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NZDB501 - Assessment 2 - Tiaysha Rua


Part A - Treaty of Waitangi analysis

1. In comparison with the Treaty of Waitangi, the Te Tiriti O Waitangi was

negotiated with the understanding that the Maori chiefs would retain their
authority and authority to manage their lands and assets. In addition, they
would be granted protection under the Crown. Despite the Maori expectation
of retaining their rights to govern, they actually signed away these rights to the
Queen although they were still protected by the Treaty. English text grants
Maori leaders and people rights to their land and all other assets, whereas in
the Maori text, the Crown buys their land from them. However, even though
the Maori text is in accordance with the Treaty, it states that they are not
required to sell their land. These statements imply exclusive Crown
ownership. Despite some small differences between the two versions, there is
only one Treaty by law. The Waitangi Tribunal has complete jurisdiction to
determine the meaning of the two versions of the Treaty and to resolve
differences between them. The meaning of both texts is based on the principle
of the Treaty or on its key concept or spirit, and it is the spirit of the Treaty that
matters most.

2. An example of dispute over land is Ihumatao. Despite Fletchers' intentions,

the Government and Fletchers discovered that they had no rights to this land.
The protesters spent a great deal of time and money. As a result, government
resources had to be diverted from other matters so this dispute could be
resolved. With this planned development not going ahead, the Fletcher
Building was losing thousands every day. The final settlement, which took
months to reach, added millions to the thousands and possibly millions
already spent by those involved. It was also a loss of income for the
contractors hired by Fletchers. However, the emotional strain on those
affected by the illegal encroachment of the land over 800 years ago, such as
many others, will never be quantified. New Zealand has both benefited and
suffered from the Treaty of Waitangi. The Māori have suffered grievous
injustices due to the unjust actions of early settlers, and we are still resolving
the consequences of these unjust events

3. Organizations in New Zealand can reap the benefits of Māori symbolism and
culture. The purpose of this is to create a safe and secure working
environment for Māori people. Workplaces in New Zealand have successfully
incorporated all cultures. In this case study, Milnes acknowledges Matariki
(Māori New Year), the time when Māori would plant and harvest for months to
come. Whether it is sponsoring an event at the local Matariki Festival or doing
a hangi or team event, Milnes Manufacturing can help everyone celebrate this
special time. Chinese New Year is also being recognized, which celebrates
reunions and loved ones. Chinese celebrations are always themed and are
meant to bring the biggest blessings to the individual, but also the wider family
of those around them. This includes wealth, good health, and good luck. In

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New Zealand, we are lucky to be able to celebrate both above events as well
as those from foreign cultures, as well as to participate in many public events,
as we are given opportunities to embrace and learn from such wonderful

4. There is a relationship between the Crown and tangatawhenua defined by the

Treaty of Waitangi which provides grounds for all those living and belonging to
New Zealand. New Zealand's Treaty is about social justice, and it is relevant
to everyone in the community, whether an individual or an organization. It
guarantees Māori’s equal opportunities in their organizations and as citizens
and ensures they can play at the same level as everyone else. The fact that
New Zealand businesses are incorporating and implementing updated
policies around the Treaty is a very welcome step. This is something that
should have been brought in much sooner than it has. This opens up worlds
that many Māori have never imagined and enables young Māori to follow their
dreams and achieve goals that do not seem impossible. By learning our
country's history and where we came from, as well as where we are headed,
we are able to understand where we are heading. People who have made
New Zealand their home away from home can also provide us with the
opportunity to gain insight into other cultures. Our Whenua has presented with
a new form of respect while simultaneously confronting the discrimination that
persists today. The benefits of a multicultural society are available to everyone
when everyone works together.

5. Organizations create their culture, their vision, and their beliefs by developing
their policies and processes. When they represent the organization, they
demonstrate what they stand for both as an organization and as individuals. It
would be helpful for organizations to follow the following guide to help create
policies and procedures that are fair and acceptable. Role-model behaviour
by managers is essential because employees look to them for guidance on
acceptable behaviour. The top management should demonstrate these values
and behaviours during open discussions about the organization's values and
ethics. Ensure safeguards are in place so that employees are free to discuss
ethical dilemmas without fear of reprisal. Make sure the organization follows
its code of ethics and penalizes unethical behaviour to ensure compliance
with the code and not to hide things.

Part B: Iwi meeting plans

Milnes Manufacturing and Design – Run sheet

Date: Monday 30th May 2022
Venue: Pehiaweri Marae
Contact Person: Tiaysha Rua
Meeting Coordinator: Tiaysha Rua

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Arrival at 9:45am Monday 30th May 2022
10:00am – Welcoming / Powhiri Welcoming everyone on courtyard of the marae/
10:15 am to the marae Marae atea
10:15am – The opening speeches and Klaus will do an Meeting house /
10.45am introductions (Mihimihi/Karkia introduction about wharenui
timatanga) himself and his peers
10:45am – Morning Tea Dining hall / wharekai
11:00am – Plans for operations and During their meeting, Meeting house /
12.30pm logistics James and Giles will wharenui
discuss the options
available to Iwi and
which direction they
wish to take
12:30am – Lunch Dining hall / wharekai
1:30pm – Design concept Marée should ask if an Meeting house /
2:15pm idea has already been wharenui
considered by the iwi
2:15pm – Payment structure Suzan will go over plans Meeting house / and discuss the wharenui
discount as it relates to
the number of trainers
2.45pm – Afternoon Tea Dining hall / wharekai
3.00pm – Plan contract agreements Everyone involved will Meeting house /
3:45pm sign the agreed terms wharenui
and contract
3:45pm – Closing / Karakia Meeting ends after Meeting house /
4:00pm Whakamutunga guests have initiated it wharenui
Meal Option
All catering is provided by Northland Catering
Morning Tea Tea & Coffee, Club Sandwiches, and sweet scones and fruit
Lunch Roast beef with horseradish cream, roasted chicken pieces with
beetroot chutney with a selection of sides such as roast pumpkin with
caramelised onion and fresh sliced bread and butter, also with a
choices of salads like coleslaw, creamy potato
Afternoon Tea Sweet scones, cake/slice, Tea & Coffee
No Dietary Requirements

Memorandum outlining with local iwi’s:
Monday 30th May 2022

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10:00am – 4:00pm

Attendees: Milnes Manufacturing & Design Ltd, Iwi one, Iwi two, Iwi three, and Iwi

Venue: Pehiaweri Marae

9.45am: Welcoming / Powhiri

10.15am: The opening speeches and introductions (Mihimihi/Karkia timatanga

10.45am: Morning Tea

11.00am: Operations and logistical plans

12.30pm: Lunch

1.30pm: Design concept

2.15pm: Payment structure

2.45pm: Afternoon Tea

3.00pm: Plan contract agreements

3.45pm: Closing / Karakia Whakamutunga

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To: Northland Catering, the executive team at Milnes Manufacturing and

From: Tiaysha Rua

Date: Monday 30th May 2022

Re: Discussions with local iwi are upcoming

As part of a new health and wellness initiative, Milnes Design and Manufacturing Ltd.
(MMD) has been invited to the Pehiaweri Marae by Iwis one, two, three, and four in
order to discuss the possibility of developing trainers. On May 30th, 2022, we will
hold a meeting
This hui (gathering) will take place on the marae, so we must comply with certain
protocols beginning when we arrive.

These are the objectives for MMD Executives:

 We will begin the Powhiri (Maori welcome) at exactly 10 a.m. We must arrive
there 15 minutes prior to the start time. We ask you to arrive by 9.45 am. A
guide will tell Maree when to provide a koha (gift) before the powhiri starts. As
we approach the marae, we will be led by a Kai Karanaga (caller), who will in
turn lend us a Kai Karanaga so that we may follow him. In the next step, we
will be seated at the marae. In the first row, only males are to sit. The catering
company will be asked to go to the Wharekai (dining hall/kitchen)

 The formal speeches will begin once everyone has been seated. An elder
from the local community will lead the discussion, and all iwi are to speak
before MMD. When the Tanagata Whenua (Maori people) have lifted the tapu
for the Hongi, speeches will end. In the case of a first meeting, the noses are
pressed just once, or twice in the case of a friend or someone you have
previously met. Once we have completed these rituals, we will begin the

 Traditionally, the meeting will be closed by the guest which will be Klaus at
3.45pm, when the discussion has finished. A karakia whakamutunga will close
the meeting formally, which is a Maori blessing for the end of the meeting

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Northland caterers are required to follow the following guidelines:
 In the kitchen they will have tanagata whenaua helping with the preparation,
since they like to do things their way. Please invite them to participate.

 Before eating, the food is blessed with a karakia. Tanagta whenua from the
marae will carry out this task

 Serving first the elders, then everyone else

 You are not allowed to bring food to the wharenui (meeting house).

In order to ensure everyone is prepared for the meeting, I have attached the agenda
and the meeting plan for you all.

Reference list:
Differences between the texts. (2021). New Zealand History | NZHistory, New
Zealand history online.

Nguyen, S. (2016). Creating an ethical organizational culture. Workplace


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(n.d.). Northland Catering.
Patterson, J. (2020). Ihumātao: Deal struck between government and Fletcher
building to buy disputed land. RNZ.

Shaping your work culture. (2022). Business Govt Nz.

Workplace wellbeing guide 6: Working with te Tiriti o Waitangi. (2011). manamahi.

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