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The Traffic Sources

● Referrals

○ Friends telling friends. Like when you like a movie and tell your buddy to
watch it too.

■ Customers bringing customers

■ Affiliates bringing customers

■ F&F bringing customers

● Cold Outbound/Prospecting

○ Knocking on strangers' doors. You reach out to people who might not know
about the product yet.

■ 1) Social Media Outreach

● LinkedIn

● Facebook

● Instagram

● Twitter

■ 2) Cold Emails

■ 3) Cold Calls

● Organic

○ Growing your own veggies. People find you naturally, like discovering a new
favorite song on the radio.

■ Social Media

● Instagram

● Twitter

● YouTube

● LinkedIn

■ Blogs

■ Newsletters

● Paid Ads

○ Putting up a billboard. You pay to show your product to more people.

■ FB

■ Instagram

■ Google

■ YouTube

○ Types of Ads

■ 4) Lead Ads → Calls

■ 5) LP/VSL Funnels
The SEXY Offer Framework
● Simple Value Proposition
○ Offer - Clear and straightforward.
○ Make it easy for people to understand what you're providing.
○ Questions to ask yourself
■ Are you solving an actual problem?
■ Does your audience actually need your thing?
■ Does it provide any transformation?
● Educated Audience
○ Target people who already know a bit about your service or product.
○ They're more likely to be interested.
○ Questions to ask yourself
■ Is the market big enough?
■ Will they respond to your message?
■ Do they have enough money to buy?
● X-factor AKA Copywriting
○ Build Lead Magnets – Offer something valuable for free
■ Looms
■ Guides
■ Free Trials
■ Consultation Session
○ Questions to ask yourself
■ Do you have something they want?
■ How much is it worth if you solve their problem?
● Yield
○ Volume + Profitability = SUCCESS
○ More Leads mean more chances and big deals bring big profits.
○ Questions to ask yourself
■ How many lead does it require to sell one thing?
■ How much is this one thing worth?
■ How much does it cost you to sell that one thing?
Offer Creation Table
● Add what would you do to take your prospect from the current state to the desired
state and the potential impact of the steps.

Problem Solution Implementation Impact

● Consider the 80-20 rule. You can’t solve all the problems for your clients.

● But pick those 20% of the problems by solving which you can impact your client’s
business by 80%

Example Challenges - Digital Marketing Agency for Restaurants

For a digital marketer serving restaurants. The following can be used


Problem Solution Implementation Impact

Low-profit margins - Direct - Dot Pay & Pet - Add as much as

channels Pooja platforms 25% of profit
margins without
- Delivery Fleet depending on
Swiggy & Zomato
- Run paid ads
through FB, IG &

- Location

Low repeat customers - Season - Do Whatsapp - You can bring in

friendly offer marketing 10-12% more
- Retargeting - Promote on Social subsequently
media increasing profits
- Discounts by a similar
- Customer Loyalty percentage.
Low number of customers - Brand - Post relatable - 20% increase in
Awareness social media brand recall, and
content about 15% rise in
- Good orders.
followings on - Offline branding
social media
- Behind the scenes
- Good GMB showing
reviews authenticity of the
- Direct
response ads - Ask people to
leave a review
- Aggregator (incentivize it if
management possible)
(Swiggy &
Zomato) - Manage Swiggy &

Opportunity loss - Get more - Cold outreach to - Add as much as

corporate corporates to 3L/mo with just
orders bring in more and corporate deals
larger order

Negative online reviews - Speak with - Calling and - Reduce negative

customers and emailing your reviews
give them a angry customers
better deal - Increase brand
showing them - Have a support reputation
you care channel
1. Offer Creation Live Example:
Watch me Create an SMMA offer LIVE (FREE SESSION)
2. FB Outreach Scripts: FB Outreach Template
3. Linkedin Outreach Template: LinkedIn Led Gen Mastery
4. LinkedIn outreach: LinkedIn Lead Generation (COMPLETE COURSE)
5. FB Lead Generation (Intro):
6. F&F Script: F&F Script

Book Recommendation
1. Eugene Schwartz - Breakthrough Advertising
2. Sabri Suby - Sell Like Crazy
3. Alex Hormozi - $100M Offers
4. Alex Hormozi - $100M Leads

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