantial proportion of dustry in Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark already were
researchers in this field have analyzed only the direct influences of 31%, 40% and 43%, and the size of the industrialized construction
risks (Luo et al., 2015), while overlooking the interaction between industry in the U.K. was £6 billion in 2006. Compared to these
one risk event and other risk events (Han et al., 2008) (e.g. the developed countries, building industrialization in China is still in its
interaction between “design changing” and “unreasonable con- infancy (Luo et al., 2015), and developers in China lack the expe-
struction planning”). Assumptions for some research methods of rience of industrialized construction approaches (Zhang and
risk management limit certain kinds of associations. For example, Skitmore, 2012).
the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) assumes that risk factors are Building industrialization brings changes to the construction
isolated, which is the prerequisite of the comparison for the factors' process and affects the achievement of project objectives. Tech-
weight judgment (Saaty, 2004). In the Bayesian network analysis nology associated with building industrialization e especially the
process, closed loops among risk factors and events are not use of prefabricated building components, such as prefabricated
considered (Borsuk et al., 2004). slabs, beams, precast concrete (PC) roofs, PC balconies and inte-
In order to bridge the knowledge gaps of risk management and grated bathrooms e has been gradually introduced in the resi-
control of industrialized building construction projects, our dential building construction industry in China (Gan et al., 2017).
research was based on meta-network analysis (MNA); thus, it is This has had several effects on the construction process, including
included a network analysis model composed of stakeholders, risk compressing construction duration (Goodier and Gibb, 2007),
events, risk factors and project objectives. The meta-network was a increasing building costs (Chiang et al., 2006; Lihong et al., 2013;
complex network composed of various entities and connections Mao et al., 2013) and improving building quality (Gan et al.,
among them (Li et al., 2015). MNA can conceptualize a project as 2017). Assembled building provides an example to illustrate the
multi-node with multi-link meta-networks composed of different changes and effects brought by building industrialization. In
node entities and their interdependencies (Zhu and Mostafavi, traditional construction processes, waste arises from design
2015). MNA has been applied in many fields, such as the social changes, design error, materials remaining, packaging and non-
networks and supply chains in the e-commerce market recyclable consumables, and inclement weather (Faniran and
(Wakolbinger and Nagurney, 2004), the integration of social net- Caban, 1998). Xu and Zhao (2010) proposed that assembled build-
works with knowledge networks (Nagurney and Dong, 2005), a ing could significantly reduce the disadvantages of traditional
social media analysis (Carley et al., 2013a) and an assessment of building processes while decreasing construction time, costs and
public health systems (Lenz, 2012). The goal of our research was to environmental impact yet increasing quality. However, at this time,
systematically study the risk assessment and responding mecha- building industrialization is more costly than the conventional
nisms for the deviation from project objectives in the application of construction approach. By comparing assembled building projects
554 T. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 205 (2018) 552e564

and cast-in-place projects in a case study, Lihong et al. (2013) market acceptance. Li et al. (2017) applied a system dynamics
discovered that the cost of the assembly construction process was model to analyze the investment risk management of assembled
12.26% higher than it was for traditional projects. The main reason buildings in China and classified the risk factors into five categories:
was related to the prefabricated components and installation, for economic risks, internal risks, technical risks, policy and legal risks,
there it was costlier to purchase PC components, and the salaries of and market risks. They proposed related risk control strategies.
workers who had experience with installation were higher than From this brief literature review, we can observe that previous
those without this specialized experience. In terms of construction research has focused on total market risks, and there has been a
safety, Rubio-Romero et al. (2014) concluded that depending on the lack of identification of the risk factors inherent in adopting the
project type, the safety of a prefabricated building might not be as industrialized construction approach in the building construction
good for a traditional building. In regard to environmental impact, process. Quantitative analysis of the interactions between risks has
by employing a life-cycle assessment (LCA), Hong et al. (2016) been insufficient, and risk response strategies after the risk
determined that building industrialization (assembled buildings) assessment have not been given enough attention.
could reduce 4%e14% of the total life-cycle energy consumption, We identified the following problems from our consideration of
which covers the whole life cycle of the prefabricated components, previous studies on the industrialization of buildings and the risk
including prefabrication manufacturing, transportation, on-site management studies of construction projects: (1) the level of
assembling and recycling in the demolition phase. With a similar achievement of project objectives in building industrialization
method, Pons and Wadel (2011) analyzed a school project that projects was different from traditional projects, and the risk system
adopted building industrialization in Catalonia, and the project should be changed; (2) most previous project risk research
made outstanding achievements in energy conservation and considered each risk as an independent event, and the correlation
emission reduction. Overall, compared to traditional projects, between risks has received limited attention; and (3) risk man-
building industrialization has improved efficiency and effective- agement research has usually stopped at the risk evaluation phrase
ness, but it is still much more difficult for some projects to achieve with little attention given to risk response strategies.
their objectives (e.g. objectives about project cost, duration, quality,
safety and environmental impact). A life-cycle assessment suggests 2.3. Meta-network analysis
that it is possible for the total cost to be lower, but in actual con-
struction processes, the costs are much higher because of the use of Notably, meta-network analysis (MNA) e which can conceptu-
precast concrete components and the lack of experienced pro- alize construction projects as multi-node and multi-link meta-
fessionals (Lihong et al., 2013). networks composed of different node entities and their in-
terdependencies e can be applied to analyze the risk association
2.2. Risk management methods of construction projects and to propose risk control strategies (Zhu and Mostafavi, 2015).
The structure of MNA includes the identification of entities and
Changes in the achievement process of the project objectives associations between these entities, and it proposes an analysis
leads to changes in the risk system. Therefore, successful risk based on these associations and entities. The advantages of this
management is critical. Previous research has described many risk method include the following: (1) risks are regarded as the re-
management methods. Elsawah et al. (2016) adopted a risk matrix lationships between different entities, and the MNA, which used
combining probability and influence from expert judgment. Zhang the network in the analysis, is more intuitive than previous studies;
and Zou (2007) integrated fuzzy logic and the analytic hierarchy (2) the mechanism of risk control by stakeholders' direct inter-
process in risk evaluation of critical infrastructure construction. vention in regard to the risk factors is revealed; (3) MNA provides
Abdelgawad and Fayek (2011) combined fuzzy logic and fault tree an effective way to express the complex interactions of various
analysis to reveal the sources of risks. Lin et al. (2015) built a multi- factors involved in the project and extends the scope of analysis to
hierarchy risk analysis framework with risk matrices and applied it multiple dimensions and forms an integrated project network that
to risk examination and evaluation. Zhou and Zhang (2011) applied covers the relationships between the various influencing factors;
Fuzzy Bayesian Analysis (FBA) with experts' experience and a and (4) MNA provides multi-dimensional perspectives and the
related construction database to deep basement projects and found ability to construct complex models that can accurately measure
that FBA had a significant influence on risk avoidance. and diagnose the performance of project goals and tasks, helping to
Stergiopoulos et al. (2016) found that fuzzy logic and risk depen- optimize task scheduling and distribution (Zhu and Mostafavi,
dence charts could be used to effectively analyze the interdepen- 2016).
dence between different projects, and critical factors could be MNA has been applied in some research. Li et al. (2015)
found by simulations of specific scenarios. compared construction projects of 11 auto dealers and built a
To study building industrialization, Bari et al. (2012) analyzed meta-network with entities that included stakeholders, informa-
and evaluated the types of critical factors in the construction pro- tion and tasks. Zhu and Mostafavi (2015) put forward a compre-
cess of building industrialization projects, including project factors hensive framework of organizational vulnerability assessment for
(e.g. repeated use of design, molds or construction techniques from complex construction projects to analyze the problem of cost
previous projects), economic factors and contractor factors (e.g. a management. In these studies, each project was broken down into
contractor's staff and workers). Based on the related literature, Gan different entities, such as stakeholders, information, resources and
et al. (2017) proposed that in China, there were three kinds of risk tasks, and the meta-network was formed with links between these
factors related to project quality: design-related factors, entities. By analyzing the relationship between various types of
production-related factors, and construction-related factors. Based project factors, MNA can conduct risk analysis and assessment
on a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) under the condition of uncertain factors, so it is suitable for the risk
analysis, Jiang et al. (2018) analyzed 107 scientific papers and 85 management of these projects.
government documents and determined the opportunities and In the MNA model proposed in this paper, the elements e the
challenges of building industrialization in the new urbanization in nodes of the meta-network e were divided into four categories:
China. Jiang mentioned that the main challenges at this stage project objectives, risk events, risk factors and stakeholders. The
included high upfront costs, low collaboration between experts and standards for project success included the objectives of duration,
project participants, incomplete regulations and standards, and low cost, quality, influence on the environment and safety (health)
T. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 205 (2018) 552e564 555

(Kerzner, 1989). These standards formed the category of “project different risk factors are identified through the networks. Major
objective.” The failure to achieve an objective and the deviation factors are evaluated based on the model's networks between risk
from the project objectives were defined as project risks (Purdy, factors and project objectives. The strategy for risk response is
2010), which are described below. Risk events were the direct based on the analysis of the networks that relate stakeholders and
reflection of a loss in a project and had a direct impact on project risk factors, and specific measures are designed for specific stake-
objectives. Risk factors referred to factors that lead to a risk event. holders. The results can provide an objective and comprehensive
Risk factors may be related to individual actions or come from reference for the risk management of building industrialization
various broader conditions (including societal conditions, legisla- projects.
tion, politics, economics and nature). Stakeholders were the project
participants who had a direct or indirect influence on the project. 3.1. Risk identification
We introduced these elements to the meta-network because (1) the
purpose of risk management is to reduce the deviation from the Because the new risk system for building industrialization is
objectives in the implementation process of the project, while the different from the system for traditional projects, the risk events
deviation is reflected as the consequence of the occurrence of risk and risk factors should be reidentified, and a new risk library for
events; (2) to conduct risk control, the risk factors which lead to the building industrialization construction needs to be established. The
occurrence of risk events need to be discovered by analyzing how unique risks for industrialization construction processes include
risk events happen; and (3) operative risk control strategies should the risks arising from the introduction of new construction tech-
be proposed from the responsibility assigned to the stakeholders. nology, building materials, construction equipment and manage-
The process of MNA is described in detail in the following sections. ment methods (Li-zi et al., 2015). Risk identification for the process
of introducing building industrialization construction methods in-
3. Risk system identification and MNA in building volves identifying the potential risks and creating a risk database
industrialization that can be used to construct the meta-network. There are two
sources for the risk library: the summary of previous research on
Fig. 1 shows the process of MNA for risk management. The first building industrialization and interviews with professionals and
step is risk identification and collection of risk levels. The second project managers who have related experience. Analysis of the risk
step is the establishment of a meta-network, including trans- management methods and conclusions in previous studies helps to
forming entities into nodes and weighting the links between the identify potential risks, and interviews of the professionals and
nodes. Stakeholders, risk factors, risk events and project objectives project managers help to revise the risk list to yield the risk library.
are transformed into nodes and combined with weighted links to The risk library was the basis of the following analysis.
form several networks, which are integrated into a meta-network.
The final step is risk analysis and calculation, including risk eval- 3.2. Establishment of a meta-network based on risk identification
uation and proposing risk control strategies. Risk levels of the risk
factors are transferred to the hierarchy of objectives through the Based on the risk identification, connections can be made be-
meta-network, and relationships between stakeholders and tween the identified project objectives, risk events and risk factors

Fig. 1. The process of a meta-network analysis (MNA).

556 T. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 205 (2018) 552e564

to form a risk evaluation system with three categories. There are weights of links in the networks need to be assigned values. The
interactions among these entities. The occurrence of one risk event network conveys the level of risk through the connections between
may result in a chain reaction leading to a series of other risk the nodes, where the sources of risk level are the risk factors
events, and there also may be interactions among risk factors. Risk because they are the smallest units that contain the risk content.
factors may not directly affect project objectives, but they may have This is because the risk factors lead to the occurrence of risk events
an indirect influence due to the occurrence of risk events. The and the deviation of project objectives. The connections between
dividing line between risk factors and risk events is not strict. The nodes for the level of risk transfer efficiency may be different; their
main basis for the division is related to how directly they affect the practical significance is that the influence from risk factors to risk
project objectives. Based on the above relationships among project events or from risk events to objectives is different, which needs to
objectives, risk events and risk factors, the risk level of risk factors be judged. The following algorithm is proposed for the calculations:
will ultimately influence the achievement of objectives through First, from the experts' judgment, we assigned values of risk
risk events. level to different risk factors, leading to the vector risk factor:
To achieve targeted risk control, nodes and related networks of
stakeholders are added to the meta-network. Stakeholders are the risk factor ¼ ðf1 ; f2 ; …; fn Þ (1)
main participants in the project, and they include project man-
The vectors risk events and project objective were established
agers, developers, designers, construction workers and suppliers. In
without values:
this research, the responsibilities of stakeholders for specific risk
factors are analyzed, and stakeholders are linked to the risk factors
risk event ¼ ðe1 ; e2 ; …; en Þ (2)
with logic connections. If one risk factor has to be controlled,
related stakeholders need to be found for targeting responses. The
nodes of stakeholders are the ends of the risk control system. Fig. 2 project objective ¼ ðo1 ; o2 ; …; on Þ (3)
shows the relationships between the four kinds of nodes.
Next, the links between the six networks that formed the meta-
As displayed in Fig. 2, the four types of nodes can connect the
network were assigned values that represented the different
following seven networks: (1) the project objective network formed
transfer efficiency of risk level from the risk factors. From a math-
by the association between the project objective nodes, (2) the risk
ematical perspective, networks can be regarded as matrices, and
impact network formed by the association between the project
the elements in the matrices represent the weight of the links. The
objective nodes and the risk event nodes, (3) the risk event network
relationships among vectors in the networks are shown below:
formed by the association between risk event nodes, (4) the risk
decomposition network formed by the association between risk
risk event ¼ risk factor  risk factor network
event nodes and risk factor nodes, (5) the risk factor network formed
by the association between risk factor nodes, (6) the social network  risk decomposition network  risk event network
formed by the association between stakeholder nodes and (7) the (4)
risk distribution network formed by the association between risk
factor nodes and stakeholder nodes.
project objective ¼ risk event  risk impact network
 project objective network (5)
3.3. Calculation processes in a meta-network analysis
By assigning values to risk levels for risk factors and transferring
To quantify the meta-network, risk levels of risk factors and the risk levels through the networks, the risk level of the project

Fig. 2. Relationships among different nodes in the meta-network.

T. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 205 (2018) 552e564 557

objectives can be obtained. For risk control, the risk distribution risk factors list were mainly based on interviews with project
network and social network were established after introducing managers and related information of the new construction system
stakeholders to the meta-network. Unlike the risk evaluation sys- of building industrialization in that project. Interviews were con-
tem, links in these networks were not weighted. Because they only ducted with the project manager, the project assistant manager, the
represented the interactions between stakeholders and the re- field engineers, the water and electricity engineers and the project
lationships of stakeholders to risk factors, their influence was not supervisor. Because the project was a normal residential building
relevant. The risk factor network also was considered to express the project, our research focused on the risk evaluation and control in
association among risk factors. The actual influence between the application of the new construction system of building indus-
stakeholders and risk factors was obtained from the nodes of the trialization. In this case, the project objectives were similar to
stakeholders: traditional projects, and the risk events were related to the appli-
cation of construction technologies of the new system. The stake-
risk distribution network ¼ social network holders were the major participants in this project. The foundation
 risk distribution network of the establishment of the meta-network included two parts: the
actual experience of project managers from the construction pro-
 risk factor network (6) cess, which was determined by interviews and the relevant infor-
These calculations were used as a comparison of the correlations mation obtained from technicians involved in this project. We
between stakeholders and risk factors, and critical stakeholders for established a preliminary list of risk factors by analyzing and
one specific risk factor were identified. Meanwhile, in the meta- summarizing technique information. We then interview project
network, the changes of nodes and links led to perturbations of managers to get to revise the preliminary list into the final risk
the project objectives, and changes in the nodes or links and related factor list (see Table 2). Fig. 3 shows the process of the establish-
vectors and networks changed accordingly. Therefore, with an ment of the meta-network risk database:
effective risk control measurement, controlling some risk factors or The risk list shown in Table 2 includes all the nodes in the meta-
the links related to these factors will ultimately reduce the risk level network, which can be divided into four categories: project ob-
of the project objectives. jectives, risk events, risk factors and stakeholders. According to the
demonstration of networks in section 3.2, there were seven net-
works in the meta-network: (1) the project objective network to
4. Case analysis disclose the interactions among the project objectives; (2) the risk
impact network to present how risk events lead to the bias of the
To verify the feasibility and applicability of the meta-network project objectives; (3) the risk event network to show the in-
analysis of risk evaluation and to provide direction for risk con- teractions among the risk events; (4) the risk decomposition network
trol, a residential building construction project in South China that to disclose how risk factors lead to risk events; (5) the risk factor
applied building industrialization was analyzed. The developer of network to show the interactions among the risk factors; (6) the
this project is a famous Chinese residential real estate developer social network to show the relationships among stakeholders; and
who aims to improve construction efficiency and quality by intro- (7) the risk distribution network to show how the stakeholders can
ducing industrialized construction approaches. Therefore, our prevent the risk factors. To determine the existence and weight of
research focused on the risk evaluation and control in the appli- the links in the meta-network, surveys were conducted with the
cation of the new construction system of building industrialization. project managers. The questionnaire directly collected their judg-
The basic information for this developer and the project is shown in ments of the existence and weights of links. Fig. 4 summarizes the
Table 1. results of the questionnaires and the construction of the network
The process of applying the proposed risk evaluation and con- by ORA-NetScenes (Carley et al., 2013b). The meta-network was the
trol method included the following steps: (1) formulate the specific foundation of the MNA.
risk factor list based on the literature related to building industri- In Fig. 4, the meta-network has round nodes which represent
alization and interviews with project managers and determine the the project stakeholders; square nodes represent the project ob-
relationship between these risk factors and the new construction jectives; diamond nodes represent the risk events and triangle
system; (2) establish hierarchies of project objectives, risk events, nodes represent the risk factors. The links in the meta-network
risk factors and stakeholders and form the framework of the meta- appeared to show that risk factors had an indirect influence on
network based on the results of interviews and the scientific project objectives by causing risk events, and stakeholders could
literature; (3) conduct a survey of project managers and collect the bring down the risk levels of the project objectives by controlling
judgment of risk level and weight of links from the experts and risk factors. Therefore, critical risk factors which had the most
then assign values to the meta-network; and (4) carry out risk significant impact on project objectives could be determined by
evaluation based on the calculation methods and propose a risk comparing the influence levels on objectives of risk factors.
control strategy. Meanwhile, by calculating the influence of the stakeholders on the
risk factors, the targeted risk control strategies could be proposed
4.1. Risk identification and establishment of the meta-network and assigned to the project stakeholders who had a great impact on
the critical risk factors.
In our research, the risk identification and development of the

Table 1
Basic information of the project and the developer in this case.

Type of company One of the top five real estate developers in China

Structure type Reinforcement concrete shear wall Location Guangdong Province

Floor number 28 with two underground floors Land area 20,234 m2
Greening ratio 60% Plot ratio 2.78
Total project investment 1.5 billion RMB (about $237 million U.S.)
558 T. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 205 (2018) 552e564

Table 2
Nodes and their contents for the meta-network in this case.

Project objectives

1 Time 2 Cost 3 Quality

4 Safety 5 Environment
Risk events
1 Prefabricated wall panel technology 2 Full cast-in-place exterior craft 3 Prefabricated components
4 Structural seam technology 5 Aluminum formwork 6 Intelligent climbing formwork technology
7 Ceramic insulation board technology 8 High-pressure water roughen technology 9 Precise positioning of water and electricity equipment
10 Self-healing waterproofing technology 11 Integrally curing floor technology 12 Toilet cubicle technology
13 PVC wallpaper technology 14 Interspersed construction technology 15 Water interception between floors technology
Risk factors
1 The supply of wall panels is unstable. 2 The quality of wall panels is poor. 3 Cracks exist at wall joints.
4 The mounting of the flexible connector is 5 The seam material is not securely fastened. 6 Horizontal seam materials are not installed after pouring
not horizontal or vertical. floor concrete and before the concrete's first
7 The openings in the dry section are not 8 Drainage in the dry section is not installed on time. 9 The openings in the wet section are not blocked off on
blocked off on time. time.
10 Drainage in the wet section is not installed 11 Inefficient costs because of a failure to intercept water 12 Workers get hurt by high pressure water.
on time. from other floors.
13 Poor construction quality of basement. 14 Large differences between design and site conditions. 15 Faults at the end of the wall panel.
16 Cannot implement correction after the 17 Filling wall and structural shear wall displacement and 18 The supply of aluminum formwork delayed by design
installation finish. deformation of vertical flexible joints during concrete changes.
19 Low quality due to lack of adequate 20 Inaccurate positioning of the starting point causes the 21 The concrete is damaged due to uncompleted concealed
supervision. assembly to fail or causes the stairs to be distorted. construction.
22 Conservation work is not timely. 23 The flatness of the board and the base are not up to 24 Conflicts between design drawings of the wall panel
standards. parts and the construction site.
25 Drawings of water, electricity and the 26 Worker- and goods-related equipment installation failed 27 Decoration work is impacted by low-quality
garden are not completed before to be completed on time. interception of water from other floors.
28 The flatness of structural wall panels and 29 Fastening of the model is loose, and the shape of support 30 Mortar leakage in the embedded lamp box.
stability of supports do not meet changes during structural board construction.
31 The pipes crossing the beams deviate from 32 Oblique cracking exists while installing the wire box. 33 Deviations exist during distribution box installation.
the design direction.
34 Concrete leakage into the water stop.
1 Project manager 2 Field engineers 3 Water and electricity engineers
4 Project secretary 5 Project supervision 6 Main contractor's engineers
7 Subcontractor's engineers (decoration) 8 Subcontractor's engineers (garden) 9 Workers
10 Supplier 11 Designers

4.2. Risk evaluation with the meta-network considered the first 20% of the risk factors as the major source of
risk and formulated a risk control strategy based on them. Table 3
The next step in the risk evaluation system was to analyze the shows the risk factors at the first 20% risk level for the 34 risk
risk factors to determine their relative impact on the project ob- factors.
jectives. After establishing the meta-network that connected the In the calculation of risk evaluation, these risk factors had the
risk factors, risk events and project objectives, the risk levels for the largest impact on the project objectives when combining the risk
risk factors were determined. Risk levels referred to the probability level and the transfer effect of the network in the matrix of Fig. 6.
of risk factors. Questionnaires were used to collect the judgments of There are several reasons for this. First, the most important influ-
experts who also were the participants in the risk identification ence on the project from building industrialization construction
phase. The survey results are shown in Fig. 5. methods is on the construction of the main buildings. Assembly
The influence of risk factors on project objectives that were construction, prefabricated components and module building all
derived from the results of the questionnaires were put into the affect the process of the main building construction. Previous
equations listed in section 3. This involved transferring experts' studies (Bari et al., 2012; Gan et al., 2017) have suggested that the
judgments on risk factors to the hierarchy of project objectives critical factors in the application of building industrialization in
through weighted links in the meta-networks. As demonstrated in China that influence project quality can be divided into three cat-
section 3, the essence of the meta-network is the matrix, and the egories: design-related factors, production-related factors, and
transfer of risk levels from risk factors to risk events and project construction-related factors. For the critical risk factors listed in
objectives is essentially a multiplication of vectors of risk levels and Table 3, Risk Factor_18 represented a design-related and
matrices in different networks to get the influence on the risk production-related factors, including overall design issues and the
events and project objectives. The resulting matrix of these calcu- template production problems caused by the use of aluminum
lations is shown in Fig. 6. templates. Risk Factor_3, 4 and 15 were construction-related fac-
In this matrix, red cells indicate high risk level, while green tors, including the issues of wall panel installation, the problems in
signify a low risk. On the whole, for the five objectives, safety the construction process of the structure and the matter of quality
received the least influence from the risk factors, which showed control. In essence, during the process of change from the tradi-
that the application of the new building industrialization con- tional construction methods to a new type of industrial construc-
struction system had less impact on safety. To select the critical risk tion, the equipment, technology and materials were new to the
factors, the Pareto principle was introduced to the analysis. We works of design, management and construction. If the design phase
T. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 205 (2018) 552e564 559

Fig. 3. The process for the establishment of the meta-network risk database.
560 T. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 205 (2018) 552e564

Fig. 4. Meta-network of the risk management for the new construction system of building industrialization in this case.

Fig. 5. The probability of the risk factors in the meta-network.

RF_1 RF_2 RF_3 RF_4 RF_5 RF_6 RF_7 RF_8 RF_9 RF_10 RF_11 RF_12 was not perfect, substantial design changes might be necessary
Time 23.1 51.975 329.175 16.8 16.8 58.8 105.3 89.7 89.7 89.7 91.8 1.95 (Risk Factor_18), which could lead to faulty construction processes,
Cost 23.4 52.65 333.45 16 16 56 99.9 85.1 85.1 85.1 89.7 1.85
such as casting issues in the panel and connection installation and
Quality 21.9 49.275 312.075 15.6 15.6 54.6 97.2 82.8 82.8 82.8 85.5 1.8
Safety 10.4 23.4 148.2 8.6 8.6 30.1 59.4 50.6 50.6 50.6 51 1.1
shear walls (Risk Factor_3, 4 and 15). Second, in the industrialized
Environment 23.1 51.975 329.175 16.8 16.8 58.8 105.3 89.7 89.7 89.7 91.8 1.95 construction process, the new project planning method e inter-
RF_13 RF_14 RF_15 RF_16 RF_17 RF_18 RF_19 RF_20 RF_21 RF_22 RF_23 RF_24 spersed construction technology (Feng and Hu, 2016) e was used to
74.3 32.1 107 21.4 102.4 214 192.6 10.7 16.4 4.1 31.2 39.9
70.2 31.35 104.5 20.9 99.6 209 188.1 10.45 14.4 3.6 29.6 38.75
improve project efficiency. Interspersed construction technology
68.5 30.6 102 20.4 97.2 204 183.6 10.2 14.8 3.7 28.8 37.8 means that a sub-project was interspersed during the construction
42 16.8 56 11.2 53.4 112 100.8 5.6 9.6 2.4 17.6 21.2 of another sub-project; therefore, it was necessary to provide a
74.3 32.1 107 21.4 102.4 214 192.6 10.7 16.4 4.1 31.2 39.9
clean and dry workplace for the next sub-project after the previous
RF_25 RF_26 RF_27 RF_28 RF_29 RF_30 RF_31 RF_32 RF_33 RF_34
25.9 14.8 33.3 4.1 4.1 31.2 7.8 7.8 31.2 7.8 sub-project. Thus, floor water interception could meet the
26.6 15.2 34.2 3.6 3.6 29.6 7.4 7.4 29.6 7.4 requirement of interspersed construction. Floor water interception
24.5 14 31.5 3.7 3.7 28.8 7.2 7.2 28.8 7.2 means intercepting the wasted water from other floors e which
14 8 18 2.4 2.4 17.6 4.4 4.4 17.6 4.4
25.9 14.8 33.3 4.1 4.1 31.2 7.8 7.8 31.2 7.8
were doing wet construction works e to provide a clean and dry
workplace for the following works (e.g., decoration work). Low
Fig. 6. Influence matrix between risk factors (RF) and project objectives. quality of floor water interception will pollute the workplace of
T. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 205 (2018) 552e564 561

Table 3
Critical risk factors and related analysis of the risk evaluation.

Risk Factor ID Risk Factor Analysis

Risk Factor_3 Cracks exist at wall joints. Wall joints are critically important components in the
technology of prefabricated interior walls. If cracks exist, they
will have a significant influence on the quality of the
prefabricated walls and perhaps the entire building.
Risk Factor_18 The supply of aluminum formwork delayed by design Unlike the timber formwork, the aluminum formwork cannot
changes. be changed at the last minute when there are design changes.
This will lead to a delay of the formwork supply and have a great
impact on the project duration.
Risk Factor_11 Inefficient costs because of a failure to intercept water If there is a failure to intercept the wasted water from other
from other floors. floors, the decoration work area will be polluted, and the quality
of decoration work will be affected. This will lead to additional
costs (e.g., rework and cleaning).
Risk Factor_15 Faults of the ends of wall panels. The structure walls are the components that bear the load, so if
the faults exist, the load-bearing capacity of the entire building
will be weakened.
Risk Factor_4 The mounting of the flexible connector is not horizontal It is necessary for the mounting of the flexible connector to meet
or vertical. the design requirements, which normally requires the
connector to be mounted horizontally or vertically. If not
meeting these requirements, the related construction will be
negatively affected.
Risk Factor_27 Decoration work is impacted by low- quality Similar to Risk Factor_11, the decoration work area will be
interception of water from other floors. polluted, and the efficiency and quality of decoration work will
be negatively impacted.

decoration works, negatively impacting quality and efficiency. For influence on the risk factors.
the critical risk factors listed in Table 3, Risk Factor_11 and 27 were These results were consistent with the field study. One possible
the risk factors related to floor water interception. In summary, reason is that Stakeholder_1 and 4 were the highest-level man-
because of the critical risk factors listed in Table 3, the project agers of the project; they were responsible for the organization and
quality may not reach the expected outcome. Serious mistakes may coordination of the entire project. Stakeholders_2, 3, 5 and 6 were
lead to the need for much rework, which significantly increases the the project managers lowest in the hierarchy; they were directly
total project costs and duration. responsible for the construction activities. These workers were
These risk factors were not completely avoided in this test case, from the project team, construction units and supervision unit. It
as illustrated by Risk Factor_3. According to the experience of field can be concluded that for projects applying building industriali-
engineers and experts in the case study, there were a large number zation, the major risk stakeholders were the top-level managers
of issues in the installation of wall panels, and cracks appeared in and basic managers from these three categories. The water and
the connecting parts. However, with interspersed construction electricity engineers, project manager and secretary had more
technology, the effectiveness of the project was so high that there
was not enough time for workers to totally solve these issues. The
result was that even after the decoration phase, many cracks were
still obvious, which had a significant influence on the project
RF_1 RF_2 RF_3 RF_4 RF_5 RF_6 RF_7 RF_8 RF_9 RF_10 RF_11 RF_12
quality. A comparison of the results of MNA and the actual condi- Project manager 4 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 2
Field engineers 3 2 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 1
tions of this case showed that the risk factors identified from MNA Water and electricity engineers 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2
were nearly the same as the potential risks. This means the process Project secretary 4 2 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 2
Project supervision 4 2 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 1
of risk identification and evaluation was effective. Risk control Main contractor's engineers 4 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 2
Subcontractor's engineers (decoration) 4 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2
strategies are analyzed in the next phase. Subcontractor's engineers (garden) 4 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2
Workers 2 1 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 2
Supplier 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
4.3. Risk control based on MNA Designers 2 1 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 2
RF_13 RF_14 RF_15 RF_16 RF_17 RF_18 RF_19 RF_20 RF_21 RF_22 RF_23 RF_24
3 3 3 2 2 2 4 2 3 2 2 3
Based on the above process, stakeholders with major re- 3 2 3 1 1 2 4 2 3 1 2 2
4 3 4 1 2 3 4 3 4 2 0 2
sponsibilities for the critical risk factors were identified by the 3 3 3 1 2 2 4 2 3 2 2 3
3 2 3 1 1 2 4 3 3 1 2 3
calculation of social network, risk factor network and risk distribution 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 1 4
network, and the calculation results are shown in Fig. 7. 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 0 3
3 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 0 3
In this matrix, red cells indicate a high level of influence level, 3 3 3 0 2 2 4 2 3 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 1 0
while green means there was a low level of influence. Fig. 7 shows 3 3 3 0 2 2 4 2 3 2 2 2
that Stakeholder_3 (the water and electricity engineers), Stake- RF_25 RF_26 RF_27 RF_28 RF_29 RF_30 RF_31 RF_32 RF_33 RF_34
5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1
holder_1 (the project manager) and Stakeholder_4 (the project 5 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 1 1
4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 0 0
secretary) were the critical stakeholders with the highest levels of 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1
influence, and the influence levels of Stakeholder_2 (the field en- 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1
4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1
gineer), Stakeholder_5 (the project supervisor) and Stakeholder_6 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 0 0
3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 0 0
(the main contractor engineer) were near the influence levels of the 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1
critical stakeholders. Therefore, all six stakeholders were consid- 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1
ered to propose risk control strategies. The basic responsibilities of
these stakeholders are listed in Table 4 in the order of the level of Fig. 7. Matrix of influence between stakeholders and risk factors (RF).
562 T. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 205 (2018) 552e564

Table 4
Critical stakeholders and related responsibilities.

Stakeholder ID Stakeholder Responsibility

Stakeholder_3 Water and electricity engineers Construction and installation of water and electricity equipment (e.g. water pipe, electricity wire).
Stakeholder_1 Project manager The top manager of this project; responsible for planning, organizing, leading and controlling the entire project.
Stakeholder_4 Project secretary The support staff for the project manager; responsible for coordination and communication.
Stakeholder_2 Field engineer The management of detailed construction activities.
Stakeholder_5 Project supervisor Supervision of the project activities to ensure that the project is implemented according to plan.
Stakeholder_6 Main contractor engineer The management of detailed construction activities and the arrangement of workers.

impact on the risk factors, while the field engineers from the 5. Conclusions
development units, main contractor engineers from the construc-
tion units and project supervisors from the supervision units Our research evaluated the risk levels in an industrialized
played supporting roles. building construction project and suggested targeted risk control
After agreeing on the critical stakeholders, risk control strategies measures based on the proposed integrated risk evaluation and
were proposed based on the results of the risk evaluation. For control approach. We used meta-network analysis to incorporate
construction-related factors and water interception related factors the experts' knowledge and data from our on-the-spot investiga-
e such as Risk Factor_3 and 11ecritical stakeholders should have tion for the final model of risk management, supplementing the
adopted several measures. As the highest-level managers of the body of knowledge in the area of industrialized construction pro-
project, the project manager and project secretary should have jects. First, we identified risks by using the scientific literature and
strengthened the communication of the engineers and proposed a previous construction experience. Next, the results were converted
flexible construction plan based on the real-time conditions of the into a meta-network that consisted of many associated networks.
project. As members of the construction units, the main contractor Finally, risk evaluation and control were carried out with reference
engineers bear the brunt of risk events and should implement strict to the meta-network. From a theoretical perspective, this frame-
control methods for the workers and provide correct instruction work can thoroughly analyze risk factors in a building industriali-
about construction technology. This can reduce the probability of zation construction project, study the influence of the associations
the risk factors. Water and electricity engineers and field engineers among risks and offer effective risk control strategies based on risk
from the project team should be more familiar with the new con- evaluation. Compared to previous risk management methods, the
struction methods, related technologies and design, so they should advantages of MNA are that it can identify the critical risk factors
guide people higher in the hierarchy. They need real-time monitors more visibly (by graphing the meta-network) and provide effective
at all project venues to ensure that design ideas are implemented guidance for risk control by analyzing the participation of stake-
and that the building industrialization construction methods are holders for controlling risk factors. The traditional methods usually
implemented correctly. As support for the project team, supervi- stopped at the risk evaluation phase. Meanwhile, the use of this
sion engineers should monitor the project from the perspective of method is simple. For building industrialization projects, project
project quality and preventing accidents by reducing risks, such as managers can somewhat easily handle the risk management
Risk Factor_3, 4 and 15. They should provide for careful examina- related to the risk factors identified by MNA.
tion during and after the construction process. For design-related We applied our proposed MNA method to a residential building
risk factors, such as Risk Factor_18, the major risk stakeholders construction project in South China that introduced building
are the members of the project team. For example, in the imple- industrialization to the construction process. During the construc-
mentation of the “full cast-in-place exterior craft,” changing water tion process in this project, because of new construction and
and electricity lines directly leads to changes in the aluminum management approaches of industrialized construction, risk factors
formwork; thus, the water and electricity engineers and field en- in the construction process were quite different than those in a
gineers should revise the requirements for the aluminum form- traditional project. Therefore, risk identification for the industrial-
work as soon as possible to reduce the impact on project duration ized construction process was conducted by interviewing related
and total cost. Also, the project manager and secretary should give experts and experienced engineers, and the results of these in-
assistance and coordinate the communication between the project terviews were used to create a meta-network of risk. As shown in
and the design teams. Based on these strategies, a strict re- the results of the risk evaluation process, six risk factors in three
sponsibility system for the industrialized construction process categories were considered critical risk factors: (1) construction-
should be established among these six critical stakeholders e related factors, such as Risk Factor_3 (cracks exist on wall panel
namely the water and electricity engineers, the project manager, joints and other unqualified low-quality factors); (2) design and
the project secretary, the field engineer, the project supervisor and production-related factors, such as Risk Factor_18 (the supply of
the main contractor engineer. First, as the highest-level managers aluminum model was delayed due to design changes); and (3)
of the project, the project manager and project secretary are water interception-related risk factors, such as Risk Factor_27
responsible for the communication and coordination of the stake- (decoration work was impacted by low-quality interception of
holders inside and outside the project, such as the design team and water from other floors). The results were consistent with the field
the basic managers of the project. Second, to achieve the greatest study results. The risk factors were not completely avoided during
degree of risk aversion, a supervision mechanism is needed among the project. A risk control analysis was based on the results of the
the basic managers. Engineers from the main contractor, who are risk evaluation to find the critical stakeholders who had a signifi-
directly responsible for implementation of the industrialized con- cant influence on the risk factors, and these stakeholders were
struction approach, should receive supervision from the water and Stakeholder_3 (the water and electricity engineers), Stakeholder_1
electricity engineers, field engineers and project supervisors, who (the project manager), Stakeholder_4 (the project secretary),
are more familiar with these approaches. The quality control of the Stakeholder_2 (the field engineer), Stakeholder_5 (the project su-
project supervisors should be examined by the engineers from the pervisor) and Stakeholder_6 (the main contractor engineer). To
project team. avoid risk factors and events, risk control strategies were proposed.
T. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 205 (2018) 552e564 563

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