Unit 5

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NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential

NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential

NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential
NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential
NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential
NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential
NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential
NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential
NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential
NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential
NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential
NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential
NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential
NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential
Cathode Ray Tube (CRT):
• A CRT has the following components:

1. Electron gun 2. Deflecting system 3. Florescent screen

Operation or Working:

• In the electron gun section, electrons are emitted, converted into a sharp beam and focused upon the
fluorescent screen.

• The electron beam generated by heated cathode and then passes through a control grid, a focusing anode
and an accelerating electrode.

• The electrodes are connected to the base pins. The cathode emitting the electrons is surrounded by a
control grid with a fine hole at its centre.

• The accelerated electron beam passes through the fine hole.

• The negative voltage at the control grid controls the flow of electrons in the electron beam, and
consequently, the brightness of the spot on the CRO screen is controlled.

• Deflecting system consists of horizontal and vertical deflection plates, which are used to send the beam
in appropriate direction on the CRO screen.

• Florescent screen is used for measuring the amplitude (voltage) in vertical divisions and the time period
in horizontal divisions.

• Phosphor (P31) is used as screen material on the inner surface of a CRT. Phosphor screen is protected
with a calibrated flat piece of hard plastic called “Graticule”.

• P31 layer of phosphor convert electrical energy into light. Thus portion of screen which is struck by
electron beam will emit light. Thus waveform appears on the CRO screen.

NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential

Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO):

Block diagram:


• DSO means Digital Storage Oscilloscope. For digital operation it has ADC and DAC.
• DSO differs from simple CRO because it has memory.
• Attenuator unit attenuates the input analog signal according to DSO specifications.
• Offset unit removes the imbalances inside the amplifier.
• Amplifier amplifies the incoming signal if it is required.
• Now Analog signal is converted into Digital with the help of Analog to Digital Converter (ADC).
• Sampling rate is high in DSO compare to analog oscilloscope.
• Record control unit record the data and save it to word memory for further analysis.
• DSO used advanced triggering circuit.
• When triggering unit triggers timing and mode logic unit, then it synchronize the record and output
control unit.
• Due to storage capacity manipulation is possible at any time.
• Digital data can be obtained directly from output control.
• For analog output we have to convert digital signal into analog with the help of Digital to Analog
Converter (DAC).
• The final analog signal is applied to simple CRO for visual display.

NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential

Comparison of DSO with Analog Oscilloscope:

S. No.
Digital Storage Oscilloscope Analog Oscilloscope
(DSO) (Simple CRO)

1 DSO stores and analyzes the signals digitally. Analog oscilloscope cannot store signals.

Analog oscilloscope used normal triggering

2 DSO has advanced triggering circuit.
Simple analog oscilloscope does not have
3 DSO has memory.
any memory.

Manipulations are possible at any time Manipulations are not possible at any time
because of read out memory is available. because there are no read out memory.

5 DSO has USB 2.0 port. It does not have USB 2.0 port.

Computer and Printer is attached using USB

6 Not applicable.

DSO measure and displays all values in

7 In it tracing is required for all measurements.
numeral forms on flat screen (LCD).

Sampling Rate is higher than analog

8 Sampling Rate is low compare to DSO.

Smaller and finer adjustments in DSO are Smaller and finer adjustments in analog
easier. oscilloscope are not easy.

10 Complex circuitry. Simple circuitry.

11 ADC & DAC are required for operation. There are no needs of ADC & DAC.

12 Bandwidth is limited due to ADC & DAC. Bandwidth is more comparing to DSO.

13 DSO is more expensive. Analog oscilloscope is less expensive.

14 It can measure L and C. It cannot measure L and C.

It is possible to integrate or differentiate

15 Signal cannot be integrated or differentiated.

NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential

Comparison between Analog and Digital Multimeter:

Leaves no doubt about the measured quantity. Wrong scale might be used, or might be read
2 incorrectly.

Superior resolution and accuracy. Inferior resolution and accuracy.

Indicates a negative quantity when the terminal Pointer attempts to deflect to the left of zero
4 polarity is reversed. when the polarity is reversed.

5 Not usually damaged by rough treatment. Can be irreparably damaged when dropped
from bench levels.

NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential

1. Draw the neat and clean diagrams of Ramp type Digital voltmeter (DVM).
10 MARKS [2011-12, 2012-13, 2015-16]

2. Draw and explain the Block diagram of Digital Multimeter (DMM). Mention its merits and demerits.
10 MARKS [2008-09, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2015-16]

3. Write down applications of DMM and explain in detail. 5 MARKS [2012-13]

4. Explain the role of trigger circuit in CRO. 2 MARKS [2015-16]

5. Draw the block diagram of Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO).

10 MARKS [2009-10, 2012-13, 2014-15, 2015-16]

6. Explain how we can measure the Voltage, Current, Frequency, Time Period and Phase difference
using CRO? 10 MARKS [2010-11, 2012-13]

7. Explain frequency measurement using Lissajous pattern. 5 MARKS [2015-16]

8. Draw the Lissajous pattern for fv = 3fh. 2 MARKS [2015-16]

9. Explain working of Cathode Ray Tube (CRT). 5 MARKS [2010-11, 2011-12]

10. With the help of block diagram explain the working of DSO. 10 MARKS [2016-17*]

11. Compare DSO with analog oscilloscope. 5 MARKS [2016-17*]

NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential

1. Draw the neat and clean diagrams of Ramp type Digital voltmeter (DVM).

10 MARKS [2011-12, 2012-13, 2015-16]


2. Draw and explain the Block diagram of Digital Multimeter (DMM). Mention its merits and demerits.
10 MARKS [2008-09, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2015-16]


NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential

NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential
3. Write down applications of DMM and explain in detail. 5 MARKS [2012-13]


1. Checking circuit continuity.

2. Measuring dc/ac voltage and currents.

3. Measuring resistance.

4. Explain the role of trigger circuit in CRO. 2 MARKS [2015-16]


5. Draw the block diagram of Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO).

10 MARKS [2009-10, 2012-13, 2014-15, 2015-16]


NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential


• CRT emits electrons that strikes the phosphor screen internally to provide a visual display of signal.
• Vertical amplifier is a wide band amplifier used to amplify signals in the vertical section.
• Delay line is used to delay the signal for some time in the vertical sections.
• Trigger circuit is used to convert the incoming signal into trigger pulses so that the input signal and
the sweep frequency can be synchronized.
• Time base generator is used to generate the saw-tooth voltage before it is applied to horizontal
deflection plates.
• Horizontal amplifier is used to amplify the saw-tooth voltage before it is applied to horizontal
deflection plates.
• Power supply: There are two power supplies, a –ve high voltages and a + ve low voltage supply.
• - ve HV is of the order 1000V to 1500V are required by CRT to genrater and accelerate an electron
• + ve low voltage is required for electron gun, which emits the electrons.

11 Explain how we can measure the Voltage, Current, Frequency, Time Period and Phase difference
using CRO? 10 MARKS [2010-11, 2012-13]


NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential

NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential
NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential
12 Explain frequency measurement using Lissajous pattern. 5 MARKS [2015-16]


8. Draw the Lissajous pattern for fv = 3fh. 2 MARKS [2015-16]


NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential

9. Explain working of Cathode Ray Tube (CRT). 5 MARKS [2010-11, 2011-12]

ANS. A CRT has the following components:

1. Electron gun 2. Deflecting system 3. Florescent screen

Operation or Working:
• In the electron gun section, electrons are emitted, converted into a sharp beam and focused upon the
fluorescent screen.

• The electron beam generated by heated cathode and then passes through a control grid, a focusing anode
and an accelerating electrode.

• The electrodes are connected to the base pins. The cathode emitting the electrons is surrounded by a
control grid with a fine hole at its centre.

• The accelerated electron beam passes through the fine hole.

• The negative voltage at the control grid controls the flow of electrons in the electron beam, and
consequently, the brightness of the spot on the CRO screen is controlled.

• Deflecting system consists of horizontal and vertical deflection plates, which are used to send the beam
in appropriate direction on the CRO screen.

• Florescent screen is used for measuring the amplitude (voltage) in vertical divisions and the time period
in horizontal divisions.

• Phosphor (P31) is used as screen material on the inner surface of a CRT. Phosphor screen is protected
with a calibrated flat piece of hard plastic called “Graticule”.

• P31 layer of phosphor convert electrical energy into light. Thus portion of screen which is struck by
electron beam will emit light. Thus waveform appears on the CRO screen.

NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential

10. With the help of block diagram explain the working of DSO. 10 MARKS [2016-17*]



• DSO means Digital Storage Oscilloscope. For digital operation it has ADC and DAC.
• DSO differs from simple CRO because it has memory.
• Attenuator unit attenuates the input analog signal according to DSO specifications.
• Offset unit removes the imbalances inside the amplifier.
• Amplifier amplifies the incoming signal if it is required.
• Now Analog signal is converted into Digital with the help of Analog to Digital Converter (ADC).
• Sampling rate is high in DSO compare to analog oscilloscope.
• Record control unit record the data and save it to word memory for further analysis.
• DSO used advanced triggering circuit.
• When triggering unit triggers timing and mode logic unit, then it synchronize the record and output
control unit.
• Due to storage capacity manipulation is possible at any time.
• Digital data can be obtained directly from output control.
• For analog output we have to convert digital signal into analog with the help of Digital to Analog
Converter (DAC).
• The final analog signal is applied to simple CRO for visual display.

NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential

11. Compare DSO with analog oscilloscope. 5 MARKS [2016-17*]

S. No.
Digital Storage Oscilloscope Analog Oscilloscope
(DSO) (Simple CRO)

1 DSO stores and analyzes the signals digitally. Analog oscilloscope cannot store signals.

Analog oscilloscope used normal triggering

2 DSO has advanced triggering circuit.
Simple analog oscilloscope does not have
3 DSO has memory.
any memory.

Manipulations are possible at any time Manipulations are not possible at any time
because of read out memory is available. because there are no read out memory.

5 DSO has USB 2.0 port. It does not have USB 2.0 port.

Computer and Printer is attached using USB

6 Not applicable.

DSO measure and displays all values in

7 In it tracing is required for all measurements.
numeral forms on flat screen (LCD).

Sampling Rate is higher than analog

8 Sampling Rate is low compare to DSO.

Smaller and finer adjustments in DSO are Smaller and finer adjustments in analog
easier. oscilloscope are not easy.

10 Complex circuitry. Simple circuitry.

11 ADC & DAC are required for operation. There are no needs of ADC & DAC.

12 Bandwidth is limited due to ADC & DAC. Bandwidth is more comparing to DSO.

13 DSO is more expensive. Analog oscilloscope is less expensive.

14 It can measure L and C. It cannot measure L and C.

It is possible to integrate or differentiate
15 Signal cannot be integrated or differentiated.

NIET; Greater Noida; Prepared by: ECE Department; Confidential

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