Do Thái Nè

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1. Sự thông minh, thành công người do thái??

+ Mở đầu với số liệu + hình ảnh

- = 193 NOBEL PRIZES in science, economics, literature and
even PEACE.(pictures)
- = 11.6% of the global billionaires(pictures)
- Dẫn dẫn người nghe đến NỘI DUNG CHÍNH:
“The intelligence and success of the Jewish people.
Educational methods and lessions
+ Who is JEWS( ng do thái)? VIDEO “…”
+Why are they smart?(2 perspectives)

- Cultural Emphasis on Education and Learning :

+ Jewish culture values education highly, creating
an environment that nurtures academic achievement and
critical thinking skills.
+The historical presence of Jewish scholars and
intellectuals and a tradition of esteeming learning
reinforce the awareness of intelligence within Jewish
+ Families prioritize education, nurturing a strong
work ethic and a dedication to intellectual development
from an early age.

- Strategies and adaptability in the face of

+ Throughout history, Jewish individuals have
encountered difficulties and discrimination, enhancing the
development of adaptive coping mechanisms and
resilience.( cơ chế đối phó thích ứng và khả năng phục
+ Navigating challenging circumstances will
cultivate cognitive flexibility, problem-solving abilities,
and resourcefulness, traits commonly linked to
2.Bí quyết phương pháp. What makes them outstanding?
- Maybe you think the method are so marvelous.
However, all they have are correct, reasonable and
creative mindset. Is it so vague?
(to put it simply through some sectors)
+ Investment:
* Value Investing: Jewish investors often
prioritize thorough research and analysis, seeking out companies
or assets with strong fundamentals, stable cash flows, and
potential for growth. This discipline approach to investing aligns
with Jewish values of prudence( sự cẩn trọng) and careful
management of resources.
* Diversification: Jewish investors may
diversify their portfolios across stocks, bonds, real estate,
commodities, and alternative investments to achieve a balanced
and resilient investment strategy. This approach reflects a cautious
and prudent(cẩn trọng) approach to wealth management. And so
+Nurture and education
* Values-Based Parenting: Jewish parents often
employ values-based parenting approaches that emphasize
character development, life-long learning, and ethical behavior.
Jewish values, such as compassion( lòng trắc ẩn), justice, kindness,
and respect for others, are integrated into parenting practices and
daily interactions with children.
+Personal development
* Continual Learning and Skill Development:
Jewish communities encourage continual learning and skill
development as pathways to personal growth and fulfillment.
Individuals follow educational opportunities, professional training,
and personal enrichment activities to expand their knowledge,
talents, and interests.
3. Oke move on to third section today, We are students so I think
we can obtain some skills or method of the Jews in Education(3
outstanding things)
-first: Critical Thinking and Inquiry-Based Learning: Jewish education
encourages critical thinking, inquiry-based learning, and intellectual
+ We need to question, analyze, and interpret texts, fostering
independent thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Any content we
obtain in school, we need to analyze in-depth and find the critical point of
it’s content.(That’s critical thinking).
+ Inquiry-based learning is an educational approach that centers
around the student's active engagement in the learning process through
inquiry, exploration, and discovery. So we need to find out what we are
interested and immersed in. Therefore, we’ll approach it in smart way
through Questioning, Exploration, Research and Teacher Facilitation and

- second: Adaptation to Contemporary Challenges

+We knew a bit the historical background of The Jews, Throrough
the history, they experienced many migrations and exiles(lưu vong)
due to discrimination and violence from other countries. If they want to
survive, they need to learn, adapt and immerse in other countries in
carefully rapid way.
+ Correctly, Expecially in Revolution 4.0 of Technology and
Science, there are lots of Obstacles such as” artificial intelligent or
decrease of jobs, information explosion and so forth…” We need to
adapt and change rapidly to overcome these difficulties. This is our
problem in 4.0 era.
- Last: Community Involvement and Support:
+ Jewish communities actively engage in supporting educational
idividuals, providing resources, mentorship, and communal support to
promote academic excellence and personal growth. The involvement of
families, religious institutions, and community organizations creates a
supportive ecosystem that nurtures educational success.

+ What we can apply to enrich your educational experience and

contribute positively to your community from The Jews are as follow:

* Seek Mentorship and Guidance: Seek mentorship and

guidance from community leaders, professionals, or educators who can
support and mentor you

* Join Community Organizations and Attend Community Events:

Engaging in community events provides opportunities to learn from diverse
perspectives, build relationships, and contribute your ideas and talents to
community initiatives.

4. Some outstanding people in the Technology Science and the Economy

Mark Zuckerberg: Co-founder and CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg is

one of the most influential figures in the technology industry.(ảnh của ông

Michael Dell: Founder and CEO of Dell Technologies, Michael Dell is a

prominent figure in the computer industry.(ảnh tiếp)
Michael Bloomberg: An American businessman, politician, and
philanthropist(nhà từ thiện), Michael Bloomberg is the co-founder and CEO
of Bloomberg L.P., a global financial services, software, and media

Lloyd Blankfein: A former chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs, Lloyd

Blankfein played a key role in leading one of the world's largest investment
banks through the global financial crisis

AND SO ON………………. Etcetera

Game QUIZ:


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