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 Discernment, for Kierkegaard, is not about following a set of rules; it is about  The bishop talks about Jesus being like a guide to happiness, not just
understanding one's unique existence, passions, and the path that resonates
rules. He says the Church isn't only about rules but also about
with one's inner self.
finding joy. He thinks that joy and rules are linked. He explains how
 Discernment, in Kierkegaard's view, may require making difficult choices that
controlling desires can lead to good things and happiness.
cannot be decided through logical reasoning alone.
 He looks at specific parts of Jesus' teachings called the Beatitudes.
 Discernment often occurs in the ethical and religious love or stage.
 In ethical love, discernment involves choosing right fitting action based on He talks about being kind and how it's like what God does. He says if
ethical principles, whereas in religious stage, it is more on connections make we get good things, we should give them back. He says being
w/ God. focused on what's important and doing what's right is essential in
Types of love according to Soren life.
1. Aesthetic Love: This is love based on sensory pleasure, superficial  Then, he talks about wanting things too much, like money or power,
attraction, and physical appearance. short-lived romantic infatuation instead of focusing on God. He says it's okay to like good things but
with someone based solely on their physical appearance or charm not to get too attached. He thinks being attached to God helps use
2. Ethical Love: This type of love is characterized by duty, responsibility, good things for a good purpose.
and commitment to moral principles. Love and commitment between  Finally, he talks about facing trouble for doing what's right. He says
a married couple. it also involves a sense of duty and moral it's about not caring too much about being praised. Overall, the
commitment to one another. It's characterized by shared bishop shows how happiness, rules, and the Beatitudes all connect.
responsibilities, trust, and the conscious choice to honor the
He explains what Jesus meant when he talked about being grateful.
commitments and vows made in marriage.
3. Religious Love: The highest form of love, rooted in a deep relationship The video script explores the teachings of Jesus in the Catholic faith,
with God, often expressed as love for God and God's love for humanity. emphasizing the importance of love, detachment, and mercy. It
delves into the Beatitudes, the parables, and the call to repentance
MEANING AND PURPOSE IN LIFE and belief in the Kingdom of God.
The script explores Jesus' teachings on non-violence and enemy
The meaning and purpose of life is a deeply personal and philosophical question
love, presenting them as radical and effective means of resistance. It
that can vary for each individual. While there's no single universal answer, many
showcases examples such as Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. who
people find meaning through various aspects:
embraced these teachings and achieved significant societal changes.
1. Personal Fulfillment: For some, meaning is found in personal growth, self-
discovery, and achieving one's potential. This might involve pursuing SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT
passions, learning, and evolving as a person.
Fr. Timothy M. Gallagher on Catholic Discernment | The Augustine
2. Connections and Relationships: Meaning often emerges from relationships
Institute Show with Dr. Tim Gray
with family, friends, and communities. Many find purpose in nurturing these
connections, supporting loved ones, and contributing to a sense of  Discernment is a tool given in our Catholic tradition through Saint
belonging. Ignatius of Loyola to guide our spiritual life every day.
3. Contributing to Society: Making a positive impact in the world can bring  Discernment can be used for making big decisions, but it is also
profound meaning. This could be through volunteering, activism, or work important in our daily spiritual life to know what is of God and what
that benefits other or the greater good. is not of God.
4. Spirituality and Faith: For many, religious or spiritual beliefs offer a  Father Timothy Gallagher is a priest and an expert in spiritual
framework for understanding life's purpose. It involves seeking a deeper discernment, with extensive experience in retreats and spiritual
connection with a higher power or a greater sense of meaning beyond the direction.
material world.
 Ignatian spirituality, as taught by Saint Ignatius, provides practical
5. Experiences and Moments: Finding meaning in life can also involve
rules and principles for discernment in daily life.
cherishing moments of joy, beauty, and wonder. This might include
 Discernment of spirits involves understanding the ups and downs in
appreciating nature, engaging in hobbies, or enjoying art and culture.
our spiritual life and knowing how to respond to them.
6. Personal Values and Ethics: Living in alignment with one's values and
 Spiritual desolation is a tactic of the enemy and does not necessarily
principles often brings sense of purpose. This could involve integrity,
mean that we have done something wrong or are in sin.
kindness, justice, etc.
 Ignatius' 14 rules provide practical guidelines for understanding and
Discovering one's meaning and purpose in life is a journey that can evolve over responding to the daily ups and downs in our spiritual life.
time. It often involves introspection, exploration, and embracing what feels  The goal is to be aware, understand, and reject the discouraging lies
genuinely fulfilling and meaningful to each individual. There's no single, definitive of the enemy, and embrace the consolations and inspirations of the
answer, and the pursuit of meaning is a deeply personal quest that varies for each good spirit.
person.  Ignatius' rules can help us distinguish between God's voice, our own
ego, and the voice of the devil.
SAINT ARNOLD JANSEN’S PRAYER  Desolation and dryness in prayer can be opportunities for growth
and maturation in our spiritual life.
May the darkness of sin and night of unbelief vanish before the light of the word  Ignatius' rules provide practical tools for discernment and can help
and the Spirit of grace and may the Heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all us stay stable in our spiritual life even in moments of desolation.
people.  Ignatius' second rule highlights tactics of the enemy in discouraging
us, while the fifth rule helps us recognize the consolations and
The prayer attributed to Arnold Janssen is a powerful invocation seeking the inspirations of good spirit.
eradication of darkness caused by sin and disbelief through the illumination of
 Getting to know and understand Ignatius' rules can help us
divine truth and grace. It goes as follows:
recognize God's voice more clearly and respond to his guidance.
1. "May the darkness of sin and night of unbelief vanish before the light of the  Ignatius' rules can be applied to daily decisions, helping us make
word and the Spirit of grace": This part acknowledges the presence of sin choices with peace and learning from our experiences.
and disbelief as a dark force in the world. It implores for these negative  Ignatian discernment is a daily practice that can bring us closer to
aspects to be dispelled and replaced by the illuminating power of God's God and lead us to grow in our spiritual life.
word (the Gospel) and the grace of the Holy Spirit.

2. "May the Heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all people": This is the core
sentiment of the prayer. It desires that the compassionate and loving
essence of Jesus Christ, symbolized by his Heart, may dwell within the hearts of all individuals. This represents a wish for a profound spiritual transformation and
an intimate connection with the teachings and virtues of Christ.

The prayer fundamentally desires to remove negativity and doubt, replacing them with belief and positivity. It seeks the presence of Jesus Christ in every person's
heart to bring about personal transformation and goodness.
BEATITUDES, as taught by Jesus in the Bible, outline several qualities and characteristics that are considered blessed or favored by God. Let's break
down each beatitude and explore the virtues or attitudes they emphasize:

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven highlights humility and recognizing spiritual neediness. It values an attitude
of dependency on God rather than self-sufficiency.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted speaks to empathy, compassion, and the ability to grieve or mourn not just for
personal loss but for the suffering of others.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Meekness is about having strength under control, being gentle and humble rather than
aggressive or prideful.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. This emphasizes a deep desire and longing for justice, moral
uprightness, and doing what is right in the eyes of God.

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Mercy involves compassion and forgiveness toward others, reflecting God's mercy in
our interactions with people.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Purity of heart signifies sincerity, integrity, and a genuine commitment to righteousness in
thoughts, actions, and motives.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Peacemakers seek harmony, reconciliation, and resolution of conflicts
rather than discord or strife.

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. This acknowledges the challenges faced
by those who stand up for what is right and just, even in the face of opposition or persecution.

Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad,
because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. This speaks to enduring
faith and resilience in the face of adversity and opposition, reminding believers of the greater reward in heaven despite worldly challenges.

These Beatitudes collectively paint a picture of a person who is humble, compassionate, just, pure-hearted, and committed to peace. They offer a
guideline for Christian living, encouraging followers to embody these virtues in their daily lives, relationships, and interactions with others.


1. The Prodigal Son

The Prodigal Son is a parable found in the Bible, specifically in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 15:11-32). It's a story told by Jesus to illustrate the boundless mercy and
forgiveness of God, highlighting themes of repentance, forgiveness, and the unconditional love of a father.

The parable teaches profound lessons about the limitless love and mercy of God. It illustrates God's willingness to forgive those who repent, regardless of their past
mistakes, and also emphasizes the importance of compassion and forgiveness among individuals. The father's unconditional love and forgiveness toward his repentant
son demonstrate God's boundless grace and the joy in reconciliation.

2. Religious Discernment or Discernment of the Spirit by Saint Ignatius of Loyola.

Religious discernment, particularly as articulated by Saint Ignatius of Loyola, refers to the process of making decisions guided by spiritual insights and understanding
one's own inner movements, especially in relation to God's will. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), emphasized discernment as a critical
aspect of the spiritual life.

Key elements of Ignatian discernment:

1. Prayerful Reflection: Ignatian discernment involves deep reflection and prayerful consideration. It encourages individuals to connect with God through prayer,
seeking guidance and insight.
2. Awareness of Inner Movements: It involves attentiveness to one's inner feelings, desires, and inclinations. Ignatius taught that these inner movements can be
influenced by the spirit of God or contrary forces.
3. Consolation and Desolation: Ignatius categorized inner experiences into consolation (a sense of peace, closeness to God) and desolation (feelings of
disconnection, turmoil). Discernment involves understanding these states and their sources.
4. Spiritual Exercises: Ignatius developed the Spiritual Exercises, a structured program of prayer and meditation, to aid individuals in discerning God's will and
deepening their relationship with God.
5. Decision-Making: Ignatian discernment assists in making choices aligned with God's will. It encourages considering how decisions affect one's relationship with
God and others.
6. Seeking Spiritual Guidance: It often involves seeking guidance from a spiritual director or mentor who can help navigate the discernment process.

Ignatian discernment is about seeking clarity in aligning one's life choices and actions with God's plan. It emphasizes the importance of personal reflection, prayer, and
seeking guidance to make decisions that honor one's spiritual journey and relationship with God.


Note: Questions 2 to 4 are based on the documentary by Bishop Robert Barron.

1. Ways to discover meaning in life according to Victor Frankl.

In life, some really important values guide how we act and make decisions. For me, being honest and true (integrity),
bouncing back when things get hard (resilience), showing kindness to others (compassion), helping everyone grow
(empowerment), and appreciating what we have (gratitude) are super important. These values can change as we grow
and experience new things. They're like a map, showing us the way and reminding us of what truly matters. They help us
make choices and keep us focused on what's really important in our lives.

These values are like our personal compass, guiding us through different situations. They're flexible and can change as
we learn and grow. They give us a sense of direction and help us stay connected to what's meaningful to us.

2. The Beatitudes

3. The Prodigal Son

4. Christ's Teaching on Non-violence

5. Leadership driven by principles and values

6. Value in Leadership of Goal Setting and Envisioning

7. Integration of Christian Principles to Practice of Leadership

8. Religious Discernment or Discernment of the Spirit by Saint Ignatius of Loyola.

9. Matthew 25 from Bishop Barron's Documentary

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