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Bansri Pandey


❑Sketching Lines
❑Files required for this tutorial: “TutorialLines_Input_LearningRevitOnline.rvt” (If you do not
have this file, please download it from here.)

❑Modeling Walls
❑Files required for this tutorial: “TutorialWalls_Input_LearningRevitOnline.rvt” (If you do not
have this file, please download it from here.)

❑Assignment review
❑Files required for this tutorial:
 “TutorialDoors_Input_LearningRevitOnline.rvt”
 Door Family files: “Door_Single Panel.rfa” and “Door_Entrance.rfa”
 Door Tag Family file: “Door Tag_Type Mark.rfa”

❑Files required for this tutorial:
 “TutorialComponent_Input_LearningRevitOnline.rvt”
 Component Family file: “Furniture_Sofa.rfa” and “Plumbing_WC.rfa””
In this tutorial, you will learn,
•To load a family into the project
•To customize the door sizes and create new
door types
•To place a door in the project
•To adjust the position of the door using
permanent dimension and equality constraint
•Use temporary dimensions to adjust the
position of the door
•Use Move Tool to adjust the position of the
•Use Align tool to adjust the position of the
1.Open tutorial file
‘TutorialDoors_Input_LearningRevitOnline.rvt’ in Revit. This
project file already contains walls in the Basement and Ground
Floor levels.
2.Navigate to the floor plan of “00 Ground Level”.
3.Doors are loadable families which means we will first need to
load the family of the doors from the library (if it is not already
loaded in your project).
4.Click Insert tab -> Load from Library panel -> Load Family
5.Navigate to the folder where you have downloaded and
saved the Door_Single Panel.rfa (If you do not have this file yet,
please download it from here).
6.Select the file and Click Open.
7.The family has been loaded into the project.
8.Now, before we add the doors into our model, we must create
the Door types with the specific sizes as required for our project.
1. Click Architecture tab -> Build panel -> Door
 Alternatively, use “DR”as keyboard shortcut.

2. From the type selector, select any of the types available for Door_Single
Panel family.
3. From the properties, select Edit Type to access Type properties palette.
4. Click Duplicate to create a new Door Type. In the Name dialog box, give a
new name to the door type “Door_Single Panel_0.9 x 2.1”
5. Click Ok to the Name dialog box.
6. Now, change the parameters Width to 0.9m value and Height to 2.1m value.
7. Click OK to the Type Properties dialog box. A new Door type has been
8. Click Esc to end the Door tool.
9. Load the family Door_Entrance.rfa
10. Create a new door type for the Door_Entrance.rfa family. Name the new
Door type as “Door_Entrance_1.50 x 2.63” and change the size parameters
to width = 1.50m and height = 2.63m
11. Now, as all the door types are prepared, we can begin to place doors in the
1. Click Architecture tab -> Build panel -> Door
 Alternatively, use “DR”as keyboard shortcut.

2. Select the Door type Door_Entrance_1.50 x 2.63 from the type selector.
3. In the drawing area, move your cursor towards the wall where you would like to place the
door (between Grid C4-C5 as shown below). Listening dimensions (in blue) will appear to
support you to find the position on the wall.
4. Click on the wall to place the door. Do not worry about the exact positioning of the door
or orientation at this moment. You can adjust this after you have placed the door.
5. Click Esc twice to end the Door tool. Note that after placing the door, Revit has made an
appropriate opening in the wall automatically.
6. Click on the door that you have placed. Flip arrows will appear in the middle of the door.
Click on the flip arrows if you wish to change the orientation of the door.
We would like to position the door exactly in the center of the two neighboring walls
as shown below. To do this, the best way is to use permanent dimension and equality
1. Go to Annotate tab -> Dimension panel -> Aligned
2. On the options bar, select Wall Center line and Pick: Individual References
3. Click the center line of the wall on Grid 4.
4. Click on the center of the Door.
5. Click the center line of the wall on Grid 5.
6. Click on empty space to place the dimension. Click Esc twice to end the Dimension tool.
7. Select the dimension that you have placed.
8. There is a small “EQ” sign besides the dimension. Click on this EQ sign.
9. The dimension values will change and display text EQ instead of the values. This shows that the
dimensions from the wall center line to the center of the door on both sides have been
constrained to be equal. The position of the door has adjusted accordingly. If the wall moves,
the door will also move with it to maintain the equal distance to its center.
10. Click Esc to deselect the dimension.
1. Place the door type “Door_Single Panel_0.9 x 2.1” near Grid F-2 as shown
2. Select the door after placing it. Temporary dimensions
will appear. Click on the temporary dimension’s value
and change it to 0.7m as shown below to place the
door 0.7m away from the wall on Grid G.
3. Drag a control for the witness line (the blue dots shown
in the image) to a different reference, if needed (for
ex: from center of the wall to face of the wall)
4. Alternatively, right-click the witness line control, and
click Move Witness Line. You can then move the witness
line to a new reference.
1. Place the door type “Door_Single Panel_0.9 x 2.1” as shown below (near Grid H-3)
2. Now, for this door, we would like to position the right door frame attached to the right
wall. To do this, the best way would be to use Move tool.
3. Go to Modify tab -> Modify panel ->
 Alternatively, use “MV” as a keyboard

4. Click on the edge of the right door

frame as the base point.
5. Click on the edge of the wall where the
door frame needs to be moved.
6. After the door has been moved, click
Esc to end the Move tool.
1. Place the door type “Door_Single
Panel_0.9 x 2.1” as shown below.
2. Now, the door on Grid I is at the same
parallel position as the entrance door on
Grid C. To align both of these doors, use
Align tool.
3. Go to Modify tab -> Modify panel -> Align
 Alternatively, use “AL” as a keyboard shortcut.

4. Click on the center line of the entrance door on Grid C to set it as a reference.
5. Now, click on the center line of the door on Grid I to align with the reference.
6. Both doors are now aligned with each other.
7. Click Esc to end the Align tool.
1. Insert tab -> Load from Library panel ->
Load the “Door Tag_Type Mark.rfa”
2. Annotate tab -> Tag Panel -> Tag All ->
Tag all not tagged dialog box will
appear -> select Door Tags (ensure the
Door Tag_Type Mark family is selected)
3. Click OK.
4. Tags will be placed on all doors modeled
in that view.
1. Select one of the door tags. The text will be
highlighted as blue meaning that it is editable.
Click on the text to change it.
2. Change the text to “D1”.
3. Revit will give a warning that you are
changing a type parameter and that would
affect all instances of that type. -> Click Yes.
4. Note that all instances of that type have “D1”
tags now.
5. Note: The tag is using “Type Mark” parameter
of the door which can also be changed from
the door’s type properties.
•To place a component in the model
•To place a host-based component
•Use Create Similar tool
•To move a host-based component to a
different host
1. Open ‘TutorialComponent_Input_LearningRevitOnline.rvt’ in Revit.
2. Navigate to the floor plan of “00 Ground Level”.
3. Load the component families “Furniture_Sofa.rfa” and
“Plumbing_WC.rfa” into the project.
 Click Insert tab -> Load from Library panel -> Load Family -> Navigate to
the folder where above families are located on your computer -> Select them
-> Open.
4. Go to Architecture tab -> Build panel -> Place a Component
 Alternatively, use “CM”as keyboard shortcut.
5. Select the type for the Furniture_Sofa family from the Type selector.
6. In the drawing area, place the sofa as shown above. Press
Spacebar to change the orientation of the sofa. Do not worry about
the exact position at the moment which can be adjusted after the
sofa has been placed. Click Esc twice to end the Components tool.
7. Click on the Sofa that you have placed.
Temporary dimensions will appear. Use these
dimensions to locate the sofa 0.2m away
from the edge of the wall behind it.
8. Now, position the sofa exactly in the middle
of the Grid 5 – 9 by using equality constraint
as shown below.
1. Ensure that you have already loaded the family Plumbing_WC
in your project.
2. Go to Architecture tab -> Build panel -> Place a Component
 Alternatively, use “CM”as keyboard shortcut.

3. Select the type for the Plumbing_WC family from the Type
4. In the drawing area, notice that you cannot place this
component anywhere. If you take your cursor to a wall, only
then you are able to place this component as it requires the
wall as its host.
5. Click on the wall on Grid-G as shown below to place the WC in
its position. Click Esc to end the component tool.
6. Select the WC component after placing it. Using the temporary
dimensions, adjust the position of the WC to be 0.5m away
from the inner face of the wall on Grid 2 as shown below.
7. Click Esc to deselect the component.
Now, let’s create one more instance of the
same type of WC in another toilet area
of the project as shown below. However,
instead of using a Component tool, you
can use “Create Similar” tool to be more
efficient as we want to create the same
type of component.
1. As you want to make more instances of the same type of
family, select the instance already in the model.
2. Go to Modify tab -> Create panel -> Create Similar (
OR “CS”as keyboard shortcut). If you have selected a
component, Component tool will be active and the same
type from the type selector will be automatically
3. Now, you can continue to place more instances of the
same type.
4. Create similar tool works across all Revit elements (ex.
walls, grids, doors, etc), it immediately activates the tool
required to create another instance of the same type
selected of that particular family. Adds wonders to your
productivity !!
5. Adjust the position using temporary dimensions as
required after placing the component.
After placing a host-based component, if you would like to move it to another host,
Move tool will not be very effective. Instead, use “Pick New Host” tool.
1. Select the component you want to move.
2. Go to Modify tab -> Host panel -> Pick New Host tool.
3. Select a different host element (wall in this case) for the component and place it at
the required position.
 Note: If the component is wall-based, you can only select a new host for that component to be a
wall. It cannot be placed to a different category of host for which it has not been created.

4. Click Esc to end the Pick New Host tool.

❑Doors Please find the notes of today’s
❑To load a family into the project session at:
❑To customize the door sizes and create new door types
❑To place a door in the project ❑Modeling Doors and Windows
❑To adjust the position of the door using permanent dimension and
equality constraint ❑Modeling
❑Use temporary dimensions to adjust the position of the door
❑Use Move Tool to adjust the position of the door
❑Use Align tool to adjust the position of the door

Practice Tutorials:
❑To place a component in the model ❑Modeling Doors
❑To place a host-based component
❑Use Create Similar tool ❑Modeling Windows
❑To move a host-based component to a different host
❑Modeling Furniture

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