01 Taurthalion A Lord of Middle-Earth by Joe Mandala (December, 1998)

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Copyright Joe Mandala 1998

Source Material for Middle-Earth

Level: 12
Race: Woodman
Profession: Rogue/Leader
Home: Mirkwood, Maethelburg, Bereg Thumalos.
AKA: Captain of the Crimson Shield, Slayer of Thorkung the Small

Captain of the Crimson Shield, a mercenary company currently in the employ of

the Prince of Calantir in Cardolan, Taurthalion was born to a well-to-do Woodman
merchant in a backwater village on the eaves of Mirkwood. He soon represented his
father's concerns in Maethelburg, where his Silvan name (the result of an obsession
of his father's with the Folk of the Wood) earned him the nickname "Torch"
following an unfortunate incident at a local tavern.
He soon became fast friends with several mercenary sorts who frequently visited
the town. Dindal the Silvan ranger, Aldern the Eothrik assassin, Aradan (a veteran
Gondorian soldier), Thuidimer (a mountaineer)
and his wife Clarissa Belroe (who had an Stat RM Stats MERP Stats
uncanny knack for gathering information), and St 90 90
Feando, a strange fellow who studied spirits and Qu 92 -
held great reverence for Mandos, the Summoner. Em 91 -
This group decided to travel north to the lands of In 73 73
the Gramuz in an attempt to find out why contact Pr 86 86
with this most northern of Anduin peoples had
Ag 90 90
slowly been disappearing. Upon mounting the
Gundalok Shelf, they were captured by the Yrch Co 99 99
of Gundabad and imprisoned deep within the Me 95 -
bowels of the mountain. Escaping with barely Re 95 95
their lives, and with a new companion, Khuri the SD 102 -
Dwarf, the companions returned to Maethelburg Ap 85 -
for a short time, then crossed the Hithaeglir into
There they faced trouble in Rhudaur, where Aradan was lost to them, followed by
an ill-fated foray into the Barrow-downs at the behest of a local noble. Hearing tell
of trouble in Nothva Rhaglau, an isolated town in the Oilad, the motley group
traveled there only to find the town in near-ruins. Thorkung the Small, a young and
inexperienced dragon, had razed half of the town, in search of a fabled hoard there.
While Taurthalion and his companions talked to the surviving folk, Thorkung
attacked the town again. A fierce battle ensued, and though Khuri was slain,
Taurthalion thrust a spear deep into the breast of the dragon, slaying it instantly.
Thorkung swore a curse on him then, saying, "For each victory you earn, sorrow
will strike you threefold. You shall live in joy and die in utter desolation."
Taurthalion took a horn of the beast and with it had made a wand of great power.
He took the hide of the beast and with it made a strong shield. He took the teeth of
the beast, and with it made a fearsome necklace.
Skill (Rank) Bonus
Mace 117
Shuriken 120
Ambush (11) 52 They next traveled to Fornost Erain and enlisted
Body Development 156
for a time in the struggle against Angmar. By this
time, Taurthalion had become the leader of the
Climb 52
group, and soon outlined his vision for their
Stalk/Hide 131
future. They would travel to Cardolan, and gather
Perception 74 together what men as they could to form a
Ride 88 mercenary company. For a time, he planned, they
Acrob 71 could lead these men in battle for profit, and then
Hunt 48 retire on what money they could. So they traveled
Detect Traps 52 to Cardolan, and all went well with their plans.
Herb Lore 43 They founded a keep in the north of Feotar, near
Stunned Maneuver 108 the Angle, and named it Bereg Thumalos.
Tracking 60 Naming themselves the Crimson Shield, they
MA Strike (1) 71 participated in the struggles in Cardolan,
MA Strike (2) 58
ultimately helping to bring down the Warlord's
Realm. Emboldened by their successes, the
MA Strike (3) 51
Crimson Shield then struck deep into Rhudaur,
MA Strike (4) 38
being paid handsomely by the Canotar of Tharbad
Leadership 84 to rescue several key players in the current
Military Organization 39 political games in Cardolan.
Tactics 45 The Crimson Shield, however, found itself
Shield Bash 33 quickly overmatched. Thuidimer, Dindal, and
TWC Mace/Shield 43 Feando were killed in the Battle of Herubar
Gular, but Taurthalion himself bested and took
prisoner the enemy commander, who turned out to be a much-changed Aradan.
Disconsolate at the loss of his friends, and confused at the continued belligerence of
his refound companion, Taurthalion led the rag-tag remnants of the Crimson Shield
back to Bereg Thumalos in defeat. Embittered, aging, and depressed, Taurthalion
rarely takes the field, but when he does his foes quail at his desperate visage and
wild mien. The curse of Thorkung is strong.
Important dates:

 born T.A. 1602,

 captive in Gundabad T.A. 1627-1628,
 slaying of Thorkung T.A. 1633,
 founding of Bereg Thumalos T.A. 1640,
 Battle of Herubar Gular T.A. 1644.
Taurthalion's Principal Items:

 Dragon Wand
o gives wielder AT-3, DB +10, with no encumbrance, if no other armor
is worn.
o +50 Dragon Fire (takes 50HP/50EXH from wielder) - fire ball in 30
degree arc extending to 100'
o strikes as +25 mace
 Dragon Shield
o if an attack vs. this shield yields a "0" result (no damage, but strike
scored), weapon must make RR vs. lv 10 at 1st lv (+1 lv per +5 bonus)
or shatter into many pieces;
o +30 vs. heat and fire attacks.
 Gauntlet of Might
o as mace, using ST bonus as OB.
NOTE: this gauntlet, when worn using martial arts, allows free mace
weapon kata.
 Elven Cloak
o +20 Stalk/Hide.

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