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Verbs for Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment (QHSE)

1. To inspect / Inspeccionar: To examine closely and critically for quality, safety, or

• Example: The safety inspector inspects the machinery regularly to ensure it
meets safety standards.
2. To monitor / Monitorear: To observe and check the progress or quality of something
over a period of time.
• Example: The environmental team monitors air quality levels to detect any
3. To implement / Implementar: To put into effect or action; to execute a plan or
• Example: The company implemented a new quality control system to
improve product consistency.
4. To comply / Cumplir: To act in accordance with rules, regulations, or standards.
• Example: All employees must comply with safety protocols when operating
heavy machinery.
5. To assess / Evaluar: To evaluate or judge the quality, value, or importance of
• Example: The health department assesses the risks associated with certain
chemicals used in production.
6. To maintain / Mantener: To keep something in a certain condition, often by routine
or preventive measures.
• Example: Regular maintenance is necessary to ensure the safety of the
workplace equipment.
7. To report / Reportar: To give an account or representation of something in writing or
• Example: Employees are encouraged to report any safety hazards they
encounter in the workplace.
8. To prevent / Prevenir: To stop something from happening before it occurs; to take
precautionary measures.
• Example: Proper training can help prevent accidents in the workplace.
9. To mitigate / Mitigar: To make something less severe, harmful, or painful.
• Example: The company implemented measures to mitigate the
environmental impact of its operations.
10. To communicate / Comunicar: To exchange information, ideas, or instructions.
• Example: Clear communication between workers and supervisors is
essential for maintaining safety standards.
11. To identify / Identificar: To recognize, discover, or distinguish something.
12. Example: It's crucial to identify potential hazards in the workplace to prevent
13. To analyze / Analizar: To examine in detail, typically for the purpose of interpretation
or explanation.
14. Example: The QHSE team analyzes incident reports to determine the root causes of
15. To train / Entrenar: To educate or instruct in a particular skill or procedure.
16. Example: New employees undergo extensive training on safety protocols before
starting their jobs.
17. To document / Documentar: To record in writing or by other means for future
reference or use.
18. Example: All safety procedures must be documented and readily accessible to
19. To enforce / Aplicar: To compel observance of or obedience to a rule, law, or
20. Example: The company strictly enforces its no-smoking policy to maintain a safe
work environment.
21. To respond / Responder: To react or take action in response to a situation, problem,
or request.
22. Example: Emergency responders were quick to respond to the fire alarm and
evacuate the building.
23. To audit / Auditar: To conduct a systematic review or examination of records or
processes for accuracy and compliance.
24. Example: The company undergoes regular audits to ensure compliance with safety
25. To regulate / Regular: To control or govern according to a set of rules or standards.
26. Example: Government agencies regulate the use of pesticides to protect public
health and the environment.
27. To investigate / Investigar: To inquire into or examine systematically; to conduct a
formal inquiry or examination.
28. Example: The safety committee investigates workplace accidents to prevent similar
incidents in the future.
29. To review / Revisar: To examine or assess something again, typically with the
intention of making improvements or corrections.
30. Example: The QHSE manager reviews the company's safety policies annually to
ensure they remain up-to-date.
31. To communicate / Comunicar: To transmit information, ideas, or instructions to
32. Example: Managers communicate safety updates during regular team meetings to
keep employees informed.
33. To collaborate / Colaborar: To work jointly with others or together, especially in an
intellectual endeavor.
34. Example: Different departments collaborate to develop comprehensive emergency
response plans.
35. To upgrade / Actualizar: To improve or enhance by adding new or better features or
36. Example: The company upgraded its ventilation system to improve indoor air quality.
37. To approve / Aprobar: To formally agree to or accept as satisfactory.
38. Example: The safety committee approved the use of new personal protective
equipment (PPE).
39. To comply / Cumplir: To act in accordance with rules, regulations, or standards.
40. Example: All employees must comply with safety procedures to ensure a secure
41. To maintain / Mantener: To keep something in a certain condition, typically by
routine maintenance.
42. Example: Regular inspections help maintain the integrity of the building's structure.
43. To regulate / Regular: To control or govern according to a set of rules or standards.
44. Example: Safety regulators set standards for the construction industry to minimize
45. To evaluate / Evaluar: To assess or judge the value, significance, or quality of
46. Example: The QHSE team evaluates the effectiveness of safety training programs
through surveys.
47. To investigate / Investigar: To inquire into or examine systematically, especially to
discover the facts surrounding a situation.
48. Example: The safety department investigates workplace incidents to determine their
49. To mitigate / Mitigar: To reduce the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of
50. Example: Planting trees around a factory can help mitigate the impact of noise
pollution on the surrounding area.

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