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INDEX sapedlibe Sten. Phangauinryo...R siNo.| Date ae ae qo e3-0s-a] F, ——_ °NO-| Submission ~f——hiltieductton lay 04 | 30= = 2% i : ee Superlative oe: of) Med pares Duign of Singiy loa- 13 | ap-s-20 | catatonic bean | 1 eee 4 30-821 Duign of oni uy [ty = 19 6 = = a T lab 4 (Se. a0 - 96 | 13 6-22 a 616-622: Deugn af doubly _|92- 32] 13- 6-92 | seeinforcecl —bearn a13-6=22! Computation of a -3g| 4-7 -22 t ——foxthuork Lg |13-6-22| Drsign of honvonial | 22-39 | 4 ~ 9-22 ui. Curve toy olfsck method LG 3-6 221 Analysis of continy | ¥O-U3 = Pe7 me ous heams ancl foatal promes Lie | 13-4221 Analysis of plane |uu-ur| 4-39-22 Ae Acd Lu | 4-2-29| 61S application uuing| 48 SO) 4|- 2-22 U2 |q=3-22| Panjuck manogienint| $1 58} Mt 9 —29__| yg | 4i-2-22 2p = Anoiysis of Mulltistoriccl pseu _| 54 - 63 Steuch ume Teacher | Name of the Experiment... Tataaduction....£.... Exceed. ea Not fo Date y — Of Freel _ Sprtact__Sheels Tntroduction | A licnasoft. Excel earning tx _puecicedl a4 meme Allee tia frm time to ine amd tb te _puiohably bh, |Lmast —cacticlely Sof bescine. tanning apie tinttlen rte || awk —urbsites__couises the Favoured hy many to opencte ard. i f a aliuely cau | peig compli scelts by Shouring spuuadlsbeets —fesarn f Crows and columas),— tenages teak, tabler Cheuxts || sooad_so, an Talking —absut 2rd fox _apzpliccl Legiaceaicg Z| (—telalation —coneot he sepanated feta Me dicetuuion ox on_| We ccdebcalons teat fer —application (BAY _araceo phich 1 tain task. zs the _euutamaation a The ook pafecrnicl by reel Ut haueally He for | a of booty > ‘ ie th . za gucyah inkgxe —||_to ak a xeporhing ard a psoblen ana a {dared , BIT) Gmmards Show cut ov Ison Deeuption Sou a file eae He name Of He workbook i He being done Stose He fie wilh arcts.. marme into a feller a cliuctory ox to adese Open. a mew wosl book Open, an existing workbook prune a or kshot Hseough a2 prunker didice CR ES BS Chtok, usindew con) \4 N t Close. de PHgBIM curl exp Name of the Experiment ze L. Wok book “anol 08K Sheek s Ut) ae Wher. Opening Faced, by cefault Grok) 1, 14, |Jarcumnt Of, Hp peru __veomkbosk |, Thin sawoak book Cerri flog. S—_warksheets aramid shel) > shel amd sheel- Excel ioaksbecls due Hioffenned ba aha pastrrch cycy Load sinvitfes “shiek paceesscing bette ark urn bens, Soe the yrage hou Lia title ban qf jdleplay He woxkbook —pame\, Untleanseath Shit laa | Ribbon whith 4 “4 nauigation taal, ih om rand: 4} Ont prepped art placed into tab, fs parbiaslan AP A elt —COnlains group Of corrmarcls WR bess ABS no, Wicyadon sian ars pia B Nef cotienn ad xp et acell Wa be. data Fach cell has am adheres atuma | atl) 4 x01) for example Hse | coll e ta pS RCE: Bard 4 rw Zk Odcbictts Of. He celectecl cell Sébn be edn in he Li Alene, Bot bio) He serbban —— | ee oR aor Wee es a be clcsiclicl dragon bal tajp Hak are i \\ || Name « Descsiption \ Experi at — \Lew) Copy He data of ceil wangd Ob celle be an \}eo location \Ckrd be | move He deter to \ aroths location tk He . data. into maw ch or wange of | cl, | Dirplowy § Inserté olicley be Uscoh to insert & new Cu) sre or Column ct He pointes positon Insest OL maw, Fa ot \| Te . pointes position At inset are Column 1} 0+, He poinks jcosition ai hosmak sow, contils Of | He wow Keigre setting to | tide ond to urhtoln wu | borer column conut of | | He coluym ucllh setting | cuttemakic — cutclth, | bosmat all Such at number fort font [eco , bosdem , Abii Shomeut ov Toon Copy Cbd +e Cue Chol +X Fae Gr +V Tasest > CU ALE tte [Insert > Shuck Aw FIR Bows Treest S shut Ale Yee Colusons [pomak > Rovo Ab tuo height (poerat Solum Alb. b Ho uaicLy ah bpermak Scel ALE + HO Chame S borenat ct Coes and uxskshel yp kelvon me ss Name of the Experiment Experiment No. Date CB) Numbness Ruimecetenl ala 1 1,230, -), (0) Te *= The date olorter Ayppiccillyy—seeferer lo Ma setdrg, fa _camnputen\ brvlersleis con) foxmutatech in jhe Cahewletian Co) Houser +. alka hewn gementllyy cee sesff each 12 tomputin kine selling ax ppamutiteal ian Ve Leasiow | ich a4 caleulabiors eee _-ecculherertics |} s2mneal Onomeyy statistics loka type arc | 2 tonenula 2A formu an _cemsts of mumbe pear toms _,_putfence ll ox | rattematinlly — 2 tars func. RBI ia tho wang. jie ee [ERS TI ae eh oie AN a ee ig ta cel tn ck _B2 to cet B2 eee aa elt By lo ceul BS when of cella D2, Dan Dy Descaiption Summation Suubeachion Muultialicatvon Dawson Pesceen Excponcaticel. Name of the Experiment /.......3..i Muti, - Page No.: [4 | tt Experiment No... | “Tajo jw Li Ne al 05 tte darn ben. +f Ceample 1A le ding EEE A tlm. ox + au aneumben Lusi arty chang. One _achisa . Colum i Angee 2 ull _seermain wha copieck . butte sas = ee ee i mn Cee pest eolk Ab. such cola ase crilleal Sumri- || Absetute—cett.. : 2 a RY, = et ta ia || pplication fiw af Mem aur || 8. Planning ancl Budgeting | 4s Contvack Dugning ais r _|lEss ip a || 6. S@lurag ae i) \ g wen kusdas (Ua) peads paonpayl Tn s/ua)v8606¢609T (DA) paads paanpay| ST'0=} PUE Z0'O=2 HUME q paads UBjsap ain aonpal ST Og} ODUIS i sr0 jeu (3 lezevcttszo (Gy vonsia ferare7y 4010 =( 2) uonenajazadns pue pasds ulisap jiny Bunyes Aq ‘Wo! 14j [e938] 40y 200 reuy(e rer. (2 ]wonenajaadns| 8dNS 105 OUD} eRe (i) paads uiisoa| ano TH) 21079 305 snipe Ti) peads Ulisoq I NOUWARISURANS JO NWSI =a || Name of the Experiment ...Destian Sauprecedeaterts £9. Oo iSkdgpenelera tion Page No. [5 | | _| | Experiment No, OL siete sueveee Date [a] 5\[o[sl[aTol a] « am | EER Dc id | Hie eae a CC Dihinttion _@ supexeluation 2+ | pe eS 8B eae iu, ash bia f Wher 2 velricle bruit in a weducuslow path _ox peeved sat tb cuibjecked tn ant erateneel fosce | cobtch make vehicle fo pvestosn ancl skéck due lo jconbuifugal force . Za _avexcome this forme Gnd_fox | Safe trawl of a vehicle Me ute eclge of He | Sade _wrauiseol ubove He _innes edge. This is known || a4 __supexelevation ot banking of doa. || Theory 0h — Supeneleurrbioe, 2 ; 4 ner : | 5 as Fee ae eaad__like Uchicle || etupeuk vation _,1ue ciign 4k || calleal —dluign vehicle cadtid —huthich, os soene_ctanelancl Name of the Experiment Page No.:[ 6 Date I | Experi t No... {p-2aeut the amar amd minicom eupeseleuctiona ete 4} Chee ase chicesistd ta cledatl inthe a seetit Fan offasd- arouis Uehtcla,prowicling Aighin ebuper IE Bi Es. armiclaing co- fficeat af fate hon RE aca fee Tia —centaipugal force a fully Gncentoated i by Ae ucegy nt of He Uchicle ox cupencleuation_. Fox Teta rae Ul TB tin Jj tansiclaing Con efficient 9 faeclion fe [ewe aoe of a cuncl |] Name of the Experiment Page No.: (4p eriment No, or Bute poe ne Oa NE. |. Gletgn speed 1 Sede ax ral y 1} —Comuintieg He design spced_frora __k™MP 14 to mjc {{t-——_Bewgn sprecal. Oey paps || 2 lohether Hy || Check fox: Supenclwatinn by taking P57 of Ue {deta “Spee Ond _takeral _frichan Uf} =o, atuetng be AAR ez pacec eae ea NUNN pe ll Sula i A {I hi =i a ra a ea Ne ee eck be Loita jn excel | Ss whites to enh ox bo continu. He || Spread Sheet to know sf Heseern |ame of the Experiment nt No, owe Hier Bales He enue ty | Spread chet to knows @ohelthir to _ercl_o || __prodlems . | Recturee ol dyn spreck Cv) _in_m/s | ve = Jeerpagre j| Reduced _duugn speed (Vy) in EM PH | Baas enemas Yue weiting oy a6 | (rors 5 W of the beam (Wa) ik Total Load (Wu) Effective Span (le) fess span (le) Nn Nene Design of flexure [Moment of resistance (Mu) [Design shear reinforcement; 179.596 avr check for depth under flexure [area 5a. a08I289 [depth under flexure DEPTH IS SAFE [area of steel 808.3613474lnm2 dia of bar 0| ae of bars 2.57309 | Shear force (vay 170.2085906|kN [Nominal shear stress 1.233395584 0.585769092 103968.5906| 100.5309649| IN 252.3702753| [mm 450] Imm 300] 475.3366276 [Sv Final 252.3702753| Name of the Experiment... Deaday A SLAG MG... Pedorparicect StCHP Re Noo Experiment No. 1s] 1 _ ae inentee date PBIo\S|p ppl SECTION i — Regn ne fox shenply —Suppoakd nyly || Belafoxceal section _uuing excel _spracck Sheek | }E ease Sh Smee Cec a) Rad: ee wcqiusecl - Be Ee ok ar ia eas Se oe (| Oueraut chpth of Hu bean (D5, fietockete Jeg ee hy ee lide jt | ee | Dire dooce em —bectaa 6 Why) Cyrille nfl st Cds |b) Gatsotling —poxamelexs ie I een co Tn He input a —Pleuys ON —— |INente fcc rere Page No.:|(0 | Date TIC] zi Experiment No... a a | [eo 2a ee ew, i || 1) Ebfectiue clyrlh Cot) Ole Dna 1e = b. Sam [1D) Joacl caletotion (unit EN mt) Co) Sdf defo ht of bean _Cug-) = b * 4 fe! Spee ia Hs _clurrcityy 0} sexnpomrced —conentle = 2.5 kN|r0 si Ds siges: alee wiGnane yy | Vb Seo __ OB) he Jamel or pec On) acu eg nes Le EUs } tented i Amesch oC Ui yp lls i aay Fe hbectime span! ol ae “Cb | 1000) aa fd ieee Ts __486 - 2000) Lain. = ea 2.9).9) Cop page poate | ||Name of the Experiment [Experiment No. If ftv) Mondor Cake cefaliion eas Wale o EY) Cheat fee | ab eunetal plerune. \f seq = pave how Fe is steak ABE Khe p xD }} 7 tel Pe ee ao tet ONBIX Kx = ii (ee Oe re RAPA check —_cohethes Ha clip i; rf || 14 _saubrsfiedl _exunolen flea ture —,. sape” asap“) LE Cdxecy =A, - annie fomalt dg tp ba until ibis | Changia ta cafe) 0 i Vi) Rein boscement — baie ta | Aveo. 0} tech sctnfpmreenink —CAst\ ulated —_ acorcdinc bo. teed 1a ey cineca. of z “piu in Bu1-4h8) Agr 00. = 9+ ] Denn He _Oxpste__} iL ce) ee OT ae Hi ty =v be i i I bol ES a iA on hes. , a | Cc) Feamicible Shea shes (Tc) |/IName of the Experiment J [experiment No. i ss + Ax, O18. fe | L | Vy J —Slunbir of Bowe seqystitach Cp) No = As} Mop A | LCvi) Shear serinfomenaent J CCl. 40. pag. Mol 72 arnt 33 1, t {} a) Shear _porce Cvu) J Yo = wart Sth SG 2 200 IF | Tele Hina vale pom fable 0 219 page bee Bae Fake Yall anag os ey (whether +e Stihferennint | sequined ox minimum —< |/Name of the Experiment Page No-[13 ||experiment No. Date ll I $6) Axecr of Yerchicerl clissups _CAcw) | I] {| Asy. tx disy | 4 | a) Strengih of — sheas _ seuinfpacannert CVus) Va Vole > baal | Py if. aes Shear seinfpxceneah _CTy +T) Spacing (sy) || Asy =e pve 2 fie oe es co U8. | besv “by uu TGs Vises Saou (ees ase Bll JMS 200 aa Be is Wile { 216 'o) Ucn Perle ee base? 1,6 ~ 20007) || Leeuw value of. Sy should be _Consideucl hos spacing | | py Fs, SS SRE AAO sees Shorter Span (b= Longer span (l= 150|mm ce Depth of iab(O) zofmm | leffctive Cover(d1)= Kd 130] mm_ [Effective depth(d) 25/KN/m3_ [Density of eoncre 2n/m2 | ive toaattt)= T5]KN/m2 ae 3.75|KN/m2 seit weight of saB= ee ~ Total Factored load (Wu) 415] — [Grade of steel(fy) 20) [Grade of concree(fck) {ORR e p| ‘Moment of resistance La TERSIRAITS|KNNm [for imran | [Check for depth under flexure a required= 77167533637 |r Depth under flexure SAFE Area of reinforcement laste 377.73663]mm2 [Dia of bar= 8]mm [Sapcing(s\ 133.0701829|mm_ Sapcinglsv)= 330|mm Sapcinals [300] mm Sapcinglsv)= 133,0701829[mm Distribution steel ast= a0 ]mm2 Dia of Ee 8[mm Sapcinglsvi= 279,2526803| Sapcingtsv 390] Sapcing(sv} 650) Sapcing(sv)= 279.2526803|mm Check for shear Ishear force(Vu)= 19.03125]KN Nominal shear stress(Tv)= 0:146394231|N/mm2 fe easy 0.39] N/mm2 ipermissibe shear stres(tc)= Depth under shear aa SARE Check for deflection (ix/djactual= 26.92307692| Modification factor from fig 415:456 2000 1.6 (ix/d)allowbl 32| [depth under deflection is, eT || || |]Name of the Experiment... ESIGN. Fen QE. LAL. SLAG. J[experiment No ————— —— II Page No.:1@) Date [3b \[o]5|fz[o|a] II RESIGN OF ONE way stag || Design prrcettiduuce simply atupported._one jay lab, |Ldledng excel carer heel ene COLL Ce.) i (ler fd foie ole) Ih Bradt Cb) he Experiment Page No.-[15 No. ie 7 fe Qutpuck- Poonam ter || I ma leendition to check cou wuny ou twa curagy Shed, i £6 du fh y\e2T I 4) 2, Om _uoy slab, tse 2 Tux |} Stalernunt The condition i pulifical cing TE I if I ELE E&e) 2! Ae nc", ee aa aa Sfchius dhplh Col) = Co oly. eee [8D faa sco bE UN Bf oui gf cab Can) =o ae Wife. = 9S EN| m3, _ 1S 4 925-1 (fat ~1)] aH | q | Ia ea dor, Cg a ecg on He Ves hs cece Hos om ae 4) Folel Jagd (ws) oo Seb Le Pie, b Piet fe ||IName of the Experiment [Experiment No, fk [ex Date (25 bh | Foctomed occ, Cle), WALLS || yp Alomint-_ Catewtation I Mu We lo? | a: oy vu) Check fox _duplh snclinffeaiina | l z Me fer Bae yey 0.138 H fek xb Lo ; ee bas af nn shee [0.133% feeb || Wit fe_IE = stetemint PI ide: The chips i's |} hhesfied —undlex flue. | ee —* safe“ Unsafe") do Hem |_——™ qua of sh ke celectlaked accocling sf eppeuision —_giuun in He hat.) Ch) pp = 96 TS uSb-2B1T I || ame of the Experiment | |lexperiment No, Date 2b |[ols | 2jo| al | The er prreuian oi ifficele totter» Herne, the eng, Jude _Somplificcl ay Ast _ = onsale [1 sta bal by beck xbx Spaung (sy. a. ta? % (000 SMe = Bhtt | HEE 96 2 ale py. BOEs, Page no. ye Ts: use - 2000 | beast value of sy Should he omudinich fps spacing f—Min Cov, sv, su) ae Bl Biataibuster slab ll Awa Shel ep ee ae x Ask =| gun &hypi | — 2 oo [See 7 f ce ET en mates 24 ae i. | | s = iar Vi = Sd ar er I] JSV, 1= 450mm. fig fees pecang wl A vali of Sy shoveled. pi econaiclvacl | CCL 26.2. 3¢b) C11 Page no. U6 IS - 456-2000) (rT) || || Name of the Experiment || |lexperiment No, ata esermer Date {3]0 (ols |fajofatq Jiow cisy S s ii tsi Baus Cheek Jee DW Shean fee CW) My Wu » by 4) Nominal — Shean Stses (Ty) Ze Vi bol A] Se Be stu (Te) Eee he input tin prom “el Do. —— ES! 456 9009 12, pg-73 dl heck fox cath sites chan a Mite, Me TEs tad Ae Phe He A salied inden shear fal y te Clipe Te Alico N rca Oe pie | Fe = stabement 4 —unsafé charge He cantselliog panaen feta Dd. fa oe ee Changecl to Safe cipth | Cs) — = a allowable _ Page No. (19) pate 2 ola} jee ix) 20, fer sirnply cuyopordrl Cou : = Moachpcation facton fox lruicry 2 Ore Teeny) tYfectiu idiptht Ci) 6 2S ees 2 Ibe 4 ofp cel shah Feo D»* free | Ab feces te cg inf weamenele = 25 kN] m3 f re: o96/- 198) Chant) IB Lie Load Chi) aa || -C stlete! haam Ts: £25 fe AS dlypuncling On | bed Auilcling) |] I | a. Now. jo sue 1h cy aa finish loach _CEEL) IL Paatitien watt teal CPWL) Milf alba cw) SO) 4 Lb + FEL + PUL || Factoud teacl Cw) Aue he | ||iv) Mernent-Cateulation I I Dest eae Ca) hil Jt fog = ot, i tye |e eg a ohh Bee IM fant ee tabh Ts: 456: 2000 | Gece Check fon cpt sucedor fauna — +—— II face NOTE bate {a(6)[olé|aja}alz Jr 2s || = ™, fone Fe SR sig | d, Ux 0.138 feck I | ae. 0.133 feck b tt be ah J ae Statemml_}o check whiten Hs cpl, || ee _satispe Ta fe Arty 12 ol) Mee eae I = Page No.|23 date {O166lel{afola)2 || experiment No. {Experiment | Reinforcement Details | I 2 ain_ueinfareement lang shorter span I |} || Area of steel Reinforrermint _CAzt) I! Tbe chtieh agih cfeels Lt ral bed according te | EA piiiOn piso in 4.1.1 Cb) pp- 96 Ts: 46 - 2000 | vie eapecension ts Af ieult to ue. Hamer, ta expsceneian in i < || etiatifcecl as aa is I! ee MO ie IL. A. = OS¢k /}- 1 = 466 «Mux \ by hee xbxdlt tha } Spacing (Sv) Page No.(24) Name of the Experiment ..... BEOET NO. ceonnccton Date { Fall o}6l[ ala Sh Ac Ze Steed baile Ast) ue se Tou La bb *tuy ee Spe re oh Sv, = ana. CCl 36.3.3 (b) CI Page no 46, Ts + \se= 2000), | Leak value af Sv _chaulel be comudinecl fox spacing MIN (Su, Sv, , Svs) | ||Name of the i ee Wed Check IL dipth Lunds shear | ona He _It Statement fo check whet | ET ae IpeLE 0 Z = x. Safe Unsafe’! ) ee Sho berunt h_unscefe change [he contsolling pancarnehen WEE 272 ich.ncll of slab) —untd ib is changeck to safe % 1 || Name of the Experiment Page No.: [26 date 0 \6 \[0]6|(2[o] 2) = || Experiment No t a: TE _/-tx) < (4s) “safe”. “Vacope" ) | A lactuct a Allowable || LE =.statenent in unsafe chonge Ha _Aimbsolling — ganarn || until it is changecl fo safe I ix) Check foo _oraching = I ||. Main steel proutecl should be meu thar 0.12 f He | Geass ane z _|[- Spacing of steel is < ad i ase: of ban wd stad gualn to =

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