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EXERCISE -Napisz pytanie do podkreślonej części zdania …......

/20 pkt

1. Sara's gone to New York.


2. My dad was 46 last year.


3. When we were coming back home an accident happened.


4. My father bought a new car last week.


5.Jack did his homework well. _____________________________________________

6. Ben's tall and slim. _________________________________________________

7. My mum told me not to be back late.


8. We used to go to the park when we were children.


9. Mrs Smith taught three different languages.


10. Those men usually wear dark jackets.

EXERCISE -Przeczytaj definicję i napisz o jaki wyraz chodzi. …......./10 pkt

1.a substance used for washing the body, that is usually hard, often has a pleasant smell and

produces a mass of bubbles when rubbed with water. S __ __ __

2. something that lives and moves, but is not a human, bird, insect or fish A __ __ __ __ __
3. the mixture of gas and very small pieces of carbon that is produced when something burns

S __ __ __ __

4. the red liquid that is sent around the body by the heart. B __ __ __ __

5. to harm or spoil something D __ __ __ __ __

6. to try to hurt or defeat (mainly referred to physical violence but can also be used to describe

verbal or emotional outbursts). A __ __ __ __ __

7. a natural wide flow of fresh water across the land into the sea or a lake R __ __ __ __

8. when you do this , air and often small drops of liquid suddenly come out of your mouth and

nose in a way that you cannot control. S __ __ __ __ __

9. the ability to remember information, experiences and people M __ __ __ __ __

10. a period of about 4 weeks, especially one of the 12 periods into which a year is divided.

M __ __ __ __

EXERCISE Uzupełnij tabelkę …....../10 pkt


1. CLOSET 1. 1.
2. 2. POST CODE 2.
3. 3. 3. PIELUCHA
4. 4. RUBBER 4.
5. COOKIE 5. 5.
6. 6. 6.ŚMIEĆ
7. 7.TROUSERS 7.
8. 8. 8.JESIEŃ
9. 9. FOOTBALL 9.
10. DRAPES 10. 10.
EXERCISE Przeczytaj tekst i zakreśl prawidłową odpowiedź. …....../10 pkt
10. This text :

A. comes from an Internet site.

B. comes from psychologial book.

C. is about problems with teenagers.

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