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Moch. Sroedji
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Tourism potential in indonesia

The tourism sector has an important role as a source of foreign exchange
earnings, and can encourage national economic growth, especially in reducing
unemployment and increasing a country's productivity. The tourism sector is one
of the strategic sectors that must be utilized for tourism development as part of
national development. Tourism development has the ultimate goal of increasing
people's income which can ultimately improve community welfare and economic
growth. Tourism development also encourages and accelerates economic growth.
Tourism activities create demand, both consumption and investment, which in
turn will give rise to the production of goods and services. This research examines
the influence of tourism on economic growth in Indonesia based on time series
data during 1975 - 2017. This research uses a simultaneous equation model
estimated with two stage least squares. The results show that tourism has a
positive effect on economic growth and conversely economic growth has a
positive effect on tourism. Other factors that influence tourism in Indonesia are
the exchange rate and inflation. Tourism can increase foreign exchange
earnings, creating jobs, stimulating the growth of the tourism industry, therefore it
can trigger economic growth, moreover it can encourage various countries to
develop the tourism sector. Tourism contributes to economic growth through
various channels including foreign currency earnings, attracting international

Maximizing Indonesia's Tourism Potential
The government has prepared a number of plans in the tourism and
creative economy sectors to maximize foreign exchange earnings. Safety and
comfort come first.

Foreign tourists enjoy the panorama of stepped rice fields in Jatiluwih

Village, located in the Penebel area, Tabanan Regency, Bali, Friday
(08/09/2019). Jatiluwih Village has been designated by UNESCO as a World
Cultural Heritage since 2012 because it has unique and distinctive
characteristics in its agricultural system, namely by using the concept of Tri
Hita Karana philosophy. Starting from local wisdom, now Jatiluwih has
transformed as a Bali terracing tourist destination besides Ubud
The potential foreign exchange receipts from the tourism and creative
economy sectors this year are estimated to reach 44 billion US dollars. To
maximize the acquisition of this potential, the government includes strategic
plans, including safety and security programs, national single imagery, and
creative economy development.
Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy/Tourism and Creative
Economy Agency Wishnutama Kusubandio in a working meeting with
Commission X of the House of Representatives, Wednesday (29/1/2020), in
Jakarta, emphasized, The safety and security of tourism destinations affect
tourist visits. This factor is the main consideration for tourists before
deciding to travel.

The number of foreign tourist visits (tourists) rose from 15.8 million
visits in 2018 to 16.3 million visits in 2019. Indonesian tourist trips (vishnus)
rose from 303 million visits in 2018 to 308 million visits in 2019.
Over the past year, in addition to the impact of the United States-
China trade war, there have been several challenges and obstacles that color
the performance of tourist visits and trips to Indonesia. These factors include
acts of terrorism, elections, and demonstrations. Natural disaster events, such
as the Sunda Strait tsunami, also have a major effect. These four factors are
related to safety and security issues

Wishnutama said, in 2019, Indonesia was also the target of travel advice
from several countries, including Australia and the United States.
"If Indonesia's status is safe and comfortable, we are optimistic that foreign tourist
visits can increase by 20-30 percent. Therefore, from now on we routinely create
an early warning system when natural disasters occur. We will also communicate
security strategies at destinations with other ministries/agencies," he said.
Meanwhile, regarding national single branding, Wishnutama explained, it
was related to Indonesia's promotion in all fields, such as trade and investment
activities abroad. The concept was launched in August 2020, coinciding with the
commemoration of Indonesia's In dependence Day.

Creative economy

Regarding the development of the creative economy, he gave an example

of the film subsector as one way to attract tourist visits. The government will
optimize one-stop services for investment and film production, film tax
incentives, and the establishment of regional film commissions.

Local creative economy products, such as coffee, will be used as assets to

image Indonesia on the world stage. The method starts from advancing the brand,
coffee plantation tourism, coffee drinks, and exports. It will add to the
attractiveness of the destination.

"Our priority is to bring in quality visits, which are measured from the
length of stay to the average value of expenditure, so that foreign exchange
increases. We are working to create additional destinations, attract those coming
from countries outside the region, and make them stay longer," he said.

Prioritas kami adalah mendatangkan kunjungan berkualitas

Its Time To Speak

Read and learn this conversation

 Man: Do you know why the meeting was postponed?
 Woman: Yes, we need a room where we can use a
 Man: What about the place where we had the party?
 Woman: What party?
 Man: You know, the party when Kevin got promoted.
 Woman: Oh, yeah. That will work.

Lets Learn !!!

Situation :
John and Susan work in the same office. Another colleague, Larry, had asked
them to meet with him on Monday morning at 7:00 a.m. to discuss a pressing
It is now 7:20 a.m. on Monday. John and Susan are in the office. Larry has not
shown up or called. Read the conversation that John and Susan are having:
John: Where is Larry?
Susan: I don't know where he is.
John: When did he leave the house?
Susan: I can't tell you when he left. I called his place five minutes ago,
but no one answered.
John: He must be on his way then. How does he get to the office? Does he
Susan: I've never asked him how he gets here.
John: Why don't we ask his secretary what time she expects him?
Susan: None of the secretaries get in before 8:30. I'm sure we're the only
ones here this early.

John: I hope Larry's okay. I'm getting kind of worried about what might
have happened to him.
Susan: He's probably stuck in traffic. Why he wanted to meet so early is
a mystery to me!

Function of a Noun Clause
The underlined statements in the preceding conversation are all examples of noun
Noun clauses are used in a sentence to describe actions which are subordinate to
the main action of the sentence.
Let's look closely at some of John's and Susan's statements:
John: When did he leave the house?
Susan: I don't know when he left.

 The action expressed in John's question is leave.

 The main action expressed in Susan's response is know.

"When he left" describes an action which is subordinate to the main action

(know) of the sentence.
A noun clause gets its name from the function it serves.

A noun is the name of a person, place, or thing.

Examples of nouns are:

 my boss
 the affidavit
 a witness

A noun can function as:

(1) subject of a verb
- His reasons are a mystery to me.

(2) object of a (transitive) verb

- I don't know his location.

(3) object of a preposition

- I'm worried about my colleague.

A clause is composed of a subject and a verb.

Examples of clauses are:
- She knows
- My boss went
- The client isn't coming

A noun clause has the same functions as a noun.
A noun clause can function as:
(1) the subject of a verb
(2) the object of a verb
(3) the object of a preposition

For example:
(1) subject of a verb
His reasons are a mystery to me.
Why he wanted to meet is a mystery to me.

(2) object of a verb

I don't know his location.
I don't know where he is.

(3) object of a preposition

I'm worried about my colleague.
I'm worried about what might have happened to him.

In each of the above examples, the noun has been replaced by a description of that

The description is expressed by means of a subject and a verb, that is, by means of
a clause.

Form of a Noun Clause
As explained earlier, noun clauses function in the sentence to describe actions
which are subordinate to the main action.
Therefore, a noun clause must be introduced by a subordinating conjunction.
A conjunction is a word that joins two actions. And and but are typical
For example:
She leaves work and picks up her kids from school.
He understands almost everything, but he has a hard time expressing

The subordinating conjunction joins a subordinate action to the main action.

For example:

The first word of the noun clause must be a subordinating conjunction.

Because most noun clauses describe who, what, when, where, whose, which, and
how, the subordinating conjunctions used to introduce noun clauses are almost
always WH-words.

For example:
They can't remember where they put that file.
(1) The wh-word indicates the kind of information the noun clause contains:
location = where.

(2) The subject of the noun clause must follow the subordinating conjunction:
where they.
(3) The verb of the noun clause follows the subject, just as in any other clause:
where they put

Sometimes the subordinator is used as the subject of the noun clause. For
I can't remember who told me that.
I'm very interested in what happened.
In these instances, the verb follows the wh-word.

REMEMBER Use sentential -- not interrogative -- word order in noun clauses.

CORRECT : We objected to what she said.
INCORRECT : We objected to what did she say.

The function of the auxiliary (do, did) in the interrogative is to notify the listener
(or the reader) that a question is being asked. Information is requested in a
question, and the listener/reader must typically provide this information in his/her
For example:
Why did he leave the firm?
The listener/reader has to provide an answer:
Because he . . . .
However, in the following statement:
I can't tell you why he left the firm.
there is no information requested.
I can't tell you why he left the firm.
is equivalent to:
I can't tell you his reason

Answer the following questions using a noun clause as indicated:
 What did the client say?
I can't discuss what the client said.

1. Where are they holding next month's conference?

I don't know ________________________.

2. When will they be ready for trial?

They haven’t told me _______________________.

3. How much are they claiming in damages?

I still haven’t heard ______________________.

4. Who are their key witnesses?

We’ll find out tomorrow _________________________.

5. Why didn’t they include an arbitration clause in that contract?

I can't understand ________________________.

6. Whose office should we use?

It doesn't matter _________________________.

7. What is the definition of materiality in that jurisdiction?

My associate is checking _____________________

It’s Your Turn

1. Where are they holding next month's conference?
I don't know where they're holding next month's conference.

2. When will they be ready for trial?

They haven’t told me when they’ll be ready for trial.

3. How much are they claiming in damages?

I still haven’t heard how much they’re claiming in damages.

4. Who are their key witnesses?

We’ll find out tomorrow who their key witnesses are.

5. Why didn’t they include an arbitration clause in that contract?

I can't understand why they didn’t include an arbitration clause in that

6. Whose office should we use?

It doesn't matter whose office we use.

7. What is the definition of materiality in that jurisdiction?

My associate is checking what the definition of materiality is in that


Express Your

Write down the funniest experience you have ever

had with your friend!


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