Sample Portfolio For Teaching Interns

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Sample Portfolio for Teaching Interns

Bachelor of Secondary Education (Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University)

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I, the student-teacher would like to express my sincerest gratitude and

deepest appreciation to the following people who have helped, encouraged, and
inspired me to accomplish this teaching portfolio, in one way or another:

To my Grade 7 students, who allowed me to impart my knowledge and

who embraced me whole-heartedly while I’m still in the process of becoming a
true teacher. Thank you for respecting me as your practice teacher and being
cooperative during our class discussion. Thank you for making my teaching
internship memorable and fulfilling.

To Mr. Jan Kenneth Laguardia, the Principal of DMMMSU-LHS and the

supervising teacher of BSEd-Science IVB. Thank you for giving us your unending
support and your impartment of knowledge and expertise for us to hone our
skills to become the best in our craft and chosen profession.

To my cooperating teacher Ma’am Katherine Jane Carino, who has utmost

patience when teaching and mentoring us to deliver our best during our teaching
demonstrations. Thank you for helping me throughout my journey by guiding me
and encouraging throughout my time in my teaching internship.

To all the professors and teachers who shared their expertise and
experience. Thank you for supporting and guiding us to become a better teacher
in the future.

To DMMMSU-SLUC thank you for becoming my home and shaping me for

what I am today. Thank you for giving me the right tools and inspiring me to
become a better version of myself.

To my family and friends who supported me through my ups and downs.

Thank you for being there when I was unmotivated and stress. Thank you for

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always cheering me on and appreciating me and reminding me that I can do it.

To my Mama and Papa, thank you for your unending love and support to
me. Thank you for raising me for who I am today, without you by my side I
wouldn’t be the person that everybody would know. I am truly grateful for all the
sacrifices that you both made for me to be where I am today. And lastly, I will do
my very best to returned what you have given to me, I am truly forever grateful.

And to those who remain unnamed but contributed and showed me love and
support, a big thanks to you.

Above all, the Lord Almighty for giving me the blessing for what I have today.
For always giving me strong heart and determination for me to keep on going.
Thank you for giving me challenges that you know I would be able to overcome
which led to me becoming a better individual.

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This portfolio is dedicated to those people who are consistently always there
for me despite the struggles and problems that have come on my way, they are
still there cheering me on. As well as those individuals who became a part and the
reason for my completion of this portfolio thank you!

To my teachers, professors, classmates and friends who became my driving

force throughout my journey as an intern. A big thank you for all those
inspirations that have given me the motivation to accomplish my portfolio

To my Family my aunts, uncles, cousins, my sister and brother and also to my

papa and mama. I dedicate all of this to you guys, without you here since day 1 I
wouldn’t be here doing this today. Thank you for becoming my strength and
motivation in fulfilling my dreams

Above all, I dedicate all of this to the Lord almighty for giving me the strength
to overcome all my trials and hardships.

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Lord, thank you for everything

Thank you for your daily blessings and guidance for us teachers

Thank you for giving us the chance to touch the heart of our students

Lord, we know that we are still lacking in many ways

Please give us the will and determination to avoid making a sin

Lord, you know that us teacher have our own plans

As a teacher, please give us the wisdom to impart our knowledge

And also give us the heart that can show compassion

Please give us teachers strength and endurance to perform our task

Lord, for you we will be your instrument in leading our students to the right path

Please keep on molding us to be a better version of ourselves

I pray all of these things in your powerful name Jesus Christ our savior


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TITLE PAGE…................................................................................................................2
APPROVAL SHEET…………………………………………………………………….3
PRAYERS FOR TEACHERS……………………………………………………………………………….9
TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………………………………..10
INTRODUCTION…......................................................................................................... 12
Teaching Internship Experiences....................................................................................................... 21
1. On Content Knowledge and Pedagogy.............................................................26
2. On Learning Environment….............................................................................28
3. On Diversity of Learners…................................................................................29
4. On Curriculum and Planning….........................................................................30
5. On Assessment and Reporting….......................................................................31
6. On Community Linkages and Professional Engagement….............................32
7. On Personal Growth and Professional Development…...................................33
1. Lesson Plans…...................................................................................................34
2. Snapshots of Instructional Materials..............................................................................55
3. Snapshots with Colleagues…............................................................................61

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4. Certificate of Participation in Teaching Internship Orientation………………63

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN …………………………………………………………..64
LITERATURE CITED………………………………………………………………………………………65
CURRICULUM VITAE…………………………………………………………………………………….66

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Education is one of the keys to success it has become a great equalizer to the
majority. There are no one who will be choosing who will become an educated
person. This gives every child the chance to go to school and can level the playing
field for disadvantaged children. Educators or teachers are the ones who gives the
services in imparting knowledge, skills and values to the future nation builders of
our nation.

Teaching is said to be the “noblest profession” I do agree with that since we are
not only teaching our students the knowledge they need to acquire. But we also
touch their hearts and inspire them to become a better person in our society. With
this teacher are look up to by all person in the community as they serve as role
model among the youths and the future generation of our nation.

Teaching internship is the training grounds of the future agent of learning. This
is where all future teacher will first hand experience on what they will likely
become. During this internship, interns will apply all the knowledge, theories,
pedagogies they have learn so far in an actual situation.

John Dewey emphasized “learning by doing”, it is said that in order for a person
to learn an individual should be doing a hands-on approach learning, meaning a
person should be put in an environment in order to experience it first hand, to adapt
and learn. Therefore, teaching internship is crucial to us teaching interns since for us
to become the best in our future profession. We should hone ourselves and practice
our skills and abilities to be ready and prepared to become a great teacher who will
lead the future generation.

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a very humble beginning. It started as an Agricultural High School known as the La
Union Agricultural School (LUAS) by the virtue of area RA of 2969 on June 08, 1960,
under the supervision of the former La Union School of Arts and Trades (LUSAT).
Eight years later, it was converted to an Agricultural College names DON MARIANO
Campus of the University.

On December 10, 1974 the former President of the Philippines, Ferdinand E.

Marcos signed P.D No. 615 converting College of Agriculture into a State College. On
April 12, 1979 through the P.D No. 1617, the Balaoan School of Fisheries in Paraoir,
Balaoan La Union was integrated to the DON MARIANO MARCOS MEMORIAL STATE

On January 15, 1989 after seven years of being State College, the Don
Mariano Marcos Memorial State University (DMMMSU) was created to fulfill the
aspiration of the people for the University for Rural Development P.D 1778
integrated (5) distinct colleges/ schools namely: (1) The Don Mariano Marcos
Memorial State College (DMMMSC) as the main Campus ; (2) The La Union School of
Arts and Trades (LUSAT), in San Fernando founded in 1907, as its College of
Engineering and Technology ; (3) The Southern Ilocos Polytechnic State College
( SIPSC) created by P.D No. 1176 Integrated La Union National High School , Agoo ,
Santo Tomas College of Fisheries and the Rosario National Agriculture School in
Rosario La Union was reconstituted in the College of Arts and Sciences , the College
of Fisheries, the College of Agriculture;
(4) the former Community College in La Union (CCLU) founded in San Fernando by
the Provincial Board was identified as the College of Liberal Arts ; (5) the Sapilang

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Elementary School , formerly under the Department of Education Culture and Sports


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(DECS), was integrated into the main campus as its Laboratory Elementary School.
Dr. Bienvenido P. Agpaoa became the first University President until he joined the
creator in October 1988. Dr. Agpaoa’s stewardships were defined by massive
infrastructure development.

During the interim period from Dr. Agpaoa’s death and Dr. Corpus’
assumption into the office, the University affairs were managed by Dr. Pablito G.
Picardal as the Officer – in – Charge.

In accordance with six – year development planned (1993 – 1998) and the
principle of consolidation of resources for cost effectiveness, Dr. Manuel T. Corpus
reorganized the University into three major campuses namely; North La Union
Campus in Bacnotan as the Main Campus; Mid La Union Campus in San Fernando
City; South La Union Campus in Agoo.

The College of Education (CE), College of Sciences (CS), Institute of

Community Health and Medical Sciences (ICHAMS), Institutes of Computer Sciences
(ICS), the Institute of Fisheries (IF) in Santo Tomas and Institute of Agriculture (IA)
in Rosario Comprise the South La Union.

DMMMSU LABORATORY HIGH SCHOOL in indeed one of the best schools

who trains students to be successful with their records on many achievers and
alumni who are now successful in life and are now making their way into the great

The LHS principal is also one of the professors of the College of Education- BSE
department Mr. Jan Kenneth M. Laguardia also helps the students and the teachers
be on its right track.

A School is not complete without the students. But a school will be not
functionable when there are no teachers available and ready to teach young minds in


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order to build their own journey to success.


Total human development with appropriate competencies.


A premier and globally competitive university.


Provides relevant quality instruction, research, and extension.


To lead in transforming human resources into productive self-reliant citizens

and responsible leaders.


To provide distance education to people who have no access to schools, colleges, and
universities, or to those who, for one reason or another, cannot avail themselves of
the conventional mode of instruction.


1. To offer formal and non-formal distance education programs in administration,

education, entrepreneurship, art sciences, and agriculture;

2. To assist in the development of middle and high-level manpower required for

economic growth and recovery and to enhance their employability, productivity, and


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3. To promote self-reliant learning through the use of self-learning materials and
activities under minimal supervision of the learning facilitator and tutor; and

4. To participate in the promotion of universal literary and equity of access to



DMMMSU envisions to become a globally competitive university. To attain

its vision, the University commits to:

1. Deliver quality service in instruction, research, and extension in compliance with

applicable statutory and regulatory requirements;
2. Develop employee competencies, creativity, empowerment, and accountability
through innovative programs, strong management engagement and commitment;
3. Achieve a high level of clientele satisfaction.


1. Increase the percentage of board passers to 38% and the employment rate of
graduates to 40% at the end of the year; 19
2. Increase the percentage of research outputs and publications to 27%;
3. Increase the percentage of approved research proposals to 10%;
4. Increase the percentage of extension services to 95%;
5. Comply with the applicable statutory/regulatory requirements to 100%;
6. Implement the Faculty and Staff Development Plan;
7. Improve the utilization of machines/equipment;
8. Improve budget utilization rate to 95%; and


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9. Achieve at least 80% of client satisfaction.


1. Service. Service to our customers.

2. Productivity. Productivity with passion for work.
3. Excellence. Excellence in our programs through scholarly undertakings
4. Commitment. Commitment to delivering our mandates.
5. Innovativeness. Innovation towards attaining operative systems, breakthroughs,
and milestones.
6. Advocacy. Advocacy in transforming lives.
7. Leadership. Leadership for transformation, empowerment, and sustainable

DMMMSU aims to produce highly competent, specialized, and globally
competitive professionals. This is operationalized into graduate attributes that
should be attained by the time students will graduate from the university.

1. Professionally competent. Exemplify the competencies and values required of

their profession.
2. Committed and responsible leader. Demonstrate professional, social, and
ethical responsible consistent with their role as local and global citizens.
3. Effective communicator and collaborator. Communicate effectively and work in
multi-disciplinary teams.
4. Critical thinker and innovator. Use relevant information and research drawn
facts in rendering sound decisions and developing insights for new knowledge.
5. Reflective lifelong learning. Engage in lifelong learning for continuous
professional development.
6. Responsible environment steward. Manage a sustainable environment
promoting peace and prosperity for mankind.


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1. Interlocking Triangle-represents the interdependent, equal triad functions of

the University-Instruction, Research, and Extension.
2. Torch- represents an instruction for the individual’s physical, mental, and
spiritual development.
3. Microscope- represents science, a major university program

4. Tractor- indicates extension activities that will promote economic development.

5. Five (5) Yellow Rings- indicates the five (5) schools/institutions that
originally comprised the university.
6. Twelve (12) Green Valley/Edges of the Seal- indicates the year-round delivery of
quality services to the community.
7. 1981- the year the university was established.


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“The biggest mistake of past centuries in teaching has been to treat all
students as if they have variants of the same individual thus to feel justified in
teaching them all the same subjects the same way”
-Howard Gardner

I grew up in a world where everything in society dictates what I should be

and who I should become. I remember the times when I was just a young kid back
then being bullied and laughed at by others for being different. For that reason, I
tried my very best to try to fit myself into what society wanted me to be. I always do
what others instruct me to do and never really cared about what the “me” would like.
But because of one person, I met during my high school years. I was able to find
myself in a world where everyone is just a reflection of what society dictates. I can
still remember what that person said to me before, “you are special in your very own
way because if people are the same, you won’t be unique and special” I instantly look
back, and thought that she is right! I shouldn’t be afraid to be different from others.
And I began to accept that I am different and all people are also different and special
in their way.

Because of that person I was able to understand why is teaching a noble and
rewarding profession it is not about just educating your students about the
knowledge they need to learn but also touching your student’s hearts with your
inspiring words. A child that only knows knowledge without a heart is only a
monster. This is why there are a lot of monsters being created to this day. Knowledge
and values should be together when you are teaching since instead of a monster that
will be born you will create a human being that possessed knowledge and a
compassionate heart.

There is a saying that “Every child is a potential genius” which is true since


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Howard Gardner stressed that a person has multiple intelligences. It is the job of us
teachers to unlock the potential of our students. We shouldn’t be teaching our
students the same materials over and over again since learners have different
learning styles and what they are good at. I as a teacher should be able to provide
various instructional materials that accommodate all learner’s needs. Just thinking
all of this is not an easy task to accomplish. But because we are teachers, someone,
who teach to serve our students who will be our future leaders of tomorrow. We
shouldn’t be lacking in any aspect of what we teach in terms of knowledge, values,
and skills.

I also believe that learning only happens when the first day of the class starts
with learners already motivated to learn. That’s why it is always important for me to
always come up with different strategies that will cater to the interest of my different
students. The particular reason for this is that learning is a two process it is not only
the job of the teacher to teach but also of learners to make efforts in his/her learning.
With this gaining, their interest is a first step for me to improve their learning process.


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Our seminar internship workshop's last day was a mix of excitement

and nervousness. Since this was a new experience for me, the pressure
and the idea of accepting a new system crept up on me. Despite my
anxiety that day, I had high hopes for finally performing at my assigned
grade level, which was Grade 7 at Laboratory High School. Sir Jan
Kenneth Laguardia, the LHS principal, introduced each of us
individually. As I walked into the seventh-grade class, I was feeling a
mixture of emotions. I gazed at each student in silence, trying to
memorize their different faces.

We first met our cooperating teacher, Ms. Katherine Jane Carino,

on September 14, 2022. We had a great time exchanging concepts and
methods that we may use for our demo teaching. Since this is my first
time meeting our cooperating teacher and I still don't know how to
approach her, I was first a little anxious and hesitant, but after a short
while, we are already having fun exchanging ideas. Since we must
adapt our teaching to the student's comprehension level in grade 7,
several rules and guidelines must be followed.

After five days, our cooperating instructor finally presented our

topic for our demo teaching. But unfortunately, I must admit that I
wasn't in the school during this time because I was also ordered to
report to my San Jacinto Municipality. I was quite enthusiastic as I
continued to message my groups about the topic I would get. But as
soon as I was chosen to do the first teaching demonstration, my hands
began to sweat, and I felt intense pressure and anxiety rising. But
eventually, I calmed down and began to think positively, which helped


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me get the courage to begin studying my topic regarding the

classification of matter.

I had already begun creating my lesson plan for the next day. I
initially started drafting the objectives, each of which was meant to
address a different cognitive, affective, or psychomotor objective. I
then browse or search for my topic on the internet. Making a lesson
plan required a lot of my time because I only created a few detailed
lesson plans over my entire school year. Additionally, when creating a
lesson plan, you should first consider the interests of your students so
that you can maintain their attention during the discussion. This is
crucial since it will make learning interesting for your students.

September 27, 2022 the day of my first demo teaching. I had

already done any possible things that would help me in my demo
teaching. I also took the advice my cooperating teacher said to me
during my pre-consultation, which was to avoid on staying at front
during your demo. As time quickly passed by, it is already time for me
to go to room where the Grade 7 stays at. I quickly readjust myself and
started to setup my presentation and waited until all the students were
inside the class since they are still outside for their recess.

After finishing my first teaching demonstration, I was finally able

to exhale and start to unwind a little. Since the days that followed were
so stressful and I didn't get enough sleep, I wasn't able to give this day
my all. I went to my other interns to discuss what I did, get their
feedback, and get suggestions on how I might have done things better.
They said to have heard Ma'am Katherine praise my presentation for
being very interactive when they initially heard it. I was genuinely
surprised when I heard them say that I thought my presentation was
still lacking but if that’s true then I am really happy. The next thing


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they said was there is a time when my voice can’t be heard especially
by the persons at the back. So, they said that next time I should make
my voice louder for all the students in the class to hear.

For me to quickly readjust and think about what I accomplished

today, I left for home early that day. When I reflect, I can honestly say
that what I accomplished was enough for a teaching intern like myself,
but it is still lacking if I want to become the kind of teacher I had in
mind—one who had the greatest qualities and can work with all kinds
of learners. I also really want to know what my cooperating teacher
thought of how I did in my teaching demonstration, but I wasn't able to
hear what she had to say since she was so busy, and I can understand
her because she didn't have the luxury of time.

The 25th Day of October was the day our cooperating teacher
gave our topics for our demo and also the final demonstration. I was
luckier than my first demo since I was able to be picked to do my final
demonstration at the end of November. Which was pretty much I have
time in the world to start doing my lesson plan. But sadly, the detailed
lesson plan that I need to accomplish are three topics which are
Symbiotic Relationships, Non-symbiotic Relationships, and a Summary
of Ecological Relationship. Just thinking about the amount of work that I
need to accomplish has already made me tired and stressed.

The next day fortunately was a Mental health break from October
26 – November 2. It was a blessing in disguise with the help of this I
was able to begin making my lesson throughout the week. Even though
it was supposed to be a mental health break I was mentally tired from
learning my three topics and also trying to do some other school works.

I arrived at my esteemed school on November 7th as early as


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usual since I had to complete my duties as a teaching intern. Due to

her role as a mentor and trainer for one of our school's sporting teams,
our cooperating teacher that day wasn't present in the school. Us
her interns were given the job of supervising the Grade 7 children as a
result. Managing the classroom without the teacher was difficult since
it was difficult to keep all of the students under control, especially
those who exhibit unruly behavior. We started by demonstrating to the
seventh graders who is the real authority in the classroom. First, we
asserted our authority over them and persuaded them to comply with
some of what we said.

November 28th the night before my final demonstration. I was

trying really hard to master my topic for final demonstrations. I was
having trouble a little bit memorizing some of the concepts that I aren’t
familiar with. It was a good thing that I am already done making my
instructional materials such as my presentation and traditional

When morning finally arrived, I got up early to arrange everything I

would need for my final demonstration. I memorized a little amount
and arrived at school as early as I could. I'm still practicing my lines in
front of the class as I continue to learn them. As soon as I noticed that
my wristwatch's longest line was pointing at 10, I felt a little uneasy.
This indicates that I should enter the classroom for grade 7. I started to
quicken my stride and move toward the room a bit more quickly. As
soon as I arrived, I started to prepare my presentation, and with my
other interns' assistance, they also pasted some of the instructional
materials that I had brought. When our supervising teacher finally
came which is Ma’am Anja Frances Lavega Masiong this indicates that
it is time for me to start my demonstration.


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After my final demonstration, I was in mixed emotions. I thought

because of the time given to me I would be able to at least give a
better performance than my last demonstrations. But sadly, I know to
what I did was just only average. I waited for Ma’am Anja for my post-
consultation about my final demonstration. I began to sweat a lot since
I already know what areas I need to improve on. Ma’am Anja began to
comment on my demonstration. She talked about first my strength
which was the mastery of my lesson, my fluency with the use of the
English language, and my motivation. The next thing she commented
about are my weaknesses which were my voice that which is not loud
enough to be heard by all of the students. She also said something
about my motivation which wasn’t executed very well, which is true
since I also think the same. I was nervous and a bit shaky in the first
part of my demonstration that’s why I wasn’t able to properly execute
the first part of my lesson.

Looking back on my experiences even though it is not purely

positive experiences. It was still a fulfilling experience that led me to
accept the fact that I am still only at the beginning stage of my life and
there is still a lot for me to improve on. And for me to become a better
teacher in the future. I needed to believe that all things needed to be
taken slowly in a step-by-step process and we should trust time and
trust the process. Because it takes a lot of time, resources, and
determination to become a great teacher.


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The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers in the

Philippines is a public statement of what teachers need to know, do,
and value in practicing their profession. According to DepEd Order No.
42 s. 2017, it is the basis for all learning and development programs for
teachers to ensure that teachers are properly equipped to effectively
implement the K to 12 Program; selection and promotion criteria of a


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teacher; and framework for all performance appraisals. It has four (4)
career stages and comprises seven (7) domains.

The first domain is entitled on “Content knowledge and

Pedagogy” this domain talks about the teacher’s professional
knowledge of the subject matter and the pedagogy pertains to a
teacher’s teaching strategy and approach in an actual classroom
setting. This domain contains the following strands: (1) Content
knowledge and its application within and across curriculum areas. (2)
Research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning. (3)
Positive use of ICT. (4) Strategies for promoting literacy and numeracy.
(5) Strategies for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as
other higher-order thinking skills. (6) Mother Tongue, Filipino and
English in teaching and learning. (7) Classroom communication

The mastery of content knowledge is valued in this profession.

Because one of our responsibilities as teachers is to pass on our
knowledge to the students we teach. For such to happen, a teacher
must first have a solid understanding of the subject matter and the
flexibility to connect one concept to another and address
misconceptions. Teachers must understand how concepts relate to
other disciplines and everyday life. This form of understanding
establishes the foundation for teachers' pedagogical content
knowledge, enabling them to make concepts understandable to

Furthermore, in this domain, we need to understand the

principles of teaching and learning. To become an effective teacher, we
need to have an effective principle that will let our students learn
effectively. The particular reason for this will result in students being


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motivated to work even harder after knowing their teachers’

expectations of them.

In addition, there is also a proper usage of mother tongue in the

teaching and learning inside the classroom. A teacher should not only
be proficient with his usage of English and Filipino language but also in
the mother tongue. Because it promotes inclusion to all types and
learners and makes it easier for them to pick up and learn concepts in
words, they are familiar with.



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The domain 2 talks about the learning environment of the

students. The term "learning environment" describes the physical
aspects where the students learn such as the many locations,
circumstances, and social context. The term is sometimes used as a
more accurate or preferred substitute for a classroom since learners
can study in a broad diverse range of locations, including places
outside of schools and in the outdoors.

A teacher should create a conducive learning environment in his

classroom. That should be clean, safe and an environment where
student can only concentrate on their lesson which would make a
classroom favorable for learning. Additionally, a positive learning
environment supports higher level of student’s performance, creates
meaningful learning experiences and inspire students to exercise
higher level critical thinking skills. You as a teacher should create a
learning environment that suits the particular needs of your students,
talking to them is not enough you should be able to communicate and
understand them to a full extent that you would be able to learn their
specific needs.

Before I start my lesson, I as the teacher should already explain

the classroom rules for them to follow. If the rules were given to them
at the start, they are expected to follow them throughout the class
discussion. I was able to understand now the importance of having
classroom management because they promote students' academic
abilities and competencies as well as their social and emotional
development by creating an orderly and organized learning
environment for my students.


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The third domain is about the diversity of learners. Learners

came from different background with different social and cultural belief
that makes up their identity as a person. Therefore, learners or
students differ in which they learn. They have different learning styles,
interest, modalities and needs. And so, in teaching, the teacher should
be able to accommodate all types of learners that will satisfy the needs
and welfare of different types of learners.

All people are unique in their way we have different things that we
are good at. Now it is the job for us teachers to identify what type of
students we are teaching. Intelligence is not only about being good
academically but also there are other types of intelligence that fit the
criteria of your learners. Giving them a variety of activities and
instructional material that will accommodate the needs and interests of
your learners will have a greater impact on their learning than just
having the same routine again and again.

There are also cases with us teachers would be able to handle

learners with disabilities. Learners with disabilities should be given
more emphasis, importance and patience. Communication is the key
element in addressing the issue, since a person with a disability may
experience restrictions when it comes to participating in certain
situations it is job for a teacher to identify and remove these barriers so
that a person can be included in the activities in the classroom.

As a teacher, you must always keep in mind that you may have


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someone with a disability in your class or has more health issues but they
also have a harder time expressing internal feelings such as pain and
sickness. Every student/child has their value and gifts that they uniquely
possessed, regardless of their disability they are no different from any
person. A student’s success is not determined by birth only through hard
work, and determination, and with the support of a great teacher can he
claim it.

The fourth domain is about curriculum and planning. So, what is a

curriculum? A curriculum serves as a guide for all teachers as to what
is essential for teaching and learning, so that every student has access
to rigorous academic experiences. Additionally, it is the standard where
all schools should meet the learning objectives and provides a clear
path for students to progress from one grade to another.

This is where a teacher’s daily lesson plan takes place. It is

important for a teacher to specifically plan first his lesson to identify
the learning objectives that he wants his students to learn. The reason
for this is learning objectives are necessary for learning to take place.
They aid in defining what the students should be able to accomplish
after the teaching, which helps to create more successful learning
activities, and assessments. Teachers that incorporate and follow the
lesson plan would be easily able to make the class conducive to
learning. Since a lesson plan contains motivation that students would
highly take interested in and also teachers would be able to employ
strategies that will best suit the learners' needs.

Furthermore, creating learning objectives should always be specific,

measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound (SMART). It’s


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important to follow the smart pattern in creating objectives, this

because it provides a sense of direction for what you need to achieve
during the learning process. I believe in a saying that an effective
learning begins with setting a clear expectation and learning outcomes.


In this domain assessment and reporting plays an important

component in a teaching and learning process. Since this is a tool used
by teachers to let them identify if students really understand the
lesson. Assessment can also be a motivational tool that will motivates
students to study more what it needs to be. The purpose of assessment is to
assess the student’s learning.

Teachers in particular should put effort more into making assessment that
would suit the learners needs in this way the result of the student’s assessment will
be valuable and justifiable enough of what the teacher’s effort put in it. That is why
it is important to apply a variety of assessment tools that will monitor
your students’ progress. With the right assessment tool and the correct
data gathered you would be able to give the accurate feedback in their

Teachers should also give more opportunities to students to assess

their own learning because self-assessments help identify the gaps in


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their knowledge. It encourages students to examine their own level of

understanding of the topic that the teacher discussed, in which
students could use in identifying areas that need improvement. This
make your students be able to learn on their own.

On the other hand, reporting refers to the process used to

communicate knowledge gained from assessing student learning. The
purpose of reporting is to provide relevant information about a
student's progress to students, parents, support staff and other


This domain focuses on the significance of teachers'

understanding and maintaining professional codes of conduct,
responsibility, and promoting professionalism and a sense of harmony
among students, parents, teachers, and the larger community.

A teacher’s role is not only inside the school but also to the outside
in the community. We are expected to always maintain professionalism
at all time no matter what. Since we are the role models of the society
that people should look up to and imitate. Furthermore, as teacher
involve in creating a school community that is intended to improve the
learning environment and community participation for our student.


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Teachers are expected to participate in an establishment of a school

and community relationship. In this way, we are capable of recognizing
and respond to opportunities that link classroom learning and instruction
to the experiences, interests, and objectives of the larger school
community and other significant stakeholders. I may not be sociable type
of person who can easily adjust and adapt to this type of situation but
since I am going to be a teacher in the future. I should go out of my
comfort zone and develop myself for my well-being.


This domain contains on the personal and professional

development of us teachers. It focuses the attention of teachers on
preserving values that support the dignity of teaching, such as caring
attitude, respect, and integrity, to give a high importance on personal
and professional reflection and learning in order to improve their
teaching work.

There is a saying that “once a teacher always a student”. Teachers

are expected to continuously learn since it helps us to keep pursuing
our personal and professional development goals. Furthermore, as


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teachers should create targets for ourselves to assist and advance our
personal growth. With these teachers can improve the knowledge that
has been neglected for a long time, discover new practices to enrich
their curriculum. These might involve taking action to develop relevant
skills, widen our professional network, or get more fulfillment from our

I realized during my internship that everything that I have

accomplished so far was things I didn’t think I could do. The
opportunity for me to learn something that is out of my comfort zone
has greatly impacted me holistically. With this, I was able to become a
bit more mature than usual during handling my students and was able
to make decisions that were supposed to be hardly unthinkable even
for me.

As a teacher in future, personal and professional development are

important especially in the 21st century where students are expected to
think critically. That is why teachers are expected to be equipped with
competencies skills to stay modern with the needs of students and
allows them to plan ahead for changing trends in education.


Detailed Lesson Plan and

First Individual Demonstration Teaching


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Detailed Lesson Plan and

Final Teaching Demonstration


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Sample Instructional Materials


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Snapshot with Colleagues


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Virtual Teaching Internship Orientation and Webinar Series


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Bachelor’s Degree (2022-2023)

To graduate my chosen course which is Bachelor of

Secondary Education Major in Science


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Teach in Private School (2022-2023)

To apply to teach in private school as a private teacher

Licensure Examination for Teachers (2023-2024)

To pass my Licensure Examination for Teacher and to also become a


Teach in Deped School (2024-2025)

To apply in public school as soon as I passed my Licensure Examination

for Teachers

Master’s Degree (2024-2026)

To enroll and study for my master’s degree while I am teaching

in public school

Doctor’s Degree (2026-2029)

Immediately enroll for my doctor’s degree after I got my

master’s degree

Small Business (2029-onwards)

To gain another additional income beside me teaching in public



 DepEd (2017). National Adoption and Implementation of the Philippine

Professional Standards for Teachers Retrieve from on December 19, 2022.


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 Overview of the Sending Higher Education Institution retrieved from

Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University



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Harvey Jerome I. Del Campo

 To acquire valuable knowledge and skills to complement what

I have learned from school in an actual job environment.
 To gain variety of skills that will accommodate the needs of
my learners.

Permanent Address : Brgy. San Jose, San Jacinto, Pangasinan

Date of Birth : May 12, 2000

Place of Birth : Dagupan City, Pangasinan

Parents/Guardian : Mr. Henry C. Del Campo

: Mrs. Rebecca I. Del Campo

Religion : Roman Catholic

Civil Status : Single

Institutional Affiliation : Don Mariano Marcos Memorial

State University- South La Union Campus

School Address : San Antonio, Agoo, La Union

Contact Number : 09668302252

Email- Adress :


College: Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University

Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Science

School Year: 2018-present


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Senior High school: Phinma University of Pangasinan

Arellano street, Dagupan City, Pangasinan

School Year: 2016-2018

Junior High school: San Jacinto National High School

Guibel, San Jacinto, Pangasinan

School Year: 2012-2016

Elementary: West Central Elementary School

Bagong Pag-asa, San Jacinto, Pangasinan

School Year: 2006-2012


: Proficient in using Microsoft Word, Excels, Power point and familiar with using
Microsoft publisher.
: Capable of editing pictures, files and presentation using different Microsoft
: Excellent interpersonal communication skills in person, in writing and via
: Understands various learning styles and show competence in developing and
delivering instructions to students.
: Possess knowledge base for critiquing, constructing and utilizing multiple forms of
appropriate assessment techniques in order to monitor the progress of students



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August- December 2022 Teaching Intern

DMMMSU-SLUC Laboratory High School
San Antonio, Agoo, La Union

2017-2018 Immersion Student/On-the-job Trainee

Pizza Hut in CSI Nepo Mall
Dagupan City, Pangasinan


2021-2022 Virtual Study Partner: Effectiveness on the performance in

General Biology II of the Grade 12-STEM Learners of
Aringay National high School

2016-2017 Social Media: Makes Teens More Smarter or Socialized?


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