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Interview planning and preparation MCQ

Unit -1

Communication skill, body language

1. Which of the following is NOT a component of effective communication?

A) Active listening
B) Assertiveness
C) Interrupting frequently
D) Empathy

2. Body language forms what percentage of our overall communication?

A) 10%
B) 30%
C) 50%
D) 70%

3. Which of the following is an example of non-verbal communication?

A) Speaking loudly
B) Sending an email
C) Nodding in agreement
D) Writing a report

4. What does crossed arms generally indicate in body language?

A) Openness and acceptance
B) Confidence
C) Defensiveness or being closed off
D) Eagerness to communicate

5. Which of the following is a key element of active listening?

A) Interrupting the speaker to ask questions
B) Avoiding eye contact to focus on auditory cues
C) Reflecting and paraphrasing the speaker's words
D) Providing immediate solutions without hearing the entire message

6. Which type of communication occurs without using words?

A) Verbal communication
Interview planning and preparation MCQ
B) Non-verbal communication
C) Written communication
D) Formal communication

7. In a business setting, why is maintaining eye contact important?

A) It shows disinterest in the conversation.
B) It can establish trust and sincerity.
C) It is considered rude and should be avoided.
D) It implies superiority over the other person.

8. What does leaning forward during a conversation generally signify?

A) Boredom
B) Aggression
C) Interest and engagement
D) Discomfort

9. Which of the following is an example of assertive communication?

A) Being overly passive to avoid conflicts
B) Expressing opinions and feelings with respect for others
C) Being aggressive and dominating in conversations
D) Avoiding communication altogether

10. What is the purpose of using mirroring in communication?

A) To mimic someone's behavior mockingly
B) To build rapport and establish a connection
C) To show superiority in a conversation
D) To confuse the other person


1. C) Interrupting frequently
2. D) 70%
3. C) Nodding in agreement
4. C) Defensiveness or being closed off
5. C) Reflecting and paraphrasing the speaker's words
6. B) Non-verbal communication
Interview planning and preparation MCQ
7. B) It can establish trust and sincerity.
8. C) Interest and engagement
9. B) Expressing opinions and feelings with respect for others
10. B) To build rapport and establish a connection

1. Which of the following is an example of non-verbal communication?

A) Sending a text message B) Using emojis in an email C) Gesturing while speaking D)

Talking on the phone

2. What does good posture typically convey in communication?

A) Nervousness B) Confidence C) Disinterest D) Aggressiveness

3. Which of these is NOT a fundamental component of active listening?

A) Asking open-ended questions B) Offering unsolicited advice C) Providing feedback

D) Demonstrating empathy

4. When engaging in a conversation, what is the recommended proportion of speaking

versus listening?

A) 70% listening, 30% speaking B) 50% listening, 50% speaking C) 30% listening, 70%
speaking D) 100% speaking, 0% listening

5. Which facial expression is generally associated with openness and approachability?

A) Frowning B) Smiling C) Squinting D) Puckering lips

6. What is the significance of mirroring in communication?

A) It demonstrates disagreement with the other person. B) It signifies a lack of interest in

the conversation. C) It shows empathy and builds rapport. D) It displays dominance and

7. Which of the following is an example of passive communication?

A) Expressing thoughts and feelings openly B) Listening attentively without interrupting

C) Avoiding conflict by not speaking up D) Using assertive language to state opinions

8. What does maintaining appropriate personal space during a conversation signify?

A) Respect for cultural differences B) Disregard for the other person's feelings C)
Insecurity and discomfort D) Superiority over the other person

9. Which gesture is commonly interpreted as a sign of defensiveness or resistance?

Interview planning and preparation MCQ
A) Open palms B) Clenched fists C) Relaxed shoulders D) Extended hand for a

10. What is the primary purpose of good eye contact in communication?

A) To intimidate the other person B) To show interest and attentiveness C) To avoid

comprehending verbal cues D) To display superiority in the conversation


1. C) Gesturing while speaking

2. B) Confidence

3. B) Offering unsolicited advice

4. A) 70% listening, 30% speaking

5. B) Smiling

6. C) It shows empathy and builds rapport.

7. C) Avoiding conflict by not speaking up

8. A) Respect for cultural differences

9. B) Clenched fists

10. B) To show interest and attentiveness


1. Which of the following is an example of verbal communication?

A) Using hand gestures
B) Writing an email
C) Nodding in agreement
D) Maintaining eye contact

2. Which factor is characteristic of verbal communication?

A) Words and language
B) Facial expressions
C) Body posture
D) Personal space

3. Nonverbal communication includes which of the following?

Interview planning and preparation MCQ
A) Tone of voice
B) Text messaging
C) Speaking loudly
D) Sending a fax

4. Which one is a component of nonverbal communication?

A) Speaking speed
B) Vocabulary choice
C) Handshakes
D) Written reports

5. Which channel of communication primarily involves spoken or written words?

A) Verbal communication
B) Nonverbal communication
C) Paralanguage
D) Body language

6. Which of the following is an example of paralanguage?

A) Using facial expressions
B) Voice pitch and tone
C) Posture and gestures
D) Distance between communicators

7. What does the term "proxemics" refer to in communication?

A) The study of voice modulation
B) The study of body language
C) The study of personal space
D) The study of written communication

8. In verbal communication, what does the term "diction" signify?

A) The speed of speech
B) The choice and use of words
C) The tone of voice
D) The grammar used in conversation
Interview planning and preparation MCQ
9. Which of the following is a form of nonverbal communication related to the
A) Eye contact
B) Handshakes
C) Proxemics
D) Appearance

10. What is the primary purpose of verbal communication?

A) To express emotions
B) To convey information through spoken or written words
C) To establish personal space boundaries
D) To regulate turn-taking in conversations


1. B) Writing an email

2. A) Words and language

3. A) Tone of voice

4.C) Handshakes

5.A) Verbal communication

6.B) Voice pitch and tone

7.C) The study of personal space

8.B) The choice and use of words

9.C) Proxemics

10.B) To convey information through spoken or written words

"Diction and accent”

1. Which of the following best defines "diction" in the context of communication?

A) The rhythm of speech B) The speed of speaking C) The choice and pronunciation of
words D) The volume of speech

2. What does an individual's accent primarily indicate?

Interview planning and preparation MCQ
A) Their level of education B) Their geographic origin or cultural background C) Their
emotional state D) Their proficiency in language

3. Which factor primarily influences an individual's accent?

A) Their facial expressions B) Their voice pitch C) Their upbringing and environment
D) Their body language

4. What distinguishes diction from accent?

A) Diction relates to pronunciation, while accent relates to word choice. B) Accent refers
to the speed of speech, while diction relates to volume. C) Diction focuses on language
choice, while accent pertains to pronunciation and speech patterns. D) Accent deals with
cultural aspects, while diction pertains to tone of voice.

5. How does diction contribute to effective communication?

A) It determines the level of emotional engagement in communication. B) It ensures the

clarity and understanding of the message. C) It solely reflects the speaker's personality.
D) It emphasizes the speaker's physical gestures.

6. Which of the following best describes how accents are formed?

A) Accents are innate and cannot be influenced by external factors. B) Accents are
entirely shaped by educational background. C) Accents are influenced by linguistic,
geographic, and cultural factors. D) Accents are solely a result of genetic factors.

7. In communication, why is it important to be aware of one's diction and accent?

A) To showcase superiority over others B) To deliberately confuse the listener C) To

bridge communication gaps and enhance understanding D) To establish dominance in a

8. Which aspect of communication does an accent primarily affect?

A) The content of the message B) The emotional tone of speech C) The pronunciation of
words D) The use of nonverbal cues

9. What role does diction play in public speaking?

A) It influences the audience's perception and understanding of the speaker's message.

B) It primarily serves as entertainment for the audience. C) It intimidates the audience. D)
It determines the speaker's confidence level.

10. How might an individual's accent evolve over time?

Interview planning and preparation MCQ
A) Through formal education only B) Through exposure to diverse linguistic
environments C) Through imitating others' accents D) Through non-verbal cues in


1. C) The choice and pronunciation of words

2. B) Their geographic origin or cultural background

3. C) Their upbringing and environment

4. C) Diction focuses on language choice, while accent pertains to pronunciation and speech

5. B) It ensures the clarity and understanding of the message.

6. C) Accents are influenced by linguistic, geographic, and cultural factors.

7. C) To bridge communication gaps and enhance understanding

8. C) The pronunciation of words

9. A) It influences the audience's perception and understanding of the speaker's message.

10. B) Through exposure to diverse linguistic environments

Business writing skills.

1. Which of the following is a key characteristic of effective business writing? A) Using

complex jargon to demonstrate expertise B) Lengthy and convoluted sentences to convey
importance C) Clarity and conciseness to convey the message efficiently D) Overuse of
slang to appear informal

2. What is the primary purpose of a business proposal? A) To summarize the company's

history B) To request funding for a personal project C) To outline a plan or idea for
potential implementation D) To critique competitors' strategies

3. Which of the following would be most appropriate for a professional email sign-off? A)
"See ya later!" B) "Best regards," C) "Catch you soon!" D) "Take care, mate!"

4. In business writing, what does the term "conciseness" refer to? A) Using complex
vocabulary to impress the reader B) Presenting ideas in a straightforward and brief
manner C) Including excessive details to avoid confusion D) Extending the length of the
document to cover all aspects
Interview planning and preparation MCQ
5. What is the purpose of using bullet points or numbered lists in a business report? A) To
make the document look longer B) To confuse the reader with disorganized information
C) To highlight key points or information in an organized format D) To add visual appeal
without conveying important content

6. Which of the following is a characteristic of effective business writing in terms of tone?

A) Using informal language to appear friendly B) Adopting a formal and professional
tone suitable for the audience C) Using emotional language to create impact D) Sarcasm
and humor to engage the reader

7. What does the acronym "FAQ" stand for in the context of business communication? A)
Frequently Asked Quotas B) Formal Application Queries C) Financial Assessment
Questions D) Frequently Asked Questions

8. What should be the primary focus when writing a business proposal or report? A)
Personal opinions and experiences B) Elaborate storytelling to engage the reader C)
Facts, data, and a clear presentation of ideas D) Detailed descriptions of personal

9. What is the purpose of proofreading in business writing? A) To add unnecessary content

B) To correct errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation C) To increase the document's
length D) To introduce ambiguity into the text

10. Which of the following is an example of a formal salutation in a business letter? A) "Hey
there!" B) "Dear Mr. Smith," C) "Hi John," D) "Good morning!"


1. C) Clarity and conciseness to convey the message efficiently

2. C) To outline a plan or idea for potential implementation

3. B) "Best regards,"

4. B) Presenting ideas in a straightforward and brief manner

5. C) To highlight key points or information in an organized format

6. B) Adopting a formal and professional tone suitable for the audience

7. D) Frequently Asked Questions

8. C) Facts, data, and a clear presentation of ideas

9. B) To correct errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation

10. B) "Dear Mr. Smith,"

Interview planning and preparation MCQ


Time management,

1. What does the Eisenhower Matrix assist in determining?

A) Prioritization of tasks based on urgency and importance
B) Allocating specific time slots for various activities
C) Calculating time spent on each task
D) Organizing tasks alphabetically

2. Which time management technique involves dividing work into intervals, usually
25 minutes, separated by short breaks?
A) Pareto Principle
B) Time Blocking
C) Pomodoro Technique
D) Task Batching

3. What is the "Pareto Principle" also known as in time management?

A) The 80/20 Rule
B) The Urgent-Important Matrix
C) The Rule of Thirds
D) The Time Blocking Technique

4. Which of the following is NOT a common obstacle to effective time

A) Procrastination
B) Multitasking
C) Delegation
D) Lack of prioritization

5. What does the term "SMART" stand for in the context of setting goals for time
A) Specific, Manageable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely
B) Speedy, Measurable, Action-oriented, Realistic, Targeted
C) Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Rational, Timely
D) Strategic, Meaningful, Aligned, Realizable, Time-bound
Interview planning and preparation MCQ

6. What is the purpose of a to-do list in time management?

A) To write down every task without considering priority
B) To keep track of tasks and prioritize them
C) To avoid allocating time for different activities
D) To limit the number of tasks completed in a day

7. Which time management principle emphasizes completing small tasks quickly to

free up time for more significant tasks?
A) Parkinson's Law
B) Pareto Principle
C) Task Batching
D) The Two-Minute Rule

8. Which of the following is an effective time management strategy for handling

A) Ignoring interruptions until all tasks are complete
B) Responding immediately to interruptions to address them promptly
C) Scheduling specific times to deal with interruptions
D) Increasing the workload to accommodate interruptions

9. What does the "ABCDE" prioritization technique involve?

A) Categorizing tasks into five groups based on their length
B) Ranking tasks from most important (A) to least important (E)
C) Assigning alphabetical codes to tasks for identification purposes
D) Segregating tasks based on their urgency for completion

10. Which principle suggests that work expands to fill the time available for its
A) Parkinson's Law
B) Pareto Principle
C) Murphy's Law
D) The Two-Minute Rule
Interview planning and preparation MCQ

A) Prioritization of tasks based on urgency and importance

C) Pomodoro Technique

A) The 80/20 Rule

C) Delegation

A) Specific, Manageable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely

B) To keep track of tasks and prioritize them

D) The Two-Minute Rule

C) Scheduling specific times to deal with interruptions

B) Ranking tasks from most important (A) to least important (E)

A) Parkinson's Law

Stress Management

1. What is stress?
A) A state of complete relaxation
B) A natural response to pressure or demands
C) A condition only experienced by highly sensitive individuals
D) A form of physical exercise

2. Which hormone is commonly associated with the body's stress response?

A) Serotonin
B) Cortisol
C) Insulin
D) Endorphins

3. What is the primary purpose of stress management techniques?

A) To eliminate stress completely
B) To learn to cope with and reduce the negative effects of stress
C) To increase stress levels for better productivity
D) To induce more stress for mental toughness
Interview planning and preparation MCQ
4. Which of the following is a healthy way to cope with stress?
A) Ignoring stress triggers
B) Binge-eating or drinking alcohol excessively
C) Engaging in regular physical activity
D) Isolating oneself from social interactions

5. Which relaxation technique involves focusing on one's breath to calm the mind
and body?
A) Progressive muscle relaxation
B) Visualization
C) Deep breathing
D) Yoga

6. Which lifestyle factor significantly contributes to stress management?

A) Excessive caffeine consumption
B) Regular sleep deprivation
C) A balanced diet
D) Irregular exercise routines

7. What is the purpose of time management in stress reduction?

A) To increase stress by scheduling more tasks
B) To procrastinate and delay tasks intentionally
C) To prioritize tasks and create a more balanced schedule
D) To ignore deadlines and schedules completely

8. Which cognitive technique focuses on changing negative thought patterns to

reduce stress?
A) Mindfulness
B) Catastrophizing
C) Reframing
D) Rumination

9. What role does social support play in stress management?

A) It amplifies stress by increasing responsibilities.
B) It offers a sense of belonging and emotional support, reducing stress
Interview planning and preparation MCQ
C) It isolates individuals, leading to heightened stress levels.
D) It creates competitive environments, increasing stress.

10. Which term describes the practice of focusing attention on the present moment to
reduce stress?
A) Stress amplification
B) Mindfulness
C) Stress prioritization
D) Stress adaptation


1. B) A natural response to pressure or demands

2. B) Cortisol
3. B) To learn to cope with and reduce the negative effects of stress
4. C) Engaging in regular physical activity
5. C) Deep breathing
6. C) A balanced diet
7. C) To prioritize tasks and create a more balanced schedule
8. C) Reframing
9. B) It offers a sense of belonging and emotional support, reducing stress
10. B) Mindfulness

1. Which scientist formulated the theory of relativity? A) Isaac Newton B) Albert Einstein
C) Stephen Hawking D) Galileo Galilei
2. What is the capital city of Australia? A) Sydney B) Melbourne C) Canberra D) Brisbane
3. Who painted the famous artwork "Mona Lisa"? A) Vincent van Gogh B) Leonardo da
Vinci C) Pablo Picasso D) Michelangelo
4. What is the largest organ in the human body? A) Heart B) Liver C) Brain D) Skin
5. Which planet is known as the "Red Planet"? A) Venus B) Jupiter C) Mars D) Saturn
6. Which famous speech by Martin Luther King Jr. began with "I have a dream"? A)
Birmingham Campaign B) Selma to Montgomery March C) March on Washington for
Jobs and Freedom D) Montgomery Bus Boycott speech
7. What is the chemical symbol for gold? A) Gd B) Au C) Ag D) Pt
Interview planning and preparation MCQ
8. Which country is known as the "Land of the Rising Sun"? A) China B) Japan C) India D)
South Korea
9. What is the currency of Brazil? A) Real B) Peso C) Rupee D) Dollar
10. Who wrote the play "Romeo and Juliet"? A) William Shakespeare B) Charles Dickens C)
Jane Austen D) Mark Twain
1. B) Albert Einstein
2. C) Canberra
3. B) Leonardo da Vinci
4. D) Skin
5. C) Mars
6. C) March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
7. B) Au
8. B) Japan
9. A) Real
10. A) William Shakespeare


1. What does non-ethnocentrism refer to?

A) Embracing and valuing one's own cultural beliefs B) Judging other cultures solely by
the standards and values of one's own culture C) Appreciating and understanding cultural
differences without bias D) Rejecting all cultural norms and traditions
2. Which of the following best describes non-ethnocentric behavior? A) Believing that one's
culture is superior to all others B) Respecting and accepting diverse cultural practices C)
Ignoring cultural differences and similarities D) Imposing one's cultural values on others
3. Non-ethnocentrism promotes:
A) Tolerance, understanding, and acceptance of cultural diversity B) Strict adherence to
one's own cultural practices C) Discrimination based on cultural differences D) Isolation
from other cultures
4. Why is non-ethnocentrism important in a globalized world?
A) It reinforces cultural superiority B) It encourages harmony and mutual respect among
diverse cultures C) It emphasizes cultural uniformity D) It promotes isolationism and
cultural exclusivity
5. Which action reflects a non-ethnocentric attitude?
A) Criticizing other cultures for not following one's own cultural norms B) Appreciating
and learning from different cultural perspectives C) Forcing one's cultural practices onto
others D) Believing that one's culture is the only correct way of living
Correct answers:
1. C) Appreciating and understanding cultural differences without bias
2. B) Respecting and accepting diverse cultural practices
3. A) Tolerance, understanding, and acceptance of cultural diversity
Interview planning and preparation MCQ
4. B) It encourages harmony and mutual respect among diverse cultures
5. B) Appreciating and learning from different cultural perspectives

Absolutely, here are some multiple-choice questions (MCQs) related to dressing up and
1. What does grooming primarily refer to? A) Selecting clothes for an occasion B) Taking
care of personal hygiene and appearance C) Choosing accessories to complement an
outfit D) Deciding on hairstyles for different events
2. Why is dressing appropriately important? A) To conform to fashion trends B) To express
individuality regardless of the occasion C) To make a favorable impression and respect
social norms D) To challenge societal standards and conventions
3. Which of the following is an example of good grooming? A) Wearing wrinkled and
stained clothes B) Maintaining clean and trimmed fingernails C) Using excessive makeup
or cologne D) Wearing strong perfume or cologne to mask body odor
4. What does 'dress code' usually refer to? A) A set of rules for makeup application B)
Guidelines for appropriate attire in specific settings or events C) Specific hairstyles to
follow in formal settings D) Instructions for choosing footwear for different occasions
5. How does dressing up influence self-confidence? A) It has no effect on self-confidence
B) Enhances self-confidence by allowing expression of personal style C) Diminishes self-
confidence as it creates pressure to conform D) Reduces self-confidence by drawing
unnecessary attention
6. What role does personal grooming play in professional settings? A) It is irrelevant in
professional settings B) Demonstrates professionalism and attention to detail C) Hinders
productivity in the workplace D) Promotes a casual and relaxed work environment
Correct answers:
1. B) Taking care of personal hygiene and appearance
2. C) To make a favorable impression and respect social norms
3. B) Maintaining clean and trimmed fingernails
4. B) Guidelines for appropriate attire in specific settings or events
5. B) Enhances self-confidence by allowing expression of personal style
6. B) Demonstrates professionalism and attention to detail
Interview planning and preparation MCQ

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